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The Cosmic Newsletter

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P.O. Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507

Helping People Become Aware


Issue No. 659 $3.00

Index is on page 10


- The Mystery of Meriwether


- Google's Mind of God


- That 1942 UFO Attack in


- Mental VS Spiritual Healing

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2CAC Rush Reading- Hot-Line 3-12-11 (March 12, 2011) Will Berlinghof Interpreter, Joan

Mills Questioner


Question: Does Awareness have an opening message?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness does have an opening

message on this day after the traumatic catastrophic

earthquakes in Japan and the tsunami that also hit. This

Awareness is aware that many are shocked by the degree

of damage and destruction that has occurred and the loss

of life. There is an ongoing situation with nuclear reactors in

this region that may also prove yet to be catastrophic as

well. This Awareness does say that while it is tragic that so

much death and destruction has occurred, it must be

remembered that this too is part of the unfolding of the

energies that are starting to enter into the planet at this

time, and that it is also part of the End Time energies.

Major Earthquakes Recently Along the Ring of Fire

For months there have been earthquakes along that region

known as the Ring of Fire. Only 2 weeks ago there was a

major earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand as well. This

is showing there is an acceleration, as Mother Earth, Gaia,

starts to shift her energies more and more. This Awareness

must point out that there will be more events of this nature

in the next year and a half, or one year and 9 months, until

that event that is known as Ascension takes place. There

will be other even worse disasters that will take place that

will shock the world deeply and significantly.

Don't Personally Identify With These Events

This Awareness is saying that one must be aware that even

though these events are starting to accelerate, and are

starting to become even more pronounced, one must stay

out of a personal identification with the events themselves.

One can be a compassionate observer, one can send

financial help if one wishes, and one can send light and love

and energy to the people of these events, but one must

also stay within the center of one's own circle, in the eye of

the hurricane, where calmness and peace prevail. This is an

event that all who have experienced it are by agreement

participating in.

No Event Will be an Accident

It must always be remembered that no event will be an

accident and all those who are the victims of these events

are not just victims because they were simply in the wrong

place at the wrong time and they had no choice in the

matter. Those who have died and those who will die are all

spiritual beings; all will return, or have returned back into

the fabric of the soul, have returned home. They have in

their own way ascended back into the fabric of the soul and

the Divine and have been welcomed home by Spirit, by the

Soul, by God. While their deaths are indeed tragic, and for

many brutal and undeniably events of a profound nature

where much sadness and grieving is attached--at the same

time this is a blessed release.

Those souls who have been released are rejoicing now, for

they have returned back into the fabric of their being, and

each and every one who has been lost in this event is

safely home. This does not mean that human grieving is not

necessary at this time. It is part of the human condition;

the release of the emotional pain for those who have lost

loved ones. This Awareness does not underrate this and It

does understand the need for such release. It is part of the

human capacity to heal itself with such grievous events and

such grievous loss, but for those who are outside of the

event it is imperative that one does not lose themselves in

these events and forget that much is being manipulated at

this time, because it is part of the unfolding of events that

is sweeping the planet towards that process of separation

and Ascension this Awareness has talked of many, many

times before.

Mother Earth, Gaia is Starting to Wake Up More and More

Some of those events are actual manipulated events, such

as the earthquake in Haiti to cover up the tracks of certain

entities that were using Haiti as a dumping ground, a

storage facility for their ill-gotten gains. This event in Tokyo

and the coast of Northeast Japan is not seen to be a man-

made event. It is not seen that HAARP technology was

used here to provoke this event. It is seen that Mother

Earth, Gaia, is starting to wake up more and more, and is

starting to chafe against the restrictions to her being, and is

starting to shake, rattle and roll in her energetic body. This

is in preparation for the events that are coming, especially

the final event of the Ascension release.

The Planet Nibiru is Having Effects on Earth now at its

Weakest Part, the Ring of Fire

There are other energies that are playing a role here, other

than man-made manipulations that are having an effect as

well. The planet Nibiru is again in proximity and while it is

not seen that Nibiru itself will crash into the earth, it is seen

that the planet's proximity, even though it is cloaked, is

such that it can create a disharmonic resonance. Indeed,

this Awareness will even say it is creating a disharmonic

resonance on the two planet earths that are intersecting at

this time, and this disharmonic resonance is that which is

affecting the planet at the weakest part of her body, this

being the Ring of Fire. It is for this reason the majority of

earthquakes that are being experienced are around the

parameters of the Ring of Fire.

A Significant Event Close to Vancouver Island & the

Northwest Passage & California/Oregon coast is Seen

It is also significant that the North American coastline has

not yet been affected. There have been earthquakes in

South America and on the Western side of the Ring of Fire-

-Christchurch and Japan and other locations. Understand

that the North American section of this fault line will not go

entirely without incident. There is seen that there may be

an event of significance close to Vancouver Island and the

Northwest Passage of the United States, that being the

Northern Pacific area off of Oregon. These are areas that

have not yet been affected, but have been building up

pressures for some time.

This is not seen as an immediate event, but it is seen by

this Awareness that there are energies building up in these

two regions: by the fault line that goes between Vancouver

Island and the Western coast of British Columbia, Canada

and then down the coast towards the Oregon-California

area. This Awareness is sharing this at this time to help

those who live in these areas to prepare mentally for the

earthquake events of this nature and to stay focused on

their own unique timeline, thus allowing each and every

individual in this area who becomes aware of the potential,

to diffuse the energies, at least to the degree that they

keep themselves in safety.

A Confusing Concept but here's how it works

This, of course, is a confusing concept. How is it one can

keep themselves in safety and yet others around them may

be drastically affected? This Awareness is sharing this for

the purpose of helping those who read these words

understand that as one moves into this level of

understanding and awareness, one begins to comprehend

and realize more and more that they are creator beings,

who live in alignment with the Divine Energy, and in that

place of acceptance to this reality they can align their wills

to the Will of God.

They can position themselves in a place where they are not

subject to the events in the same way, where they stay in

the center of the circle, in the eye of the hurricane, and

even though events are being released all around, as is now

occurring, they will stay in a place of relative safety and

harmony, even if they find themselves in the midst of a

region that is struck by such a catastrophe. It is why

sometimes the one remaining house that is standing while

all others are leveled around them, becomes the house of

that individual who has the faith, trust, knowledge and belief

that they are safe, and that they are in the Center of Divine

Providence and Protection, and that they are part of this

Divine Providence and Protection.

What Members Can do About the Japanese Earthquake

At this time, in regards to the Japanese earthquake and the

catastrophic events that have occurred there and are

unfolding there, this Awareness recommends that members

send light and love, so that those who are in that region

experiencing these events can get through them, and can

recover and move forward. This Awareness is complete in

Its opening message. It wishes, finally though, to add that

this Awareness is sending Its energies to this region at this


The energies have been sent, and Divine Love and Care is

also being sent to this region, and has always been sent to

those areas where such catastrophes and disasters take

place. God never forgets those loved ones and brings them

home quickly after such events. This is so now and will

always be so. This Awareness is complete.

Questioner: The areas concerned; is that with regard to the

San Andreas Fault Line or the Cascadian Fault Line? Is that

the areas that you are referring to?

Cosmic Awareness: This is part of the Ring of Fire that is

along the Western coast of Canada and the United States,

specifically the Cascadian Fault Line in particular.

Questioner: (Thank you,) So the New Madrid Fault Line is

not affected at this time then, is that correct?

Cosmic Awareness: This is correct. The New Madrid fault

line is not affected at this moment, although it is seen that

certain agencies have been trying to trigger an event in this






Gee, I’d love to help you “Well of course we believe in democracy… just ask our friends”clean the toilets, but I have a cat on my lap.

4CAC General Reading 3-3-11 (March 3, 2011) Will Berlinghof Interpreter, Joan Mills,

Questioner & Energizer

No opening message


Questioner: The first question is from Avaton. It concerns

Google, the CIA and the All Knowing Supercomputer. I

would like to read it through and then address the questions

at the bottom.

He writes, "An article by Ralph Forbes in the American Free

Press, issue 37, discusses this topic, excerpts of which are

included for your feedback. There is a plan by Sergey Brin,

cofounder of the Internet Goliath we know as Google to

build a supercomputer network so powerful "it would be like

the mind of God", to gather and organize all of the world's

information with the help of the military-industrial banking

complex, the CIA and the Israeli intelligence service. Google

is in bed with the CIA, according to a former clandestine

services officer with the CIA (the name is withheld).

Google took money from the CIA when it was poor as it was

starting up, and unfortunately our system right now floods

money into spying and other illegal and largely unethical

activities. Google software, such as the popular Google

Earth, provides a virtual flyover and zoom-in with 1-foot

resolution. Anyone can zoom into your backyard, roof, car,

church, children's school, or case your house from the

street. When Google vans drove along the streets taking

pictures, they may have vacuumed up every bit of privacy

you thought you had. This technology could conceivably

enable the CIA to target, assassinate or bomb anyone from

halfway around the planet.

