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Alexander The Great

“Alexander The Great”

Book By Tom McGowenPresentation By Kyle MacKinnon

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Time LineIn 348 B.C., Alexander was called upon to tame a horse that was said impossible to tame. Alexander snuck up behind it, grabbed it's reigns, and stopped the horse.

In 340 B.C., Alexander marched into cities in Greece, and persuaded them to give him soldiers. This is courageous because cities may attack him if he marches in with a small army. Is he friend or foe?

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Time Line 2In 335 B.C., Alexander marches up a hill where barbarians are rolling boulders and carts at his troops. Alexander sends his forces head on and dodges them at the last second. Once they made it up with no casualties, they caught the barbarians off guard and completely wiped them out.

In 335 B.C Alexander was trapped in between two cities. But just when it seemed all hope was lost Alexander had an idea. He and his troops charged at one of the armies and fired ballistics and catapults at people... something unheard of!

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Time Line 3

In 332 B.C Alexander had to go over a large pond to get to an enemy. They made a bridge over the lake while killing any armies who attacked, all at the same time!!!

In 334 B.C Alexander beat the Persians taking out one of their biggest forces head on! Some of his commanders saved him in battle by killing soldiers that got near!

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Time Line 4 In 329 B.C., Alexander the Great encountered a huge clliff that had a kingdom on the peak. Three hundred of his soldiers fearlessly volunteered to climb the cliff, which led to 30 of them falling to their deaths. But when the 270 survivors came up, the Scythions were terrified and surrendered.

In 326 B.C., Alexander is faced at the end of a river by the Indian Temple. If he moves his camp, they will follow and attack him. So one rainy night, Alexander led a small portion of his army to attack India, but the camp stayed there, so they would not be suspicious. Alexander then successfully attacked. This was a courageous act because Alexander did not have as many troops as he was comfortable with.

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Time Line 5

In 324 B.C Alexander claims he is a god. He also

commands that he will be treated like one. It is

courageous because if someone rejects believing he is a god, it may start a war!

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Alexander the Great was a determined man. You can describe him as being proactive as a leader of the military. For example, as soon as he became king, he went right away to get his armies and attacked and conquered land to fulfill the Greek destiny of conquering the world. First, he ruled Greece, then Persia, and he was determined to move on until his troops begged him to go back. After some disagreements, they finally started moving as a group. The journey took many years, so they were eager to go home. He was determined to do whatever necessary for his troops. And eventually he died while moving forward, trying to get home. His motto seemed to be “Never give up”, and he was determined to do anything he put his mind to.

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Alexander the Great was very courageous his entire life. It was said that he was be the first one in to battle. At 12 years old, he went up to an untamed horse, brought it in by it's reins, and rode it. Without courage, he wouldn't be attacking the cities and claiming land. Alexander said “I am leaving Greece to rule the Western world.” That is exactly why he left to conquer Persia, the enemy of Greece at the time. He was only 20 years old, and his troops followed him bravely because he had courage. He was not a fearful leader. He led by example. Alexander was not afraid to try new battle tactics. He also never put his sword down to surrender, even when looking at a possible defeat.

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YELLOW-IntelligentAlexander the Great always had a plan, and if he didn't, he made a plan on the spot. For example, when he was coming into Egypt, he used catapults to destroy part of a lower he had not expected to be there. Afterwards, he fitted logs underneath and burned the wall down. That plan gained Alexander entrance to a city in Egypt. Another intelligent thing that he did was that he tricked the Indians in to believing that his army was on one side of the lake, when they were on the other. That way Alexander's troops could defeat them from another side. His battle strategy caught the Indians completely off guard. If Alexander were not intelligent, then he would have no battle strategies, and if he had no battle strategies he would not have been able to conquer the western world. He needed intelligence to be the good king that he was.

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Special Place

Alexander the Great's special place is the world. It is the world because it was said to be his destiny to conquer it.

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I chose the sword because Alexander would do things by force since he was a king. Also he was a commander so he fought wars using the sword.

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Sword-Like Shrimp

Alexander The Great fought with the sword and also that was the award I gave him.

Persian Pasta

Alexander The Great's biggest and baddest enemy was Persia. But Alexander came through and won in the end.

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Fresh Red Wine

In Alexander's time wine was a very popular drink. Lots of grapes were grown in Greece.

Macedonian Milk Shakes

Alexander the Great was born in Macedonia and recruited most of his army there!

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Alexander's Apple Pie

Lighten the mood like Alexander with his famous apple pie!

Beautiful Baklava

A very yummy unchanged Greek style Baklava!