  • The Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin

    Council MeetingMay 1, 2019

  • Members of the public must request permission to use cameras, flash bulbs, recording equipment, and any other device of a mechanical or similar nature used for transcribing or recording proceedings subject to the approval and/or direction of the Chair/Presiding Officer and/or Council


    AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, May 1, 2019 9:00 a.m.

    Municipal Office 7 Third Avenue Whitney, Ontario 1. Open Meeting/Call to order – 9:00 a.m.

    2. Additions / Amendments to the Agenda

    3. Adoption of the Agenda

    4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

    5. Petitions, Delegations and/or Presentations

    Presentations: • Steve McArthur/MPAC - Assessment 101 Refresher • Jeffrey Kolibash/CMHC - Social Housing Presentation

    Delegation: • South Algonquin Business Association - Downtown Revitalization Grant - MOVED TO


    6. Minutes of Previous Meetings (s) • Adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 3, 2019

    7. Business Arising from the Minutes 8. Unfinished Business

    9. Committee, Staff and/or Councillor Reports

    10. Correspondence – Action Items

    11. Correspondence – Information Items

    12. New Business

    13. Motions of Council

    14. Notice of Motions

    15. By-Laws

    • Tax Ratios • Tax Rates • Hall Rental Rates

    16. Resolution to Move into a “Closed Session”

    17. Payment of Accounts

    18. Adjournment

  • 1

    April 3, 2019 COUNCIL MEETING – MINUTES On Wednesday, April 3, 2019 the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin held a Regular Council Meeting.

    Present- Mayor Dumas Staff- Holly Hayes, CAO/ Clerk Treasurer Recording SecretaryCouncillor Sandra Collins Dave Gatley, Works SuperintendentCouncillor Joe Florent Councillor Dave Harper Councillor Bongo Mike Kalimin Councillor Richard Shalla Councillor Joey Vermaire

    1. OPEN MEETING/CALL MEETING TO ORDER:Mayor Jane Dumas called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.

    H. Hayes noted that there was no recording secretary and that she would be preparing theminutes.

    Mayor Dumas welcomed the Sr. Classes of St. Martin and Whitney Public School and asked all members of Council and Staff to introduce themselves to the group. Jessica Poff requested permission to take photos of the students for their school social media accounts.


    3. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDAMoved by: D. Harper Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-062 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the Agenda as circulated for the Regular Council meeting of April 3, 2019.” -Carried-



    6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGMoved by: J. Florent Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-063 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of March 6th, 2019 as circulated.” -Carried-

    Moved by: J. Florent Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-064 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Emergency Services meeting of March 19th, 2019 as circulated and amended.” -Carried-

    Moved by: S. Collins Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-065

  • 2

    “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Social and Health Services Meeting of March 19th, 2019 as circulated.” -Carried-

    Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: S. Collins Res. # 19-066 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment meeting of March 20th, 2019 as circulated.” -Carried-

    Moved by: B. M. Kalimin Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-067 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of Economic Development meeting of March 20th, 2019 as circulated.” -Carried-

    Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-068 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Closed Session of the Human Resources/Administration/Public Relations meeting of March 20th, 2019 as presented at the table.” -Carried-


    B. M. Kalimin requested clarification regarding why passing all three readings of a by-law inone meeting is permitted. Council discussed/clarified this item.



    M&L Parks and Recreation Committee: Requested that Township purchase curling equipment for use within the M&L Hall, determined that the request should be brought to the Asset Management Committee.

    Discussion confirming that the Township will sponsor those willing to complete Smart Serve certification for use within our Township events.

    Fire Department: Discussed need for DNSSAB fire inspection be completed the week of April 16.

    Council: Discussed Street Art.

    Administration A written report was provided in the council package by CAO/Clerk-Treasurer H. Hayes.

    Public Works/Operations A written report was provided in the council package by Works Superintendent D. Gatley. Provided council with draft asset management policy. Verbally reported: - Road closure will not occur for Bark Lake culvert replacement.

  • 3

    -Received inspection reports, both aggregate pits have passed inspection.

    10. CORRESPONDENCE -Action Items: None

    11. CORRESPONDENCE -Information Items

    12. NEW BUSINESS:-Councillor Shalla inquired about the process for a person to get permission for signage fromMTO; staff will provide Councillor Shalla with the proper contact information.


    Moved by: S. Collins Seconded by: J. Vermaire Res. # 19-069 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT That Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin declare the week of May 5-11 as Emergency Preparedness week, and that staff use the opportunity to advertise Emergency information both pertinent to both our local Emergency Management Plan and, from various provincial ministries.” -Carried-Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: B.M. Kalimin Res. # 19-070“WHEREAS the Economic Development Committee was provided a presentation from theBancroft and Area Chamber of Commerce which outlined the opportunity to bring a satelliteChamber office to South Algonquin, andWHEREAS the Council for the Township of South Algonquin recognizes the importance ofsupporting our business community with a goal of economic growth,BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South AlgonquinDirect staff to develop an agreement with the Bancroft and Area Chamber of Commerce for thetrial of a satellite Chamber office within the building at 9 Post Street in Whitney, andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council agrees to fund operations and maintenance ofthe building for the remainder of 2019 at which time a cost analysis will be completed.”-Carried-Moved by: B.M. Kalimin Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-071“BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquindirect staff to initiate the action plan outlined within the package regarding the proposed Street Artproject.”-Carried-Moved by: R. Shalla Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-072“BE IT RESOLVED THAT That Council for the Corporation of the Township of SouthAlgonquin direct staff to append delegation written notes to minutes so that they be included inthe council package for which the minutes will be reviewed and approved.”-Carried-Moved by: B. M. Kalimin Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-073“BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Township of South Algonquin approve the followingwrite offs under Auditor direction;

    • Payment in Lieu Taxes Receivables incurred in 2018 in the amount of $1109.71. PILproperty reclassified as crown property.

