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Page 1: Creation of lyrics sheet


Tia kelly-Hunnigale

Page 2: Creation of lyrics sheet


Firstly I found a picture of a brick wall. I chose a brick wall because this would be an appropriate background for the graffiti we used for the ‘Alrite still’ title. The urban style of the band is expressed through the graffiti on the brick wall.

Page 3: Creation of lyrics sheet


The graffiti was done on a website called where I was able to create this graffiti writing to place on the wall to give the effect that somebody had sprayed the graffiti on the wall. This is also the title of our track list. I chose these colours for the band because they express their playful nature. I also think the style of writing is easy to read once it is placed on the brick wall.

Page 4: Creation of lyrics sheet

Improving the graffiti

Firstly I put the graffiti onto the brick wall to see if the colours of the graffiti worked well with the background. Once I saw that it did, I began cropping the white background so I could put it on the brick wall background.

I cropped the white out by using a cutting tool on Photoshop and highlighting the section I want to delete and the I used the dragging tool and drag it away before deleting it.

I selected every white section around the graffiti carefully to give it a clear background.

After removing all of the white bits the background was clear I moved it along to the brick wall.

I dragged the graffiti onto the wall but because the graffiti looked so smooth and the brick wall was textures I took the graffiti back to layer1 and created a texture on it so that it would look more like the graffiti had been done on the wall. I then dragged it back onto the wall.

Page 5: Creation of lyrics sheet


• This is the final result and then we will add the lyrics underneath using word.
