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 Adriatic Sea The Adriatic sea got its name froman ancient port of the same name.

 The Adriatic spans from the Balkanto the Apennine peninsula.

 The part belonging to the Republicof Croatia is the eastcoast whichextends all the way from Prevlakain the south to cape Savudrijain the west,including all islands,

islets and cliffs along the coast,andthe archipelago of Palagruza (thenumber of islands, islets and cliffs ismore than 1700).

 This is a unique area in Europefor cruising with motor boats,speedboats, or sailboats, but also forenjoying the underwater world.

Geographical positionCroatia extends from the furthesteastern edges of the Alps in thenorth-west to the Pannonianowlands and the banks of the

Danube in the east; its central regions covered by the Dinara mountainrange, and its southern parts extendto the coast of the Adriatic Sea.






Land area56.542 sq. km

Territorial waters area

31.000 sq. km

Length of coastline

(with islands)

5.790 km

Length of terrestrial


1.777,7 km

Highest peak 

Dinara (1.831 m above sea level)

Number of islands

1.185 (66 inhabited)

Population(census 2001.)




(779.145 inhabitants)


Roman Catholic, Serbian

Orthodox, Islamic, Jewish,

Protestant and others


kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa)



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Government of the Republic of Croatia,

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Editor in chief 

Tomislav Mazal,

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Deputy editor in chief 

Sandra Puhovski


Sanja Milinović, Suzana Kovačević,

Jasna Sruk Vlah, Dubravka Belas,

Ida Ćosić, Igor Žarković,

Martina Mance, Paula Popravak,

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In the beginning of the yearthe Republic of Croatia

marked its 15th anniversaryof one of the most importantevents in its history. Namely,on 15 January 1992 the inter-national community recog-nised the sovereign, freeand independent Croatia asa constituent of its systemof peace, stability and co-operation. For the first timethen the world officially ac-cepted the wish of the Croa-

tian people to become a partof the united Europe and en-

abled for the then YugoslavRepublic to choose its ownway toward the integrationinto the European and otherglobal integrations to whichit belonged.

On the occasion of the 15thanniversary of the interna-tional recognition the presi-dents of the Republic, theGovernment and the Par-


INTERNATIONALRECOGNITION OFCROATIA Today, 15 years after the rec-ognition – a crucial moment for

the Croatian future, after wartroubles and damages, after ahuge sacrifice Croatian peoplebore, after the post

  war traumas, overcoming of transitional difficulties, youngdemocracy, Croatia has growninto the independent, free,modern and democratic state,the state that is capable of ensuring economic prosperityand constant increase of living


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liament, Stjepan Mesić, IvoSanader and Vladimir Šeksheld a formal reception in thegovernment residence. Among

the highest representatives ofthe governmental state powerand local government, minis-ters and members of the Par-liament, members of the dip-lomatic association, the headsof the religious congregationsand the representatives of cul-tural and public life, the recep-tion was also attended by themembers of the Government

of Democratic Unity led by thethen PM Franjo Gregurić, thefirst president of MacedoniaKiro Gligorov and the Croa-tian member of the Presidiumof Bosnia and HerzegovinaŽeljko Komšić. The formalconference of the Govern-ment was also held, and PMSanader thanked to all theveterans and the Croatian citi-zens, without whose sacrificethere would not be indepen-dent Croatia and he also sentword that ˝we do not have aright to waste time, we do nothave right to divisions and wedo not have right to wayward.Our obligation is to gather thenational energy and finish theCroatian democratic revolu-tion on entering the communi-ty of the developed countries

of the free world.˝

High state delegations laidwreaths and lit the candleson the Zagreb’s cemeteryMirogoj. The presidents Mesić,Sanader and Šeks laid wreathsat the monument of the Voiceof Croatian State- the Wall ofPain and to the perished vet-erans. President Mesić laid

a wreath at the tomb of na-tional heroes, while Šeks andSanader together with theParliament and Government’s

delegation laid a wreath onthe grave of the first Croatianpresident Franjo Tuđman.

On behalf of twelve states ofthe EU that recognised Croatiaon 15 January 1992, spoke theGreek PM Kostas Karamanlis,evaluating that Croatia hadmade a significant progressin democracy and prosperity

of its citizens and contributedto peace and stability in theregion.

Today, Croatia is a state whichis on its right way of achievingaims chosen fifteen years agoby its citizens – democracyinstead of a bloody regime,Europe instead of an isolation,but fifteen years ago that wasjust a dream. Croatia was ina serious war and almost onethird of the country was underoccupation of the YugoslavPeople’s Army and Serbianparamilitary units. The pic-tures of a three-month glori-ous defence of Vukovar, itsoccupation, sad lines of refu-gees, the snapshots of raid onDubrovnik and many othercities went round the world

for weeks.

Since the peace restorationin 1945 and after 45 years ofa dream about the peacefuland united Europe the inter-national community followedon TV the first war in Europe.That was the time when theCroatian diplomacy at the be-ginning of creation of the state

succeeded in realization of oneof its toughest missions – theworld recognised Croatia.

Before 15 January 1992 Croa-tia was recognised by Icelandon 19 December 1991; onthe same date Germany an-nounced the same decision,but decided to wait with therecognition until 15 January1992, together with the otherEU member states.

Especially significant recogni-

tion happened on 13 January1993 when Croatia, before oth-er states, was recognised bythe Holy See. Its recognitionof Croatia and Slovenia wasannounced on 20 December1991 by a special document inwhich it related according tothe Slovene and Croatian re-quest for a diplomatic recogni-tion. Before the December of1991 Croatia was recognisedby Slovenia, Latvia, Ukraine,Lithuania and Estonia, butthese states were not a part ofthe EU at that time.

The day after the Holy See’srecognition Croatia was recog-nised by San Marino, and on15 January 1992 happened acrucial moment – Croatia wasrecognised by the then twelve

member states of the Euro-pean Union. On the same datethe same did Austria, Bulgar-ia, Canada, Malta, Poland andSwitzerland, and by the end ofthe month Croatia was recog-nised by the Czech Republicand Slovakia, New Zealand,Sweden, Argentina, Chile,Uruguay, Finland, Romania, Al-bany, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

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Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.

The first Asian country, exceptfor the Turkey, that recognised

Croatia was Iran, and in AfricaEgypt. By the admission inthe United Nations on 22 May1992, Croatia was recognisedby Russia, Japan, the USA, Is-rael and China.

Neighbouring country Slo-venia was recognised at thesame date as Croatia was, sothese two states started at the

same date a new chapter asindependent entities of the in-ternational relationships, andthe aggressive policy of estab-lishing the Greater Serbia ex-perienced its first huge defeat.

After the collapse of Commu-nism in the Eastern Europeand propagation of the idea offreedom of an individual, de-mocracy and people’s right toself-determination, the Croa-tian citizens decided to startthe realization of those ideasand to be a part of modernmovements of free Europe.From the Baltic across Polandand Hungary all the way to theCroatian Adriatic coast everysociety that got free from thecommunistic dictatorship wasthriving for the same historical

longing. For Croatia it meant ahistorical chance to becomethe master of its future after along and hard history.