    • Uncollectable Accounts Receivable incurred in 2018 in the amount of $10.00. Invoice #16-07 for $5.00 and #16-64 for $5.00.

    • Stale dated cheques issued in 2018 in the amount of $190.00. Cheque # 10622 $150.00 andcheque # 10802 $40.00.”


  • 4


    15. BY-LAWS:

    THIRD READING Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-074 “BEING A BY-LAW to adopt the Expenditure and Revenue Estimates for the year 2019; also, the amount required to be raised through Taxation to cover the operating and capital costs of the municipality; AND THAT it be read a third time and passed and numbered 19-591 and that the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and CAO/Clerk Treasurer-sealed with the seal of the Corporation and be entered in the By-Law Book.” -Carried-

    FIRST AND SECOND READING Moved by: R. Shalla Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-075 BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the Mayor and CAO/Clerk-Treasurer of the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin to sign the Agreement with Landowners of parts of Lots 13 and 14, Concession 2 and part of Lot 14, Concession 3 in the geographic township of Airy AND THAT it be read a first and second time and be referred to a committee of the whole council.” -Carried-THIRD READINGMoved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: B.M. Kalimin Res. # 19-076“BEING A BY-LAW BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the Mayor and CAO/Clerk-Treasurer ofthe Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin to sign the Agreement between Landownersof parts of Lots 13 and 14, Concession 2 and part of Lot 14, Concession 3 in the geographictownship of Airy as referred by the committee of the whole council;AND THAT it be read a third time and passed and numbered 19-592 and that the said by-law besigned by the Mayor and CAO/Clerk Treasurer-sealed with the seal of the Corporation and beentered in the By-Law Book.”-Carried-

    FIRST AND SECOND READING Moved by: R. Shalla Seconded by: B. M. Kalimin Res. # 19-077 “BEING A BY-LAW LAW to authorize the Mayor and CAO/Clerk-Treasurer of the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin to sign the Street Light Maintenance Agreement with Hydro One Networks Inc. AND THAT it be read a first and second time and be referred to a committee of the whole council.” -Carried-THIRD READINGMoved by: D. Harper Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-078“BEING A BY-LAW LAW to authorize the Mayor and CAO/Clerk-Treasurer of the Corporationof the Township of South Algonquin to sign the Street Light Maintenance Agreement with HydroOne Networks Inc.AND THAT it be read a third time and passed and numbered 19-593 and that the said by-law besigned by the Mayor and CAO/Clerk Treasurer-sealed with the seal of the Corporation and beentered in the By-Law Book.”-Carried-

  • 5

    16. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS:Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-079 ““BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin authorizes the payment of all bills as recorded for the meeting of April 3, 2019: Batch 2019-00016 for $227,338.95 and Batch 2019-00018 for $18838.96 and Batch 2019-00020 for $31,215.11.” -Carried-

    17. ADJOURNMENT:Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-080 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT That Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adjourns the Regular Council meeting of April 3, 2019, at 11:37 p.m.” -Carried-

    The next council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

    ______________________ _____________________________ Mayor Jane A. E. Dumas CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Holly Hayes

    Recording Secretary


    May 1, 2019


    1) Tracy Cannon- Committee of Adjustment Composition Report2) M&L Parks and Recreation, RE: Meeting of April 9, 20193) Madawaska Fire Department, Monthly Report4) Administration Report5) Public Works/Operations Report, verbal

  • Report to Council From: Tracy Cannon Date: April 24, 2019 Re: Committee of Adjustment Composition

    When the Committee of Adjustment was appointed by By-Law 17-532, it consisted of 5 councillors. Resolution No. 18-163 extended the Committee of Adjustment authority as outlined in By-Law 17-532 until June 2019.

    At the June 5th Council meeting there will need to be a By-Law appointing a new Committee of Adjustment (C of A). Some variations for the appointment of the Committee of Adjustment are:

    • committee members continue to consist of five councillors, or• changing the members to include citizen appointment (an example could be 2 citizen

    appointments and 3 members of council or any other ratio)

    Council will have to determine if the decision is to include citizen appointment and whether that position will be a paid or volunteer position. If citizens are appointed to the committee, the recommendation is to include an honorarium to be paid to them to cover mileage and time. Some municipalities pay a monthly honorarium and others pay per meeting with a slight increase for the Chair. Due to our committee not meeting on a regular basis and meetings tend to be short the honorarium could be similar to council’s meeting rate. Council appointment would not be paid the additional honorarium as those members would continue to get paid through current remuneration. Per Section 44(7) of the Planning Act; the members of the committee shall elect a chair from within the committee, and when the chair is absent through illness or otherwise, the committee may appoint another member to act as chair.

    Section 44 (3) of the Planning Act outlines that the members of the committee who are not members of a municipal council shall hold office for the term of the council that appointed them and the members of the committee who are members of council shall be appointed annually.

    If Council decides to change the composition of the Committee of Adjustment to include citizen appointment, a job description will be developed to ensure that those sitting on the committee are aware of their legal obligation and responsibilities as a committee member. The position(s) would then be advertised on the website and in a local newspaper. A hiring committee would need to be established for interviews.