Google is a key participant in many military and CIA

operations involving torture, subversion of foreign

governments, illegal wars of aggression, military occupations

of countries which have never attacked the United States,

and war crimes which have cost hundreds of thousands of

lives in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, plus the thousands

of Americans killed, injured and disabled in these endless

wars. The good news is that there is an alternative engine

that is thriving because it has Christian leadership with a

goal of protecting our privacy from the Powers That Be.

Word-of-mouth is making a favorite among

those who distrust the system. Your comments please

concerning this article and, as well the validity of principles

or integrity of" Thank you.

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness confirms that the

technological advancements quoted in this article are

accurate and correct, and that indeed the technology can

be used to command a powerful control over the populace,

to provide a surveillance to such a degree that one could

indeed understand that all personal freedom is no longer

that which was once so. Yet technology can also be used to

benefit the masses, to create a much better system,

whereby technology serves, versus the use of technology to

enslave. Google is a corporation and has bought into that

separation of principle that exists for the majority of

corporations in the world at this time.

A Separation of Principle

What this Awareness means by a separation of principle is

that the principle of cooperation and interdependence to

serve all, to help all is no longer the principle of operation

that corporations function under. The corporations see

themselves as separate entities, the government treats

them as separate entities, and these entities have their own

version of what is good for them, and what is good for the

masses. They do not have the conscience that many

individuals were raised with, and therefore, due to a lack of

conscience, there is a separation in principle to what is

good and right, and what honors and acknowledges true

democracy and the rights of the individual.

Google has jumped into this selective club and is playing the

game as well, using their technological superiority to gain

advantage for those who are involved at the top echelon of

authority, the board of directors, the owners of Google.

They no longer have qualms about protecting the individual,

for as this Awareness has just pointed out, corporations are

separated in consciousness from that principle of

involvement, that principle of assisting and benefiting

humanity, to advance and improve. Their principal concern

is for their own advantage, their own improvement, and their

own profit — for this is the bottom line — for corporate

entities to be profitable and to gain power.

This is why technology is being used to enslave humanity;

for a populace that is controlled and enslaved, that does the

bidding of the Masters, of those in charge of the

corporations, those beyond the Power Elite, is much more

favored than a populace that is free to decide for

themselves what they wish to achieve, and what they wish

to accomplish. A society of people free to live as they will,

to choose as they will, is not favored by those who are

seeking to dominate the world, and to enslave humanity.

Thus technology, as the article correctly pointed out, is

being used against humanity.

However, if there was enlightened leadership, if corporations

took a true responsibility towards bettering the lives of

those who provide the corporations with the financial profit

that is sought, the power that is sought, then technology

could indeed be used to serve humanity. Indeed, it is

marketed on this premise that it is bettering the lives of the

individual and it is making the world a better place, and yet

the shadow side is more the truth: it is being used against

humanity. While it does advantage many, and while it has

moved humanity forward in many ways, the shadow side

must always be remembered, and must always be


How Google Has Taken the Dark Side

While many are intrigued with technology, and while many

see technology as the true road forward as the future of

humanity, it must also be realized, as this article has

pointed out, and as others point out, that technology has its

dark side and those who control technological

advancements can misuse their power. Such is the case

here with Google, and their intent for taking away privacy of

the individuals, while touted as being one to help all of

humanity — to make such things as individual addresses

available to be looked at from above, and to be found

through the use of the satellite surveillance, as something

that is a great advantage — is also that which could be

misused to target each and every individual, their homes

and places of employment for attack from above as well.

At this time there are two separate timelines available

It is simply as it is at this time, and one can choose to be

oppressed by technology as it now stands or to see it as

some wondrous way forward that will advantage one and all.

These are two separate timelines, two separate realities

that are available. There is seen by this Awareness, for

example, a Planet A scenario where technology does play a

role, and does serve humanity. But this Awareness also

sees a Planet B scenario where technology is used to

further enslave the individual, to enslave and imprison

humanity. One needs to be aware that both options exist.

The website that was quoted... this Awareness asks the

name be given once again.

Cosmic Awareness: This is seen as an alternative to

Google. At this time its intent and desire is to free

humanity, and to allow less obstruction and less

interference in the lives of the individuals who go to this

site. It has a Christian backing but this is not seen as

radical in nature, but simply a philosophy, a mindset by

those who have ownership to allow free use of the system

without tying those who go to this site into a perverse

misuse of technology. Therefore, this Awareness does not

see this particular site as being one that is bogus or self-

serving or with an ulterior motive. This Awareness allows

the readership to choose for themselves whether they wish

to go to this site or not.

Any Internet website today can be compromised

This Awareness would say that all sites have a conse-

quence by the choice of using them or not using them to

the individual. All sites can be used or misused. Even this

site can be misused by others who have the technological

superiority to break into the site, and to use the site to

trace down the individuals who log onto this site. While the

website itself may be run by individuals who have integrity

and honor, it does not mean that the site itself cannot be

compromised. This is something that each user of the

Internet must be aware of that when they use the Internet,

this too is a way for those who are in power to tap into the

living rooms and office spaces of each and every individual

who uses the Internet. Know this to be so when a choice is

made as to which website to go to.


Questioner: (Thank you) Is there a plan by Google to build

that supercomputer network so powerful it would be like the

mind of God, is that in the works?

Cosmic Awareness: There is such a plan in the works,

although it is not simply the plan of Google. Google is

involved with this, but it is not simply Google's plan, but

rather the plan of the Powers That Be who are moving this

planet towards a technological future, a future where they

can completely and totally dominate and enslave humanity.

Google is but a leading proponent in this plan, a leading

participant in this endeavor.

Questioner: Which bottom line would compromise humanity,

is that correct?

Cosmic Awareness: This is so, and if it is the timeline, the

reality one chooses to experience, then believing completely

and totally that this is so, and this is what the Power Elite

are doing and this will be the future, will of course lead one

to experience this particular reality. One could also totally

believe that technology will be benign and prove to simply

be a tool for humanity to use with proper safeguards being

installed against the corporations that are the leaders in

technology, such as Google, and in such a belief system

they will more likely experience a world that is available to

them where technology is an asset to humanity and not a

weapon or tool that could be used against them.


Questioner: Ok, one more question from Avaton. This one

concerns Meriwether Lewis' Final Journey Remains a

Mystery. He writes, "Meriwether Lewis conquered rivers,

mountains and bears leading the Lewis and Clark expedition

across 8000 miles of wilderness from St. Louis to the

Pacific Ocean and back. Two centuries later, relatives of

Mr. Lewis are having a tough time moving his remains down

80 miles of paved Tennessee highway from a national park

to a forensic lab. Mr. Lewis' body rests beneath a 20-foot

high stone monument at milepost 385.9 of the Natchez

Trace Parkway. A plaque next to the gravesite states that it

was here in 1809, three years after his epic journey, that his

life drew 'mysteriously to a close'. Many historians believe

Mr. Lewis, who was governor of the Louisiana territory at

the time of his death, committed suicide after wrestling with

depression, drug addiction or some other malady.

Others have speculated that he was murdered. About 200

descendents have petitioned the federal government to dig

Mr. Lewis up, hoping that modern science will exonerate a

historical figure whose legacy they believe was tarnished by

his ambiguous death. In April 2008 the family received

notice the exhumation would not take place. In view of this,

is Awareness able to determine if in fact this man

committed suicide or was he murdered as speculated?"

Your comments please?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness wishes to state

unequivocally that the individual Meriwether Lewis

committed suicide. The individual had achieved a high

pinnacle for himself in the Lewis and Clark expedition and

he was never more alive than when he was traveling the

unknown, uncharted territories and rivers of the western

territories of United States of America. It was the highlight

period of his life and when this drew to a close and he

returned back to civilization, he went into deep depression.

His life purpose had, to some degree, already been

accomplished and that which followed was anti-climactic for


A Post-Traumatic stress Syndrome fueled by Alcoholism

He suffered that which now would be understood as post-

traumatic syndrome and went into a deep, irrevocable

tailspin that was further fueled by alcoholism. This was all a

part that was played by the individual after his return from

his expedition. In this state of despair and depression, and

in this condition of post- traumatic stress disorder, he

could not grab hold of his life again. He had found such

vitality and brilliance in his life while on the unknown trails

he was navigating, experiencing life to the max, that when

he came back, that which had been so inspiring and

motivating to him was no longer so.

He fell into the state of despair and depression that led him

to drink excessively and to use certain opiates that were

available at that time. This was a tragic case. This was a

man who was more suited to continue his explorations than

to seek political office, which destroyed his spirit. It is

understandable that his relations now are requesting

exhumation to discover whether he was murdered or not,

and that they would seek to do this to restore his name.

