
Who is OPEX Consulting Group, LLC?

OPEX CG LLC is a privately held consulting �rm that has worked with CPG companies and specializes in Food and Beverage Operations. Greg Motto is the Managing Member.

Who is Shamrock Consultants, Inc?

Shamrock Consultants is a privately held consulting �rm that has worked with CPG companies specializing in Behavioral and Cultural assessments. John Casey is the President.

What is a “Crisis Performance Assessment”?

It is a proprietary data driven assessment focusing on speci�c KPI performance metrics prior to and during a crisis, to help our clients assess their manufacturing sites performance during a crisis. The Behavioral / Cultural assessment is an observation-based assessment that targets speci�c behaviors and their relationship to the results realized.

What is the time commitment needed from the Plant Leadership Team?

On the Behavioral assessment, the remote interview process will take approximately 1 hour per Department Head. On the Operational Performance assessment, the time required for the data gathering depends on each sites systems and metrics that are currently in place. If KPI’s are automated and available, the data gathering should not exceed 1 hour.

How long for the results of the assessment?

The �nal report out will be completed in approximately 10 days from receipt of data set and the start of interview process.

My Plant Teams are too busy, how do you expect them to participate?

In a crisis situation, you must take the time to assess performance and course correct if needed. The signi�cant advantages of these assessments are that they are completed remotely, allow �exible scheduling aligned to the availability of the Plant Leadership Team, and the time commitment needed is minimal.


Who is included in the assessment?

The Plant Manager and his or her direct / indirect reports. In most cases, the group includes; Plant Manager, HR Manager, EHS Manager, QA Manager, Engineering / Maintenance Manager, Operations / Production Manager.

Who is included in the Final Report Out?

The Plant Manager is provided a one on one review of �ndings prior to the Final Report Out to his / her Supervisor.

How long with the Final Report Out take?

Approximately 45 minutes for the KPI review report out (including Q&A), and 45 minutes for the Behavioral / Cultural review report out (including Q&A). The Final Report Out date and participants will be decided at the start of the assessment.

What are the expected bene�ts from this assessment?

1. The ability to adjust performance quickly with quantitative insights.

2. Clear understanding of data and drivers to results

• Are results Better or Worse than Baseline?

• What behaviors of the Plant Leadership team contributed to the results?

3. Recommendations on areas of focus

• How to sustain Better than Baseline Performance?

• What countermeasures to return to Baseline Performance?

4. Insights and recommendations provided by seasoned professionals with 30+ years’experience and proven results in industry.


Who is OPEX Consulting Group, LLC?

OPEX CG LLC is a privately held consulting �rm that has worked with CPG companies and specializes in Food and Beverage Operations. Greg Motto is the Managing Member.

Who is Shamrock Consultants, Inc?

Shamrock Consultants is a privately held consulting �rm that has worked with CPG companies specializing in Behavioral and Cultural assessments. John Casey is the President.

What is a “Crisis Performance Assessment”?

It is a proprietary data driven assessment focusing on speci�c KPI performance metrics prior to and during a crisis, to help our clients assess their manufacturing sites performance during a crisis. The Behavioral / Cultural assessment is an observation-based assessment that targets speci�c behaviors and their relationship to the results realized.

What is the time commitment needed from the Plant Leadership Team?

On the Behavioral assessment, the remote interview process will take approximately 1 hour per Department Head. On the Operational Performance assessment, the time required for the data gathering depends on each sites systems and metrics that are currently in place. If KPI’s are automated and available, the data gathering should not exceed 1 hour.

How long for the results of the assessment?

The �nal report out will be completed in approximately 10 days from receipt of data set and the start of interview process.

My Plant Teams are too busy, how do you expect them to participate?

In a crisis situation, you must take the time to assess performance and course correct if needed. The signi�cant advantages of these assessments are that they are completed remotely, allow �exible scheduling aligned to the availability of the Plant Leadership Team, and the time commitment needed is minimal.

Who is included in the assessment?

The Plant Manager and his or her direct / indirect reports. In most cases, the group includes; Plant Manager, HR Manager, EHS Manager, QA Manager, Engineering / Maintenance Manager, Operations / Production Manager. Who is included in the Final Report Out?

The Plant Manager is provided a one on one review of �ndings prior to the Final Report Out to his / her Supervisor.

How long with the Final Report Out take?

Approximately 45 minutes for the KPI review report out (including Q&A), and 45 minutes for the Behavioral / Cultural review report out (including Q&A). The Final Report Out date and participants will be decided at the start of the assessment.

What are the expected bene�ts from this assessment?

1. The ability to adjust performance quickly with quantitative insights.

2. Clear understanding of data and drivers to results

• Are results Better or Worse than Baseline?

• What behaviors of the Plant Leadership team contributed to the results?

3. Recommendations on areas of focus

• How to sustain Better than Baseline Performance?

• What countermeasures to return to Baseline Performance?

4. Insights and recommendations provided by seasoned professionals with 30+ years’ experience and proven results in industry.

Got Other Questions?

Contact John Casey at (630)-687-5646 or Greg Motto at (817)-701-5974 for more details.