    Once council has determined the structure of the C of A, all members of the committee will be provided with training; the Ontario Association of Committee of Adjustment & Consent Authorities offer a series of 6 training videos, each about 10-15 minutes along with PDF handouts that includes; planning overview, consents, minor variances, site visits, meeting protocols, and conflict of interest.

    Financial Impact: • honorarium for citizen appointment from planning budget• training session(s)• advertisement fee to advertise position

    Action: That Council discuss and provide direction as to the Committee of Adjustment Composition as soon as possible so the new committee can be established by June.





    Murchison & Lyell Parks and Recreation Committee

    Tuesday April 9, 2019 at 7:00 pm. At the Madawaska Complex

    1. Call meeting to order.2. Reading & approval of the agenda plus any additions.3. Approval of March 12, 2019 minutes and any amendments.4. Business arising from minutes.

    a) Councillor's Report.b) Reports: Sharon Florent- Maple Brunch. Jj �MAf.J.{_

    5. Financial Report- Balance at the end of March$ xxxxxx.�iness.

    6.BWsfor peyffient=) R[J{lO � 7. Performance measurement- Event tracking sheet for February.8. Resolutions.9. Fall Fun Day- Nicole Dupuis.10.Spring Fishing Derby- Nicole Dupuis.11.Spring Sell Your Wares.12.Easter Party.13.Trivia Night.14.Jennifer Dupuis. r. l'-.( Foob #AN,bLEtS L�

    Next meeting Tuesday May 14th, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Madawaska Complex.




    Reporting Date: April 2019

    Training / Courses

    • 9th – Emergency services meeting at Twsp. Office• 9th – Monthly training• 23rd – Essentials of municipal firefighting in Pembroke

    Calls / Responses

    • Nothing to report

    Complaints / Concerns

    • Nothing to report

    Upcoming Events

    • June 1st – Renfrew County Fire Chiefs training day in Calabogie

    Correspondence / Other

    • Nothing to report


  • ADMIN REPORT May 1, 2019 from the desk of CAO/Clerk/Treasurer as of April 24, 2019

    1. Administration;I. During the April 3 Council meeting Councillor Kalimin raised a question regarding by-laws being read

    three times in one meeting specifically that by-law 19-589 Unreasonable Behaviour had been read allthree times on March 6, 2019. The response provided was that I thought that we had held it over twomeetings, however in looking back the timeline on that by-law was that it was provided to councilduring the February 12, 2019 meeting for review, included in the council package which was madepublic on February 28, 2019 and passed March 6, 2019. No comments prior to or following the passingof the policy were received.-Per Procedural by-law 19-585 12.7 By-laws may be given three readings on the same date except whenrequested otherwise by motion of the majority of the members present or otherwise provided in law.

    II. Per the Agenda MPAC will provide a Council orientation package during the meeting, please provide anyquestions prior to end of day Monday, April 29, 2019 so that they can be passed along to MPAC

    III. Per the Agenda CMHC will provide a presentation regarding affordable housingIV. The South Algonquin Logo has been copyrighted.V. An application for an Economic Development Intern has been submitted.

    VI. The information in the package regarding OSPCA is for your information, as a result of there is threat ofpotential downloading animal protection as a result of OSPCA no longer providing the service. Thesurvey has been submitted for South Algonquin.

    2. Finance;VII. Modernization/ Efficiency Grant was received on March 29, 2019

    VIII. OMPF Grant second quarter received April 23, 2019IX. May 31, 2019 second Interim Property Tax Installment dueX. The 2018 Surplus has been transferred to the General Reserve Fund. From the General Reserve the

    following transfers are requested and will require Council ResolutionXI. Transfer from General Reserve to the Recreation Committee Reserve in the amount of $5287.28

    ($3175.89 for M&L Recreation and $2111.39 for Whitney Recreation)XII. Transfer from General Reserve to Health Services Helipad Fund in the amount of $3500.00

    3. Recreation;XIII. Easter events were well attended, thank you to all volunteers for their contributions.

    4. PlanningXIV. Report outlining Committee of Adjustment options has been included in the package, council will need

    to discuss at the meeting and provide staff with direction to re-establish the committee.


  • COUNCIL MEETINGMay 1, 2019


    No Action Items


    1) Community Policing Advisory Committee, RE: Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Presentation

    2) AMO, RE: Wellness and Mental Health Symposium

    3) Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus, RE: News Release

    4) Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    5) South Algonquin Business Association, RE: Main Street Revitalization Community Ideas

  • Do You Host Private or Public Events

    where Alcohol is being served? If your

    answer is yes, please

    Join us for a presentation from the

    Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario

    on the

    Liquor Licence Act, it’s regulations and the responsible

    service of alcohol by licencees and staff including the big

    five infractions.