Simultaneously, unfortunate-ly, in the neighbouring repub-lic of the then SFRY, Serbia,happened opposite process– under the leadership of Slo-bodan Milošević who was ea-

ger for suppression of ideasof freedom and democracyand who, after taking over thecontrol upon the YNA and Yu-

goslav bodies, tried to defeatdemocratic and peaceful in-dependence of neighbouringrepublics, and later on withthe military violence and ag-gressive war establish theGreater Serbia. In spite of thehard threats from Belgradethe Croats left Communism in1990 and chose new CroatianGovernment. In May 1991 the

Croatian authorities held areferendum and voted for thesovereign Croatian Republicwith 94.17 per cents of votes,and the Parliament on 25 June1991 carried the decision onsecession from Yugoslavia. Inthe same period, during 1990and 1991, the Great-Serbianpolicy headed by SlobodanMilošević managed in capti-vation of a certain number ofmembers of the Serb minor-ity in the Republic of Croatiaand urged them for an armeduprising against the CroatianGovernment which grew intoand open war of YNA and Ser-bia against Croatia.

The international recognitionhad a significant influence onthe conduct of the Great-Ser-

bian aggressors and they soonagreed on the deployment ofthe United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces.

In the next 15 years Croatiawas ascending step by stepdue to its hard working andwith the realisation of its mainnational aims. Croatia man-aged to liberate its occupied

areas partly military and partlythrough the negotiations.Croatia has become the es-teemed member of the United

Nations and the Council of Eu-rope; it has strengthened itsdemocracy and started withthe economic development.Especially great moves havebeen made concerning the is-sue of conciliation and includ-ing of Croatian population ofthe Serbian nationality intothe social life of Croatia. Onthe area of the South East Eu-

rope Croatia has started many

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initiatives for the strengthen-ing of regional co-operationand has become an importantfactor of stability in the region.

Today, 15 years after that cru-cial moment for the Croatianfuture, after war troubles anddamages, after a huge sacrificeCroatian people bore, after thepost-war traumas, overcom-ing of transitional difficulties,young democracy, Croatia hasgrown into the independent,free, modern and democratic

state, the state that is capable

of ensuring economic prosper-ity and constant increase ofliving standard. It has growninto the state that success-

fully negotiates with the EU, inthat way leading the Croatianpeople into even better future.Croatia has grown into thesate which fruitfully closes thechapters referring to the pastheritage, like sanction of thosewho committed war crimes.

PM Sanader thanked toall the veterans and the

Croatian citizens, with-

out whose sacrifice there would not be independentCroatia and he also sent word that ̋ we do not havea right to waste time, wedo not have right to divi-sions and we do not haveright to wayward. Our ob-ligation is to gather thenational energy and finishthe Croatian democraticrevolution on entering thecommunity of the devel-oped countries of the free


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On marking the 15th anni-versary of the internation-

al recognition of the Republicof Croatia, on 17 January 2007,a pilgrimage to Vatican was or-ganised. In that way the mem-bers of the Croatian Govern-ment and the Croatian veteranstogether with their families ex-

pressed their gratitude to boththe Holy Father and the HolySee for their support in the pro-cess of achieving that Croatianexceptional aim. On 13 January1992 Croatia was recognised bythe Holy See, i.e. two days earlierthan the same did the memberstates of the European Commu-nity and other countries.On the very same day, at the

general audience for citizensheld in Vatican, Pope Bene-dict XVI welcomed in Croa-tian about seventy Croatianpilgrims, veterans and thefamilies whose members died,or were imprisoned or weremissing in the Homeland War.A special regard the Pope ad-dressed to the State Delegationof the Croatian Governmentheaded by the President of the

Croatian Government dr. sc. IvoSanader, accompanied by theVice-President and Ministerof the Family, Veterans´Affairsand Intergenerational Solidar-ity Jadranka Kosor and Minis-ter of Culture Božo Biškupić.˝Let loyalty to God be the ex-pression of aspiration for free-

dom and independence for yourhomeland hundreds of yearslong˝, the Holy Father said.The President of the CroatianGovernment dr. sc. Ivo Sanaderwas received in a private audi-ence by the Holy Father at whichthey talked about the relation-ship between Croatia and theHoly See and about the progressof Croatia toward the EU. On

that occasion the PM officiallyinvited the Pope to visit Croatiawhich he accepted.After the meeting with the Popethe PM Sanader said that hethanked Vatican diplomacy forthe international recognitionof Croatia. He also expressedhis thankfulness to the Pope ashe, then being a Cardinal Ratz-inger, sincerely pleaded for therecognition.

The Pope was interested in theprogress of Croatia´s negotia-tions with the EU, saying that˝Croatia belongs to the EU andhas to be a part of it˝.˝The Holy See is not a memberof the EU, but holds an excep-tional moral authority in the Eu-ropean society, as it does in the

whole world, and in that wayits support to Croatia is veryimportant˝ the President of theGovernment highlighted.Croatia holds extremely impor-tant written agreements withthe Holy See. The applicationof the agreements has been ina good development, but notthat fast as being a wish of bothsides, so this issue was also a

matter of discussion betweenthe Pope and PM Sanader.˝Friendship between Croatiaand the Holy See and the loy-alty of the Croatian people to theHoly See through history havealways been expressed. This isproved by the visit of the Croatianpilgrims, veterans and the fami-lies whose members died or wereimprisoned or were missing ,̋concluded the PM Sanader.

Prime Minister Ivo Sanader was receivedin a private audience by Pope Benedict XVIon 17 January 2007. They talked about therelationship between Croatia and the Holy

See and about the progress of Croatia to- ward the EU. On that occasion the PremierSanader officially invited the Pope to visitCroatia, which he accepted.


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The PM Ivo Sanader was on anofficial visit to the Republic of

Monte Negro. In Podgorica he metwith the Montenegrin PM ŽeljkoŠturanović and with the Presidentof Monte Negro Filip Vujanovićand he also opened the Croatian

Embassy building. In Kotor he metthe representatives of the City ofKotor and the representatives ofthe Croatian Civic Initiative.He is the first Croatian PM, as wellas the first PM at all, that was on anofficial visit to Montre Negro sincebeing an independent state.After the meting the two PMsstated that Croatia and MonteNegro opened a new page in the

relationship based on the goodneighbouring relations and thecommon goal – admission tothe EU and the NATO. The PMSanader pointed out how thepast could not be forgotten, butdue to the Montenegrin apologyfor the armed raid on Dubrovnikand aggression on Croatia theprerequisites for restoring goodrelations were set up.The Montenegrin PM Šturanović

expressed his gratitude toCroatia’s readiness for helpingMonte Negro on the way to theEuro Atlantic integrations, high-lighting the democratic MonteNegro´s clear determinationupon events from the 1990s, andnoting that now is the time forbuilding new partnerships andfriendships on the new bases.The PM Sanader announced

that the twostates were soonto sign the Mi-nority ProtectionAgreement andthe PermanentBoundary Agree-

ment, welcomingthe co-operationof the Croatianstate Attorney’s Office and theMontenegrin Public Prosecu-tor’s Office for the processing ofsuspected persons for the warcrimes and he expressed his fullconfidence to the work of Croa-tian and Montenegrin judiciary.

