Page 1: Criteria for the evaluation of discussion for alberta ca

From Creating Critical Readers webinar series by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst

Criteria for the Evaluation of Discussion –Adapted

Alberta Program of Studies

The student/class. . . . Notes:

1. Outcome #1

Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings

and experiences

2. Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

3. Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

4. Outcome #2

Comprehend literature and other

text in oral, print, visual and

multimedia forms, and respond

personally, critically and creatively

5. Outcome #1

Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings

and experiences

6. Outcome #1

Explore thoughts, ideas,


Page 2: Criteria for the evaluation of discussion for alberta ca

From Creating Critical Readers webinar series by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst

feelings and experiences

7. Outcome #1

Explore thoughts, ideas,

feelings and experiences

8. Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

9. . Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

10. Outcome #2

Comprehend literature and other

text in oral, print, visual and

multimedia forms, and respond

personally, critically and creatively

11. Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

