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Crime Prevention Conditional Grant Fund The deadline to submit an application is September 30, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.


The Department of Justice and Public Safety has received funding from Public Safety Canada’s Gun and Gang Violence Action Fund (GGVAF) to support New Brunswick’s five-year plan on gun and gang violence. The objective of the GGVAF is to enhance efforts to prevent, disrupt and combat gun and gang violence, and increase awareness and understanding of related issues. The GGVAF Terms and Conditions permit the Department to redistribute funds to eligible organizations to support activities that link directly to New Brunswick’s five-year plan on gun and gang violence and GGVAF objectives and expected results.

New Brunswick’s five-year plan on gun and gang violence complements the Department’s Crime Prevention and Reduction Strategy and Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Strategy. It will focus on better understanding the nature of gun and gang violence in New Brunswick and collaborating with partners and stakeholders to develop and implement an evidence-based strategic plan that addresses existing, emerging and underlying gun and gang violence and related issues through knowledge development, prevention, intervention, and suppression activities. Expected outcomes are an increase in the implementation of informed initiatives to respond to gun and gang violence in New Brunswick and a decrease in gun and gang violence.


The Crime Prevention Branch of the New Brunswick Department of Justice and Public Safety is offering a public grant as part of Crime Prevention Conditional Grant Fund. This funding opportunity is being provided in the form of a grant per project and is awarded to successful applicants in the manner described below.


The objective of this grant is to promote evidence-based prevention and intervention initiatives at the provincial, municipal and local levels that lead to a reduction of gun and gang violence, and related issues. The goal is to develop and/or implement prevention and intervention programs, or other initiatives that address existing, emerging and underlying issues that can lead to gun and gang violence.

Eligible Recipients

Eligible recipients must meet one or more of the following criteria: a) Another level of government (regional, municipal, local), including a band within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Indian

Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.I-5, or an Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit or Metis) community recognized as a legal entity that hasentered into a self-government agreement, which has been approved and has force of law under an act of Parliament or alegislature;

b) a provincial or local/regional police service, including an Indigenous police service, and/or its governing authority (alsoknown as a board, a police board, a designed board of a police commission), if it has the legal capacity to enter into afunding agreement;

c) a Canadian university, educational institution/board of education; and/or,d) a domestic not-for-profit organization, including an Indigenous organization, if:

i. it has the legal capacity to enter into a funding agreement; orii. it is an association or society of persons, including a professional association, that has voluntarily associated

themselves, has a mandate to represent their membership, and has the legal capacity to enter into a fundingagreement on behalf of their membership.

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Government departments, as defined in Section 2 of the Financial Administration Act (including the RCMP), federal Crown corporations and for-profit organizations are not eligible for funding under the GGVAF. The funding provided is not to be used for any costs already dealt with through existing police service agreements.

Eligible Activities

Activities eligible for support are those that contribute to the achievement of the GGVAF objectives and are domestic in scope. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Prevention. Targeting those at higher risk of gun and gang violence before they get involved. Includes development and/ordelivery of new or existing evidence-based prevention initiatives targeted at higher risk areas and populations.

• Intervention. Supporting exit strategies for those engaged in gun and gang violence. Includes development and delivery ofintervention initiatives targeting higher risk areas and populations, and collaboration and integration of horizontal initiativesrelated to gun and gang violence.

Terms of Reference

The following terms apply to all projects, applicants and recipients:

• The scope of the project must be provincial, municipal or local.• The project must reflect the objective of creating safer communities by reducing gun and gang violence.• The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed project can be managed through to completion.• The project must include a monitoring and fidelity evaluation framework to allow for the measure of qualitative and

quantitative data to ensure progress.• The project may be completed in either official language.• The recipient must acknowledge the receipt of the grant from the Department of Justice and Public Safety.• The recipient must submit a final report on activities and results of the project to the Department of Justice and Public

Safety upon project completion.

Application Process

To be considered for funding, the following application conditions must be met:

• Applications must be filled out completely using the provided application form.• Applications must be submitted to the Crime Prevention Conditional Grant Fund via email.• Applications must include one letter of support from a partner, a stakeholder or a local organization endorsing the project

activities.• Applications are accepted until 11:59pm on September 30, 2021.• Applications from communities with regional resiliency and/or community safety and well-being plans may be given

preferential consideration.• The Crime Prevention Branch will inform the applicant of approval, rejection or modifications required.

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Crime Prevention Conditional Grant Fund Application A. Organization Information 1. Organization Name:

2. Organization Mailing Address: 3. Telephone:

4. Organization’s Mandate: Please tell us about your organization by providing a brief summary, including the scope of your organization, who benefits from your services, what information, skills and experience your organization brings to the proposed project, and what your relationship is with the community, etc.

5. Name and Title of Project Contact:

6. Telephone 7. Email:

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B. Project Information 1. Project Title:

2. Summary of Project:

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3. Scope/Region of Project:

4. Target population to be served by project?

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5. Project Objectives:

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6. How does the project align with the needs of the community?

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7. How does the project align with goals of the grant?

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8. Are there project partners? Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, please list and identify the role they will play:

9. How will you measure the success of the project? Please describe what method(s) you will use to assess whether the project objectives you identified are achieved. This should include information on the program’s evaluation framework, such as how baseline and post-program data will be collected, including program targets. The type of data that will be used and how it will be collected (e.g., self-reported data from surveys, measures from standardized tools, observational data, etc.) should be included, along with information on quality assurance processes.

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10. Letter of support. Please submit one letter of support from a partner, a stakeholder, or a local organization endorsing the project activities. Project duration: 11. Proposed start date (yy-mm-dd): 12. Proposed end date (yy-mm-dd):

13. Project Activities and Timelines:

Activity Description Anticipated Start Date Anticipated End Date Outcome Results

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14. Have you previously applied for this grant? Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, please indicate year and amount granted:

15. Grant amount previously requested:

16. Additional Funding Sources: In-kind Include any in-kind support (both confirmed and anticipated) that will be given (e.g. commodities that may be provided rather than money). Provide a dollar amount, who is providing it, and what it will be used for.

Confirmed Source of In-Kind: Description of In-Kind Confirmed:

Associated dollar amount:

Anticipated Source of In-Kind: Description of In-Kind Anticipated:

Associated dollar amount:

Total In-Kind ($)

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17. Additional Funding Sources: Other Include any other sources of financial support (confirmed and anticipated) associated with your project, such as grants, donations, revenue from registration fees, etc. Provide the amount, who is providing it and what it will be used for.

Confirmed Additional Funding Source:

Description of Other Funds Confirmed:

Dollar Amount:

Anticipated Additional Funding Source:

Description of Other Funds Anticipated:

Dollar Amount:

Total Other Funds ($)

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18. Crime Prevention Conditional Grant Fund Request Include a breakdown of all associated costs and a detailed description/explanation of what funds will be used for.

Budget Items Explanation of Budget Items Amount Requested ($)

Total Expenses ($)

19. Total Project Cost Using the totals identified in the previous tables, identify the overall cost of the project.

Total In-Kind Funds

Total Other Funds

Total Crime Prevention Conditional Grant Fund Request

Overall Cost of Project

Completed applications must be submitted by email to [email protected].
