Page 1: Creepfatigue crack growth and fracture mechanismsof T

Creep fatigue crack growth and fracturemechanisms of T/P91 power plant steel

F. Bassi, S. Foletti and A. Lo Conte*

List of symbolsa Crack length/mm

a0 Initial crack length/mmC Coefficient of the mean fit of da/dt vs C*, as

obtained from CCG testsC* Fracture mechanics parameter/MPa m h21

D Coefficient of the Paris law as obtained fromhigh temperature FCG tests

f Frequency/HzF Force/NK Stress intensity factor/MPa m0?5

m Coefficient of the Paris law as obtained fromHTF tests

N Number of cyclesR Load ratioq Coefficient of the mean fit of da/dt vs C*, as

obtained from CCG testst Time/h

T Temperature/uCW Nominal size of the CT specimen/mm

sref Reference stress/MPa_eeref Secondary creep strain rate at the reference

stress (1/h)

IntroductionThe worldwide demands of power generation industriessuch as process cost reductions, high efficiency andflexibility in operating and maintaining the plants leadto the necessity of reliable remaining life assessment atelevated temperatures for engineering components. In

particular, the continuous trend of higher operatingtemperatures, combined with the life extension ofexisting power plants, requires consistent experimentalinvestigation as well as analytical approaches able topredict material behaviour under operating conditions.

Considering either design codes, which generallyconsider defect free structures,1 and assessment codes2–5

which address flaws and their treatment, European andInternational programs have been undertaken in coopera-tion with several power generation companies. A detaileddescription of these collaborative programs, their objectivesand findings can be found in Ref. 6, where the historical andcurrent technical concepts are reported.

As far as the criteria for structural assessment inpresence of defects are concerned, the condition of hightemperature failure strongly calls for reliable data forthe design and in-service assessment.

In particular, loading situations related to hightemperature and cyclic loads due to rapid load changesor fast run-up must be taken into account in the designof such engineering components. Standard procedures1

can be applied when damage for creep and fatigue occurseparately during plant operation. On the contrary,when fatigue and creep damage interact each other, theunexpected onset of cracking and consequently reducedcomponent endurance can occur. Furthermore, incomplex situations when startups lead to rapid increaseon key operating parameters, such as temperature,pressures and mass flow, high thermal stresses can begenerated, mainly due to uneven temperature distribu-tion. This can cause an increased level of componentsstress, which has often a detrimental effect on materialdegradation and components life.

Under this difficult scenario, the understanding ofmaterials response to thermal–mechanical stresses, creepcrack growth, creep-fatigue damage mechanics and their

Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Via LaMasa 1, 20156, Milan, Italy

*Corresponding author, email [email protected]

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mutual interactions becomes extremely important for thedevelopment and application of reliable assessment models.

To address these items, the present paper deals withthe understanding and prediction of crack initiationand growth in the creep fatigue regime of P/T91 gradesteel. Considerable work in the past was focused on creep-fatigue crack formation,7,8 on test conditions finalised toprovide data that can be used such as material propertiesfor crack growth prediction in power plant components,9,10

and on phenomenological and physical approaches todescribe the effect of fatigue crack interaction.11,12

The aim of the research described in this paper is toreport the results of a dedicated experimental programto collect homogeneous experimental data of creep crackgrowth (CCG), high temperature fatigue (HTF), andcreep fatigue crack growth (CFCG) in order to gaininformation about how the crack behaviour of thismaterial, at the ongoing temperature of 600uC, isaffected by the creep fatigue interaction effect.

Microscopic features of the creep fatigue damage wereobserved along the crack path, on polished and etchedcross sections of the tested specimens. The dominantdamage mechanism is the formation of microvoids andmicrocracks associated with the crack tip, due to creepdeformation during the hold time.

In order to predict the experimentally measured crackgrowth rate, a simple summation rule is used. The applicationof the superposition model for the total crack growth ratecalculation is based on the creep crack growth rate and onhigh temperature fatigue crack growth rate, experimentallyobtained on the same batch of material used for creep fatiguecrack growth tests. The model well describes the observedbehaviour under creep fatigue loading.