    Thursday May 2nd, 2019

    upstairs at the

    Paul J. Yakabuski Community Centre;

    65 Arena Rd, Barry's Bay at 7:00 pm




    Committee 1

  • From: Amber CrawfordSubject: Invitation to the AMO Wellness & Mental Health Symposium - Register Today!Date: April 18, 2019 12:06:28 PMAttachments: image001.jpg

    Good Afternoon,

    Are you a member of council or senior staff interested in promoting mental health andwellness in your workplace? Would you like to grow your network of peers & learnabout best practices in workplace prevention and health promotion? If so, plan toattend AMO’s Symposium on May 29th from 8:45 am - 4:30 pm in Etobicoke.Space is limited, so register today!Topics Include:

    Discuss strategies to address stigma around mental health & improve culture inthe municipal workplaceWhat municipal employers need to know about their workplace health andwellnessLearn about municipal Mental Health Wellness Plans and how you can adaptyoursHear about best practices in managing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from anemergency service perspective (EMS, Fire, & Police)

    The full Agenda can be found here. Note that topics are subject to change.How to Participate:

    In-person attendance is encouraged, and breakfast and lunch is included in theprice.A webcast of the session has been arranged exclusively for participants innorthern and remote communities.

    Registration Fees:

    In-person Full day: $275 + HSTWebcast Full day: $275 + HST

    Thank you, and hope to see you there!

    Amber Crawford, MPAPolicy AdvisorAssociation of Municipalities of Ontario200 University Ave, Suite 801Toronto ON M5H 3C6(416) 971-9856 ext. 353


    mailto:[email protected]://



    EOWC meets Eastern Ontario Federal MPs, discusses cell gap, budget

    Kingston, April 18, 2019 – Members of the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC)and the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) held a constructive meeting with theirfederal counterparts today, as part of ongoing advocacy efforts to advance priority projectsfor Eastern Ontario and dialogue with the federal government on issues of interest.

    Co-hosted by both EOWC Chair Andy Letham and Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP FrancisDrouin, this meeting is an annual gathering of Federal MPs and the heads of Council fromacross the region. Members of the Eastern Ontario Mayors’ Caucus, representing theregion’s large cities, were also present to advocate alongside the EOWC and EORN.

    “On behalf of the EOWC and its partners, I would like to thank our Federal MPs for theirpresence and interest in our region’s growth and development,” stated Chair Letham.“Most of all, we recognize their ongoing commitment to the EOWC’s number-one priority,being the improvement and expansion of the cellular and mobile broadband networks inEastern Ontario, and we look forward to achieving this goal together in the coming year.”

    The EOWC also used the opportunity to welcome the federal government’s financialcommitment to local government in Canada’s 2019 Budget, released last month. Thebudget consisted of a much-needed increase in funding for rural municipal priorities thatalign with the EOWC, including affordable housing, rural broadband, energy efficiency andinfrastructure investment. Among them:

    • A one-time $2.2 billion top-up to the Federal Gas Tax Fund that doubles funding tomunicipal governments this year;

    • A $2.7-billion investment for rural and northern broadband expansion, with theobjective of connecting all Canadians to high-speed internet by 2030;

    • An additional $1 billion to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to helpmunicipalities invest in energy efficiency, including $350 million for grants and loansfor large public buildings, and $300 million to improve energy efficiency withinsustainable affordable housing.

    • Funding initiatives to help increase housing affordability, including the expansion ofthe Rental Housing Construction Finance Incentive to provide low interest loans foraffordable rental construction projects.

    For more information, please visit

    - 30 -

    For more information, contact:Ron Taylor, Secretary/Treasurer, [email protected] Bromberg, Communications and Policy Coordinator, [email protected]

    3[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Introduction

    The Ministry of the Solicitor General recognizes the importance of animal welfare. That is why the provincial government is exploring options to ensure appropriate measures are in place to provide animals the protections they deserve and Ontarians expect. In addition the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) has recently advised the province that it will be ending its current role in enforcing animal welfare legislation in Ontario.

    The Ontario government’s goal is to work with our partners, including municipalities, to develop an approach to animal welfare enforcement that ensures effective enforcement is accountable and improves the animal welfare system across Ontario.

    To gain an understanding of how various jurisdictions deal with animal welfare, the ministry is surveying municipalities and unincorporated areas about existing animal welfare


  • practices, by-laws, and enforcement. Please complete this survey to help inform the review of the provincial animal welfare framework and develop new animal welfare legislation.

    Your responses will remain confidential and your data will be stored in Canada. Information provided from the survey will be aggregated, and the aggregated data may be made publicly available under Ontario’s open data initiatives.

    The collection, retention and disclosure of information will be carried out in accordance with all applicable legislation and regulations.When responding, please consider animals to be inclusive of domestic animals (e.g., cats, dogs, hamsters, rabbits), livestock (e.g., cows, horses, chickens, pigs), exotic animals (e.g., snakes, birds that are non-native to Ontario), and wildlife (e.g., bear, moose, etc.).

    We would appreciate receiving your responses by: Wednesday, April 24, 2019

    The ministry recognizes that this is a short timeline, but is requesting expedited responses to support a smooth transition towards a new animal welfare model.

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  • COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 2019

    BY-LAWS 1) Tax Ratios2) Tax Rates3) Hall Rentals



    BY-LAW NO: 19-594


    WHEREAS it is the desire of the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin to Adopt the

    Tax Ratios for the Taxation year 2019.

    NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin


    “To adopt the following Tax Ratios for the Taxation Year 2019:

    Residential 1.000000, Commercial 1.980000, Commercial Excess/Vacant Lands 1.386000,

    Industrial 2.630000, Industrial Excess/Vacant Lands 1.709500, Farmlands / Managed Forest

    0.250000, Landfill 3.131836.”

    READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME on May 1st, 2019.

