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  • Creating a Single Enterprise View of Your Organization Through BI Regardless of Data Source Rob Tenhundfeld Business Intelligence Solution Specialist
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  • Lets start with a (not so) simple question. How is my new brand doing? More specifically, How much have I sold, how is it impacting my support operations and what percentage of my total revenue is it generating?
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  • BI Challenges Today Siloed Fragmented Inconsistent Report-centric Restricted Unintuitive Hasnt the promise of BI been there for the past decade?
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  • Pervasive use Analysts Real-time, predictive dataHistorical data Insight-driven business process optimization Reporting results To:From: Unified infrastructure & prebuilt analytic solutions Analytic tools The Evolving Role of BI Unified, enterprise view Fragmented view Separate BI, CPMIntegrated Performance Mgmt
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  • Oracle Business Intelligence Comprehensive, Integrated, Best-of-Breed BI Solutions Oracle BI Suite Oracle BI Applications Oracle Data Warehousing Enterprise-wide, Industry-Specific Analytic Applications Best-of-Breed, Next Generation BI platform Complete data warehousing solution
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  • Oracle is the Worldwide Leader in Business Analytics #1 in Analytic Applications - IDC One of the most comprehensive and innovative BI platforms Leaders Quadrant- Gartner #1 in DW Tools - IDC Oracle BI Suite Oracle BI Applications Oracle Data Warehousing Sources: IDC and Gartner
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  • Oracles Answer To Silo BI: Oracle BI Enterprise Edition
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  • Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition Foundation for BI in Fusion Based on technology from Siebel, Hyperion and Oracle Siebel was fastest growing BI vendor, averaging 50%+ annual growth over the last 5 years Comprehensive, next-generation BI platform Pervasive intelligence for all users Integrated and Hot-Pluggable architecture With the acquisition of Siebel, Oracle find themselves as the owners of one of the most exciting BI solutions available at present. Bloor Research With the acquisition of Siebel, Oracle find themselves as the owners of one of the most exciting BI solutions available at present. Bloor Research
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  • Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition OLTP & ODS Systems Data Warehouse Data Mart SAP, Oracle PeopleSoft, Siebel, Custom Apps Files Excel XML Business Process Oracle BI Server Common Enterprise Information Model Reporting & Publishing Ad hoc Analysis Proactive Detection and Alerts Microsoft Office Interactive Dashboards Advantages : Consolidate and standardize BI tools Unified BI metadata and infrastructure Seamless BI user experience
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  • Primary BI EE End User Options Complete Range of Insight Delivery Capabilities Oracle Delivers Guided experience leads user from insight to action Intuitive and interactive dashboards/scorecards Personalized, function-specific and role-based Oracle Interactive Dashboards Oracle Answers Ad-hoc data exploration True business user self sufficiency Create, modify and author analysis, pivots and dashboards Dynamic problem/opportunity detection and notification Automated analytic workflows and processes Tailored delivery for wide range of mobile devices Oracle Reporting & Publishing Schedule & distribute enterprise-class reports Sophisticate pixel-perfect report layout controls
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  • Powerful Insight Across Data Sources Simplify analysis of distributed data Point and click access to information spanning multiple physical sources Users interact with simplified model Shielded from complex physical data Complete and timely information Real-time and historical data Enables high value cross- departmental analysis Show me sales through today for my highest value customers. Assure sufficient inventory to fulfill orders. Data Warehouse ODS / Operational Historical Sales (through yesterday) Todays Sales Inventory System Current Inventory Oracle BI Server Intelligent Request Generation
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  • OBIEE Multi-Source BI
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  • Web Server (IIS, Tomcat, Websphere, iPlanet) Oracle BI Server Intelligent Request Generation Externalized Authentication Oracle BI EE Architecture Data Source Adapters Navigator Logical Request Generation Aggregate Navigator Fragmentation Optimization Multi-Pass / Sub-Request Logic Optimized Query Rewrites Session Management Metadata Interchange Logical SQL ODBC/JDBC (Logical Business Model) Cache Services LDAP DB Authentication Custom Authenticator Oracle BI Administration Analytical and Operational Data Sources Metadata Documentation Services Metadata Management Services Multi-User Development Services Server Management Services ODBC over TCP/IP (SSL) System / Perf Monitoring Oracle BI Cluster Controller ODBC, CLI, OCI, XML, MDX Oracle BI Web SOAP Web Services, XML and URL Interface Cache Services (Web) & Connection Mngmt XML Framework Web Catalog Service User Profiling, Security and Session Mngmt Oracle Interactive Dashboards Oracle Answers Load Balancer Security Services Query Govern. Oracle Delivers Server Scheduling/Event Services Agent Execution Logic Device Adaptive Content TCP/IP (SSL) Javascript for Usability & Interactivity Web Browser XML, HTML, XLS, PDF, TXT over HTTP/HTTPS External Applications and Portals HTML, SOAP over HTTP/HTTPS Execution Engine SAW Bridge (J2EE/ISAPI) TCP/IP (SSL)