Experimental methods

Material and specimen preparationThe tested material is a modified 9Cr-1Mo martensiticsteel (T/P91) widely used in pipes and boilers of powergeneration plants. Table 1 summarises tensile and creepproperties at room temperature and at the temperatureof 600uC chosen for the present investigation.13 Creepproperties were determined with dedicated tests, and twodifferent set of coefficients for Norton’s equation wereobtained at low and high stress levels.

The specimen geometry used for the experimentalprogram was the standard K inch Compact TensionC(T) specimen. The specimens were fatigue pre-crackedto an initial crack length to width ratio (a/W) of 0?47–0?48, under the condition of a load ratio R50?1 at roomtemperature. Subsequently side grooves, each one 10%of the thickness deep, were machined on the plane of thecrack propagation.

The specimens intended to be tested with potentialdrop measurements of the crack propagation were alsoequipped with an appropriate scheme of electrical leads.

Experimental program and procedureIn order to conduct the experimental program, bothelectrically actuated lever arm creep and servo-hydraulictest machines were used. The set-up of the electricallyactuated lever arm creep machine included: a convectionfurnace with three controlled zones, ensuring the requiredtemperature stability during the test, a DC potential dropsystem to monitor the crack initiation and propagation,14

and a load line extensometer to measure the load linedisplacement for experimental calculation of the C*fracture mechanics parameter (Fig. 1a). The set-up ofthe servo-hydraulic test machines included: a two zonesconvection furnace for the control of the temperatureduring the test, and a high temperature extensometer oftype ‘EPSILON 3548COD’ for monitoring crack exten-sion on the basis of the compliance method (Fig. 1b).

The matrix of the experimental program and of the testparameters is reported in Table 2. Creep crack growth(CCG) tests were all performed with the electricallyactuated lever arm machine, with different values of initialstress intensity factor, according to ASTM E1457.15 Hightemperature FCG tests were all performed with the servo-hydraulic machine, at the initial magnitude of the stressintensity factor of 17 MPa m1/2, with load ratios of R50?1,and 0?7 and with loading frequencies of 1 and 10 Hz. Theprocedure was in accordance with ASTM E647-13.16

Creep Fatigue Crack Growth (CFCG) tests were per-formed according to ASTM 2760-10.17 with the cyclicloading shown in Fig. 2. For all tests the maximummagnitude of the stress intensity factor was of 23 MPa m1/2

and, the load ratio R equal to 0?1, while the hold timeswere 0?1, 1, and 10 h. As reported in Table 2, the condition‘0?1 h of hold time’ was tested both using the electricallyactuated lever arm machine, with DCPD monitoring of thecrack length, and using the servo-hydraulic machine, withcompliance measurement of the crack length. All theexperimental tests were carried out at 600¡1uC.

An example of a crack length versus time curve isreported in Fig. 3 for the CCG test with a value of Kinitial

equal to 18 MPa m1/2.. Fitting curve, crack length versustime, of all the tests gave the time (ti) corresponding tothe technical crack growth initiation Da50?2 mm, andthe corresponding crack growth rate expressed as da/dtor da/dN. At the end of the tests, specimens were brokenin liquid nitrogen. Half specimens were used forobservations of fracture surface and measurement ofthe initial and final crack length, according to thescheme shown in the detail of Fig. 3. The other specimenhalves were sectioned for SEM observations of thedamage along the path of crack propagation.

Table 1 T/P91 grade mechanical and creep properties at room/on going temperature

Property 24uC 600uC

Young’s modulus/GPa 200 167Yield strength/MPa 532 465Ultimate strength/MPa 708 517Low stresses (,120 MPa) Constant/(MPa)2n h21 … 2.7610214

Norton parameters Exponent … 4High stresses (.120 MPa) Constant/(MPa)2n h21 … 2.2610239

