Page 1: Cross-cultural management training modules

© InAlliance Consulting, a NeoFocus Group company – All rights reserved 1 Training modules 2012-2013

Working with India: Cross-cultural management training programmes 30th March 2013 version

Page 2: Cross-cultural management training modules

© InAlliance Consulting, a NeoFocus Group company – All rights reserved

Agenda Page

2 Training modules 2012-2013

1. Why cross-cultural management ? 3

2. Why InAlliance ? Our approach 8

3. Generic cross-cultural management modules 15

4. India-specific modules 21


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Page 3: Cross-cultural management training modules

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Over the last centuries, technology has dramatically reduced the physical communication and travel times between very diverse regions of the World

3 Training modules 2012-2013

1850: ~ 120 days

1271: ~ 900 days

1990: ~ 12 hours

Travel duration between Europe and China Illustration

2012: ~ 0,03 sec.

Sources : Recherche documentaire, analyse InAlliance

Within 150 years, travel time between Europe and China was

reduced by a factor of 240

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Converted to distances, it is as if the World had shrunk by 240 in 150 years

4 Training modules 2012-2013



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Cultural and natural variations, however, have not shrunk has much

5 Training modules 2012-2013

Simulation: a 1/240 scaled World easily fits into Switzerland… Illustration


? ?


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As a result, we are regularly confronted to cultural differences in all aspects of our lives, and technology can hardly help resolve them. Cross-cultural training, however, can help greatly.

6 Training modules 2012-2013

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The environment in which an individual grows, lives and works directly impacts his / her thought processes and behaviour

7 Training modules 2012-2013



Professional circle






Religion History

Source : analyse InAlliance

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An individual’s behaviour – visible to all – is indeed directly dependent on his value system – which remains hidden to outsiders

8 Training modules 2012-2013



Regional culture

Traditions Family ties

Value system



Languages Food

Dress Festivals

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Cross-cultural trainings aim at understanding the cultures in presence and their respective impact on the individuals, and bridging this gap, to avoid common pitfalls in multicultural teamwork and relationships

9 Training modules 2012-2013

Source : analyse InAlliance

Communication gap Diverging issue

resolutions Diverging decisions Diverging objectives

Diverging result interpretation

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Agenda Page

10 Training modules 2012-2013

1. Why cross-cultural management ? 3

2. Why InAlliance ? Our approach 8

3. Generic cross-cultural management modules 15

4. India-specific modules 21

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To conduct our trainings, we leverage our students’ and our own real life experience, theoretical concepts and tools, and we ensure appropriation of the learnings through ad-hoc workshops

11 Training modules 2012-2013

• Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

• Adler’s cultural differences reconciliation

• Hall’s high & low context • Etc…


• Case studies • Exposure to foreign

cultures • Preconceptions

(supplemented by teacher’s experience if required)

Students’ experience

• Country specific • Goal specific • Individual or group



• Values • Behaviour • Beliefs • Language • Social organisation • Etc…

Universal concepts

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Trainings are conducted by trained professionals with at least 15 years of operational, consulting and training experience in cross-border business projects

12 Training modules 2012-2013

Trainer profile: Benoit Teppe

• International work experience

• 12 years experience with India

• Lived and worked 10 years in the United Kingdom

• Educated at Sheffield Hallam University and Chartered Institute of

Marketing, UK

• Industry experience

• Conducted approximately 30 market entry projects for European

and Indian small and medium enterprises

• Operated the market entry of a General Electric subsidiary in


• Conducts trainings at Valeo and Thales

• Institutional recognition

• Lecturer in cross-cultural management at Université de Paris XII,

IMEA, Institut Vatel

• Correspondent for India of the French Federation of Mechanical

Engineering Industries (FIM) for 4 years ;

• Guest speaker at various company executive conferences

(MIDEST, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, etc…)

• « International Expert » accredited by AWEX, Belgium

• Active professional

• Managing Director of InAlliance

Consulting, a consulting firm specialised

in Indian market entry for European


• Senior consultant at NeoFocus Strategy


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Our cross-cultural management clients are large and small companies as well as business and management schools

13 Training modules 2012-2013

Client references Participants’ comments

« An excellent training session, very interactive, and proposing

focused solutions»

(HR manager, multinational company)

« Good explanation of the risks involved, and of authority and

punctuality in India»

(Quality Manager, mechanical engineering industry)

« Excellent module, very exhaustive. I wish it were conducted over a

longer session »

(Student, Master 2 International Business Management)

« Excellent, thank you for your professionalism»

(Project director, services SME)

« Exactly what we needed »

(Program manager, business school)

« Very good presentation, bringing really robust resolutions to

cultural differences»

(Project leader, automotive industry)


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Each training course is designed specifically for a given client, banking on our pre-existing modules and, if required, custom-built content

14 Training modules 2012-2013

• Participants : 16 Project managers, HR manager, Business Unit legal

and finance director

• Company : large european multinational with several overseas

commercial and industrial operations

Target audience

Example 2

• Target alignment between teams

• Slipping deadlines

• Lack of communication

• Foreign teams do not feel « in » the company

Issues identified

• Modules :

• Introduction to cross-cultural management tools

• Working effectively with Indian people

• Workshops :

• Determination of 10 actionable levers and concrete solutions to

reduce or eliminate identified issues

• Training group recommendations to the management: specific HR

policy and hierarchy modifications to selected foreign operations

• Format : 2 x 4hr training sessions, 1 x 4hr workshop, spread on 2 days

• Results :

• Recommendations were structured and put forward to the

management by the personnel trained

• 8 of the 10 concrete solutions are being implemented

Training provided

• Participants : 12 international management students aged 22 to 25, no

experience with India, 6 months work experience (placement)

• School : well rated European Business School

Target audience

• Future employers are increasingly asking for some foundation

knowledge on BRIC countries

• Indian culture unknown or misunderstood by students

• « Good feelings » about Indian economy, but no foundation knowledge

Issues identified

• Modules :

• Economical and geopolitical positioning of India

• Culture and society, physical environnement

• Institutions

• Indian infrastructures : transport and energy

• Entry barriers, strategies and options

• One sector snapshot (automotive, choice made by school)

• Workshops :

• Case study (small groups) : fantasy European company considering

an entry in the Indian market.