The PM Sanader opened in Pod-gorica the first Croatian Embas-sy in Monte Negro, saying it wastime, after 15, 16 years of wars,aggression and internecineproblems, to turn a new pagein the history of the South EastEurope and by that contributingalso to the European future.˝Our wish is to build up the rela-tionships by which we will con-tribute to the permanent politicalstability of this part of Europe.Europe is building a new future,integrations and co-operationsinstead of confrontation. If wewant different future, Europeanintegrations have no alterna-tive˝, the PM Sanader said. TheMontenegrin PM Šturanović,who also attended the openingof the Croatian Embassy, evalu-ated that opening, together with

the soon opening of the Mon-tenegrin diplomatic branch inZagreb, to be the beginning ofa new time in the relationshipbetween the two states whichmeans the impulse of enrichingof versatile co-operation and bi-lateral relationships.

The PM Sanader in Kotor metwith the mayor Maja Ćatović towhom on the Croatian Govern-ment’s behalf he gave a chequewith HRK 2 million for the re-newal of the Saint Eustachchurch which parish priest waslate don Branko Sbutega. Hetalked with the representativesof Croatian Civic Initiative, theonly Croatian political party which

has just one representative in theParliament, about the problemsthey face with since the attemptof the assimilation, difficulties infinding jobs and refund of assets.The PM Sanader promised ahigher financial support for theCroats living in Monte Negroand pointed out that the openedembassy in Podgorica wouldhelp the Croats in solving prob-lems they face with.



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The President of the Govern-ment of the Hellenic Repub-

lic Kostas Karamanlis was onan official visit to the Republicof Croatia meeting there theCroatian Prime Minister dr. sc.Ivo Sanader. He also attendedthe formal session of the Croa-

tian Government on markingthe 15th anniversary of the in-ternational recognition of theRepublic of Croatia.

At the end of the meeting withthe Prime Minister Sanader hestated his being impressed ofthe Croatian progress from itsindependence till today, esti-mating his view of Croatia asthe leader of the whole region

toward the Euro Atlantic inte-grations.

˝In the process of Euro inte-grations Croatia holds a posi-tion of the leader ahead all thecountries of the West Balkans.Greece is always on Croatian

side and provides the supporton its way˝, the Premier Kara-manlis said.

The PM Sanader thanked hisGreek colleague for his firmand unquestionable supporton Croatia’s entering the EUand the NATO, evaluating thevisit of the PM Karamanlis as asign of friendship and support.The decision of the Greek Gov-

ernment for supporting Croatiaas an unstable member of theUN´s Council of Safety in 2008was seen as a specific Greekpresent for its anniversary bythe opinion of the PMSanader.

On addressing at the formal

session of the GovernmentPrime Minister Karamanlissaid that Croatia had made ahuge progress in the field ofdemocracy and prosperity ofits citizens, that it also contrib-uted to peace and stability inthe region, once more point-ing out the Greek support onCroatia’s way to the EU and hishope for a successful ending ofthe negotiations.


PM Sanader with Greek PM Karamanlis


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The Prime Minister of theSlovak Republic Robert

Fico was in his first formal

visit to the Republic of Croa-tia where he met the CroatianPrime Mnister Ivo Sanader.After the meeting the twoPrime Ministers evaluatedCroatia and Slovakia to betwo friendly countries holdinggreat bilateral relationship,but there were still issues tobe addressed, especially thoseconcerning the economic co-operation.

The improvement of the eco-nomic co-operation is seen intourism and creation of com-

mon Croatian-Slovak busi-nesses. For that purpose Slo-vakia is preparing for openingtwo honourable consulates inRijeka and Split because of theSlovak tourists.PM Sanader expressed hisgratitude to PM Fico for hissupport to Croatia in Decem-ber in Brussels when he sup-ported the secession of Croatiafrom Turkey in the negotiations

with the EU, pointing out thatwas very important for Croatiabecause ˝we think that each

single country should followits way, an individual way˝.

The Slovak Prime Minister Ficoonce again confirmed that Slo-vakia would do anything in or-der to support Croatia and itstwo strategic aims, those beingthe member state of the EU andentering the NATO, expressinghis hope that would happen assoon as possible.


PM Sanader with Slovak PM Fico


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On January 2007 the firstCroatian export strategy

˝Croatian Export Offensive˝was presented by the Ministryof the Economy, Labour andEntrepreneurship in the col-

laboration with the CroatianExporters’ Association, theCroatian Chamber of the Econ-omy, the Croatian Chamber ofTrades and Crafts, the CroatianEmployers´ Association andthe Croatian Bank for Recon-struction and Development.

The project was launched on14 June 2006 according to thedecision of the Croatian Gov-ernment. The elaboration ofthe CEO strategy lasted forsix months, about one hun-dred of domestic experts,businessmen and governmentadministration’s workers andconsultant dr. Karl-Heinz Der-noscheg, a member of the Aus-trian Export Offensive group,with his associates took part increation of the strategy.

It is well known that onlyby the growth of valuesof domestic productsand services it is pos-sible to achieve an eco-nomic progress of a totaleconomy of a particularcountry. Therefore, bythe Croatian Export Of- fensive Strategy the Gov-ernment of the Repub-

lic of Croatia wanted tosend a clear message topresent and future Croa-tian exporters that oneof its primary aims wasthe growth of value of Croatian products´ ex-port and the increase of a total competitiveness

of Croatia on the interna-tional market.

Croatian Export Offensive isan export strategy primarilyorientated on an entrepreneur,and in its first three-year period(from 2007 to 2010) it is goingto be directed on four clearlydefined strategic aims that aregoing to ensure a long-term

growth of export:

1. increase the number of theexporters for 25 per cent

2. modification of the structureof export

3. increase the competitiveness of production materialsand components forcomposite products

. establishment of six exportclusters

All the mentioned aims areoriented on solving the crucialmomentary problems prevent-ing growth of export, such astoo small capacities, fragmen-tation of production and lack ofcompetitiveness. The growth ofa total volume of the Croatianexport will be realised through

the growth of the number of ex-porters and increase of valuesof export of each exporter.In other words, we want a great-er number of Croatian compa-nies to extend their businesson the international market, toincrease their competitivenessand to achieve higher incomeand profit. The success of theCroatian Export Offensive is asum of success of every pres-ent and new exporter. Hence,all the strategic aims and allthe activities in this Strategyare directed on success of anentrepreneur-exporter.

