
PowerPoint Presentation

Create your first Access 2013 database Closed captions

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If you're new to Access,and you don't know how to design or build a database,all you need to do is use a template.Start Access, and it shows you the templates automatically.Or, if you already have Access running, click File, and then New.From here, you click the template that captures the kind of data you need to store.For example, if you need to manage asset data, click the Asset Tracking template.Give the database a name, choose a location if you want to, and click Create.When the template opens, click Enable Content, here.This allows the database to run all of its features, and you only have to do this once.Some of the templates help you get started.You can watch a couple videos, or click links for more help.From there, you just enter data, and press Tab, the arrow keys, or use your mouse to move to the next field.Moving to another field also saves your data. You never have to save it yourself.That's it. You don't need to know database design or change anything, but you may want to.For example, this list probably isn't what you need. The text is pretty generic.So to change it, click a cell. Not the header, an actual cell, then right-click and click Edit List Items.Enter the text you want, click OK, and now your categories make sense.This type of database is called a desktop database, and it only runs on your computer.If you need a database that runs on the web, you create an Access App, and I'll show you how in the next video.Press F5 to start, Esc to stop5123451234Course summaryHelp