• Format : 2 x 4hr training sessions, 1 x 4hr workshop, spread on 2 days

Training provided

Example 1

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Agenda Page

15 Training modules 2012-2013

1. Why cross-cultural management ? 3

2. Why InAlliance ? Our approach 8

3. Generic cross-cultural management modules 15

4. India-specific modules 21

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CC01 Why cross-cultural management ?

16 Training modules 2012-2013




• History of great migrations

• Adaptation to environment

• Contraction of distances

• Cross-cultural exposure

1 to 2h depending on number of participants

and degree of participation

Topics covered


Any professional or student

Target audience

Page 17: Cross-cultural management training modules

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CC02 Universal concepts

17 Training modules 2012-2013




• Institutions

• Social stratification

• Beliefs

• Values

• Prejudice

• Stereotype

• Etc…

1 to 4h depending on number of participants

and degree of participation

Topics covered


Any professional or student

Target audience

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CC03 Influence of the cultural gap on cross-border business and projects

18 Training modules 2012-2013

Topics covered

• Encoding and decoding : progress of the

idea towards the message and viceversa

• Cultural impact on interpretation

• « High context », « low context » cultures

• Language variations : « Indian English »


1 to 2h depending on number of participants

and type of workshops

Target audience

Any professional or student




Page 19: Cross-cultural management training modules

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CC04 Introduction to cross-cultural management tools

19 Training modules 2012-2013

Topics covered

• G. Hofstede : 5 cultural dimensions

• E. Hall : High Context vs. Low Context

• C. Jung : feminine model, masculine


• N. Adler : closing the cultural gap


1 to 2h depending on number of participants

and type of workshops

Target audience

• Mid to top level executives (technical or

functional attributions) facing or likely to

face issues in multicultural teams, such

as communication, team cohesion,

target alignment, reporting

exhaustiveness, deadline keeping, etc…

• Business Schools




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CC05 Working effectively with foreign teams

20 Training modules 2012-2013

Cultural dimensions of the relevant

countries according to G. Hofstede :

• Power distance

• Long-term orientation

• Masculinity index

• Uncertainty avoidance

• Individualism

4 to 8h depending on number of

participants, type of workshops, objectives

of the training (conceptual training or

collective coaching on specific business


• Mid to top level executives (technical or

functional attributions) facing or likely to

face issues in multicultural teams, such

as communication, team cohesion,

target alignment, reporting

exhaustiveness, deadline keeping, etc…

• Business Schools

Topics covered


Target audience




Page 21: Cross-cultural management training modules

© InAlliance Consulting, a NeoFocus Group company – All rights reserved

Agenda Page

21 Training modules 2012-2013

1. Why cross-cultural management ? 3

2. Why InAlliance ? Our approach 8

3. Generic cross-cultural management modules 15

4. India-specific modules 21

Page 22: Cross-cultural management training modules

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IN01 India: Economical and geopolitical positioning

22 Training modules 2012-2013

• Genesis and current state of the

strategical and political relations of India

vs the rest of the world

• Regional focus: relations with Pakistan,

Bangladesh, China, etc…

• Monetary policy, debts

• Commercial exchanges

• Foreing Direct Investments (FDI)

1 to 2h depending on number of participants

and degree of participation

Topics covered


Any professional or student

Target audience




Page 23: Cross-cultural management training modules

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IN02 India: Culture and society, physical environment

23 Training modules 2012-2013

• Socio-economic hierarchy, wealth


• Key periods of Indian history

• Religious scenario

• North-South cultural divide

• Physical geography : climate, seas,

mountains, deserts, etc…

2 to 3h depending on number of participants

and degree of participation

Topics covered


Any professional or student

Target audience




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IN03 India: Institutions

24 Training modules 2012-2013

• Organisation of legislative, judiciary and

executive powers

• Attributions of federal / state powers

• Introduction to India modern legal


• Education

• Corruption

2 to 3h depending on number of participants

and degree of participation

Any professional or student

Topics covered


Target audience




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IN04 India: Infrastructures: transport and energy

25 Training modules 2012-2013

• Logistic challenge :

• Air transport

• Rail transport

• Road transport

• Energy challenge :

• Primary sources

• Energy production and


1 to 2h depending on number of participants

and degree of participation

Any professional or student

Topics covered


Target audience




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IN05 India: market entry barriers, strategies and options

26 Training modules 2012-2013

• Customs policy

• Evolution, structure and current level of

customs duty on some products families

• Legal terms for setting-up

• Regulated / banned sectors

• Choice factors on strategy and form of


2 to 3h depending on number of participants

and degree of participation

Mid to high level executives with some

basic knowledge of India and pondering

entry strategies in India

Business Schools

Topics covered


Target audience




Page 27: Cross-cultural management training modules

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IN06 India: industry sector snapshots

27 Training modules 2012-2013

• Structure, value chain

• Top players

• Geographical concentrations

• Market metrics, trends and perspectives

• Drivers of evolution / disruption

2 to 3h per sector depending on sector,

number of participants, degree of


Mid to high level executives with some

basic knowledge of India and pondering

entry strategies in India

Business Schools

Topics covered


Target audience

Currently available sectors : automotive industry, energy, defence, aerospace, agriculture,

pharmaceuticals. Other sectors on request




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