The Croatian Export OffensiveProject combines the needsof an entrepreneur for a sys-tematic support, reciprocalco-operation and linking, and


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RT OFFENSIVEits activity is based on the bestinternational experience. TheCroatian Government is goingto take an active role in pursuitand implementation of incen-tives for strengthening the

competitiveness of Croatiancompanies which appear orwant to perform on the interna-tional market.

The Strategy of the CroatianExport Offensive covers theissues from the real sectordomain, including the financ-ing of exporters, but it doesnot process the issues of fiscaland monetary policy. It is obvi-ous it will not provide answersto all the export issues nor ithas a goal to solve all the prob-lems that torture exporters ina short time. The strategy is asignificant step that firms andmoves economic and institu-tional resources directed onexport, it also reinforces activi-ties and co-ordinates them ona state level in the Ministry of

the Economy, Labour and En-trepreneurship.

The final purpose of the projectis a long-term positive growthof foreign-trade balance of theRepublic of Croatia. To achievethat goal the implementationof this strategy in the plannedperiod from 2007 to 2010 is ofessential importance, as wellas the launching of a range of

following initiatives that willfurther process all the domainsimportant for the developmentof the Croatian export.

This project has started with

the defining of the four men-tioned strategic aims that arenecessary to start the imple-mentation with in 2007, andto be continued in the periodfrom 2008 to 2010. Definedstrategic aims are worked outin detail and their realisation isdetermined with the secondaryaims and activities with hold-ers and targeted groups. Therealisation of each aim will bemeasured and the results of theproject’s progress will be regu-larly delivered to the public inorder the whole project to betransparent to the maximum.During the project suggested

activities will be supplementedand corrected with the goal ofthe realisation of the maximaleffect with certain budget inorder the given organisationalscheme to be treated with re-

spect. Permanent feedback˝from the ground˝ is providedby this, like the corrections ac-cording to a situation in realtime.

Addressing the 2nd convention,Prime Minister Ivo Sanaderhighlighted that Croatia shouldincrease its exports if it wantedto have a successful economy,higher GDP growth, higher liv-ing standards and more em-ployees.

Stressing the important role ofthe know-how in the economicdevelopment, PM Sanader

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indicated that Croatia as asmall country in a globalisingrace would not have a chanceunless it had its certain spe-

cific phenomenon, and that isknowledge, i.e. a society basedon knowledge.

In his speech the Minister ofthe Economy, Labour and En-trepreneurship Branko Vuklićpointed out that one of thegoals of the strategy was thechange of the export structure,i.e. increase of a share of anexport of products with addedvalue. He proved this by theexample of a wood and lumberindustry in which Croatia ispresently losing doubly – it ex-ports cheaper raw material andbuys and imports more expen-sive final products often fromits own raw material it alreadyexported.A special significance of thestrategy refers to the estab-

lishment of six export clusters

– Water, Small Shipbuilding,Textile-clothes, ICT – solutions,Wood-furniture and Maricul-ture-Croatian fish.

Minister Vukelić explainedthat the strategy provides for29 measures, out of which 24refer directly on an entrepre-neur. The setting up of a spe-cial Centre for Standards andCertificates is anticipated,that will ensure certificates toall the entrepreneurs, and theMinistry will co-finance gettingof these standards.

Moreover, six centres that willlink production with innova-tions and science, universitiesand two/three-year collegeswith entrepreneurs will be es-tablished.Also, the measure of exportsubstitution, i.e. production ofproducts we have not had bynow will be available.

Present systems will be applied

directly on export, like the proj-ects and Hitrorez, sothat every possible barrier foran exporter can be eliminated.

The strategy is very operativeand contains everything thatinstitutions have to do in orderto create favourable conditionsfor exporters for business andappearance on foreign mar-kets, Minister Vulekić said,adding that his ministry hadsecured HRK 24 million for therealisation of the strategy.

Besides, there are also otherfunds from the present pro-grammes, and other ministrieshave secured certain funds, likethe Ministry of Agriculture thatprovided HRK 40 million for thewood and lumber industry.

More on Croatian ExportOffensive can be found

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e CROative is the nameof a new Croatian Cham-

ber of Economy’s projectworth HRK 4 million, whichwill promote the highest-gradeCroatian productsand inventions inEU member states.The Croatian brandssuch as Sumamed,Vegeta, Bajaderaand the cheese fromthe Pag island have

been divided in twocategories: “Authen-tically Croatian” and“Croatian quality”,and they will be ex-hibited on the tour-ist fairs in Munichbetween February 22and 26, followed bythe Expolingua fairin Lisabon (March8-10) and the fair inBrussels in May.

The exhibition areain the form of twocubes symbolicallyrepresents Croatia,so that the products for tastingwill be exhibited in luxuriousglass showcases. Moreover,the presentation of Croatia willbe completed by the multime-

dia exhibition on the principleof “look, listen, feel”, whichwill entertain visitors by show-ing short movies on the Croa-tian natural beauty and playing

the Croatia-specific sounds,such as the sounds of the sea,seagulls and cicadas.Mr Nadan Vidošević, head ofthe Croatian Chamber of Econ-omy, said that it was important

for Croatia, as a future memberof the EU, to create the identityof a country that, apart from ex-cellent sportsmen and naturalbeauty, disposed of high-grade

products that canfight even thecompetition on aglobal scale.

The“Be CROative”project is noth-ing new since the

Croatian Chamberof Economy hasbeen promotingCroatian high-grade productsthat include boththe Croatian tradi-tion and the inno-vation features forten years in a row.In this project, we

want to representCroatia to thepublic abroad, too.The basic start-ing points of thecreative conceptwere the facts

that Croatia is a country of in-telligence and creative peopleand that the Croatian productswere of a high quality – saidMr Vidošević.


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BE CROative!

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Trafficking in Persons is oneof the worst crimes of our

times, as it shows priceless vi-olation of human rights. Malesare victims mostly because ofthe forced labour, females be-cause of the prostitution, andthe children because of beg-ging and being sold to familieshaving no children. Unfortu-nately, all of them are potentialvictims because of human or-gans´ trafficking.

Human trafficking and smug-gling is considerably presentin the South East Europe and

incites the growth of a hugeillegal market that includesfalse passports, illegal bordercrossing, false job offers andother criminal activities.The patterns of human traffick-ing and smuggling have beenoften changed for the pastyears, and 3 332 km of the Cro-atian border have made it dif-ficult to disclose, identify andprocess smuggled persons.

With the aim of strengtheningthe capacity of the Croatianpolice in fighting against hu-man trafficking and smugglingand the adoption of the beststandards and practice of theEU, the project ˝Training of thepolice officers of the Ministryof the Interior of the Republicof Croatia in the field of humantrafficking and smuggling˝ hasstarted on 4 December 2006.Key partners of this projectof the Border AdministrationUnit of the Croatian InteriorMinistry, GBP 112 000 worth,are the Government of the

Great Britain which has beenfinancing this project throughthe Global Opportunities Fundand International Organisationfor Migration in the Republic ofCroatia (IOM).

