

MARCH 1 , 2015


March 1, 2015


PROGRAM NEEDS:CACREP (2009) STANDARDS--SECTION AA4. Assessment of student learning and performance on

professional identity, professional practice, and program area standards.

5. Evidence of the use of findings to inform program modifications. Portfolios supply data for program evaluation purposes,

showing how well students are performing in different areas and thereby how the program might improve.

STUDENT BENEFITS: Clarity of the KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS gained as a

graduate of a CACREP-accredited program Ability to speak clearly to best-practice standards in

professional school/mental health counseling Strengthened professional identity through synthesis of

knowledge and skills as each student develops her or his personal presentation of mastery in the portfolio

March 1, 2015

When should I start?

Now. Or sooner!All student work should be kept (and backed up with digital

copies) as the student will be responsible for choosing the artifacts that best reflect mastery of each program area standard.

Cover sheets for each section act as a “map” through the standards associated with that section, and may be completed as soon as the student has demonstrated mastery of those standards.

Some portfolio sections will not be able to be completed until the student’s final semester, depending on the timing of internship, comps and seminar or thesis.

Program faculty are revising signature projects, assignments, assessments, and experiences as we learn from each semester’s graduates what could be improved. In this way, the portfolio process reflects our continual assessment and revision.

March 1, 2015

May I complete a digital portfolio?

Currently the portfolio must be handed in as a physical copy. (Most students are using a 3” binder).

In the future, we will be transitioning to a digital platform where artifacts will be uploaded.

Students should check with their advisor during each of the last 2-3 semesters of study to assess progress and answer questions.

March 1, 2015

What are the major sections of the portfolio?

Professional Resume/vita Employment cover letter Professional membership verification (ACA, ASCA) Professional Liability

Academic Degree plan (Program of Study) Program Objective Assessment (12 sub-sections)

Developmental Comprehensive Exam Scores Clinical logs: practicum and internship CTPA summary table and all copies NCE, Praxis

March 1, 2015

What are the major sections of the portfolio?

Professional Resume/vita Employment cover letter Professional membership verification (ACA, ASCA) Professional Liability

March 1, 2015

What are the major sections of the portfolio?

Developmental Comprehensive Exam Scores Clinical logs: practicum and internship CTPA summary table and all copies NCE, Praxis

March 1, 2015

What are the major sections of the portfolio?

Academic Degree plan (Program of Study) Program Objective Assessment (12 sub-sections)

March 1, 2015


Creating the Program Objective Assessment Sub-sections Each section will require a 1-5 page narrative “map”

Describe where and how associated II.G. standards were learned Describe the specific artifact(s) evidencing mastery of EACH program

area standard. Students should show only the program area standards related to their

degree. SC=school counseling; CMHC=mental health counseling It is the student’s responsibility to select the artifact (or artifacts) that

demonstrate mastery. Faculty suggested artifacts are only suggestions!

Related artifacts should be included in the section first referencing the artifact If later sections utilize the artifact again, just describe in the narrative

where it can be found (e.g. “. . .is evidenced in my Ethical Dilemma Paper (located in Objective 1 Professional Orientation and Identity).”)

Advisors may ask for additional artifacts to be created (as an “assignment”) for standards insufficiently demonstrated.

Please meet with your advisor early in the process!

March 1, 2015

Example of Section 1 for discussion

Remember if there is no grey box to the right, this section is descriptive only (II.G. standards) This will require only a narrative description of where

and how you learned these in your program.

If the standard has a grey box to the right for your advisor to evaluate, it requires you to have an artifact demonstrating mastery! Use the narrative portion to guide your advisor

through each standard to where the evidence of mastery can be found in your artifacts.

March 1, 2015

What will my portfolio LOOK like? (SECTION II)

Program Objective Assessment Objective 1

I learned about counselor development. . . Evidence of standard CMHC A.4. can be found in my paper. . .

Student’s narrative guide through standards

COU 751Personal Theory PaperStudent’s nameDate

Text of paperLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vulputate porta cursus. Phasellus pretium id neque ut porta. Nullam quis tincidunt tellus. In ac gravida dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam venenatis lorem quis felis ultricies sollicitudin. Morbi ipsum sem, tempus non dictum at, venenatis in sapien. Aliquam molestie et ligula vel auctor. Vestibulum id mauris aliquet nulla sagittis dictum vel ut velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam eget ex tincidunt, vulputate lectus ac, luctus justo. Nulla ut augue posuere lectus viverra auctor. Morbi nec leo arcu. Suspendisse vestibulum quis tellus eget porttitor.

Artifacts containing evidence of mastery

Repeat above for Program Objective Assessment Objectives 2-12

March 1, 2015


Keep all class projects as possible artifacts. Review your syllabus in each class for ideas on what standards will be addressed in that class. Each syllabus is already linked to specific CACREP standards! Check in with your professor if a course doesn’t seem to be

providing you with an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of a given standard associated with that course!

Begin assembling your portfolio well before your last semester. Seminar class provides portfolio support, and you’ll be

required to meet with your advisor for a signature during that course, but we suggest you don’t wait!

Meet with your advisor to review an entire section of your portfolio if possible, so that you know you’re on the right track.

March 1, 2015


Thank you for being here!