This is understandable but unnecessary, for indeed his

name is not tarnished, and his ending does not belittle his


There is no dishonor in the ending of his life

It simply should show that even those who achieve mighty

deeds may well fall to depression and despair, and may well

succumb to post-traumatic stress disorder when they are

no longer living on that high edge. There is no dishonor in

the ending to this man's life, but rather a tragic

consequence that often occurs when one loses one's life's

meaning and no longer finds relevancy in life, and indeed

turns to substance abuse as a way of providing meaning and


This is still the case, and there is not much that has been

achieved since the time of Lewis' death for treating

individuals suffering from this extreme emotional letdown

from the high levels of stress in their lives, as a


result of returning from situations that were highly

intoxicating in the energetic nature of an experience, such

as an expedition full of danger into unknown territories, or

the return of a soldier from a wartime situation where

adrenaline flows constantly and one lives on the edge.

Perhaps the families of this man would be better served in

understanding that their ancestor suffered post-traumatic

stress disorder, which eventually led him to an act of

desperation to end his life, for he no longer could live his

life, and use this as a platform to help those today who are

suffering from similar post-traumatic stress disorder. This

would be a true acknowledgment of the final days and to

the final act of their forebear. This would give the death of

Meriwether Lewis more meaning and more impact.

Questioner: He was quite a man, wasn't he?

Cosmic Awareness: Indeed, he was quite a man. He

achieved so much in those years where he traveled the

Western territories, where he was alive to the fullest of his

ability. This is what was his truest accomplishment, not his



Questioner: Indeed. I wonder- as this is the Lewis and Clark

expedition — what happened to Mr. Clark?

Cosmic Awareness: He lived out his life without further

adventures or mishap. This individual did adjust to life after

the adventure and thus he did not befall the same fate as

Lewis. He did try to reach out to his friend, and did try to

help him, but Lewis had his own demons to contend with,

and despite Clark's reaching out it was not enough to help

Lewis. Clark did live a long life and died with the sense that

he had had a long and fulfilling life.

It is seen that Clark was an Indian agent working for the

government and was relatively satisfied with his life. He was

able to readjust to life when he returned from his

adventures, unlike Lewis who lived for his adventures. When

they were no longer available he sought adventures in other

ways through the misuse of alcohol and drugs.

Questioner: That was unfortunate, but that's what he


Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness reminds all that many,

when they find that their lives are not as meaningful, as

fulfilling, and as adventurous, will do this. This applies not

only to soldiers and military individuals returning from high

stress situations, but also to any and all individuals — movie

stars, politicians, doctors, ordinary individuals who are

seeking to give their life meaning and turn to drugs and

alcohol for this. This is the nature of substance abuse:

individuals seeking meaning, seeking to dull the pain, the

loneliness, and the demons that capture them when their

lives return back to normal from those higher states of

participation in life.


Questioner: (Thank you) Our next question is from Jayne

Judkins. It concerns the Success of the Elite and

Ascension. "Will the Elite Dark Cabal be successful in

significantly reducing the global population, starving the

human race, destroying the United States and its citizens

and forever crippling our financial system, causing the

majority of citizens to be poor and possibly homeless, and,

will we be taken to FEMA camps? So many people are

waking up these days and have become aware of the

Illuminati, these secret societies, and the Elite of the world

and their plans to enslave and destroy us even further.

Will they be removed from power over the world before

2012? Will there be a time of prosperity prior to Ascension

that would allow people to be free of all these concerns, get

focused on the Ascension, and help their brothers and

sisters grow and heal? Thank you so much in advance...

Love and Peace, Jayne." Your comments please?

Cosmic Awareness: While this question has merit, it still

comes from that level of thinking that is dualistic in nature,

that only offers one of two solutions, either this or that. The

expectation on this Awareness is to answer this question,

stating whether these series of events, this enslavement of

humanity and the destruction and genocide of humanity as

predicted will occur. This Awareness must again say that

this could occur for those who are so focused in this line of

consciousness that they experience it. This could be

experienced by those who came onto this planet and whose

purpose was to experience this line of reality- the timeline

of reality as described here.

The Dark Cabal hangs out in the 4th Dimension

There are those whose purpose it is to experience this. This

too would be how many will experience this mass-

enslavement, this mass-genocide that the Power Elite are

planning, but it is not what all will experience. Be aware that

those who comprise the Elite, those who form the Dark

Cabal know that they will not be ascending. They hide out in

that which is the 4th dimension, which gives them the

power to travel through time and space. They see many of

the scenarios, and many of the timelines. They know that

unless they refute their evil ways they cannot ascend, for

Ascension is not open to those whose intent and purpose is

to control and manipulate Mother Earth and all of her


Therefore, they understand that if they wish to put

themselves back into the normal loop of consciousness, if

they wish to finally return back to the Godhead, to face that

which they have done over the many millennia, the acts and

deeds that they have committed over the thousands of

years while they have been in charge — then and only then

could they possibly start to return to that path that would

lead them to Ascension. They would have to forego their

4th dimension escape-route that bypasses the return to

the 5th dimension.

How the Dark Cabal can see the timelines and how they

plan to reduce the populations of Earth

When those who are of the Elite Cabal die, they do notreturn back into the 5th, they do not go back to the soul

but rather exist in the 4th dimension, traveling back and

forth through the time and space matrix that exists at the

4th dimension. This is why they can see many of the

timelines. They are abundantly aware of the Planet A /

Planet B scenarios, and they are hedging their bets, and are

setting up situations that will best support their needs,

those needs that are not based on a return back into the

soul fabric but rather a continuance of their powers into the

Planet B scenario, where they are still in charge.

In their many analyses of those various timelines that exist,

they are seeking to be in charge of as many as they can be

in charge of. They see that there will be, in many of these

timelines, a natural situation on the planet itself, where due

to natural geological events, the sustainability of a large

human population is seriously compromised. This would

affect them as well, for they already know that in these

scenarios there may be challenges to their authority by

desperate peoples. Therefore, this is what underlies their

attempt to reduce the human population, and why they have

this as their agenda.


In their way of thinking, if they can reduce large parts of the

world's populace, if they can kill off many of the citizens of

the planet, then they will be in a better situation in many of

the timelines that they have seen from 4th dimension. It is

for this reason why they have such nefarious plans as the

chemtrails, the weather warfare and the destruction of the

food crops, the Earth's climate alterations, and the deadly

oil spills that have irrevocably damaged the Gulf, for


These are all for the purpose of being more in charge on

the other side, and due to the fact that they control the

other side, they are still in charge of the populace that

could turn against them, which would have strength in

numbers, and they would be seriously compromised. This is

why they have initiated many of their plans, so that when

the Ascension experience happens and there is the splitting

of the vibrational planets, Planet A and Planet B into two

separate entities, two separate strands of possibilities, they

will continue to be in charge of that which is the Planet B


This completes this question, unless the Energizer herself

has a further question.

Questioner: No, I think you've pretty well covered it. If there

are additional questions I hope the membership will submit

these please?



There are 3 questions from Kathleen Villareal. The first one

is a Planet B-like Experience Emergence. "Since

Awareness has begun giving information regarding Planet A,

Planet B, and the bifurcation of streams of consciousness

heading towards one or the other, I have picked up on the

suspicion that we — the ones that are headed for Planet A,

are evolving from an experience similar to Planet B. Is there

something to the notion that our stream of consciousness

is emerging from a separation and desolation similar to that

of the now forming Planet B?" Your comments please?

Cosmic Awareness: First this Awareness wishes to thank

this individual for her very enlightened speculation on this

matter. Furthermore, this Awareness confirms that she is

correct in her suspicion, and this is an important matter

indeed to understand. Many who are now moving towards

that which is Planet A and the various experiences that will

be available as they move into higher levels of

consciousness with an evolved Planet Earth, Mother Earth,

have themselves on previous occasions in previous lifetimes

been in situations somewhat similar, where there has been

an Ascension process that they chose not to move forward


They chose to stay in the alternate reality that did not

experience Ascension. But even in their partial experience

of the situation that occurred around that period of

Ascension, they still gained an understanding, even if it was

indirect, of Ascension. But they were not ready for this

experience, putting it on the back burner, and continuing

through the long evolutionary experiences of the soul as it

purifies itself, so that when it came to another opportunity

to advance, to move forward, to expand in consciousness,

to ascend, then it would be ready, and the individual

prepared to step into Ascension.

This simply means that they were not ready in the first

place. They did get to have more experiences; they got to

evolve until they finally reached a place of advanced

spiritual awareness that will allow them to ascend at this

time. Equally however, is the fact that many are not ready

to ascend. These individuals would be as those who on the

previous occasion chose not to ascend because they were

not ready, thus creating the situation at this time of many

who still need further experiences in the separation from

spirit on the physical plane, even at more extreme levels

than that which has been so since the last time such an

Ascension opportunity availed itself to humanity.

Therefore, as this Awareness has so often said, those who

are not moving into the higher echelons of consciousness,

those who have not reached a certain level of spiritual

awareness, are not to be grieved, and are not to be pitied.

