Page 1: Costume, props and planning

Matt Pangratiou

Page 2: Costume, props and planning

Rappers and hip hop artists are always associated with jewellery whether it’s a gold watch, Jesus piece or any other form of jewellery. This is why I have chosen a Gold chain pretty much all artists would be wearing at least one, often more. Artists such as 50 cent, The game, chief keef and even British artists such as Jme, skepta. As the chain is a common accessory is it is necessary for me to include this in some part of my magazine preferably the front cover which will allow me to make a big bold statement. Chains like this help artists make a statement and show of there wealth and the more chains they have then maybe this can connote them having a lot more fame than other rappers out there. The Jesus piece could also be associated with artists religion as they look to God to help them stay on the correct path as they before they made the industry many were heading down the wrong path.

Page 3: Costume, props and planning

Another piece of costuming I could use are rings or ring, having a nice gold ring connotes wealth as well as attitude and having an edge, the more diamonds or carats it has the better and more money there showing off. It is also an item that always stands out whilst rapping on stage, in posters and magazines. Artists love to flaunt there jewellery this needs to be included in my magazine.

In addition to this a watch is also worn by artists and rappers however they often where extremely expensive ones and in my case is extremely hard to get hold of so I am more than likely to use a nice reasonably expensive leather watch that still fits the image, the silver will shine on the cover , standing out with its boldness this will show some wealth also to the audience.

Page 4: Costume, props and planning

The three images here are seen throughout the hip-hop industry. More commonly now snapbacks have shined and are being worn by many it has created a fashion statement and rappers are often seen associated with the item, the hats do not necessarily connote wealth, but what they do is add to the artists image and persona enhancing it making them seem to have abit more edge. Bucket hats were common in the 90’s an era where 2-pac and biggie ran, they brought the image to life and are still commonly worn now and are now becoming a fashion necessity once again the bucket hats give off a sense of uneasiness as it sits just above the eyes and casts a dark shadow around them giving off a dark image which will help an artists ego.

Page 5: Costume, props and planning

The bomber jacket( top left), is worn baggy its puffy and is worn by gangster rappers quite often. The bomber jacket could of been used to hide violent weapons or drugs a common past life with various artists in the industry. A black bomber jacket would give off quite a stern and serious appeal and is stereotypical of the ‘hood’ life.

The parker jacket (bottom left) is also worn by artists. When the hood is up it covers the eyes this could connote that the person is serious or person worthy of respect something a lot of artists want to achieve in the industry. Its just another item like many that help broaden the artists image.

Page 6: Costume, props and planning

Vests and jerseys are worn buy artists such as nas, jay z, 50 cent, the game and many more. The items are common attire within the industry and by using one of these items or all would help contribute to keeping my cover page, contents and DPS as professional as possible. One of the reasons why they are worn is because the artist wants to show off big muscles, by letting the world no about what they got it will boost there ego something that they need to succeed on the business. This ego would then help them perform better on stage and boost their confidence in which will consequently help them to write and record better music.

Page 7: Costume, props and planning

For my final piece of work I have decided to include a parker jacket as I feel this would make the biggest impact upon the person I intend to use as my artist, the jacket is also something that is easy to get hold of so there wont be any problems when needing this costuming.

I intend to use a Chicago snapback as it is easily accessible for me. The snapback will be dressed onto all black clothing against a white surrounding wall.

A different parker will also be used to snap a close up of a different artist which will be used as one of my pictures on the contents page.

A white vest and Gucci bucket hat are in my intentions for a picture of an artist with his arms out celebrating. This follows general conventions of the industry and hopefully allow me to make my work look as realistic and professional as possible without being to minimalistic.

Finally a gold ring, chain and leather watch will be used as I need something to try and show an artists wealth and give off that he might be quiet a cocky character.

I will also try and make my artists have quite stern facial expressions and have quite a serious body language so that the audience sense what would be foreshadowing around him.

Final plan for what to include in my final product