

Population: 34,482,779

Capital: ottawa

GDP: 40,370

Life expectancy:82

System of governance: Parliamentary Democracy

Description of governance:

Person in charge: Prime Minister- Stephen harper

History of governance: The Governance in Canada is a Parliamentary Democracy. The way it works is that there is a group of people called a Parliament who make decisions. Then there is also a prime minster who carries out the decisions.

In 1497, John Cabot, who was working for King Henry VII. Then, Canada was taken for France by Jacques Cartier in 1534. The actual beginning of New France was in 1604 and soon after that, in 1608, Quebec was founded. a conflict over the goods like fisheries and fur trade had developed between the French and English, and in 1713, New Foundland, Hudson Bay, and Nova Scotia were taken by the english. During the Seven Year War, British general James Wolfe won his victory over General Louis Montcalm on the outskirts of Quebec. In 1763, The Treaty of Paris gave England control over Canada.

Back then, the population was almost entirely French, but after a few decades, British colonists migrated to Canada. Soon, Canada’s right to govern itself was realized and by the British North America Act, Canada was created through the confederation of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Between 1866 and 1896, the Conservative Party, governed over Canada. In 1896, the Liberal Party took control and governed till1911. In 1931, British dominians, including Canada, were formally declared partner nations. Finally, Canada had a prime minister.


Canada: Geography, History, and Government. (2000). Retrieved January 11, 2013, from World website: A0107386.html#Government
