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‘Cries Wolf’ Post Production With Final Cut Pro

Page 2: Cries Wolf Post Production

Editing and transition techniques• We started the post production process by

uploading all our footage to Final Cut Pro and getting the shots into a chronological order. We did this so as to see the length of the film and choose the correct shots before refining the footage.

• We also started to experiment with the transitions to make the timing of the film better and to make the continuity match up between shots and scenes. We also used the to make the tempo of the action meet the atmosphere of the action better.

• By choosing the best of the footage to apply to the timeline first we could see what we had to work with and what we need to fix with editing later on.

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Soundtrack, Score and Sound Effects• When we began to add sound to the production we decided we needed music for

best representation reasons and to fuel the emotions of certain scenes. We also knew we would need to add certain sound effects to build suspense as well as make the production more realistic in certain places, with diegetic sound.

• We started by added a fast paced heart beat sound effect to the end of the film, and at the climax of it. This heightens the drama and add tension to the audience and well and making them want to continue to watch.

• We also added a door effect when the character enter to make it seem more realistic, as we had previously wiped the real world sound to place to soundtrack on.

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Soundtrack, Score and Sound Effects• We decided on fast paced music

for the party scene, as to excite the audience and become interested in the action. We chose Eric Prydz’s ‘Pjanoo’ (left) to accompany it and added it to the shots we chose.

• I, as director, worked with the editor to decide on a soundtrack for the running scene. This was important as it is the first scene the audience see, and must keep there attention. We took inspiration from scenes from ‘Trainspotting’ (1996) and ‘The Matrix Trilogy’ (1999).

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Visual Special Effects• One of the climaxes of the short film is a

scene where both protagonists are drugged. From pre-production we knew we wanted to use special effects to convey the state of mind the characters were in.

• Through the use of Final Cut Pro we used several blurs and distortions to transform the images we filmed into psychedelic and fantasy mirages.

• This coupled with music creates a unique and interesting effect on the audience and manipulates the images into the point of view of the protagonists.