The British Ambassador inCroatia Sir John Ramsdenexpressed his content over agreat co-operation betweenthe Croatian and British police,

stressing out the importance ofa preparation for keeping andsurveillance of the border inaccessing the EU as Croatianborder is soon to become theEuropean border, and fightingagainst crime, drug and hu-man smuggling are of com-mon interest.

This project will contribute infaster and better Croatia’s ad-aptation of standards of Schen-gen Agreement. The projectitself will adopt the best stan-dards and practice of the EUand will also contribute to the

goals of the European Agencyfor the control and operativeco-operation at the outer bor-ders.

The project is going to last oneyear during which 27 policeeducators will be trained, andthey will convey their knowl-edge onto 315 police officersfor illegal migrations at policestations. Furthermore, five one-



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day seminars will be organisedfor the assistant police chiefscompetent for the mentionedissue. For the purpose of in-suring the sustainability of theproject the conclusions will beincluded into the regular edu-cational programmes carriedout by the Police Academy andPolice College of the Ministryof the Interior.

With the aim of the identifica-tion of the human traffickingvictims and providing help andprotection, the Ministry of theInterior has intensified the co-

operation with other ministriesinvolved in problem solving,as with the non-governmentalorganisations (Croatian RedCross, Organisation for Pros-perity and Integrity in Split,The Dew, Women’s AssociationVukovar, Step) and with the in-ternational organisations, firstof all with the International Or-ganisation for Migration in theRepublic of Croatia (IOM).

The Ministry of Interior con-tinues with the active co-op-eration on scientific projectconcerning human trafficking,seminars, and with the educa-tion of targeted groups abouthuman trafficking on the na-tional and international level inorder to preventing this matter.Within the project ˝Co-opera-tion intensifying of the policeand General Attorney’s Officewith the non-governmental or-ganisations in the field of iden-tification human traffickingvictims and providing help andprotection˝ both the Ministry

of the Interior and IOM held athree-day seminar on Suppres-sion of Trafficking in Personsfrom 15 to 17 January 2007.The seminar was held throughthe workshops and multidisci-plinary exercises and simula-tions of informative talks andinterviews with the human traf-ficking victims. It is all about aninteractive approach and theproject has been carried out

with the fullest engagement ofall of the participants.

The activities anticipated bythe Croatian Government’sNational Program for Suppres-sion of Trafficking in Peoplewere dealt with at the educa-tive training and the so calledteam-building that gatheredthe police officers from all ofthe Croatian police stations,the representatives of the or-ganisations of civil societyand the general Attorney’sOffice members, and theMinistry of Health and Social


The identification of a victim,along with providing psycho-logical, health and social helpis possible only through thefullest co-operation and mutu-al thrust among all the subjectsinvolved in fighting against hu-man trafficking, and with theireducation and training for theteam work.

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Mediterranean Institute forLife Sciences (MedILS)

was established in Split as an

international scientific organi-sation founded by Prof dr. sc.Marija Alačević and an acade-mician Miroslav Radman.The idea about MedILS datesback thirty years ago and wasestablished in November 2003,as a non-profit organisationwith the basic goal of restoringscientific research. It is basedon the conception of a small,

but elite scientific institutionfor research of innovative is-sues at all the fields of life sci-ences.

MedILS´s vision is to becomea ˝fount˝ of a new generationof young, multidisciplinaryscientists and to be the cen-tre of scientific exquisitenessin the development of originalprojects for the fundamental

understanding of life and itsmanifestations. Well, its maingoal is further education of a

specially selected generationof young scientists: creativeones, multidisciplinary pro-fessionals used to ˝thinkingabout unimaginable˝ and whodare to experiment in accor-dance with that. The intentionis to gather the most talentedyoung people from all aroundthe world who will, with helpof a tutorial system, set up a

special research culture. Theresults of their research mustbe unpredictably innovative.

MedILS is conceived both asa global international projectwith the European and Medi-terranean cultural tenets andas a local Croatian and SE-European project. The termlocal refers to the import ofthe greatest world achieve-

ments of the scientific work,style and ethics, as well as tothe creation of a new scientific

culture, in this part of Europe.MedILS´s mission is to createa new scientific culture.

˝Fixed sciences˝ are truly uni-versal language and by thatare the pattern of unity andunderstanding among all thecultures dealing with science.

The city of Split is a geographi-

cal, climatic and special Medi-terranean region in culturalterms, also a rich source ofcreative young talents. Geopo-litically, MedILS should be thecentre of scientific exquisite-ness for the SE Europe. Thebeauty of nature together withthe MedILS building providesan exceptional campus. Stu-dents, mentors and professorshave chance to live all together

THE FOUNT OF NEW GENMedILS Missioncreation of new scientific culture


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RATIONS OF SCIENTISTSand in that order can spendtime together talking and dis-cussing during the meal, sportand relaxation on the beautifulprivate beach.

MedILS is a really internationalinstitution wholly independent

from local government, holdingthe exterritorial site using Eng-lish as a working language.

28 firms donated HRK 5,6 million to MedILS

On 16 January 2007, at the Ban-ski dvori, Donation Agreementwas signed between the man-

agers of 28 leading Croatianfirms with the manager of theMedILS Miroslav Radman, inthe presence of the Presidentof the Croatian Government Ivo Sanader.

Total amount of the donationrefers to HRK 5, 6 million perannum, and each of the firmsis going to set aside HRK 200000 during the next five years.

Prime Minister Sanader wel-comed the gathering of theleading Croatian firms for thisextremely important scientificproject headed by MiroslavRadman, as this being a giantstep for scientific research inCroatia. ˝The Government ex-

pects nothing but a fully sci-entific freedom of MedILS andprofessor Radman togetherwith his research fellows. Forthat purpose ensuring of mate-rial circumstances was very im-portant˝, said the PM Sanaderpointing out that the CroatianGovernment set aside HRK 30million for MedILS from thestate budget.

Miroslav Radman informedof the intention of creating arecognizable scientific centreof superbness in Europe by hisand his research fellows´ hardworking during the next threeyears. He also added that theresults of the research wouldbe original not a copy, stressingout us being proud of it. Fourworking groups are going to

start doing scientific researchwith the beginning of March ofthe current year.

Firms that signed Dona-

tion Agreement: Adris

Group d.d., Agrokor d.d.,

 Atlantic Group d.d., Auto-commerce d.o.o., Croatia

 Airlines, Croatia Insurance

d.d., Dalekovod d.d., Du-

kat d.d., Ericsson Nikola

Tesla d.d., Europapress

Holding d.o.o., Franck 

d.d., Hrvatska Eketro-

privreda d.d., Hrvatska

poštanska banka d.d.,

INA d.d., INGRA d.d.,

Končar d.d., Konstruk -tor inženjering d.d., Kraš

d.d., Medika d.d., Nexe

Group d.d., Orbico d.o.o.,

Pliva d.d., Podravka d.d.,

Privredna banka Zagreb

d.d., Raiffeisen Bank Aus-

tria d.d., Société Générale

– Splitska Banka d.d.,

Hrvatski Telekom d.d.,

Zagrebačka Banka d.d. al

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of the neighbouring buildingsjust a floor or two that are sur-plus will be removed. The ob-jects that considerably deviatein width will be demolished,but smaller deviations inwidth will be tolerated in ordernot to derange the static of theobject.