Norton parameters Exponent … 16105 h creep strength/MPa … 90

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Results and discussion

Crack propagationThe creep fatigue curves for the different examined holdtimes are reported in Fig. 4. In this graph, and in thefollowing, a normalisation has been applied in order to fitdata in the range up to unity. All the tests have beenperformed at the same nominal range of the stressintensity factor (Kinitial, MAX523 MPa m1/2, R50?1). Acomparison with the creep crack growth test at compar-able nominal stress intensity factor (Kmax522 MPa m1/2)is also reported in the same figure. The diagram shows thatcreep fatigue loading conditions, with hold times of 1 hand 10 h, lead to curves matching well the curve obtainedapplying creep loading, without fatigue interaction; while

in creep fatigue loading, with hold time of 0?1 h, the crackbehaviour shows a strong effect of the cyclic loading.Crack propagation during creep-fatigue tests is describedin terms of the fracture mechanics parameter C*. Figure 5shows the results of crack propagation rate versus C*parameter for the creep-fatigue tests compared with results

Table 2 Experimental program and test parameters

Test type Set-up T/uC a0/W R (Fmin/Fmax) Kinitial, MAX/MPa m1/2 f/Hz thold/h

CCG Electrically actuated 600 0.45–0.5 … 15 … …… 20 … …… 22 … …… 28 … …

FCG Servo-hydraulic 600 0.3–0.35 0.1 17 1 …0.1 10 …0.7 1 …0.7 10 …

CFCG Electrically actuated 600 0.48 0.1 23 … 0.1Servo-hydraulic 0.31 … 0.1Electrically actuated 0.5 … 1Electrically actuated 0.48 … 10

2 Cyclic loading for CFCG tests

3 Crack length versus time curve for CCG test with Kinitial

equal to 18 MPa m1/2 and detail of fracture surface

1 Experimental set-up: a electrically actuated lever arm machine with PD measurements of crack growth and b servo-

hydraulic machine with high temperature extensometer for measurements of crack growth by compliance method

Page 4: Creepfatigue crack growth and fracture mechanismsof T

of creep crack growth tests. The cyclic loading seems tohave only an influence in the initial phase of the test. Theinteraction of cycling loading with the blunting of crack tipresults in a reduction of the C* parameter and of therelated creep crack growth rate at which crack growthstarts, and in a less evident nose shape of the crackpropagation rate versus C* parameter. This effect wasobserved for all the investigated values of hold time. On theother hand, the relationship between crack growth rateand C* for creep fatigue is well fitted by the average curveand the scatter band of the creep crack growth rate.

The results of creep fatigue tests are also compared withresults of high temperature fatigue tests. Figure 6 shows thecreep fatigue curve, R50?1, and hold time of 0?1 h,compared with the pure fatigue curve obtained with thesame load cycle and f51 Hz; Fig. 7 reports the Parisdiagram for the material. It is evident that the creep fatiguebehaviour cannot be described by the Paris law. Withincreasing hold time, time dependent effects becameimportant and an increase in the cyclic growth rate isobserved with respect to the prediction of the Paris law.

Crack growth mechanismMicroscopic features of the creep fatigue damage wereobserved along the crack path, on polished and etched crosssections of the tested specimens. As shown in Fig. 8 forcreep fatigue tests with 0?1 h of hold time, the creep fatiguecrack front is highly bifurcated (detail A and B), and thecracks appear widely opened and filled with oxide (detail C).The dominant damage mechanism is the formation ofmicrovoids and microcracks (detail D), due to creepdeformation during the hold time. Under cyclic loading,the creep damage along the crack path accounts for a creepfatigue crack propagation at lower level C* values, withrespect to the creep crack growth at the same initial stressintensity factor, as observed in Fig. 5. At the same timecreep damage along the crack path also accounts for anincrease of the crack growth rate with increasing hold timeand stress intensity factor as observed in Fig. 7.