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    Jane A. E. Dumas, Mayor Holly Hayes, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer


    ________________________________ ________________________________

    Jane A. E. Dumas, Mayor Holly Hayes, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer




    BY-LAW NO. 19-595



    WHEREAS Section 290 and 312 of The Municipal Act, 2001, provides that for purposes of raising

    the general local municipal levy, a local municipality shall each year pass a by-law levying a separate

    tax rate, as specified in the by-law, on the assessment in each property class in the local municipality

    for local municipal purposes, and

    WHEREAS the 2019 Tax Levy for all purposes has been set at $ 2,800,637.00

    AND WHEREAS certain regulations require reductions in certain tax rates for certain classes of

    subclasses of property;



    1. THAT the following sums be and they are hereby levied for the year 2019

    General Municipal Purposes $ 2,326,885.00

    Education Purposes $ 473,752.00

    2. THAT the following tax rates be and they are hereby adopted to be applied

    against the whole of the assessment for real property in the following classes:









    Residential / Farm (RT)(RG)(RP)(RH) 0.00841761 0.00161000 0.01002761

    Commercial Occupied


    0.01666687 0.00513694 0.02180381

    Commercial Excess Land (CU) 0.01166681 0.00436640 0.01603321

    Commercial Vacant Land (CX) 0.01166681 0.00436640 0.01603321

    Industrial Occupied (IT)(IH) 0.02213831 0.01030000 0.03243831

    Industrial Excess Land (IU) 0.01438990 0.00849750 0.02288740

    Industrial Vacant Land (IX) 0.01438990 0.00849750 0.02288740

    Farmlands (FT) 0.00210440 0.00040250 0.00250690

    Managed Forest (TT) 0.00210440 0.00040250 0.00250690

    Landfill (HF)(HP) 0.02636257 0.00764566 0.03400823

    3. THAT every owner shall be taxed according to the tax rates in this By-Law

    and such tax shall become due and payable as follows:2

  • Residential/Farm, Farmlands. Managed Forest, Multi-Residential,

    Commercial, Commercial -Vacant Unit/Excess

    Land, Commercial-Vacant Land, Industrial, Industrial-Vacant

    Unit/Excess Land, Industrial-Vacant Land and Landfill;

    The first 50% installment of the final levy shall become due and payable on August 31st, 2019,

    the second 50% installment of the final levy shall become due and payable on October 31st,

    2019 and non-payment of these amounts in full, on the dates stated in accordance with this

    section shall constitute default.

    4. A penalty shall be charged as follows: 1.25% on the first day of default plus an additional

    1.25% on the first day of every calendar month thereafter in which the taxes remain unpaid.

    5. Penalties and interest added on all taxes of the Final Tax Levy in default shall become due

    and payable and shall be collected forthwith as if the same had originally been imposed and

    formed part of such unpaid Final Tax Levy.

    6. The Tax Collector may mail or cause the same to be mailed to the residence or place of

    business of such person indicated on the last revised assessment roll, a written or printed

    notice specifying the amount of taxes payable.

    7. Taxes are payable at the Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, 7 Third Ave. P.O.

    Box 217, WHITNEY, Ontario K0J 2M0, or by means of Telephone or Internet Banking

    Service and all payments of taxes shall be applied to arrears if any. All taxes shall be deposited

    to the credit of the Township of South Algonquin.


    ________________________________ ________________________________

    Jane A. E. Dumas – Mayor Holly Hayes, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer


    ________________________________ ________________________________

    Jane A. E. Dumas – Mayor Holly Hayes, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer



    BY-LAW NO. 13-44519-

    Being a by-law to authorize the Permit for use of South

    Algonquin Community FacilitiesHalls and Property

    (Rescinds By-Law No. 12-42613-445).

    WHEREAS Section 391 of the Municipal Act 2001 c.25 authorizes a municipality

    to pass by-laws re: fees and charges, and

    'WHEREAS public notice has been given under By-Law #04-222.

    NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South

    Algonquin enacts as follows:

    “To establish Hall Facility Rental Rates as per the Rental Agreement which forms

    part of this by-law and is referred to in Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F, A.1 & A.2.”

    Any other by-law inconsistent with or antedating this by-law is hereby repealed.


    __________________ _____________________________

    Jane A.E. Dumas Mayor Harold Luckasavitch Clerk Treasurer

    Holly Hayes, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer


    __________________ ______________________________

    Jane A. E. Dumas Mayor Harold Luckasavitch Clerk


    Holly Hayes, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer


  • By-law #13-44519-

    Schedule “A”



    Lester Smith Community Centre (Whitney)

    Madawaska Complex (Madawaska)

    Mervin Dupuis Rink (Madawaska)

    Permit No.:_____________________ Issue Date:__________________________

    Liquor Permit No.:_______________Event Date:________________________

    Event Time: From:_____________a.m./p.m. To:_____________a.m./p.m.

    Purpose for which premises and property will be used:____________________________


    Equipment included:_________________________________________________________


    Rental Rate: ____________________________ $___________________________

    Additional Costs:

    Kitchen with equipment: ________________ $______________________________

    Damage (& Key) Deposit: _________________ $______________________________

    TOTAL: $__________________________________

    **Permit holder is responsible for leaving the hall Facility and property in a condition

    satisfactory to the JanitorCustodian

    **See the instructions for General Hall Facility/ Kitchen Clean-up


    I hereby apply for a permit for the above event and agree to pay the rental rates set out above. I

    acknowledge that I have read and understand the RULES AND REGULATIONS that apply to

    the use of the hall Facility and property and agree to observe and enforce them, and to exercise

    the utmost care in the use of the hall Facility and property, and to make good on be responsible

    for any damage arising from the use of the hall Facility and property pursuant to this permit.