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  • Web Server (IIS, Tomcat, Websphere, iPlanet) Oracle BI Server Intelligent Request Generation Externalized Authentication Data Source Adapters Navigator Logical Request Generation Aggregate Navigator Fragmentation Optimization Multi-Pass / Sub-Request Logic Optimized Query Rewrites Session Management Metadata Interchange Logical SQL ODBC/JDBC (Logical Business Model) Cache Services LDAP DB Authentication Custom Authenticator Oracle BI Administration Analytical and Operational Data Sources Metadata Documentation Services Metadata Management Services Multi-User Development Services Server Management Services ODBC over TCP/IP (SSL) System / Perf Monitoring Oracle BI Cluster Controller ODBC, CLI, OCI, XML, MDX Oracle BI Web SOAP Web Services, XML and URL Interface Cache Services (Web) & Connection Mngmt XML Framework Web Catalog Service User Profiling, Security and Session Mngmt Oracle Interactive Dashboards Oracle Answers Load Balancer Security Services Query Government Oracle Delivers Server Scheduling/Event Services Agent Execution Logic Device Adaptive Content TCP/IP (SSL) Javascript for Usability & Interactivity Web Browser XML, HTML, XLS, PDF, TXT over HTTP/HTTPS External Applications and Portals HTML, SOAP over HTTP/HTTPS Execution Engine SAW Bridge (J2EE/ISAPI) TCP/IP (SSL) Oracle BI EE Architecture
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  • Enterprise Business Model Administration Physical Layer Intelligent Request Generation Reads in system catalog Multiple sources Optimized SQL generation Regardless of Schema Function ship to appropriate data sources/Compensation DB2 Supply Chain DM Teradata OLAP Oracle ERP. XML Data Source SQL Server Acxiom Siebel Operational
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  • Enterprise Business Model Administration Business Model Layer Calculation Engine Physical complexity converted to logical subject areas Drill-Paths Complex/Derived Measures (Level-based, time series, dimension-specific, nested) Aggregate/Fragment Aware
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  • Enterprise Business Model Administration Presentation Layer Role-based, in context, personalized presentation Oracle Answers
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  • Web Server (IIS, Tomcat, Websphere, iPlanet) Oracle BI Server Intelligent Request Generation Externalized Authentication Oracle BI EE Architecture Data Source Adapters Navigator Logical Request Generation Aggregate Navigator Fragmentation Optimization Multi-Pass / Sub-Request Logic Optimized Query Rewrites Session Management Metadata Interchange Logical SQL ODBC/JDBC (Logical Business Model) Cache Services LDAP DB Authentication Custom Authenticator Oracle BI Administration Analytical and Operational Data Sources Metadata Documentation Services Metadata Management Services Multi-User Development Services Server Management Services ODBC over TCP/IP (SSL) System / Perf Monitoring Oracle BI Cluster Controller ODBC, CLI, OCI, XML, MDX Oracle BI Web SOAP Web Services, XML and URL Interface Cache Services (Web) & Connection Mngmt XML Framework Web Catalog Service User Profiling, Security and Session Mngmt Oracle Interactive Dashboards Oracle Answers Load Balancer Security Services Query Govern. Oracle Delivers Server Scheduling/Event Services Agent Execution Logic Device Adaptive Content TCP/IP (SSL) Javascript for Usability & Interactivity Web Browser XML, HTML, XLS, PDF, TXT over HTTP/HTTPS External Applications and Portals HTML, SOAP over HTTP/HTTPS Execution Engine SAW Bridge (J2EE/ISAPI) TCP/IP (SSL)
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  • Oracle BI Server Common Enterprise Information Model Simplified Logical Model The Oracle BI server presents as a logically modeled database enabling the Common Enterprise Information Model. This provides powerful calculation, computation and federation capabilities to 3 rd party tools as well as our own.
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  • A Day in the Life of a Query
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  • A logical request comes in asking for Brand, Closed Revenue (GL) Service Requests (Call Center) Share of Revenue (Derivation)
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  • A Day in the Life of a Query Oracle BI Server Cache The Server will check to see if this request can be fulfilled via a prior request using Server Cache. This is an on-demand intelligent shareable and secure cache that can support: Subsets, Aggregations and Derivations
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  • A Day in the Life of a Query Navigator If it is the request is cannot be fulfilled by cache then the server will intelligently process the request
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  • A Day in the Life of a Query Multi-Pass/Sub-Request Logic Does this analysis require sophisticated analysis such as an OLAP calculation? [Revenue Share] The Server will determine the best possible way to provide this calculation/computation
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  • A Day in the Life of a Query Fragmentation Optimization Does this request span across partitions or silos of data? [Closed Revenue and Service Requests] The server will determine based on the request if it should navigate to both or only one. It will automatically resolve fan traps.
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  • A Day in the Life of a Query Aggregate Navigator Is there an aggregate that can better satisfy this request versus hitting the detail? {Brand Summary Table} The Server will apply approprate summary redirection to provide the quickest response.