They are simply continuing on in the evolutionary progress

and journey of their soul, whereby they will continue to have

certain unique experiences of physicality, so that the

various aspects of the soul that are having such

experiences can continue onwards. This is very

understandable if one can accept that this has happened

many, many, many times before in other realms of

consciousness and is but a repeat in some ways of that

which has already occurred on many occasions.


Questioner: (Thank you). Her next question concerns 2012,

the 2012 shift and the choice of whether to remain or go

now. "In the past Awareness has advised us to keep

ourselves alive any way we can in anticipation of the 2012

shift. Awareness asked us to remain in good health so that

we could serve. Many of us have done that and sometimes

it has been quite a struggle to do so. Lately however,

Awareness has been advising us that we do not need to

cling to the 3rd dimension anymore, and that it is okay to

release our bodies. Is Awareness letting us know that it is

finally all right if we just let go of our lives here? Should we

hang in there for the 2012 event?" Your comment please?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness wishes to state first

and foremost that Ascension is a process that is occurring

already. For many the way that Ascension is reached is

through death, and each and every death is a form of

Ascension, for the soul is reunited with that aspect of being

that was sent out to have the physical experience, and

when that individual releases life and experiences the death

experience it is an act of Ascension. The individual is

returned back into the soul fabric at the 5th dimensional


What this Awareness was referring to previously is that as

those who are moving towards Ascension hold the energies

of Ascension by continuance in life, and this makes the

energies more available to many others who are also ready

to expand their consciousness and move into a higher level

of awareness, which would allow them to participate

themselves in the Ascension experience. There has never

been an energy around death before 2012. This has not

been held by this Awareness as something to be avoided,

and thus life must be held onto at any cost. This was never

truly what this Awareness was referring to.

A Mass Ascension that does not entirely include physical


It is simply saying, as It has said in the past, that staying

available and being available for that experience of

Ascension that is coming will avail many more to this

experience, and will promote the energies of consciousness

that allow many to move onwards into Ascension in the

mass Ascension experience that is coming. This is what

distinguishes many at this time, and this is what

distinguishes this particular Ascension experience at this

time. It will be a mass Ascension that does not entirely

entail physical death.


All will ascend at the time of their physical death, this is

true, but this event that is coming is one where many will

pass through the portals and the vortexes, taking their

bodies with them, ascending in a way that is the example

Jesus provided in his transmogrification. He showed the

world for this time and for the future, that it would be

possible to leave the physical plane of existence and move

the whole body through the Veil of Forgetfulness back into

a 5th dimensional state of consciousness, where it would be

possible to reassemble the physical body at any time that it

was wished for.

This is a unique and incredible progression of the soul and

is why so many outside forces are observing the events on

this planet at this time. This is a slightly different situation

than the normal Ascension experience of the soul ascending

back to its higher exalted self, its Divine Nature. It is a

unique event indeed.


Questioner: Question please. Would it be correct to assume

that when one ascends to the 5th dimension and retains the

physical body and returns to the 3rd dimension, it is for the

purpose of helping those remaining in the 3rd dimension?

Cosmic Awareness: This could be one scenario. It could be

that they return to the 3rd dimension to simply enjoy

themselves in physicality. It would be like going out for a

picnic and enjoying the day's outing in a wonderful place of

nature. There is a freedom that is allowed, for that spiritual

consciousness would be aware of its truer nature, and while

it could engage in a physical experience, it always knows it

is a spiritual being having this physical experience.

Many will find themselves on the ascended Planet A not yet

being able to transmogrify their physicality into spirit and

back again, but knowing that there are higher spiritual

principles they wish to live by that are in accordance with

the Divine Plan and that are in accordance and in harmony

with Planet Earth and all of her creatures. This too is a

higher-evolved level of conscious awareness. It is one of

the many layers or levels available once the planet has

completed the Ascension process in 2012.

Try to Stay in Good Health While Awaiting

The final thing that this Awareness wishes to say in relation

to the question posed is that having a good state of health

and well-being is always favorable to being ill or in a state

of ill health or a lack of well-being. Therefore, even in this

time, where one could simply let go and just wait for

Ascension, this Awareness would still advocate that one be

aware of their health and wellbeing and to try to maintain it

and to understand it. But given the message this Awareness

gave recently of acceptance, that even those who are not

in the best of health, those who are suffering, those who

are hanging on — that in this place of acceptance of where

they are, they still send forth a message to their Higher

Self, their Higher Being, the message that they accept who

and what they are and thus allow any changes that are

appropriate to be engaged.

Questioner: Thank you. Is there additional please?

Cosmic Awareness: There is always additional, but this

Awareness is complete with this question.


Questioner: (Thank you). Kathleen's last question concerns

a storm on Saturn. She writes, "Towards the end of

December 2010, the Cassini spacecraft swept past Saturn

and took extraordinary photos of a gigantic storm. The

storm has a huge central funnel and a long tail that

stretches for tens of thousands of miles across Saturn's

northern hemisphere. Scientists cannot yet give a satisfying

explanation for the existence of this storm. There have

been rumors for the past couple of years of plans to

attempt to ignite Saturn for several nefarious reasons: one

intriguing suggestion is that blowing up Saturn could change

the course of Nibiru. Is this storm the result of an attempt

to blow up Saturn?" Does Awareness see this as a

possibility please?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness does not see this as a

possibility or the reason for this storm. This Awareness

sees this as more related to the nature of orbs, of those

planetary bodies, such as Earth, such as Saturn, such as

Jupiter, as all orbs that spin. There are openings in the

polar regions around the axis. This is so for Planet Earth,

even though this is hidden from public knowledge. Often

there is what appears to be a cap over those areas that are

the openings into the North and South poles, as is so on

Earth at this time. There is a hiding of the opening.

Erroneous conjecture of the worst kind

The cloud cover the Energizer meant is accurate, that

clouds have hidden this opening. But these clouds, due to

the effect of the violent storm in this region, have been

dissipated. Thus, the funnel opening that descends into the

planet, around which the planet is rotating, is open, and is

obvious and has been observed. This is what is occurring. It

has nothing to do with igniting the atmosphere of Saturn, of

blowing it up to destroy it to interfere with Nibiru. This is

simply erroneous conjecture of the worst kind.


Questioner: (Thank you) We have something from DK in

Fallon. It concerns the 1942 Pearl Harbor attack. There are

3 questions.

"On February 25, 1942, only 11 weeks after the

unforgettable attack on Pearl Harbor, an unidentified

aircraft appeared in the sky above Culver City, California.

Just before 2:30 AM, military personnel launched an assault

on the hovering object, firing more than 14,000 rounds of

anti-aircraft artillery into the air. The onslaught was

witnessed by more than one million people. After more than

90 minutes of battle, the unscathed craft simply

disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. It was never seen

again... Questions: Whose craft was this? What was it doing

over Los Angeles for so long, especially after knowing it had

triggered a violent reaction? Where did it go after this?

Thank you." Your comments please?

Cosmic Awareness: This was a craft of that which is now

known as the Orion-Reptilian faction. They materialized

over the skies of LA and provoked the attack. There was an

attempt here by those within the craft to see the state of

preparedness of the defenses, the defense forces of the

Americans in the Los Angeles region. There was a force

field around the ship, which is why the attack on this vessel

was inconsequential, and after it had determined the

strength of those defense forces it retreated, and simply

went out to sea, where it disappeared.

It must be remembered that the Reptilian Greys, have often

been associated with UFO activity, especially the Greys,

and it is seen in this case that it was the Greys who were

piloting the ship. They have often been seen in the skies

above, but until 1948 when the term "flying saucer" was

first coined, there was no way of completely understanding

what was being seen and viewed. In this incident it was

thought perhaps this was a secret craft of the Japanese

army; it was not. There was simply no comprehension or

understanding of what it was, for this preceded the 1948

identification of extraterrestrial craft that became known as

flying saucers, but this was indeed that: a flying saucer of

the Orion/Reptilian faction, in this case of the Greys.

This also was before any contracts were made with the

governments of the planet, especially the United States

government, and before any agreements were reached that

gave the aliens certain rights to abduct individuals on the

planet in exchange for extraterrestrial technology. This

Awareness said that they were trying to measure this

preparedness of the defense forces, but it was also trying

to gauge how powerful they were and if the UFO craft of

the Greys was in danger of being destroyed by attacks from

the military forces of that time. It was determined that their

military capability was still limited, and that they posed no

real threat to the force fields of the ships, or to their ability

if they needed to launch an attack against the citizens of

the United States, as well as the citizens of the world.

This is why they appeared at a time where they knew that

they could be interpreted as a craft, a secret weapon craft

of the Japanese forces. There was a high paranoia at that

time that the Japanese might attack the Los Angeles

region, and the Greys understood this paranoia and used it

to their advantage, showing up to test out the capability of

the military forces, to see if it would prove to be a threat to

them or not. They determined they were not a threat and

thus disappeared from view, having achieved their goal,

having assessed the capacity and capability of the military

power of the United States military at that time.