Another problem you are fac-

ing with is the waste manage-

ment. What has your Ministry

done concerning that?

Clear rules of conduct are de-termined by designing theWaste Act and Waste Manage-ment Strategy. We have acti-vated the Environmental Pro-tection and Energy Efficiency

Fund and in that way we haveensured means for the realisa-tion of necessary projects andprogrammes. In total, HRK 1, 5billion will be invested into theimprovement of unarrangedwaste dumps by the state, andHRK 184 million will be invest-ed into the construction of thecentres for waste management.About HRK 165 million will beinvested into the improvementof hazardous waste dumps.The plans for waste manage-ment will be carried in the co-operation with the Counties.Even though our utility work-ers possess knowledge, addi-tional education for such workis obligatory, so we have been

thinking of sending a few ex-perts on training in abroad tolearn how to manage the wastemanagement centres so that

they could instruct others par-ticipants in the whole process.

Apart from just the waste,

there is also the problem of air

and water cleanness on some

locations. Are there solutions

to these problems?

We have started solving thisproblem at the very assumingof the term of office. Unfortu-nately, the process is long last-ing; the solutions can not bemade over a night. For now, thequality of air is being measuredat eight measuring stations,and by the end of 2008 the Min-istry is going to build anothereight measuring stations with-in the structure of the PHAREprogramme. The biggest prob-lem arises with the quality ofair in Sisak. In the last three

years the Ministry has takena range of actions aiming toimprove air in that city, and webelieve in positive result.

In the beginning of this year

you received the European

Commission’s report on the

effects of your actions made

by now. Are they satisfied with

the Croatian waste manage-

ment like paper and glass?

The European Commissionpraised our special waste dis-posal, especially of those thatcan be retreated and usedagain, like paper, glass, plas-tic packaging or car tyres. Re-garding the packaging we havecompletely been in accordancewith the European directives,and we are presently workingon a new act for that field which


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The inland of Istria has ex-perienced a huge change

since the construction of thetraffic network 145 km longthat with the shape of the let-ter y reflects the form of theIstrian peninsula. In a formerlydesolated area now there isa huge demand for estates.

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Even though the merit for thiscan not be given only to theconstruction of the IstrianY highway, its influence has

been definitely certain. The Is-trian Y highway refers to 140km of three-lane two-way roadbetween Matulji and Kanfa-nari, and Medak and Vodnjan,consisting of 16 junctions and16 viaducts with the length from100 to 1 355 m. Besides, it in-cludes also the Učka tunnel andMirna viaduct with the pay toll.

By the end of the last year Min-ister of the Sea, Tourism, Trans-port and Development BožidarKalmeta together with Ministerof Environmental Protection,Physical Planning and Con-struction Marina Matulović-Dropulić and Ivan Jakovčić theCounty Prefect of Istria openedthe last section from Vodnjanto Pula 13 km long, in that wayending the first phase of the

construction of the Istrian Y highway enabling the Istriancities to be in connection withthe rest of the continent.

Istria before the Y highway andafter it is not the same. Thismodern road infrastructure hasbroken up the traffic isolationand has developed economyand tourism, Minister Kalmetapointed out on that occasionand announced the beginningof works on the second phasetill the construction of the fullprofile of the motorway in thisyear. At the same time theworks on the 8 km long sectionwill start and will be stretchingfrom Pula to Medulin as thetwo-lane road which will makeMedulin more accessible fortourists. The first concession

contract with the Bina-Istrawas signed in 1995 with therealisation of the first co-op-eration with foreign investors

which opened the door to otherinvestors. Minister Kalmeta re-minded on the establishment ofthe campaign in which the FrenchBouygues holds 51 per cent, andCroatia 49 per cent of the share.

County Prefect Jakovčić saidthat with the linking of the northpoint of Istria with the southpoint was the biggest profit forthe people of Pula, because themodern and fast road was tomake Istra County a dynamiceconomic region. Accordingto his words, the Istrian Y high-way is the blood flow of Pulaand the construction of the fullmotorway profile must be con-tinued immediately in orderto disburden the traffic. TheIstria Y highway project is theEuropean project which shows

that Croatia uses the model ofpublic-private partnership, thesame project used by the coun-tries of the European Union,Francois Saint Paul said on thatoccasion adding that was thecase of the project importantfor the economic development.

The construction of the Vodn-jan-Pula section cost EUR 56million, and the money wasraised through the foreignloans. The section has twojunctions, eight flyovers, tensubway crossings, one bridgeand a rest area accompaniedby the service object. Along thesection a four-lane linking roadwas built that is 1 km long,just like the linking road 2 kmlong at the Vodnjan junction.The works on the Vodnjan-Pula

started in August 2005, andthe main constructor – FrenchBouygues engaged more that150 domestic workers and

about 30 local sub-contractors.

In the co-operation with Ar-chaeological Museum of Istriathe Bina-Istra financed a bigcampaign of archaeological ex-cavations that resulted in find-ing a few archaeological finds.One of them, Stancija Peličeti,inspired the local governmentto open an archaeologicalpark. The Bina-Istra also par-ticipated actively in the preser-vation of the national heritageof Istrian dry stone walls. Allthe dry stone walls that hadbeen found on the motorwayroute were very carefully de-composed and then used againwithin the Program of renewalof dry stone walls beside themotorway. Ecological aware-ness of the Bina-Istra can be

seen in the ecological publiclighting of Višnjan that doesnot disturb the work of obser-vatory of the place, just like theposting of a special protectingsystem intended for the protec-tion of the frog species.

Concerning the fact that themajor part of the transit trans-port concentrates on the motor-way, the project of the Istrian Y highway gives back the charmto towns and villages of Istria.The improved access to sometowns also contributed in al-laying the summer traffic jams,and the proximity of the mo-torway contributes in the de-velopment of industrial zonesthat are going to be openedaround the Kanfanar, Vodnjanand Višnjan junctions.

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Sport has always been arecognizable part of the

Croatian identity, traditionand culture. In accordancewith that we can note that thesporting events have markedthe beginning of the year 2007,just to mention: Ladies´ FIS Al-pine Skiing World Cup ˝SnowQueen Trophy˝, Croatian Olym-pic Committee’s award confer-ring for sport accomplishmentsin 2006, the presence of thePresident of the International

Olympic Committee Juan An-tonio Samaranch, the Men’sHandball World Championshipin Germany, etc. These werejust some of the events of a richsporting repertory that providedenjoyment to all the sport loversin the begining of 2007.

But, let’s go step by step…

On 4 January 2007 Zagreb/Sljemeagain gathered the most famousworld female skiing elite.

