Page 1: CREATURES AND BEINGS IN DR. WHO An Introduction. Creatures & Beings  Cruising the Galaxy and hopping through time just wouldn’t be much fun if there


An Introduction

Page 2: CREATURES AND BEINGS IN DR. WHO An Introduction. Creatures & Beings  Cruising the Galaxy and hopping through time just wouldn’t be much fun if there

Creatures & Beings

Cruising the Galaxy and hopping through time just wouldn’t be much fun if there weren’t non-human beings to keep things interesting.

The following is a brief introduction to those found in the recent Dr. Who series.

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The Atraxi are a group of Galactic Policemen. They made their first appearance in The Eleventh Hour. The Atraxi resemble giant eyeballs who are connected onto the bottom of their crystal/shard-like spaceships . This eyeball is also used as a type of searchlight. In the Eleventh Hour, the Atraxi threatened to incinerate Earth unless they find Prisoner Zero.


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They sealed Earth in a force field so they could "boil" the planet in 20 minutes. The Doctor created a computer virus/message and got Jeff and team of geniuses to send the message worldwide on everything to give the Atraxi a hint where Prisoner Zero was, that they can trace which led to the phone the Doctor had. Once the Doctor got Prisoner Zero into its normal form, the Atraxi constrained it and it disappeared (possibly killed or imprisoned).

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The Atraxi left but where brought back by the Doctor due to Article 57 of the Shadow Proclamation and why they were going to burn Earth. After the Doctor asked them if Earth is a threat to them, if the people were guilty of any crime of the Atraxi law and is the planet protected (showing various aliens and enemies from the Doctor's life) and what happened to them, the Atraxi left Earth.


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Prisoner Zero

Unknown Home



Almost anything

Weaknesses: Unknown

Lovely choppers on these girls!

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Prisoner Zero is one of an interdimensional multi-form species, who, having created a psychic link to a living but dormant creature, can then copy the appearance of that creature or of anything they dream about. Coma patients provide the perfect live feed: Prisoner Zero hides in the dreams of the living dead.

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The being's natural form is gelatinous, a snakelike mass of glowing tendrils with a mouth full of sharp teeth. It's capable of creating a perception filter to stop itself being seen, or to hide anything it wants to hide.

The Doctor and Prisoner Zero

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The Daleks

Home Planet Skaro Appearance Kaled mutations in robot-like mechanical shells Weaknesses Reliance on logic & machinery First Appearance: The Daleks Doctor: First Doctor Last Appearance: The Wedding of River Song


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The Daleks were created by the Kaled scientist, Davros as travel machines. He had deduced that the years of radiation and chemical poisoning from an ongoing war would lead his race to mutate into immobile organisms.

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The Dalek travel machines would house these creatures and allow the Kaleds to survive. However, in the course of his experiments, Davros deliberately removed what he considered to be debilitating emotions from the mutants and a force of evil was spawned!

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The Daleks were born without any ability to feel compassion or pity and were motivated only by hate, fear and an implacable belief that they were the superior creatures in the Universe.


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They have battled the Doctor many times throughout the centuries, with confrontations on Earth, Skaro and planets right across the universe from Exxilon to Spiridon. Powerful, pitiless and with a genius for warfare they have proven fearsome opponents for the Doctor but he has always managed to protect humanity from their attacks.



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Cybermen Home Planet

Earth/Mondas Appearance Impassive faced. Steel giants. Awesome. Weaknesses Susceptible to electromagnetic bombs and Dalek fire power.

CYBERMEN Ain’t he a beaut!

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The Cybermen were originally human beings, but gradually they replaced their weak mortal flesh with metal and plastic. In the process they lost their compassion, along with all other emotions.


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Originally from Mondas, Earth's twin planet, the Cybermen were thought to have died out in our universe. But when the Doctor visited a parallel world, he found they'd been created again there, by the insane genius John Lumic. These Cybermen sought to 'delete' all who stand in their way, and could electrocute with their touch.

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Home Environment Starship UK

Appearance Creepy mechanical men

Start to worry when The Smilers frown First


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The Smilers are androids, mounted in booths all across the space faring version of Britain that left Earth in the 29th Century. They let people know what's good and what's bad. The terrified population keep them clean. Their heads can rotate to show three faces: happy; warning or very dangerous indeed.

And if things get very dangerous, the Smilers can leave their booths and move around. They're actually androids, an extension of the 'starship's' security system.


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Weeping Angels

Other Names The Lonely Assassins

Home Planet Unknown Appearance Winged Humanoid Statue

Weaknesses If they see each other they turn into stone.


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Very nearly as old as the Universe itself, the Weeping Angels, or Lonely Assassins as they are sometimes known, are a species of fanged, winged humanoids.

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Possessing a natural and unique defence mechanism, the Angels are quantum locked. This means that they can only move when no other living creature, including their own kind, is looking at them. As soon as they are observed, they instantly turn to stone and cannot be killed.

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The Angels have the ability to send other beings into the past. This allows the Angels to feed on the potential time energy of what would have been the rest of their victim's lives.

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Vampires of Venice

Other Names Sisters of the Water

Home Planet Saturnyne True

Appearance Not pretty

Weaknesses Aversion to sunlight

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The true form of such creatures is a dark, leathery beast, something like a shark.

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There really are vampires: the Doctor's met them. But the vampires of Venice are something else: sea-dwelling refugees from the destroyed world of Saturnyne.

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They hide that body beneath a perception filter that manipulates the brainwaves of whoever's looking at them. Which means that sometimes you won't see them in mirrors. But a human's sense of self preservation means they're always aware of the fangs.

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In their natural form these vicious predators live underwater.

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Silurians Other Names Homo

reptilia Home Planet Earth Appearance Green reptilian humanoid Start to worry when They start moaning about 'stinking apes'. And looking in your direction.

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The Silurians (Homo reptilia) were Earth's first intelligent inhabitants, cold-blood reptilians with a lifespan of over three centuries who developed a civiliZation at least 300 million years before human beings evolved.


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Silurian astronomers predicated the arrival of a minor planet would devastate Earth, and so the species went into hibernation, with one genetic line being left as caretakers while the others slept. Time hid their cities underground, while the minor planet became Earth's moon.

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The End---for now

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