Questioner: (Question please) How long afterwards did they

actually contact the US government?

Cosmic Awareness: It is seen that the early contacts were

in the later decade, in the later years of the 40s and into

the early decade of the 1950s.


Questioner: (Thank you) .We have something from Larry

Kell. He writes concerning the book The Vision of Jaap

Hiddina and there is a website. He writes, "I just finished

this fascinating book and have a question for Awareness.

During one of Jaap Hiddinga's out-of-body trips, he was

shown an unusual event where time is stopped to allow

energy balancing of evolutionary programs and patterns. I'll

quote a few lines: "More Angels came, accompanied by

beings I had seen earlier in the Kingdom of Heaven. They

went to the Sun and stopped it. Immediately the planets and

their satellites stopped as well and nothing moved. Even a

bird was stopped in flight. The Angels and the heavenly

beings started their work. They carried out a variety of

tasks, best described as energy balancing of the

evolutionary programs and patterns. Those took an

enormous amount of time.

The complete overhaul took a period, if it could be

measured, that would be approximately 500 years. When the

work was finished, the Angel and the heavenly beings

traveled towards the Sun and started the process once

more. All the beings that had been frozen continued as if

nothing had happened. It was simply not noticed that there

had been a time vacuum of almost 500 years. No time had

passed for the living creatures in the material world."

Sometimes these adjustments last from a few days to 1000

years, and can take place several times a year. Can

Awareness tell us more about these adjustments and how

the motion and rotation of so many massive planets and

moons can be instantly stopped and restarted, without any

effects of the force of inertia being felt? How are the forces

of gravity balanced without the normal movement of planets

and moons that keep them from being pulled into the

nearest larger planet or the Sun? Thanks, Larry." And he

gives where the book is available. Your comments please?

Available at: Published by

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness wishes to point out

that in some ways this is an inaccurate understanding of

that which occurred. The freezing up of the planet, the

stopping of all life in mid-stride, so to speak, for incredible

amounts of earthly time is a misunderstanding of what

occurred. Furthermore, the assumption that there was an

adjustment to the evolutionary process is also erroneous,

for if this was so this Awareness would not agree. It is not

seen that there was an adjustment to the evolutionary

process, for this would suggest that the Powers That Be

behind the angelic forces have one specific evolutionary

track that mankind is to proceed along, and anything else is

erroneous and unwarranted, and anything else must be

stopped and corrected. This is simply not how it is.

His Misperception of Time

First though, this Awareness will return to the matter of the

misperception of the stopping of time. What was occurring

is this individual stepped out of the framework of time, as

he knew it in its physical manifestation. The physical

manifestation of time is experienced during physical

consciousness and physical experience, where it is deemed

that there is a passing of time by the individual. This

understanding of the passing of time is a unique human

construct; thus it is that humans measure a passage of time

where other creatures on the planet do not.

The plants and the trees do not measure the passage of

time as humans do. Animals do not measure the passage of

time as humans do. They are simply alive in the

Now, experiencing the physicality of their states of

consciousness. A tree therefore, does not need to know

that several hours have passed during a day, several days

have passed during a season, or several years have passed

during its lifetime. A tree is simply grounded in the fabric of

Mother Earth, stretching its arms and fingers to the skies,

being there in that Now experience.

Animals do not experience the passage of time

Animals too are alive in their moment of experience; they do

not worry about the passage of time. Thus it is that an

animal that is domesticated, such as a cat or a dog, may go

to the door wishing to be let out, and the door may be

opened for the beloved pet, and it puts its nose out and

sees that there is snow on the ground and that it is too

cold to be out and it comes quickly back in. Five minutes

later it goes to the door again, wishing to be let out, as if

that experience from 5 minutes previously is not relevant

and there must have been a change in circumstances since

then. It does not have the understanding that too little time

has passed for the situation to have altered radically, for

the weather to have improved. It simply is in the Now

moment, and in the Now moment the cat or the dog thinks

that it must be nice outside again.

However, it is the human who has the experience of time,

and when they experience a shift in this, where they step

outside of the time continuum, where they step into the

freezing of time, as described here, it is a different

experience entirely to what they are used to. Thus, these

beings that allegedly froze time were not freezing time at

all, they simply stayed focused in that moment where it

appeared to a physical being, thinking in a physical way, that

there was a freezing of time. This is not correct; this

momentary experience, this suspension of time was illusory.

It simply was a focus on the actions that were being

engaged in, and the individual, because he had stepped

outside of his normal perception of time that he would

experience if he was in the flow of time in the physical

experience, experienced this as a stoppage in time that was

told to him had taken 500 years. It took no time at all, and

500 years did not pass.

It was simply that the flow of experience in this altered

state did not encompass a time reference that would be

encompassed in the physical experience. For those who are

in physical form at that moment of stoppage, there was no

stoppage of time. The bird continued to fly, all the humans

on the planet continued their experience, and there was no

stoppage of time. Only the individual himself, by stepping

outside of the normal context of his experience, saw it to

be so, and experienced it to be so. He was active and

participating in that suspended moment, which is what

occurs when the spirit returns back to the soul, and the

aspect of the soul that is having a physical experience

chooses to return back into the fabric of the soul.

The time that was experienced on the physical plane no

longer exists for the spirit, the aspect of the soul that

returns. It would be again erroneous to assume that

because one has returned back to the soul, that all life that

was once known is in suspended animation. This is simply

not so.

The adjustment of the evolutionary track

As to the secondary matter of the adjustment of the

evolutionary track, all this is in reference to is that the

refocusing on a timeline is manipulated and worked with. It

does not mean that there is only one timeline, and this

individual again was misunderstanding what was being done-

that there was some fine-tuning to a timeline. But there are

many timelines; there is not simply one that is matted out

by a Christianized concept of God above that is to be

experienced by all.

Questioner: (Question please) Did he actually experience

this, or is this an illusion or dream only?

Cosmic Awareness: This is a harder question to answer.

One could say this was an illusory experience. But as the

whole of the physical experience is also illusory, it would be

invalid to disclaim this individual's experience as simply an

illusion. It was simply an experience that differed from other

experiences or from the physical experience he normally

experienced when he is in physical consciousness.

Questioner: So there is a validity then to his book?

Cosmic Awareness: There is a validity to that book if one

assumes and accepts that this is the truth. But what of

other truths of how it is, what of other evolutionary tracks

that are experienced on other timelines, are they not also

correct in their nature? This is but one track or timeline

that he experienced. What is of greater significance is that

he was able to step outside the confines of physicality, and

in some way step through the Veil of Forgetfulness to

experience the Eternal Now. This is what is important. He

still did not understand the ultimate truth; assuming only

one line of spiritual evolution was available, only one

physical representation of that spiritual line was valid. He

did not experience the multiplicity that is the reality of that

which is beyond the physical experience.

No closing message

(The Law of Gratitude is given)



West Coast Earthquake Alert 2

The Mind of God—A Super Computer 4

Google's Mind of God Computer 5

The Mystery of Meriwether Lewis 5

General William Clark 6

Dualistic Thinking on the Dark Cabal 6

Are we emerging from a Planet B



The 2012 Event: Should we still hang in? 7

Why return to the Third Dimension? 8

Why is that storm on Saturn? 8

That 1942 UFO attack in California 8

The Vision of Jaap Hiddinga 9

The sun rises 2 days early? 11

A Navy map of the future? 11

The New United States of North America 11

What about the Queen of England? 11

Why Hillary Clinton secretly called in all U.S. Ambassadors 12

Assets being removed from the Powers That Be? 13

Why Dead Birds, Fish and Crickets? 14

Mental Versus Spiritual Healing 14

Personal Readings Now Available by Phone

Due to increasing eye problems the Interpreter is now doing

all Cosmic Awareness Personal Readings by phone only. He

pays for all phone time and you receive a tape, CD or via

electronic MediaFire of the entire session. Call him direct to

make an appointment at your convenience. Call Will

Berlinghof at (403)-286-5248

Send Questions for Awareness

and comments to the editor

To: [email protected]

CAC General Reading 2-16-11 (February 16, 2011) Will Berlinghof Interpreter, Joan Mills

Questioner & Energizer

(No opening message)


Questioner: The first question comes from Larry Kell. It

concerns strange phenomena of the sun rising two days

early in Greenland, sparking fear of Earth changes. Do you

have a comment please?

Cosmic Awareness: This event was not as it seemed. There

was a rotational difference, not in the rotation of the earth

but in the angle of the sun to the country Greenland and it

was not a warning of the end, or dramatic earth changes,

and it was not a warning of Apocalypse. This event is not

seen clearly by this Awareness at this time and this

Awareness is somewhat confused what is meant by the

statement that the sun came up two days early, for the sun

comes up every day. Therefore, if there is further

explanation of this event this Awareness can make a much

deeper analysis and present information, for at this time

there is confusion around this matter.


Questioner: We have another question concerning the U.S.

Navy map of the future. This map shown is the U.S. Navy

map of the future. Does Awareness see any validity to this

map in the sense of it showing the areas where the future

coastlines will be and areas of water? Is this valid or is this

fear tactics or...?

Cosmic Awareness: This is seen simply as an exercise by

the U.S. Navy to predict possible shorelines in times to

come, based on deviations of the Gulfstream and global

warming and other factors. It is a projection. It is not seen

as 100% valid, for the future has not presented itself yet.

How can this map therefore be considered as accurate? It

is simply a projection of what the coastlines might possibly

look like in the event that certain factors occur. This is also

but one timeline possibility, and therefore in a specific

timeline these changes, if they are to occur, might produce

such an effect; but there are thousands of other scenarios

that could also occur. Therefore, this Awareness would

simply say that this was an exercise in projecting a possible

scenario and is not to be treated as the ultimate truth of

what will occur and how things will look in a foreseeable



Questioner: There is another question concerning the global

currency shift, the possibility of a new banking system

shortly. Is there any comment on that please?

Cosmic Awareness: There is not much to comment that has

not already been said many times in the past. The plans for

the Elite, the Powers That Be are to create a One World

System: one currency, one government, one world. There

are stages to be initiated before this One World Scenario

can occur. One of the steps that have yet to occur is the

unification of North America under one government, one

North American continental government then being formed,

a North American currency being adopted and other

standards changed, so that there is harmony amongst the 3

countries that constitute the new United States of North


Recent Changes Made for U.S. and Canada

There were recently changes that were introduced or

proposed when the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen

Harper, met with the American President Barack Obama

that have moved plans forward, plans such as the

harmonization of measures and standards of weight. Also, a

suggestion that Canada give up its sovereignty by allowing

the United States to have full control of the border

crossings between the United States and Canada; gone

would be the Canadian customs service, being subservient

to the United States customs services. This would be a

serious loss of sovereignty for the country of Canada and a

situation that many Canadians are not even aware occurred

in this meeting, even though it was announced.

How Canada is Losing its Sovereignty

Many Canadians are not understanding of the implications

of the loss of their customs service and the subscription to

another nation to control the customs crossing points along

the border between the United States and Canada. This

would constitute one nation giving up its sovereignty to

another, allowing that other nation to call the shots, at least

in this area. But this is a preliminary stepping-stone to

other changes that are proposed, that are on the planning

boards in the background, and these changes must go on

and be made so before the bigger plan is put into effect.

The bigger plan, of course, being the One World

Government, one currency, one world. Therefore, this

Awareness says that at this time other world plans must

first come into effect before the one currency can be

introduced. This Awareness sees that this could be

something that occurs after 2012 on that timeline of

possibility that is the Planet B timeline, the Planet B

scenario. It does not see these events occurring before

December 21, 2012, that being the completion of the

Ascension process.


Questioner: I have a question. If the Queen of England still

has some part of control over Canada and its policies etc.,

how is this able to come about?

Cosmic Awareness: It must be remembered, the Queen of

England and her family are part of the Elite, part of those

who are in control already. She sees her loyalties to Canada

only in a secondary manner. Her loyalties to her fellow Elite

and their overriding plan that has been in motion for many

generations takes precedence over her feelings towards the

Commonwealth, countries such as Canada and New

Zealand, Australia and other Commonwealth countries. It is

also to be remembered that as an extraterrestrial being, her

alliance is not even to humans as such, but to her own


David Icke, of course, asserted that she and her family were

reptilian in nature, as were the Bushes and other leading

families. There is some truth to this — more in that the

reptilian blood that is found in the royal families, that has

traditionally been known as the Bluebloods, differentiates

those of the Elite from normal humanity. Whether they are

shape-shifters who can shift into reptilian form or not isn't

truly the question here. What is the question is that they

are part of that which is not truly human in nature and have

a different loyalty other than just to humanity. It is this

greater loyalty to their own kind that takes precedence

beyond anything else and before anything else. Is this clear?

Questioner: (Yes it is, definitely) So basically then, this

possibility is more for 2012, rather than 2011, and it is more

related to planet B scenario rather than planet A.

Is that correct?

Cosmic Awareness: This is entirely correct. This Awareness

reminds one and all that there will be a continuation of the

present situation that exists on planet earth through the

Ascension period into that which lies beyond Ascension.

Many will never even notice that Ascension even occurred,

for their lives will have continuity to them. They may or may

not experience upheaval, depending on what the needs for

the planet are at the time and what they create as their

timeline. Some will create upheaval because of events that

occur, including geophysical events. Others may have no

awareness whatsoever and suddenly find that their worlds

are getting worse and worse as government agencies take

more and more control.

The Timeline of the Elite who will not Ascend

(Ascension for Many will be A Non-Event)

It is this timeline that the Elite who will not ascend, who will

not move forward are planning on; for as time-travelers in

the 4th dimension they have seen various futures and are

trying to set up the situation to their benefit, so that in

many of those timelines they will be in charge and that

matters will carry on, carry forward much as they are now,

the plans have already been drawn up as to where things

should go, and who will still be in charge.

Ascension for many will be a non-event. Others will be

completely disorganized by the upheaval of the times, and

others will already have shifted their energies and there will

not be a dramatic consequence as they simply step into a

new consciousness, a new alignment to Mother Earth's

energies as she too shifts to the higher planes of


What is to be remembered is that there are many, many,

many scenarios. When this Awareness receives questions

based on one scenario, then this Awareness will answer

according to the question and the focus that the question

demands. But this Awareness always sees many different

scenarios. It could talk ad nauseam about this upcoming

event and line of consciousness, this timeline or that

timeline. It could talk about the technological timeline that

many think will be the future. It could talk about the

upheaval in the Earth and the Earth changes; It could talk

about the Elite holding power and control, as It has just

done. It could talk about the events of the Ascension and

how many will suddenly see the old governments falling

away, exposed for what they are, and true spiritual leaders

coming forward; shifts in human events so that they are

now living in a conscious world where many are committed

to improving the world, both in physical ways and spiritual


Remember there are many other timelines as well

Then, of course, there is the scenario of many who will pass

through the vortexes, shifting themselves directly into

higher states of consciousness. It must be remembered that

when questions are asked of this Awareness that are based

on one timeline, one thought of how things will be, this

Awareness will answer that question in accordance to the

focus required, but please do remember that there are many

other options as well.



Questioner: (True. Ok, thank you) The next question is: All

American ambassadors were called to Washington DC for a

two-day meeting by Hillary Clinton. Is there a possible

explanation for this please?

Cosmic Awareness: This has much to do with the Elite, the

Powers That Be and there are certain planned events that

are to occur. The ambassadors, on the whole, are agents of

the Powers That Be and they were being forewarned of

certain events that were to occur and to therefore ready

themselves and their consulate for certain actions that

might occur. For example, the ambassador to Egypt was

warned that there were certain events that would occur

which would cause the breakdown of the government and

this ambassador to Egypt in particular was prepared for the


Questioner: Would these ambassadors, would this also

include Tunisia and the Arab countries?

Cosmic Awareness: It indeed includes the ambassadors of

the Middle East, the Arab countries most definitely, but also

other embassies throughout the world as well.

Questioner: Canada and Australia also being included in that


Cosmic Awareness: Indeed, to brief the ambassadors of

upcoming events that those in power have already planned

that are starting to be released. It must be remembered

that many are still within this timeframe, this timeline

scenario, experiencing events. They have not yet been

totally shaken up, and as this Awareness has said several

times, 2011 will be a year of rebellion and upheaval. This

began basically with the start of the New Year and the

energies of rebellion will carry on throughout the year.

Questioner: Will there be direct unrest in the US?

Cosmic Awareness: It is seen that there will be unrest in

the United States. Many things will start to be questioned,

especially those in power, those who have influence, those

who are at the highest level of the food chain will start to

be questioned more and more, especially as their brashness,

their cheekiness becomes a major irritant on those who

have lost so much, those who have not — the ordinary

people of the United States who are being asked to

shoulder the burden of hard times and yet have rubbed in

their face the rich and the superrich who are being awarded

for their actions, the very actions which have caused such

difficulty to so many.

It is seen that local pockets of anger and rage will start to

occur in the United States, small events at first and these

could possibly grow. It is not seen that there will be a

nationwide upheaval or rebellion, such as has been recently

seen in Tunisia and Egypt, this is not what this Awareness

is saying. But It is seeing that many are becoming very

dissatisfied, especially when the discrepancy between the

haves and the have-nots is emphasized and those who

have, assume their right to continue to take from those who

do not have.

Furthermore, this will also be a year of personal rebellion, of

throwing away the old values, the old traditions that no

longer work, and of most definitely questioning those old

values and old traditions. Many who are moving towards

Ascension will do this as a matter of course, for they

understand that the old ways are not working and that they

are indeed in need of change, in need of upheaval in their

lives. For many this will be forced upon them through the

events of their lives, and they may find that they are

challenged by certain events that occur.

Questions Many Americans Will be Asking

The trick, of course, will not be to go outside of themselves,

blaming others for those events, but to go within, to ask the

questions within oneself of, "Why have I called this into my

life? What is being shown to me, what do I need to see

here?" When one makes this a personal issue, one will be

able to make the changes from within, but the structure of

one's life often will also be changed — that which once was

may disappear, may alter, and this is not necessarily a bad

thing, even if it causes chaos and stress and tensions at

the time.

Questioner: So that would not be for the complete US then,

just in certain pockets, as you mentioned?

Cosmic Awareness: One could say it is for the complete US

of A, but that it would not be an overwhelming national

uprising across the board. There are certain tension areas

where the discrepancies are the greatest, certain cities

where the poor and the homeless and the disadvantaged

are suffering greatly, and it is in these high tension areas

that upheaval may actually occur in the form of riots and

rebellions. This will not affect every state in the nation

simultaneously at the same time across the board. It will be

seen more as events that are randomized, occurring

sporadically in different areas of the nation at different

times and to different degrees. Is this clear?

Questioner: Yes it is. I'm wondering... is this also possible

for other countries?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness has said that the whole

world will be affected by the energies of upheaval and

rebellion, so therefore the answer would indeed be: yes, this

does apply to all other nations. There is seen some that are

relatively stable, such as Canada, and some of the wealthy

European nations; Australia also as well as New Zealand,

but there are even within those countries shifts of energies

which will cause personal questioning and may even reflect

themselves in certain social movements taking place. This

Awareness feels that It is complete with this question.

Questioner: (Thank you )It's been said the Iraqi Dinar is to

be used for oil purchases. Is there additional information on

that please?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness does not see this as

so. This is a minor currency. The Euro is seen as a more

logical choice in the replacement of the American dollar, as

is the Chinese currency that is relatively strong at this


Questioner: Will either of these currencies replace the

US dollar or the Canadian dollar, Australian currency?

Cosmic Awareness: It is not seen that they will directly

replace the American dollar, but the American dollar is

under bombardment, is under scrutiny as to whether or not

it truly does represent the strongest nation in the world and

therefore is the strongest and most stable currency. It is

already seen that other currencies are stronger than the

American dollar, but it is not seen that the exchange rates

will move to replace the American dollar as the leading

currency of the planet at this time. However, the American

dollar is indeed under attack.

Questioner: And the plans to bring in the Amero are still in


Cosmic Awareness: This is truly the case, according to that

timeline. Please bear in mind that one may not experience

this at all, for the events may not unfold that sees the

North American Union forming and the Amero becoming the

official currency of the three countries of North America. It

is in the plans but many will not experience this, for their

own timelines have already shifted substantially, so that the

intervention of other agencies and other factors, such as

the Galactic Federation forces, may well prevent this

occurring for those individuals experiencing that timeline.



Questioner: We carry on, there's something about David

Wilcock's website where it suggests the

assets of the Powers That Be are being destroyed. Is this


Cosmic Awareness: Please define assets.

Questioner: Nuclear submarines, the electrical systems...

Cosmic Awareness: What this Awareness will say here is

that many systems are starting to collapse, and the

infrastructure is coming under attack somewhat. Those in

power are claiming this is simply the infrastructure coming

to the end of its usable cycle and that there must be

replacements made in the infrastructure for it to be sound

and to carry on. Some of this is truth, that infrastructures

are collapsing; old bridges, roadways etc. are meeting the

end of their life expectancy and certain equipment is failing:

electrical plants, military hardware etc. etc. Some of this is

a deliberate attack on those levels of infrastructure that are

being used at this time to support the Powers That Be.

There is indeed much going on behind-the-scenes that is

not reported in the daily news. It is not for this Awareness

at this time to go further into this matter. It has said a

hidden war is already taking place and that It challenges the

membership to keep their eyes open, and their brains

functioning in the asking of questions, always asking

questions when they hear of certain events that occur. It

will be obvious to many that something more is happening

behind the scenes, and then to keep digging, to keep open

and vigilant, to seek out the truth, for the truth is there to

be seen. What this Awareness will simply conclude with at

this time is that there are most definitely events happening

under the surface of things, and behind the scenes, of

things that are altering the grip of the Powers That Be, that

are prying the grip open slowly but surely.

This Awareness does say that there may be exposure of

many of those hidden realms that have been the realms of

power and control of the Powers That Be for so long in this

year ahead. This Awareness would say that many will find

out of these things, where before they were asleep to what

is occurring, disbelievers to what others have told them.

Certain events will expose the hidden power structure that

has been in control for so long and this will cause many to

ask those questions that will be needed to shift them from

their somnolent situation, where they are asleep to the

truth and just assume the truth without truly asking

questions of what they have assumed for so long is the



Upheavals today are necessary to shift Consciousness

Be aware simply that these are times of changes, rebellion,

and upheaval and this is to be seen as that which is

fortuitous, and that which is needed to shift consciousness.

One can resist such change, one can battle it, one can

oppose it, trying to hold on to the status quo, hold on to old

ways, and old traditions. Doing so will keep one chained to

those old ways and old traditions. Questioning and reviewing

and being open to the changes will move one forward. This

Awareness challenges one and all to always question and

even challenge the events of their own lives and the social

events that are unfolding around them.


Questioner: (Thank you) Another question... we had first

the dead birds and then the dead fish and now crickets. Is

there more to come in this area or is this just...?

Cosmic Awareness: This most definitely is in alignment with

what this Awareness said several months ago: to be

prepared for many weird and wonderful events in the time

ahead, in the months and years ahead, in the years before

Ascension. These are indeed some of the weird events and

there will be many more in the weeks and months ahead.

Questioner: What is the purpose of this? Why would

anybody want to kill birds and fish and crickets especially?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness would say to the

Energizer: it is not that they are trying to kill these

creatures. This is simply the result of actions that are being

carried out, of the Powers That Be playing out the hidden

war. The creatures that have died are simply considered

additional carnage that was affected by opposing forces. It

is as a battle, a war where bombs are thrown around

causing death and carnage to noncombatants. The

difference here is that there are no noncombatants, in that

those in power feel they are justified in what they are doing.

Up until now there has not been extra human deaths

reported. This may change as some of the more

extraordinary events take place that cause what seem to be

natural catastrophes, such as the Haiti earthquake and

other earthquakes that have recently hit.

Unfortunately, many will not understand that this is a result

of those energies, such as HAARP energies being released

that are causing such events, although this information also

is now starting to be released on levels beyond just the

conspiracy networks and groups. It is even to hit

mainstream news in countries that can allow such news to

be reported. Unfortunately the United States of America is

not such a country at this time, but other nations that are

more open to reporting the truth will report such factors

and this information will filter back to many in the United

States of America.

Questioner: Mostly by the Internet possibly?

Cosmic Awareness: Indeed by the Internet, but also via

friends and family who may live abroad, who may write their

families in the United States, reporting what they saw or

heard on their televisions, directing them to look into the

matters more, and to go to certain sources on the Internet.

There are many ways that information can be passed on,

other than the official news agencies. Is this clear?

Questioner: (Yes, yes, thank you) There is another report

here that the magnetic polar shifts are causing massive

global super storms. Is that a fact or is this due to HAARP?

Cosmic Awareness: There are other factors than HAARP

that are also playing into the changes that are occurring on

the planet at this time, and that the shifting magnetic poles

and the energy fields that are destabilized as the poles shift

is one of the factors. There are reports of the magnetic

poles moving quite extensively within days and weeks,

causing that which would be magnetic fluctuation around

the world. This can affect animals quite seriously, such as

migrating birds and fish. This is something that is being

reported on, but not extensively, again in the news of the

world, such as the 9 o'clock news that many watch in the


There is information that is available if one searches for it

on the Internet. The shifting of the magnetic poles has

much to do with Mother Earth as she is adjusting her

frequencies. She herself, this being, this consciousness that

is known as Gaia, Mother Earth, is starting to change her

frequencies. This is being shown in the frequency

modulations that are occurring in the magnetosphere and

the polar magnetic shifts that are occurring. There will be

more dramatic evidence of this occurring in the next

several weeks and months and that soon many will know of

this situation.


Questioner: (Thank you) We have something from PK, in

California. I would like to read this query in its entirety and

then return to the questions? It is written, "I have read the

2012 book several times and two things that stay in my

mind, and that I have really taken to heart are:

1. Time to look deeply at one's errors

2. Time to understand the ability to create

These are surely related. Looking deeply, I have come to

see the error in relationship and also to understand that I

can do nothing about the error in another, only in myself.

