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The trend is our friend.

Digitalisation of Banking

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We are globally moving through

a period of fundamental

change: the digital transforma­

tion of society. CREALOGIX

identified this transition and the

trends at an early stage and

adapted its strategy accordingly.

We have the competencies to

successfully lead the journey of

our customers around the

globe into the digital future.

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Highlights.Annual results 2014/2015

Investments in development and differentiation of CREALOGIX products

Equity ratio

54.9 %




FY11 / 12 FY12 / 13 FY13 / 14 FY14 / 15



Product share of CREALOGIX revenue


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21 %

27 %

19 %

32 %

FY12 / 13FY11 / 12 FY13 / 14 FY14 / 15





32%International share of sales outside of Switzerland

FY14 / 15

FY13 / 14

FY12 / 13




FY11 / 12 220

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Digital transformation is on every management agenda – worldwide and across every sector. This development aligns with CREALOGIX’s portfolio. Our software products and solutions meet the current and future requirements of the financial industry. As the ‘Leader for the Digital Bank’ we are standing at the dawn of a new era. Our inter national expansion prepares the foundation for the continued growth of our company and also reinforces our position in our domestic markets.

Bruno Richle

Chairman of the Board of Directors

and CEO

A note from the CEO.

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Altimeter Group. Digital Trans­

formation Survey, 2014

The trend is our friend.

CREALOGIX is on an international growth path.

Signs of the times.

CREALOGIX was also well aware of this development. Thanks to its innovative offerings

for digital banking, digital payments and digital education, the group was able to use

this development to its benefit. In 2014 / 2015, the CREALOGIX Group was able to

proceed according to plan with its transformation into a next­generation, international

Fintech enterprise. Thanks to increased internationalisation and the investments made

in recent years, CREALOGIX is now competitive and, with its innovative products and

services, is able to support banks around the world with the prompt implementation

of their digital business models as an ‘Enabler for the Digital Banking Strategy’.

Just under 90 per cent of all companies are looking towards a digital change. This was the conclusion reached by a study on digital trans formation. It shows that the digitalisation of everyday life has long since started. This changes business processes, enables new business models and impacts entire industries. The music industry, the media sector and the photo business have already undergone fundamental changes – as well as the financial industry.

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CREALOGIX‘The Leader for the

Digital Bank’


New business models and processes.

The digitalisation of the private and commercial environment will continue indefinitely.

Companies around the globe will use the new technologies to offer their customers,

employees and other business partners more streamlined, convenient and efficient

processes. The concentration on the Customer Journey will certainly also lead to new

business models.

Digital banking already on track. 

There is barely a bank out there that is not reconsidering its business model. Shrinking

margins, increasing mobility, changing customer behaviour and constant regulation

changes play a significant role in this respect. A development that CREALOGIX antici­

pated in its digital banking strategy and for which it already offers a newly launched

portal platform, a modular, tried and tested solution. In the direct bank environment,

our continuously developed e­banking suite is a coveted solution that focuses on the

German market. Moreover, great importance is currently also ascribed to digital con­

sulting in financial issues, where CREALOGIX provides a premium solution in online

advisory services. Together with the latest security products, which have been audited

by external specialists, CREALOGIX already provides the solution for the digital bank

of the future.

New impetus in digital payment transactions.

The influence of digital transformation is also changing the method of payment. New

technologies and cloud solutions are leading to innovative offers. CREALOGIX is fo­

cused on payment transactions and is continuing to expand its offerings for banks,

companies and associations in line with the general trend. For example, CLX.Nova is

also provided as SaaS (Software as a Service). As a technology partner of Qontis AG,

CREALOGIX strengthened its position in Personal Finance Management (PFM) in the

Swiss market. New EBICS standards will be implemented for small and medium­sized

financial institutions in particular through the cooperation with Swisscom.

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BANKSneed to keep up the pace and change

CREALOGIXEnabler for the digital banking


Customer Perspective 

Change in customer behaviour and consumerisation

of technology

Market Perspective 

Digital Banking considered hottest issue and becoming priority investment focus

Banking  Business Model

Banking business model under pressure by margin erosion and disruptive innovations

CREALOGIX is the leader for digital banking


Learning independently of place and time.

Even learning is constantly becoming more digital. In many educational institutions,

these days, you are more likely to find a tablet than books. Entertaining and mobile

offerings also allow companies to provide new motivation when training and develop­

ing their employees. CREALOGIX’s wide range of offerings covers almost every area.

The most recent development is the linking of e­banking and e­learning: a response

to the banks training obligation towards its customers.

Digitalisation speaks for CREALOGIX. 

CREALOGIX is in the pole position thanks to the internationalisation measures and

investments introduced in the past three years. The success with the digital banking

offerings in the domestic market is also helping the group break through on the inter­

national stage. Its expertise means that CREALOGIX has the necessary competencies

to support companies in their digital transformation. After all, this transition is in full

swing and no company will be able to oppose it. CREALOGIX will benefit from this.

The Swiss ‘Enabler for the Digital Banking Strategy’ has opened up new horizons both

geographically as well as economically.

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77 per cent of bank customers in the UK use online or mobile banking at least once a month.

Source: BBA, The Way We Bank, 2014

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14.7 million

According to Gartner, 60 per cent of all bank transactions worldwide will be processed via a cloud in 2016.

Source: Gartner, Top Industries Predicts, 2014

To date, in excess of 14.7 million banking apps have been downloaded in the UK.

Source: BBA, The Way We Bank, 2014

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PwC, Retail Banking 2020 Report, 2014

‘The Leader for the Digital Bank’.

The financial industry is faced with a structural change worldwide, which will promote the con­tinued digitalisation of the banking business. As a leading solution provider for digital banking with initial large international projects and the start of expansion in growth markets, CREALOGIX has reached a milestone in the company’s global development.

The signs point to change.

Retail and private banking as well as asset managers around the globe are being con­

fronted with fundamental changes. The progressive mobility of the customer base, their

desire for everything to be available at all times, and the generational change from old

to new money require new services and offers. Regulatory measures are increasing

under the influence of FATCA, MiFID II and the full tax transparency required by the

OECD. Margins continue to erode.

Right solution at the right time.

It’s no surprise that 80 per cent of banks are currently questioning their organisational

structure. At the same time, new providers are emerging and are forcing their way

into the traditional value chain with new business models. The financial institutions

seem to recognise the signs of the times. Almost nine out of every 10 bank managers

surveyed around the world are of the opinion that the time for innovation is at hand.

And they are prepared to invest.

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To increase customer value.

CREALOGIX is ready for the digital bank of the next generation. It is the most compre­

hensive platform for digital banking across all channels. It combines state­of­the­art

internet banking with proactive client management modules. The portfolio of advanced

modules covers all functionalities that retail and private banks as well as asset managers

require to ensure a seamless offer. CREALOGIX offers a tried­and­tested solution for

cooperative asset management between the customer and the advisor.

The edge in security.

CREALOGIX also has the answer to the fact that 71 per cent of the bank CEOs surveyed

view cyber crime as the greatest insecurity in their business. CREALOGIX combines

forensic measures with the latest authentication methods and integrates additional

security measures with external components. CLX.MobileSecurity, developed in

cooperation with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the CN Lab,

ensures security on mobile devices.

Already in use.

The current CREALOGIX offering for digital banks is tried and tested and docks with a

range of back­office solutions. The open portal architecture is scalable and enables the

integration of external products. More than 10 products are already implemented at

national and international banks. CLX.E­Banking 2.0 can be adapted to every bank’s

strategy and is ready for use almost immediately.

The next stage.

In order to support the digital transformation of banks worldwide, CREALOGIX is now

also represented in Singapore, London and Vienna. The development of the digital

banking offer is focused on the portal and advisor functions as well as the cloud and

partner capabilities. A combination of digital banking and digital learning will be

introduced to the market shortly as a result of the new statutory duty of financial

institutions to provide vocational training. CREALOGIX, as ‘The Leader for the Digital

Bank’, is a step ahead.