Creep-fatigue superposition modelThe description of creep fatigue crack growth as asimple linear summation rule, on the basis of purecreep and high temperature fatigue contents has beensuccessfully proposed.17,18 For creep ductile materialsthe following equation was proposed

4 Crack propagation versus normalised time for CFCG

tests at Kinitial,MAX523 MPa m0?5, R50?1, and for CCG

test at K522 MPam0?5

5 Crack propagation rate versus C* parameter: CFCG

tests and CCG tests

6 Crack propagation versus normalised number of cycles

for CFCG tests with hold time equal to 0?1 h and for

FCG tests at f51 Hz: for both tests K MAX5

23 MPa m1/2, R50?1

7 Normalised crack propagation rate versus DK: experi-

mental range for CFCG tests and results of FCG tests

Page 5: Creepfatigue crack growth and fracture mechanismsof T


dN~CDKmztholdD C�ð Þq (1)

The first term is the pure fatigue contribution, where Cand m are the coefficients of the Paris law as obtainedfrom HTF tests (Fig. 7). The second term is the creepcontribution, where thold is the hold time, D and q arethe coefficients of the mean fit of da/dt versus C*, asobtained from high temperature FCG tests (Fig. 5).

Figure 9 shows the prediction of the crack growth ratefor creep fatigue tests at different hold times accordingto equation (1).

The initial value of the maximum stress intensityfactor has been fixed at 23 MPa m0?5, with a ratioR50?1, while the C* parameter has been evaluated as

C�~sref _eerefK


� �2


where sref is the reference stress for the CT specimen5

and _eeref is the secondary creep strain rate obtained onthe basis of the Norton law of the material (see Table 1).

The experimental creep fatigue crack propagation foreach test is the value of crack propagation immediatelyafter crack initiation.

8 SEM observations of creep fatigue damage along crack front for creep fatigue tests with 0?1 hold time; top: crack front

from tip of fatigue precrack, on left, to end of creep fatigue propagation, on right; detail A: bifurcation of crack at start

of creep fatigue propagation; detail B: back scattering image of creep damage along crack front; detail C: after etching

cracks appear widely opened and filled with oxide; detail D Voids and microcracks characterise creep fatigue damage

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The comparison between the experimentally deter-mined values and the predicted ones shows that thesimple superposition of high temperature fatigue crackgrowth and creep crack growth well describes thebehaviour under creep fatigue loading. It is worthnoting that, both the HTF tests and the CCG tests wereperformed on the same batch of material used for thecreep fatigue tests. Moreover, the trend of Fig. 9suggests that the investigated values of holding time fallin the pure HTF regime (0?1 h) or in the pure CCGregime (1 and 10 h). For holding time between 0?1 and1 h a cycle/time dependent transition can be expected.

In this range an interaction term in the equation (1)should be required in order to match the creep fatiguegrowth rate. According to the operation cycle ofcomponents, for which the investigated material is used,experimental tests can be planned to investigate thisrange of holding time and to evaluate this hypothesis.

ConclusionsIn this paper creep fatigue crack growth tests for P91material, conducted at 600uC on standard C(T) speci-mens with 0?1, 1 and 10 h hold times, have beenpresented.

The interaction of cyclic loading with the crack tipblunting resulted in a reduction of the C* parameter andthe related creep crack growth at which the crack growthstarts, but the relationship between crack growth rateand C* parameter obtained on the basis of CCG tests isstill valid for creep fatigue crack growth rate.

From the SEM analysis of polished and etched cross-sections along the crack paths of the tested specimens,it is revealed that the dominant damage mechanism isthe formation of microvoids and microcracks ahead ofthe crack tip, due to creep deformation during the holdtime.

A simple superposition of fatigue crack growth rateand creep crack growth rate has been used to predictthe experimentally measured crack growth rate. Forthe investigated values of hold time, the application ofa superposition model based on CCG data and HTFdata experimentally obtained on the same batch ofmaterial used for creep fatigue crack growth tests,

well describes the behaviour under creep fatigueloading.


The work is part of the activities within a researchproject, headed by Prof. S. Beretta, between theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnicodi Milano and Tenaris Dalmine. Dr. Mario Rossi,director of Tenaris Dalmine Research and DevelopmentCenter, is kindly acknowledged for the permission topublish this paper. The authors are especially grateful toProf. Stefano Beretta from Politecnico di Milano and DrMihaela E. Cristea from Dalmine R&D, for theirsupport during the development of the present work.

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9 Normalised creep-fatigue crack growth rate versus

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