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The University of Jordan

Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Department of Architecture

.....................قسم ....

Course Syllabus

Year : 2016/ 2015

Semester: 1st Fall

Course No. Course Title Prerequisite Co-requisite Credit Hours Lectures / Lab.

0902344 History and Theory of Contemporary Arch. 0902343 no

(3) Sec. 1 M W 9:30---11:00Sec. 2 S T Th. 13:00 – 14:00

Instructor Name e-mail Office No. Office ext. Office HoursDr.Omar Musa Naji Amireh amireh@ju,edu,jo A 309 22956 Check with instructor

Coordinator's Name:(if applicable) O M Amireh

Course Description

In the light of the conditions prevailing at the end of the nineteenth century has witnessed more rapid developments and advances in all fields of technology and building technology and materials than ever before in the history of mankind. Now on the beginning the twenty – first century, taking a look at the movements trends and architectural expressions of the end of the 19 th and the 20 th century becomes an illumination task. This course considers the highlights of this periods artistic and architectural achievements. Each of the movements or trends of this era is distinguished in its own way: in the context of its times and its surroundings by virtue of its vibrant achievements its innovative use of its materials, or its formal language.

One of the first tasks to be faced in this course is how to present the history and theory of this rich era, how to establish the beginning and the end and what to include and exclude. From the first lecture, the course will deal with these issues and will clarify how the course will narrate the whole story. Topics discussed during the course will include arts and Architecture movements, trends and application. Throughout the course aims to integrate the historical political and social context of art and architecture with the artistic and intellectual aspects.

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Course Objectives This course aims at sharpening students awareness arousing enthusiasm for art and architectural

innovations and promoting a sense of responsibility for the built environment. The course is intended to be the definitive history of the 20 th century architecture. It will attempt to

conclude and to answer the accumulative questions raised in the previous history courses. To reach certain results and simple criteria where one can read and evaluate the latest in the world of

art and architecture. To know where and what movements, trends and art and architecture applications are heading to in the near far future.

To figure out differences and similarities in art and architecture between the local, regional and international movements, trends and applications.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) and their Alignment with Program ILOs:Upon successful completion of this course, students expected to achieve the following learning outcomes:

Construct a sound background, which formulates a base for the developments of architectural knowledge. Enhance the students knowledge with the latest movements trends and applications which explore the

possibilities of architecture: its language, evolution and social relevance. Demonstrate how the 20 th century architectural evolution had undergone profound mutations. Develop appreciation and enjoyment of architecture time and place it may have come by whatever hands

made. Study the terms of architecture theory and history in a juxtaposed from.

The basic structure of the course consists of lectures supported by slideshow. Assignments are regularly presented to enhance students knowledge and to develop their ability to relate lectures to texts and references. Seminars are held and each group is expected to participate by presenting commentary and related Report and Research. 2 sites visits of certain architectural icon local and possible regional

Course Schedule:

Week Topics Topic Details Reference

1 DefinitionsWays of study

Course Syllabus Architectural Monopoly

Group, Dr Omar Lecture PPT.

2 Contemporary and Modernity

Architectural Monopoly Dr Omar Lecture PPT.

3 Modernity Frameworks

Beginnings, Causes and Formation Dr Omar Lecture

4 Modernity Concepts

Movements of Arts paved the way for the Modernity Emergence

Dr Omar Lecture

5 Modernity Application

Schools and Institutions Dr Omar Lecture

6 ModernityProperties

What it is About Dr Omar Lecture

7 Modernity Le Corbusier

8 Modernity+ Midterm Exam

Mies van der Rohe

9 Modernity Frank Lloyd wright

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10 Postmodern Michel Graves

11 Regionalism Charles Correa


Modern+Seminars Richard Maier

13 Hi tech+Seminars Norman Foster


Seminars Jack, Jacques Derrida

15 conclusions+Seminars

Assessment Methods:

Assessment method Grade CommentsMidterm Exam 30% 30%Research and Report and Participation

20% + 10% Bonus for field trips 5% each if possible!

Final exam 50%Total 100%

Alignment of Teaching and Learning Methods, Assessment and Course ILOs:

Teaching method Contact Hours

Assessed through ILOs numbers

Lectures 35 Exams Research 10 SeminarsVisits 4 Dialogue

Learning References:

1- Textbook (s):

2- References: Readings and related text books:Jencks, Charles: KROPT,, Karl (1991): theories and manifestations of contemporary Architecture, Academy Editions, chichester.

HEYNEN, hilde (1999): Architecture and modernity. Massachusetts institute of Technology, Cambridge.

HIEL-SILING, (sabine(2000)): the 20 th century icons of Architecture. Prestel, munich.

SPILLER, Neil (2006). Visionary Architecture: Blueprints of the modern imagination thames and Hudson, London.

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3- Other Resources:<<Labs, computer resources, lecture rooms needed for the course>>

Adams, laurie Schneider (2005): a history of western art. Mcgraw hill, Boston.Benevolo, Leonardo (1985). History of modern architecture. MIT Press, Cambridge.Constantinopoulos, Vivian (11992): lebbeus woods- Anarchitecture: architecture is a political act.Academy Editions, chichester

Frampton, Kenneth (1985): modern Architecture – A Critical history. Thames and Hudson, London.

Fletcher, Banister (1986): A history of art and architecture, Athlone pressiondon.

Gardner, Louise (2001) ART through Ages. Harcourt brace Jovanovich, New York.

GOSSEL, Peter; LEUTHAUDER, Gabriele (1991): architecture in the twentieth century. Taschen, Germany.

GOWING, Lawrence (1983): A history of art. Macmillan, London.

HONOUR, Huge; FLEMING, JOHN (1990): A world history of Art Macmillan, London.

JONSON, H.W (1991): History of Art, Sculpture, Architecture Art. H Harry N. Abrams, New York.

Course Policies1

Attendance Policy: University regulations apply to attendance.

Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty is an unacceptable mode of conduct will not be tolerated in any form at University of Jordan. All persons involved in academic dishonesty and plagiarism in any form will be disciplined in accordance with University rules and regulations.

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1O M A [email protected]

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