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Cost of Software Quality

Cost of Software QualityOleh :Demsy Setiawan1103080012Raden Ismoyojati1103081079M.Amiruddin Hasan1103090127Merlina Dewi S.1103104163Heru Sudarsono1103104164

Kelompok 2PMPL SIDE06ContentObjectives of cost of software quality metricsThe classic model of cost of software qualityAn extended model for cost of software qualityApplication of a cost of software quality systemProblems in the application of cost of software quality metricsMain ObjectiveBagian Manajemen dapat mengontrol aspek ekonomi terhadap kegiatan SQA dan Hasil dari software Tujuan Khusus : Kontrol Organisasi yang diparkarsai oleh biaya untuk mencegah dan mendeteksi errors pada softwareEvaluasi kerusakan ekonomi dari kegagalan software untuk landasan merevisi anggaran SQAEvaluasi rencana untuk menambah dan mengurangi aktivitas SQAPerformance Comparison for Managerial Control over SQA CostDalam pengontrolan manajerial atas biaya perangkat lunak dapat dicapai dengan perbandingan Actual Performance Figure dengan :Mengontrol pengeluaran anggaranKegagalan biaya tahun sebelumnyaCost Quality proyek sebelumnya (Control Cost & Failure Cost)Cost Quality departemen lain (Control Cost & Failure Cost) Cost Matric for evaluating SQA systemPercentage of cost of software quality out of total software development costsPercentage of software failure costs out of total software development costsPercentage of cost of software quality out of total software maintenance costsPercentage of cost of software quality out of total sales of software products and software maintenance.ContentObjectives of cost of software quality metricsThe classic model of cost of software qualityAn extended model for cost of software qualityApplication of a cost of software quality systemProblems in the application of cost of software quality metricsThe Classic Model of Cost of Software QualityDikembangkan oleh Feigenbaum pada tahun 1950Metodologi ini digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan biaya yang berkaitan dengan jaminan kualitas produk dari segi ekonomi Classic Model of Cost of Software Quality dibagi menjadi dua yaitu : Cost of Control Biaya yang digunakan untuk mencegah dan menghindari software errorsCost of Failure of ControlBiaya yang dikeluarkan karena kegagalan dalam mencegah dan menghindari software errors

Cost of Control Cost of Control sendiri dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu :Prevention Cost Kegiatan Investasi dalam infrastruktur mutu dan kualitas sebuah softwareAppraisal Cost Biaya kegiatan yang digunakan untuk melakukan sebuah projek yang specific atau software system untuk mendeteksi software errorCost of Failure of control Cost of Failure of Control juga dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu :Internal Failure Cost Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mengkoreksi error yang ditemukan dari tinjauan desain,software test,dan acceptance test sebelum software digunakan oleh pelanggan External Failure Cost Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mengoreksi error yang ditemukan oleh pelanggan dan tim maintenance setelah software sudah terinstall dan dipakai BENTUK BIAYAPREVENTION COSTBiaya investasi untuk pengembangan komponen infrastruktur SQA seperti instruksi kerja, perangkat pendukung, sistem manajemen konfigurasi software, metrik kualitas softwareBiaya implementasi aktivitas pencegahan dari SQA seperti instruksi kerja untuk pegawai baru SQA atau pegawai SQA dengan posisi baru, sertifikasi karyawan, konsultasi SQABiaya kontrol untuk sistem SQA : review kualitas internal, audit kualitas eksternal SQA dari customer atau organisasi sertifikasi SQA, review kualitas manajemenAPPRAISAL COSTbiaya untuk review baik review berupa formal design review, peer review, atau expert reviewbiaya untuk software testing baik untuk unit test, integration test, software system test, dan acceptance testbiaya untuk memastikan kualitas dari external participants yaitu tim design review dan software testing berupa biaya subkontraktor, supplier dari sistem software COTS , modul software yang bisa dipakai kembali, dan untuk customer yang ikut berpartisipasi

BENTUK BIAYAINTERNAL FAILURE COSTbiaya untuk perbaikan desain atau desain ulangbiaya untuk perbaikan program atau program ulang sebagai respon dari hasil testingbiaya untuk testing ulang dan design review ulang EXTERNAL FAILURE COST (OVERT)Resolusi keluhan pelanggan selama masa garansiKoreksi software bug yang terdeteksi saat operasi rutinKoreksi kegagalan perangkat lunak setelah masa garansi berakhir atau yang tidak tercakup garansibiaya Kerusakan yang dibayarkan kepada pelanggan jika terjadi kegagalan software yang parah dan terdeteksi selama operasi rutinPenggantian biaya pembelian pelanggan, juga termasuk biaya penangananAsuransi terhadap klaim pelanggan dalam kasus kegagalan software yang parahBENTUK BIAYAEXTERNAL FAILURE COST (HIDDEN)kerugian dari penurunan penjualan pada pelanggan akibat dari tingginya tingkat kegagalan softwarebiaya penurunan penjualan yang parah didorong oleh reputasi perusahaan yg rusakPeningkatan investasi dalam promosi penjualan untuk mengatasi pengaruh kegagaln perangkat lunak dari masa lalu kebutuhan biaya yang lebih besar dari biasanya untuk keperluan tenderCat: Hidden memiliki biaya lebih besar dibanding overtContentObjectives of cost of software quality metricsThe classic model of cost of software qualityAn extended model for cost of software qualityApplication of a cost of software quality systemProblems in the application of cost of software quality metricsAn extended model for cost of software qualityDamages paid to customers as compensation for late completion of the project due to unrealistic schedulingDamages paid to customers in compensation for late completion of the project as a result of failure to recruit sufficient staff. An extended model for cost of software qualityContract reviews (proposal draft review and contract draft review).Thorough appropriate progress control of the software project.An extended model for cost of software qualityManagerial preparation and control costsManagerial failure costsManagerial preparation and control costsCosts of carrying out contract reviews Costs of preparing project plans, including quality plansCosts of periodic updating of project and quality plansCosts of performing regular progress control Costs of performing regular progress control of external participants contributions to projects

Managerial failure costsUnplanned costs for professional and other resources, resulting from underestimation of the resources in the proposals stage.Damages paid to customers as compensation for late project completion, a result of the unrealistic schedule in the Companys proposal. Damages paid to customers as compensation for late completion of the project, a result of managements failure to recruit team members. Domino effect: Damages to other projects planned to be performed by the same teams involved in the delayed projects. The domino effect may induce considerable hidden external failure costs.An extended model for cost of software quality

ContentObjectives of cost of software quality metricsThe classic model of cost of software qualityAn extended model for cost of software qualityApplication of a cost of software quality systemProblems in the application of cost of software quality metricsApplication of a cost of software quality systemDalam rangka untuk menerapkan biaya dari software quality system dalam sebuah organisasi, berikut ini diperlukan :Definition of a cost of software quality modelDefinition of the cost data collection methodImplementation of a cost of software quality systemActions taken in response to the models findingsDefinition of a cost of software quality modelPada tahap awal dalam suatu proyek, organisasi harus memilih jenis biaya model the classic atau the extended model. Apapun model yang dipilih, efektivitasnya ditentukan dan disesuaikan dengan organisasi atau proyek dari item biaya yang dirancang.Definition of a cost of software quality model (cont)

Definition of the cost data collection methodMetode pengumpulan data biaya adalah kunci (meskipun biasanya diremehkan) faktor dalam keberhasilan atau kegagalan dari the cost of software quality system.Salah satu isu utama yang diangkat pada tahap ini adalah apakah untuk mengembangkan sistem independen untuk mengumpulkan data atau bergantung pada sistem informasi manajemen saat ini beroperasi (MIS).Definition of the cost data collection method (Cont)Diharapkan penghematan biaya dengan menjalankan sistem pendataan pekerjaan sudah beroperasi bukan menciptakan dan menjalankan sistem yang independen. Menghindari perbedaan pendapat dalam penafsiran data yang disediakan oleh MIS dengan data yang disediakan oleh sistem independen, peristiwa yang sering ditemui saat menjalankan sistem pengumpulan data independen. Ketidaksepakatan jenis ini mengurangi keandalan hasil biaya kualitas perangkat lunak.Implementation of a cost of software quality systemImplementation of a new cost of software quality system involves:Assigning responsibility for reporting and collecting quality cost data.Instruction of the team in the logic and procedures of the new system. Follow-up:Support for solving implementation problems and providing supplementary information when needed Review of cost reporting, proper classification and recording Review of the completeness and accuracy of reports by comparing them with records produced by the general MIS system and the cost and activity records from previous periods. This task requires special efforts during the initial implementation period.Updating and revising the definitions of the cost items together with the reporting and collecting methods, based on feedback.Actions taken in response to the models findings

Actions taken in response to the models findings (Cont)

ContentObjectives of cost of software quality metricsThe classic model of cost of software qualityAn extended model for cost of software qualityApplication of a cost of software quality systemProblems in the application of cost of software quality metricsProblems in the application of cost of software quality metricsThe standard difficulties that affect accuracy and completeness of quality cost data are:Inaccurate and/or incomplete identification and classification of quality costsNegligent reportingHuman tendency for biased reporting, especially of internal and external costsBiased external failure cost records due to indirect if not camouflaged compensation of customers that is not officially recorded as external failure costs.Problems in the application of cost of software quality metrics-2Problems arising when collecting data on managerial preparation and control costs include:Segmentation of contract review and progress control activities into several short and disconnected activities, which interferes with accurate reporting of time investedMany senior staff members are not required to report their use of time resourcesTypical difficulties in collecting managerial failure cost data, especially regarding schedules, are:Determination of responsibility for schedule failuresCompensation often occurs too late in the process for the lesson learnt to be applied

Problems in the application of cost of software quality metrics-3

Examples of typical causes for delays and the associated quality costsExample CoQ Measurement[2]Consider the time-sheet below and how to compute CoQ (in hours) and to classify the components of CoQ on SDLC-projects:

Example CoQ Measurement - SolutionConsider the time-sheet below and how to compute CoQ (in hours) and to classify the components of CoQ on SDLC-projects:

Example CoQ Measurement Solution-2From the analysis of this time-sheet data, we can easily compute the Cost of Quality as follows:Prevention Cost = Cost of Activity at Sr. No. (1) = 10 hoursAppraisal Cost = Cost of Activities at Sr. No. {(3)+(6)+(8)} = 21 hoursFailure Cost = Cost of Activities at Sr. No. {(4)+(7)+(9)} = 13 hoursCoQ = Cost of (Prevention+Appraisal+Failure) = 44 hoursReference[1]Galin, Daniel. 2004. Software Quality Assurance from Theory to Implementation. Pearson. Harlow[2] Khan, Parvez Mahmood & M.M. Sufyan Beg. 2012. Measuring Cost of Quality (CoQ) on SDLC Projects is Indispensible for Effective Software Quality Assurance. International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering (JSCSE), vol.2, No.9Terima Kasih Atas Perhatiannya.