For the third time thecapital of Croatia wasthe host of the Ladies´

FIS Alpine Skiing WorldCup, and our ˝Snow Queen˝ celebrated herthird birthday.

At the same time Zagreb isthe only city in Croatia, andalso the only capital city in theworld ever, which has had anhonour to organise the Ladies´FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup


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Slalom Race. After the ˝GoldenBear˝ held on 20 January 2005,as the first organisation of theLadies´ FIS Alpine Skiing World

Cup Night Slalom Race, Sljemehas been included into the regu-lar ski calendar of the World SkiCup, and even then the SljemeSlalom Course was proclaimedas one the of the best in Europe.

The ski spectacle started withthe drawing of the start num-bers on the Ban Josip JelačićSquare on 3 January 2007, ac-companied by the cultural andmusic show.

Even though Janica Kostelić,four-time Olympic championand one of the best female skierof all the times, is sitting out thecurrent year she was actively in-volved into Sljeme events. Herfirst task was to draw the startnumbers; she was the forerun-ner of the ˝Snow Queen˝ for-

mal opening, and took part inthe award conferring to bestlady skiers. Owing to dedicatedwork of 2 000 people, 1 500 ofthem being policemen, securityguards and the members of theCroatian Mountain Rescue Ser-vice we witnessed the top qual-ity organisation of the ˝SnowQueen˝. Of the total, HRK 22million was invested into theproject realisation. A huge me-dia interest of even 27 TV cam-eras ensured watching of theSljeme race in 12 countries.

Everyone was in suspense ofthe Ladies´ FIS Alpine SkiingWorld Cup Night Slalom Race.

  Almost 15 000 fanscame to the Sljeme gath-ering along the 650 m

long Red Slope. The RedSlope is also the longest  women’s slalom coursein the whole World Cup.

The first run started at 3:30 pm,while the second one startedat 6:00 pm that decided of thenew Snow Queen of 2007. Al-though there was a prevailingthought that without our JanicaKostelić´s performance therewould not be the top results,Ana Jelušić achieved the great-est success of the Croatian ski-

ing at the domestic World CupSlalom Race. She won the 2ndplace, with the first FIS WorldCup slalom podium of her ca-reer. Marlies Schild defendedher title as Zagreb’s slalomSnow Queen, and Sarka Zah-robska from the Czech Repub-lic won the 3rd place.

One more time we havehad the confirmation of 

the foreign media words˝After the Sljeme Racethe World Cup will neverbe the same˝. We havehad the best male and fe-male skiers, and now wehave the best organisa-tion for the Ladies WorldCup Slalom Race ˝Snow Queen Trophy˝.

See you next year, when Men’sSlalom Race of the FIS Alpine Ski-ing World Cup comes to Sljeme/ Zagreb in 2008 hosting the bestworld male skiers, and our Queenwill finally have her King.

Chronology of the Sljeme

Race ˝Snow Queen Trophy˝:

20 January 2005 – 1st LadiesFIS Alpine Skiing World Cup˝Golden Bear˝

5 January 2006 – 2nd LadiesFIS Alpine Skiing World Cup˝Snow Queen Trophy˝4 January 2007 – 3rd Ladies

FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup˝Snow Queen Trophy˝


 AND TEAMSThe second very importantevent for the Republic of Croa-tia that marked this year onthe sporting plan was comingof the President of the Inter-national Olympic CommitteeJuan Antonio Samaranch whovisited our country on the occa-sion of marking the 15th anni-versary of the Croatian Olympic

Committee (COC) joining theInternational Olympic family.Samaranch was the head of theInternational Olympic Commit-tee (IOC) from 1980 to 2001 andthis was his tenth time in Croa-tia. Being one of the most influ-ential leaders of the world sporthe gave his infinite support toour sport and to Croatia.

On that occasion, on 16 Janu-ary 2007 at the Banski dvori,honorary president Juan An-tonio Samaranch, the mem-ber of the IOC and honorarypresident of the COC AntunVrdoljak and the president ofthe COC mr. sc. Zlatko Matešawere hosted by the Presidentof the Croatian Governmentdr. sc. Ivo Sanader. The Presi-dent of the Republic of Croatia

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Stjepan Mesić hosted this highguest at formal lunch.

Accompanied by the Dražen

Petrović´s parents honorary pres-ident of the IOC Juan AntonioSamaranch visited the “DraženPetrović Museum-Memorial Cen-tre” situated in the southern mez-zanine of the Business Tower BCCibona, paying homage to one ofthe greatest man in the history ofbasketball – Dražen Petrović.

Taking part at the formal dinner atthe Zagreb Concert Hall VatroslavLisinski, Samaranch thanked forthe Croatia’s friendship, great con-tribution of the COC in building ofthe world Olympic movement, con-firming the reputation that the COCholds in the international circles.

Numerous sporting and pub-lic functionaries, businessmenand Croatian reputable politi-cians attended this ceremony.

The President of the CroatianOlympic Committee mr. sc.

Zlatko Mateša and the mainsecretary of the COC Josip Čopaddressed the public express-ing their gratitude to all the

members of the Croatian SportAssociation for their effort andgreat sport accomplishments.

Janica Kostelić was elected asCroatia’s best sportswoman in2006, the winner of two goldenOlympic medals on the OlympicWinter Games in Torino and theoverall winner of the 2005/2006FIS Ski World Cup in her career.Duje Draganja was elected asCroatia’s best sportsman. Hewon the golden medal at theworld championship and wonthe 2nd and the 3rd place at lastyear’s European championship.The most successful women’s teamis the junior volleyball team.

World Junior Champion athleteDanijela Grgić was declared thegreatest hope of the Croatian sport.

The most successful team isthe Croatian handball team that

won the World Cup last year.Ante Kostelić was declared asthe most successful coach in2006, while the Croatian foot-

ball team was declared thebest promoters of Croatia inthe world.

At the ceremony of the Big Daythe highest award of the CroatianOlympic Committee Matija Ljubekwas conferred. For a special contri-bution to the development of sportand promotion of its values theLifetime Achievement Award wasgiven to these long-time sportingfunctionaries and experts: ZdenkoJajčević, Zdenko Matešić, SlavkoPodgorelac, Ratomir Tvrdić andBoxing club Pula from Pula.

In the end we can conclude thatsport has always been a recog-nisable part of the Croatianidentity, tradition and cultureand we can also immodestlysay that Croatia generates gold-

en sportspersons known at allthe world scales.

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The city of Karlovac is locat-ed in the heart of Croatia

and is the intersection of roadtraffics and railroad tracks. Itis the administrative centre ofKarlovac County and of all theCounties´ centres in the Re-public of Croatia Karlovac isthe youngest city.

Karlovac was built in the16th century in order todefence against Otto-

man encroaches as aunique city nuclei form-ing six pointed star for-tress. Except for Karlo- vac, only two more citiesin Europe hold the sameshape (Palmanova inItaly and Novy Zamky inSlovakia).