    Applicant (Permit Holder if permit issued) _______________________________________

    (signature of applicant)

  • By-law #13-44519-

    Name: ______________________________________________________

    Address: _____________________________________________________

    Telephone No.: Home: ( )________________Work: ( )_____________

    Approved by: __________________________________________________

    (Clerk/Deputy Clerk signature)

    For Emergencies: _____________________________________


    Telephone No.: ____________________________________

    Schedule “B”



    #1 Full Day and Evening - Non Alcohol Event Resident................................................$75.00

    #2 Full Day and Evening - Non Alcohol Event Non-Resident................................................$100.00

    #2#3 Full Day and Evening - Alcohol Event – Hall Facility andBar.Resident................$150.00

    #4 Full Day and Evening - Alcohol Event – Facility and Bar.NonResident................$200.00

    * Fee includes $25.00 non-refundable permit fee to hold booking date.

    * Fee must be paid in full two weeks prior to the rental date.

    * Basic cleaning is the responsibility of the permit holder. Please see the attached guidelines.

    Additional charges will be applied if these rules are not followed.



    #1 Full Day and Evening - Non Alcohol Event..Resident............................................$150.00

    #2 Full Day and Evening - Non Alcohol

  • By-law #13-44519-


    #2 #3 Full Day and Evening - Alcohol Event – Hall Facility and Bar.Resident...............$300.00

    #4 Full Day and Evening - Alcohol Event – Facility and Bar.Non Resident...............$400.00

    * Fee includes $25.00 non-refundable permit fee to hold booking date.

    * Fee must be paid in full two weeks prior to the rental date.

    * Basic cleaning is the responsibility of the permit holder. Please see the attached guidelines.

    Additional charges will be applied if these rules are not followed.



    #1 Full Day and Evening - Non Alcohol Event.Resident............................................. $50.00

    #2 Full Day and Evening - Non Alcohol Event.Non Resident.............................................$75.00

    #2 #3 Full Day and Evening - Alcohol Event – Hall Facility and Bar................$100.00 Resident

    #4 Full Day and Evening - Alcohol Event – Facility and Bar. NonResident...............$125.00

    * Fee includes $25.00 non-refundable permit fee to hold booking date.

    * Fee must be paid in full two weeks prior to the rental date.

    * Basic cleaning is the responsibility of the permit holder. Please see the attached guidelines.

    Additional charges will be applied if these rules are not followed.

    ADDITIONAL COSTS:A – Damage Deposit (Includes $50.00 Key Deposit) (Damage amount isrefundable, once the building has been inspected and found acceptable and the key is returned).

    Alcohol Event...............................................................................................................$200.00

    Non Alcohol Event.......................................................................................................$100.00

    B – Kitchen with Equipment

  • By-law #13-44519-

    Madawaska Complex (Madawaska) Resident............................................................................$100.00

    Madawaska Complex (Madawaska) Non Resident............................................................................$150.00

    C – Insurance Insurance is required for all alcohol events. Lessee must provide proof of minimum insurance coverage of $1,000,000.00.

    Schedule “C”




    1. Hall Facility rentals will be made on a first-come-first-served basis. If there is more

    than one person interested in renting a facility on the same day, the person who pays the

    permit fee first will be given the opportunity.

    2. Permit does not include the use of Hall Facility equipment unless authorized by the


    3. The Hall Facility Permit Holder shall be responsible to the Township of South

    Algonquin for any damage to the HallFacility, Hall Facility equipment and property

    that arises from the hall Facility permit holder’s negligence or wrong doing and shall

    indemnify and save harmless the Township with respect to same and from any claim

    whatsoever resulting from the negligence or wrong doing of the Hall Facility Permit

    Holder arising out of the use of the Hall Facility and property under such permit.

    4. Neither the Township of South Algonquin nor its committees will be responsible for

    injury to any person, or for damage to, or the loss or theft of, any property of the Hall

    Facility Rental Permit Holder.

    5. Parking on Hall Facility property is a privilege for which no separate charge is made.

    Vehicles and contents are at the risk and are the responsibility of the owner and/or

    operator of the vehicle.

    6. Decorations to the Hall Facility shall comply with Fire Safety Rules and the Hall

    Facility Rules as posted in the HallFacility. Decorations must be removed immediately

    after the event or, if the Hall Facility is not booked for the day following the event, by

    noon on the following day.

    7. No exposed candles may be used.

    87. The Hall Facility Rental Permit Holder is responsible to ensure that all persons have

    safely left the Hall Facility and property after the event.

    98. The Hall Facility Rental Permit Holder must leave the Hall Facility and Hall Facility

    property in a neat and undamaged condition satisfactory to the Janitor Custodian (see

    General Hall Facility Clean-up and Kitchen Clean-up Instructions).

  • By-law #13-44519-

    910. The Hall Facility Rental Permit Holder is responsible to ensure that all lights are turned

    off and doors are locked when leaving at the end of the event.

    1110. Any violation of these Regulations or of the Rules Respecting Events at which Alcohol

    is served (see separate sheet) will be addressed by the Council. Sanctions can range

    from written correspondence making the Hall Facility Rental Permit Holder aware of

    the violations(s), to refusal of future rentals, loss of deposit, and the “barring” of

    specific individuals from attending future events at the HallFacility.

