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Kasie Mitchell

Walden Universtiy

Creating a Literate Environment

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Why is creating and having a literate environment so important? Based on my research I determined that , A literate environment is important in order to create a classroom of successful and motivated readers and writers (Tompkins, 2010).

It is imperitive to understand that the foundation of reading and writing begins long before the child enters Kindergarten. Reading and writing is a foundational skill and can determine the success of a student in future academics (Molden, 2007).

Why create a literate environment?

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I learned more about my students as learners.Completed reading assessmentsUsed the Framework for literacy instructionSelected texts that would be engaging.Created lessons that were appropriate for

students level.Allowed for interaction , critical thinking, and

response to text.

How did I create a literate environment?

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Page 5: Creating a literate environment

At the beginning of every school year teachers across the nation are assessing the reading level of their students.

Whether it is a struggling reader or an unmotivated reader the first step in getting to know the student is to assess for their

independent, instructional, and frustrational reading level (Affl erbach, 2012).

A book can take you away it can change your life, the better you know your students the better you can help them connect to a text and become lifelong learners (Laureate Education,


Getting to Know Literacy Learners

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Used an interest InventoryCompleted a Basic Reading InventorySelected engaging Open Conversations with students and


How did I get to know my literacy learners?

Student response journal entry.

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Johns, Jerry L., (2012). Basic Reading Inventory: Pre-Primer through Grade Twelve and Early Literacy Assessments

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Selecting Texts

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Text selection for students involves many different factors including genres, text structures, and text features, and difficulty (Tompkins, 2010).

In Analyzing and Selecting Texts, Dr. Hartman and Dr. Almasi presented a literacy matrix to help analyze and select texts for the students.  The matrix allows for texts to be considered in terms of narrative/informational, linguistic/semiotic, and levels of difficulty (Laureate Education, 2012b).

Selecting Engaging Texts

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My student is a huge fan of superheroes. I wanted to provide her with engaging text that incorporated her love of superheroes. I chose these texts because they allowed her to read independently or with shared reading.


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My school provides our students with a wide variety of printed texts and online programs.

My student was involved in using several reading programs to gain access to digital fiction and non fiction texts:

Raz KidsReading EggspressBookflix

Online Texts

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Media Chalk was created to provide an online, educational platform for digital storytelling and project-based learning. Unlike many of the educational websites today, which focus on aspects of gaming to attract student attention, MediaChalk uses age-appropriate images, stimulating music, and the thrill of creativity and originality to engage students in learning.

Media Chalk..Online Digital Story Telling

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Literacy Lessons

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The framework for literacy instruction includes 3 perspectives: interactive perspective, critical perspective, and response perspective (Walden University, 2009). In order to provide the best literacy instruction a teacher should pull from all 3 perspectives.

These perspectives create a well rounded reader by focusing on students learning to read and interacting with the text. Learning to read, for some students can be a challenging process and as a teacher we need to model good interaction with a text.

Literacy for the 21st Century reinforces the understanding that, reading is a process of creating meaning that involves the reader, a text, and personal experiences (Tompkins, 2010).

Students gain meaning of a text by relating to the information and using strategies they have learned. Getting students to read a text is just the first step. Equally important is, teaching students to examine and respond to a text. This process is necessary to create successful readers and writers.

3 Perspectives

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InteractivePre-assessment (including cognitive and noncognitive measures):Poll questions to review the concept of character traits.Use a KWL chart to discuss what she knows about heroes and their traits.Curricular Focus, Theme, or Subject Area: Character Traits

State/District Standards:

Students apply reading strategies to comprehend texts. They draw on their prior knowledge and experience to evaluate a text.Learning Objectives:

Students will access prior knowledge of character traits and apply their knowledge by defining traits of superheroes.Adaptations for ELLs, Students with Special Needs, and/or Struggling Readers:

Perspective(s) addressed in this lesson (Interactive, Critical, and/or Response):

Interactive PerspectiveTexts:

Superhero ABC by Bob McLeodOther Materials/Technology/Equipment/Resources:ELMO ( Document Camera)LiveLesson Room with Acrobat AdobeGrouping structures (one-on-one, small group, whole class): One on one

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Lesson Sequence

Learning Activities Assessment Opportunities

Introduction/Anticipatory SetStudent will enter the LiveLesson room for discussion. Review the prior knowledge of character traits. I will use examples of characters that they are familiar with , e.g Superman , Spiderman, Wonder woman, Thor, etc. Ask students to define the term superhero. The student will need to explain the usual traits and record all the adjectives they use for the description.

Ask student to use a Use a note pod like chart paper to allow student s to provide a definition of superhero. ( formative)Document answers on the KWL chart.

Building/Applying Knowledge and SkillsBefore reading the text ask: What information would you like to know about heros?Read the story Superhero ABC by Bob McLeod using the document camera. This story contains several types of heroes all with different abilities and character traits.

Document answers on the KWL chart.

Synthesis/Closure Ask Questions:What characters remind you of someone you know?What is the best way to describe that character?Would you want to be their friend?What makes their character traits better or different from other superheroes?What did you learn about character traits of superheroes?

Document answers on the KWL chart. Review concept if answers are not appropriate.

Extension/Enrichment/Transfer of Generalization of Knowledge: Student will write a statement explaining which character from the book was their favorite and why they like them. I will review for understanding of appropriate traits.

Interactive …continued

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Critical and Responsive

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Critical and Responsive….continued

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What insights did you gain about literacy and literacy instruction from viewing this presentation?

How might the information presented change your literacy practices and/or your literacy interactions with students?

In what ways can I support you in the literacy development of your students or children? How might you support me in my work with students or your children?

What questions do you have?


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Afflerbach, P. (2012). Understanding and using reading assessment, K–12 (2nd ed). Newark,DE: International Reading Association.

Boniface, William.(2006 )The Extraordinary Adventures of an Ordinary Boy. Harper Collins.

Holm, Jennifer.(2009). BabyMouse. Random House Children’s Books. Harper Collins.

Johns, Jerry L., (2012). Basic Reading Inventory: Pre-Primer through Grade Twelve and Early Literacy Assessments

Laureate Education, Inc. (2012a).  Literacy autobiographies [Video webcast].  In The Beginning Reader, Pre K-3.  Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (2012b).  Analyzing and selecting text [Video webcast].  In The Beginning Reader, Pre K-3.  Retrieved from

McLeod, Bob. ( 2006) Superhero ABC. Harper Collins Publishers.

Molden, K. (2007). Critical literacy, the right answer for the reading classroom: Strategies to move beyond comprehension for reading improvement. Reading Improvement, 44(1), 50–5

Tompkins, G. E. (2010). Literacy for the 21st century: A balanced approach (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon
