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I like the black white effect used on the photos, but I think that it still creates a hard picture.

I like the way the magazine cover has the photo of the main person involved in the magazine and the way the name of it works with the photo on the front. I also like it because it is like a poster more than a magazine cover as the is not much text on it. I think the colours work well for this magazine but I think there a bit to bold for my final product.

I’ve looked at this magazine cover and photos as they are very bold and stand out.

Theses are more of the colours I would use in the magazine as they are softer and pretty there is also the kind of photos that I would

use for it.

I’ve looked at the photos of artist from the genre of magazine I’m doing I’ve looked at the photos in the way they are taken and costume and also the setting of the photos.

This is not a music magazine but it the model is the artist in the genre of the music magazine I will be looking at. I’ve looked at the colour shame which is what I will probably use also the layout is very similar to what I’m going to do.

I’ve looked at the way the photos have been taken for example the angle, lighting and effects. Also the costume has a role too in the photos as it needs to fit in with theme and genre of the music.

This is a music magazine featuring Adele. The main focus is the picture in the middle and then added text which creates depth and makes the magazine look more interesting and makes you want to read it. I love the main title this is an idea for the text I could use on my own music magazine as it really captures your eye.

This is not a music magazine but it the model is the artist in the genre of the music magazine I will be looking at. I’ve looked at the colour shame which is what I will probably use also the layout is very similar to what I’m going to do.