    1112. Once advised of violation(s) the Rental Permit Holder will have the right to a

    hearing after submitting a written request within seven (7) days after being notified of

    the violation(s).

    1213. The Recreation Committee reserves the right to operate a canteen, when appropriate.

    1314. The halls may be used without a fee by Youth Programs (Girl Guides and Boy Scouts of

    Canada, Toy Bus Program), (upon approval by council) funeral related services OR for

    events run by the Recreation Committees or fundraising by Council and/or its


    1415. Please be advised that as per Ministry of Labour legislation the Township of South

    Algonquin is required to report any injuries that occur at a municipal facility or on

    municipal property. The Hall Facility Rental Permit Holder is responsible for reporting

    any injury to the Municipal Office or senior staff immediately.

    Schedule “DE”



    1. Tables and chairs must be wiped clean and put back in original locations.

    2. Counters must be wiped off.

    3. All pots, pans, dishes, cutlery, coffee & tea pots, if used - must be washed

    and returned to their proper place.

    4. Any food, tea or coffee spills must be wiped off the walls and cupboard


    5. Any spills in the coolers must be wiped up.

    6. Grills, burners stoves and oven must be cleaned of any spills.

  • By-law #13-44519-

    7. Sinks, taps and counters must be left clean.

    8. Garbage containers must be emptied and bags tied and placed at the

    appropriate disposal location.

    9. If the dishwasher is used, the strainer in the bottom must be emptied and


    10. Place used towels in laundry basket provided in the kitchen.

    Schedule “DE”



    To reduce your risk of liability the following rules must be followed:

    1. Each event sponsor is responsible for obtaining from the LCBO a Special Occasion

    Permit for serving alcoholic beverages and must show proof of purchase of $1,000,000.00

    liability insurance 14 days before the event. Any person serving alcoholic beverages

    except in accordance with such a permit will be subject to prosecution under the Liquor

    Licence Act, other provincial statutes and the Criminal Code of Canada.

    2. Hall Rental Permit Holder must show proof of obtaining a Special Occasion

    Permit from LCBO. (Recreation Committee must be given the Special Occasion Permit

    if requested to operate bar on behalf of Hall Rental Permit Holder.)

    3. All regulations concerning the serving, storage, sale and consumption of alcoholic

    beverages of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), and the terms of the Special

    Occasion Permit for the event must be observed. All alcohol will be stored in the bar area

    or under lock and key within the building.

    4. Neither the Township of South Algonquin nor its committees will be responsible for

    any breach of the Liquor Licence Act.

    5. The Liquor Permit Holder and the Hall Facility Rental Permit Holder must be present

    throughout the event, and are responsible for the operation of the event.

    6. The event sponsor and recreation staff must ensure that the physical setting is safe for

    both drinkers and non-drinkers.

    7. Hall Facility Rental Permit Holder must organize a “designated driver” program, ensure

    Non-Alcoholic beverages are available and prevent patrons from engaging in activities

    that can harm themselves or others. (PATRONS WHO ARE INTOXICATED MUST


  • By-law #13-44519-


    8. There are permanent signs regarding “Bar Closing” displayed in the bar. The “Special

    Occasion Permit” issued by the LCBO for the event must be on display in the bar before

    the event begins and throughout the event.

    9. All event workers must be 19 years of age or over, be clearly identifiable and must not

    consume alcohol while on duty. A minimum of four event workers is required. All bar

    workers must have Smart Serve Training. Entrances and exits should be monitored by

    people 19 years of age or over. Signs will be posted stating “No Alcohol Beyond This

    Point.” All entrances/exits must be properly monitored to ensure that no alcohol is

    removed or brought into the facility illegally, and to ensure that alcohol is consumed in

    the permitted areas. This is the responsibility of the Special Occasion Permit

    Holder(s)/Renter(s)/Sponsor(s). If this is a Fundraising Event for the Township, event

    workers must be approved by Council.

    10. Tickets for Alcoholic beverages must be purchased from a designated ticket seller and

    redeemed at the bar. A maximum of 10 tickets can be purchased/person at a time. Unused

    tickets can be redeemed for cash before 12:30 a.m.). Sign will be posted Photo

    Identification may be Requested at any Time. Minors must be given generic

    identification and not be served alcohol. Bar tickets must be provided by the Hall Facility

    Rental Permit Holder. All alcoholic beverages must be served in plastic glasses., which

    may be purchased from the Recreation Committee.

    11. Exception to the maximum of 10 tickets sales: Only one person at an event can purchase

    a quantity of Happy Hours tickets. These tickets will be a different colour and these tickets

    will not be redeemed after happy hour. These tickets will be distributed by purchaser or


    11. Marketing practices which encourage increased alcohol consumption are not

    permitted. Prices will be as posted.

    12. At a minimum, a light meal must be served at or about 11:00 p.m. to persons attending

    the event. Snacks are not adequate.

    13. Bar tickets shall not be sold after 12:30 a.m. The bar must close at 1:00 a.m. “Last

    Call” shall not be announced. Entertainers are to be made aware of this by the Hall

    Facility Rental Permit Holder. All activities must cease by 1:00 a.m. (Exception: “New

    Year’s Eve” Party by 2:00 a.m.)

    14. The police will be notified by the Hall Facility Rental Permit Holder or the Recreation

    Committee of a potentially risky situation before the a situation is out of control.

    Township staff will notify the OPP of all alcohol events.