The beginning of constructionof Karlovac fortress dates back

to 13 July 1579, at the sametime the date is marked as the

birthday of the city. The city wasbuilt on the Zrinski estate nearthe old town of Dubovac, andwas named Karlovac or Karl-stadt after Archduke Charles IIof Austria.

The Renaissance city nucleialong with the regular geo-metric shape of streets andcity blocks together with the

central square were the cul-mination of the then construc-tion and fortification skills.Many walls and bastions,palaces and squares, militaryand sacral objects were built.The first church, the churchof the Holy Trinity, was built inthe central square, today BanJelačić Square, equipped withthe rich baroque inventory.There stands the Franciscan

monastery with the collectionof work of art of monastery and

church treasury.

In the Strossmayer Square,within the Star there is themunicipal board of Karlovacand the first city governmentwas elected in 1763. There isalso the City Museum in thesame square. Situated in thepalace from the first half ofthe 17th century it is one of

the oldest preserved samplesof housing construction typeof a manor built in Karlovac.Today it keeps natural-science,archaeological, historical, eth-nographic and cultural andhistorical collection of the cityand its surrounding. In front ofthe museum you can still seethe remains of the small cha-pel St. Joseph from the 17thcentury.


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If you are a true lover of natureand waters you will for surestay in Karlovac for a longerperiod of time. Come to hunt-

ing and fishing here, enjoy raft-ing and canoeing. Take a walkin the fresh wood air along theinstructive path Kozjača orplay paintball in the woods ofKarlovac´s surroundings. Inthe summer refresh yourselvesin Korana in Fongin publicbaths in the centre of the city,and in the end of August youshould definitely visit the tradition-al beer days or just go and explorethe natural beauties and culture ofKarlovac´s surroundings.

 You should really visit the oldtown of Dubovac from the13th century, where you cansee the permanent exhibition,and from the belvedere therestretches the view onto thewhole city and its surrounding.The novelty in the old town is

the Dubovac manorial estatefair where you can see the pre-sentation of the old crafts andrevivified old games and cus-toms accompanied by the cui-sine in the old recipes. While

you are seeing the sights of theold town, our famous Karlovac´s˝Star ,̋ you should visit the CityMuseum, the church of the Holy

Trinity and the Franciscan monas-tery together with the gallery, citytheatre Zorin Dom or some of thepicture galleries.

In the past Karlovac was famous for being one of the culturally most patri-otic cities in Croatia andthe true witnesses werethe oldest Croatian musicschool, the first Croatianchoir ˝Zora˝ and one of the first reading rooms inthe Croatian language.

Though being a small city Kar-lovac has always had a reputa-tion as a sporting town and hasbeen the host of particularly greatinternational sporting events likethe Women’s World HandballChampionship held in 2003.

Karlovac is currently recoveringand thriving to its old sources.With the activation of industrialpotential, with the use of all thecomparative advantages (unique

location on four rivers –Kupa,Korana, Mrežnica and Dobra)and the last, but not the least,

with its cultural heritage Karlo-vac is standing at the thresholdof creating a new identity withthe aim of retaking the place asone of the most beautiful andmost pleasant city in Croatia.

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Lastovo Archipelago con-

sists of 44 islands, isletsand rocks, and belongs to theouter south Dalmatian islandgroup encompassing the is-land Lastovo, the Lastovnjaciand Vrhovnjaci archipelago aswell as the island of Sušac. It isdistinguished by special floraand fauna features of the landas well as by the richness anddiversity of the marine life andan extraordinary beauty of the

landscape. The islands coast

is steep and often not indentedwith numerous karst and un-dersea caves.Lastovo Archipelago in the sur-face of approximately 196 km2has been proclaimed a naturepark in September 2006 be-coming thus the most recentlyproclaimed nature park inCroatia. The newly establishedPublic Institution Nature Park“Lastovo Archipelago”, which

has been managing this area

since November 2006, is re-sponsible for the protection,maintenance and promotion ofthe Nature Park Lastovo Archi-pelago.Due to the isolated scenicallyposition of this geographicallyfarthest archipelago in the Adri-atic Sea, there are numerousendangered and rare speciesand habitats on the island. Outof a total of 703 registered flora


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species, 53 species are endan-

gered, while out of 141 verte-brates even 71 are endangered.Endemic and stenoendemicspecies, of which the most fa-mous are the Adriatic ruin liz-ard and Lastovo wall lizard, aregiving the Lastovo archipelagoa special biological value andimportance. The Adriatic ruinlizard is found on the islandsof Sušac, Kopište and adjacentsmall islets including Mrčar,

while the Lastovo wall lizard

lives on the island clusters ofLastovnjaci and Vrhovnjaci.The islands of the Lastovo ar-chipelago are important rest-ing places for many migratorybirds and nesting places ofrare species which make theirnests on the rocks (audouinsgull, yelkouan sherwater, medi-terranean sherwater).A special value is given to thepark by the sea and undersea

and its very rich living world.

The exploration of the Lastovooffshore waters has estab-lished the existence of great bi-ological diversity among other,as many as 248 species of seaflora. On the stony seabed par-ticularly well developed are thebiocenosis of photophile algaeand those of corals, while onthe sandy bed are well devel-oped Neptunegrass meadows.The underwater world of this


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nature park is abundant withdiverse fish and crab species,cephalopods, seashells andother mollusks, and owing tothe large number of underwatercaves it was once the habitat ofthe Mediterranean monk seal,one of the most endangeredmammals in the world. Thecave Ropa Medvjedina on southshore of the island of Lastovo isone of last documented habitatsof this species in the Lastovo ar-

chipelago.Lastovo archipelago also has arich cultural heritage. Besidesthe cultural-historical entities,the amphitheatre village of Las-tovo and the old fishing villageLučica, it is also important tomention the interesting sacralarchitecture. On the overall ar-chipelago there is a total of 38churches, out of which 21 areprotected as objects of culturalvalue. Due to numerous archeo-

logical finds, even the wholehistorical ambient of the islandof Sušac is protected. There arenumerous ancient and earlyChristian structures amongwhich the ruins of the churchof St. Mary (6th century) are ofspecial significance. In the off-shore waters around the islandsof Lastovo and Sušac a largenumber of archaeological siteshave been registered of whichthe majority is protected.

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Photographs by:State Institute for Nature Protection


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Every Wednesday at the Zagreb CroartPhoto Club course of lectures are held

covering the themes referring to the art oftaking photographs. One of the themes inJanuary drew our attention: How to takesnaps of Croatia from the air?The lecture was held by Nenad Reberšak,

repeatedly rewarded photographer and pho-tojournalist from Zagreb, the president ofthe Assembly of Photographers of CroatianJournalists´ Association and the author ofthousands of photos, many of them beingshown at one-man and group exhibitions inthe country and abroad. Of course, the lec-ture was accompanied by the projection ofphotos of Croatia from the bird’s eye view.We have chosen a few unusual and wonder-ful views of this beautiful country for thereaders of Croatia in Focus.



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