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3 x


According to Gartner, the global volume of payments

processed via mobile banking will be three times higher

in 2017 than in 2013.

Source: Gartner / Statista, 2014

90 per cent of the mobile data transfer volume will be generated via software as a

service (SaaS) and cloud based business applications in 2018.

Source: Cisco VNI Mobile, 2014

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New impetus in digital payment transactions.

CLX.Nova, the new generation of financial software, is CREALOGIX’s logical response

to the trends in cross­platform and mobile business applications. Its multi­bank con­

nection means that it meets the requirements of companies and associations for pay­

ment transactions and is available as a cost­effective Software as a Service (SaaS)

solution. The feedback has been extremely positive and promising. This opens another

window of opportunity for CREALOGIX in this segment, as mobile payment and SaaS

offers are on the move worldwide.

CREALOGIX has also been a technology leader in digital payment transactions in

Switzerland for many years. Its slip scanners are the most popular tools in Swiss offices

and the CLX.FTX communication module is in high demand from software partners.

The CREALOGIX TB­Server is used in Switzerland’s leading banks. In order to keep

our customers up to date, we have already implemented the new data format for pay­

ments ISO 20022 and the transmission protocol EBICS in our solutions. Also being

implemented is the next generation of slip scanners, which, in future, will be able to

record the QR codes used on the new Swiss standard payment slip.

This consistent forward­looking strategy will ensure that CREALOGIX remains a strong

partner in payment transactions and financial management for companies and banks.

Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud applications will shape the payment transactions of the future. CREALOGIX has developed these segments. As a strong corporate and banking partner, it already offers solutions that meet the upcoming inter­national standards and requirements. The focus re­mains the same at CREALOGIX: maximum secur­ ity re quirements that at least equal security in the e­banking sector.

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New way of learning in the digital age.

Digitalisation has had a huge impact on education and learning. Educational institutions and companies are taking advantage of the benefits of education and training irrespective of time and location. The linking of e­learning and e­banking is the key to financial literacy in the banking world.

A total of 45 000 students and instructors from over 4 000 companies: this is the

current number of users in the CREALOGIX cloud based time2learn education plat­

form. CLX.Evento and CLX.Planer provide welcome support for efficiency increase

and performance improvement in campus management for colleges and universities.

Following an impressive start, the digital transformation is now constantly moving

forward for education and training. The desire for mobility, increased efficiency

in education and a new way of learning, made possible by technology, are rapidly

driving its development. Entertaining and social learning are setting new standards

and are increasing motivation.

Banks are being confronted by the increasing financial competence of their customers.

CREALOGIX has taken on this task, equipped with expertise in e­learning and digi­

tal banking. It discussed how the banking sector will be able to efficiently meet its

financial literacy and compliance obligations in an impressive presentation to a broad

range of international industry professionals at the Fintech event ‘Finovate Spring’

2014. Internet or mobile apps allow banks to load interactive e­learning modules as

part of a secure session.

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The e­learning market will increase annually by 23 per cent by 2017 and will thus see the strongest growth in the entire training sector.

Source: IBIS Capital, Global e­Learning Investment Review, 2013

According to Gartner, the market for mobile and e­learning will grow globally by 500 per cent between 2014 and 2020.

Source: Gartner / Statista, 2014

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At your doorstep.


CREALOGIX (Austria) GmbH

Herrengasse 1

1010 Vienna

    Great Britain


68 Lombard Street

London, EC3V 9LJ


Staple House, Staple Gardens

Winchester, SO23 8SR



80 Raffles Place

Level 35 UOB Plaza 1

Singapore 048624



Baslerstrasse 60

8048 Zurich

Länggassstrasse 7

3012 Bern

Rosengartenstrasse 6

8608 Bubikon


CREALOGIX (Deutschland) AG

Breitscheidstrasse 10

70174 Stuttgart

Kapuzinerstrasse 7a

80337 Munich

CREALOGIX worldwide

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Baslerstrasse 60

8048 Zurich

At your doorstep.



80 Raffles Place

Level 35 UOB Plaza 1

Singapore 048624

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The Leader for the Digital Bank.