    15. Bar workers must empty the refrigerator of all beer, wine and spirits and clean the

    liquor jiggers, jugs and bowls after the event. All alcoholic beverages and empty

    bottles must be removed from the Hall Facility immediately following the event.

    16. In order to reduce the risk of intoxication and the rate of consumption, staff should

    encourage patrons to consume food, low-alcohol beverages (less than 4% alcohol)., and

    non-alcohol beverages that are readily available.

  • By-law #13-44519-

    NB Low alcohol beverages have a content of less than 4% alcohol.

    1716. Individuals participating in masquerade events will be required to unmask and identify

    themselves to tickets sellers and bartenders if requested.

    1817. Hall Facility should be completely vacated by 2:00 a.m.

    (EXCEPTION: New Years Eve Party by 3:00 a.m.).

  • By-law #13-44519-

    Schedule “F”



    This form must be signed and submitted along with your damage deposit at least two weeks

    prior to the event.

    1. The Facility Rental Permit Holder. You areis responsible to apply and receive a Special

    Occasion Permit from your local Liquor Store. This permit must be posted in a

    visible place in the bar area.

    2. Please note, that you must provide the municipality with proof that you have

    purchased the required host liability insurance with a minimum $1,000,000 liability.

    The municipality must be named as a third party on the policy.

    3. You must submit the names of a minimum of four persons below who will be

    acting as security/bartenders during the event.

    4. All servers of alcohol must have completed the Smart Interventions Training Course

    and a copy of their proof of certification must be attached to this form.

    Remember that you as a permit holder are responsible to ensure that the above conditions are

    followed. Any violation of these conditions is a violation of the Liquor Licence Act and will

    result in the management contacting the Ontario Provincial Police and the Liquor Licence

    Board of Ontario.

    I have read the above conditions and the am fully aware of the Liquor Licence Regulation and by

    signing this form, agree to abide by the conditions set out.

    Signature Date

    Security/Bartender Names:

    1________________________________ 2___________________________________

    3________________________________ 4___________________________________

  • By-law #13-44519-

    Schedule “A.1”



    Permit No:_________________________ Issue Date ___________________

    I hereby make application, on behalf of the WHITNEY RECREATION COMMITTEE, for the

    use of the Lester Smith Recreation Centre when required by said Committee for purposes of

    events of types which will further the conducting of a program of recreation. We acknowledge

    that we have read and understand the RULES AND REGULATIONS (Schedules “C”, “D” &

    “FE& “F”) that apply to the use of the hall Facility and property and agree to ensure that they

    are observed and will enforce them when required.

    We further acknowledge that this permit is for Non Alcoholic Events only and we will make

    separate application for all Alcoholic events conducted under our auspices.

    This permit is valid for a period of One (1) year from date of issue and a new application must

    be made upon expiry should the Committee wish to conduct further events.

    *** The Committee agrees that it will notify the Township CAO/Clerk-Treasurer or

    Deputy Clerk at least Ten (10) days in advance of tentative events, including set up and

    clean up dates, to avoid scheduling conflicts.

    *** It is understood by both parties that cleanup of the hall Facility will be performed by

    the janitor custodian of the Hall Facility at Township expense. Common sense dictates

    that potential hazards occurring during the event will be eliminated by the Committee

    member(s) present.

    Applicant ______________________________________

  • By-law #13-44519-

    (signature of applicant)

    Name: __________________________________

    Address: ___________________________________

    Telephone No: Home: ( ) Work: ( )________________

    In Emergencies ___________________________________

    (Designate of Council)

    Telephone No: ____________________________________

    Approved by _________________________________

    (Township Clerk/Deputy Clerk)

    Schedule “A.2”


    Permit No:_________________________ Issue Date ___________________

    I hereby make application, on behalf of the MADAWASKA COMPLEX RECREATION

    COMMITTEE, for the use of the Madawaska Complex when required by said Committee for

    purposes of events of types which will further the conducting of a program of recreation. We

    acknowledge that we have read and understand the RULES AND REGULATIONS (Schedules

    “C”, “D” ,& “E” & “F”) that apply to the use of the hall Facility and property and agree to

    ensure that they are observed and will enforce them when required.

    We further acknowledge that this permit is for Non Alcoholic Events only and we will make

    separate application for all Alcoholic events conducted under our auspices.

  • By-law #13-44519-

    This permit is valid for a period of One (1) year from date of issue and a new application must

    be made upon expiry should the Committee wish to conduct further events.

    *** The Committee agrees that it will notify the Township Clerk or Deputy Clerk at least

    Ten (10) days in advance of tentative events, including set up and clean up dates, to avoid

    scheduling conflicts.

    *** It is understood by both parties that cleanup of the hall Facility will be performed by

    the janitor custodian of the Hall Facility at Township expense. Common sense dictates

    that potential hazards occurring during the event will be eliminated by the Committee

    member(s) present.

    Applicant ______________________________________

    (signature of applicant)

    Name: __________________________________

    Address: ___________________________________

    Telephone No: Home: ( ) Work: ( )________________

    In Emergencies ___________________________________

    (Designate of Council)

    Telephone No: ____________________________________

    Approved by _________________________________

    (Township Clerk/Deputy Clerk)

    SABA Main Street Revitalization Grant.pdf000001002003R_bannersR_BridgeR_Lights at ParkR_LilacsR_Picture FramesI_mapsE_WifiE_GeocacheE_HydroE_HydrophobicE_PianosE_seatingE_sundialC_Incentive