Obviously I hadn't gotten it and I have seen some major

changes as a result. Regarding to working on this, I have

been studying all back issues of CAC, reading biography of

Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science; reading Joel

Goldsmith (Infinite Way Teachings). Mary Baker Eddy spoke

of the mortal mind, or carnal mind, as the agency of error,

sickness, old age, death, lack, (all things that bothered

Siddhartha). Others call it the chemical level.

Awareness, about the same thing I think, speaks of the

illusion in which we live because of the acceptance of what

is given through the 5 senses, and the truth being energy

and "shimmering atoms." It seems that the physical or

chemical level, or carnal mind level, the illusory level, will be

wiped out and after that a freer, less painful, more spiritual

level is one that will now in 2012 perhaps have access to.

So the first two sources teach healing from mortal mind or

carnal mind. Someone said Mary Baker Eddy in Christian

Science got mental healing, but only to a lesser extent, and

at the end spiritual healing.

Mental healing seems to be manipulating something to give

a better outward life, better out-picturing. I have been

wondering if spiritual healing is a total liberation toward the

'shimmering atoms'? The question: does


Awareness recognize a distinction between mental healing

and spiritual healing, I wonder? The work of the Kahunas,

the Kahuna prayers; is this mental healing? Is spiritual

healing the ability to create? Is it about great freedom from

this illusory dimension? Is that in a large degree what 2012

is all about?" Your comments please?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness says and indicates that

mental healing is the power of mind, beliefs, attitudes,

concepts, and philosophies. Often there is no questioning of

that which is accepted, that which one has been

conditioned to believe. There can be no mental healing at all

if one does not accept at that level first and foremost, that

healing can take place in other ways than that which is

prescribed by modern medicine, for example.

As beliefs hold that one has no power to heal themselves

but must go to an outsider, to someone outside of

themselves to receive healing, to receive orthodox medical

care — then one places themselves within the spectrum of

conditioned thinking regarding healing at that mental level —

healing can only occur from outside of oneself acting upon

the body, which does not have its own capacity to heal

itself without medicine, without an operation, without

chemotherapy, without radiation, without whatever is

prescribed as the way of things within the mental

conceptualization of healing and medicine.

The Significance of the Placebo Effect

Healing is not seen in any spiritual way, shape or form. Yet

one can start to question the more traditional concepts

regarding health and well-being, regarding healing and

medical treatment. One can start to see that there are

inner energies that are involved, inner concepts and beliefs

that can make a huge difference. There is that which is

known as placebo effect. Modern medicine largely

disregards this as significant, and yet the placebo effect is

that effect where the mind, believing something will help,

even if it is but a sugar tablet, creates healing.

The mind accepting that this placebo, this substance that

one is taking and that one believes will help, does indeed

help. Therefore, healing does very much involve mental

capacity, and if that which is the low self believes in that

which is being offered as an agent of healing, and that this

is how healing occurs, then the low self will allow those

mental beliefs to function, whether it is the mental belief in

traditional allopathic medicine as the way to heal, or allows

alternative methods to heal one.

How Spiritual Healing Works Miracles

The mind plays a huge part in healing, and in believing what

can occur and what will not occur. Spiritual healing goes

beyond this, spiritual healing opens the whole self— the High

Self, the middle self, the low self—to a flow of energy that

comes beyond one's personal conditioned belief systems,

one's own personal understanding of how this is and how

this occurs. Thus at this multidimensional level, healing

energies can flow directly from that which is the Spiritual

Source, that which is the Divine, and thus miraculous

healings can occur from this level.

Kahuna Magic

Kahuna magic, which the Kahunas practiced, was a

combination of mental as well as spiritual healing. They

understood the significance of belief systems. They were

trained in such matters and they could help the people or

harm the people, according to what they created within the

populace in the manner of beliefs. They would also work

from the combination of the High Self, middle self and low

self, into the Unity of Oneness, opening the door to the

higher levels of consciousness, thus allowing the Higher

Powers to come through and achieve miraculous healings or

to create miraculous events.

Thus it is that the Kahunas could do personal healing on a

very mundane level, but they could also call in the Higher

Powers to create miraculous healings. They used these

higher connections to Spirit also to create miraculous

events, things that are considered at this time even to be

impossible, such things as walking through or over lava,

changing the weather, emptying a lagoon of the sharks by

communicating to the sharks, and asking them to leave.

There were many things that the Kahunas could do to that

were done because of their ability to unify the three

aspects of consciousness within each individual and open

the door to the higher spiritual levels, to the levels of their

multidimensional being that are to be rediscovered and are

being rediscovered at this time. Indeed, the higher spiritual

healing is there to be rediscovered also, and many are

indeed even now starting to tune into this new level of

healing. Many are already working at these new levels.

Questioner: Thank you. The second to last question: Is it

about great freedom from this illusory dimension, is that

what it's all about?

Cosmic Awareness: It could be understood that it is indeed

about freedom from the illusion of 3rd dimensionality. The

truth shall set you free. This most definitely applies to the

truth of that which lies beyond the parameters of 3rd

dimensional reality. It must be remembered that there was a

reason why the 3rd dimension was created in the first place.

It provided a backdrop for the soul to manifest itself into an

experience of separation from the Divine, from Spirit. To do

so, it had to believe that what was being experienced in the

physical realm was "real." By assuming that all that is

physical is real and forgetting that one is a spiritual being

having a physical experience, allows full participation in the

experience without distraction, without a back door.

Why the Veil of Forgetfulness was Created

If a spiritual being came into physical reality and

experienced the oppressiveness of this 3rd dimensional

reality — the cruelty, the violence, the incomprehensible

senselessness of it all — many would leave physical reality

at the first opportunity. Many upon experiencing trauma and

emotional pain and conflict and grief would be "Out of

here!" Here being, of course, the physical reality as soon as

they possibly could leave it. Suicide would increase

100,000-fold if those spiritual beings understood that they

can simply choose to go back into spirit form, back to the

soul, and leave the pain and the insanity behind. This was

also Understood at the creation of this physical realm.

Thus, what has often been referred to as the Veil of

Forgetfulness was created. This allows a spirit seeking a full

physical experience the opportunity to come here into this

physical existence and have that experience. Spirit always

understood that at the end of the physical experience, at

the end of the illusion, the spirit would return back into its

spiritual essence. Therefore, it was never felt that this was

cruel and unusual punishment. It was simply always seen

and is seen as but an experience that is quite strong and

passionate. The veil of forgetfulness was erected as a way

of ensuring that the soul, or the spiritual aspect of the soul

that is having the physical experience, would stay around

throughout that lifetime, leaving only when it was the time.

Of course there are many escape routes, and suicide is one

of those escape routes that some use when the trauma is

too much, when the sense of hopelessness is too extreme.

It is then that many leave the plane of existence, for

something within them does still remember their spiritual

essence and their spiritual reality. Yet that experience of

suicide has much karma attached to it, and it creates much

pain and sorrow for those who are left behind. Therefore,

suicide is definitely not recommended by this Awareness,

for It does state and suggest that there is a value in each

and every human life, that the soul choosing to have the

physical experience did so with intent and purpose.

Indeed, the soul having the physical experience did choose

this experience with intent and purpose, as this Awareness

has said. Its intent was to learn, to grow, to expand, and to

bring those energies, that knowledge back into the spiritual

realm. It is often said that one cannot take things back with

them when one dies and returns back into spirit, yet one

always brings back the experiences and energies and

knowledge and memories of a life for the soul to incorporate

into its overall knowingness. Further to this, the physical

experience does provide an intense experience that is notavailable on the 5th dimensional spiritual realm. In this area

there is that which is bliss, that which is harmony, and that

which is unconditional love, this being of course that level of

spiritual consciousness that exists on the 5th plane.

Why the Soul Seeks to have a Physical Experience

There is no extreme challenge, there is no extreme need to

move rapidly forward or to have incredibly intense

experiences of a profound nature. It is for this reason that

many at the soul level decide to have a profound and

intense physical experience, for they seek to grow and

expand the soul in ways that are difficult to understand

from a physical orientation. This would even include hard

experiences, cruel experiences, desperate, violent

experiences, as well as joyful experiences, passionate

experiences and extremely enjoyable experiences. Happy

experiences, light experiences — all is available in 3rd

dimensional consciousness. This is why the soul seeks to

have a physical experience. It is not without reason, and not

without purpose.

Questioner: Basically it’s all about great freedom from the

illusory dimension and that is to a large degree what 2012 is

all about?

Cosmic Awareness: Indeed this is so. 2012 represents an

expansion of consciousness that recognizes, understands

the nature of the illusion, why it was necessary, why it was

accepted and chosen in the first place. At the same time,

while the soul seeks to have an intense experience in

physical reality, where it denies itself a back door that it

could escape out of too easily, at the same time part of the

physical experience is to evolve while in this physical state

of consciousness to a heightened level of consciousness,

where one realizes and understands that one is a

multidimensional being, that one is an expression of the

spirit and the soul, having a physical experience. Then one

can have an experience of Ascension, where one can move

beyond the physical laws that exist to define this particular

human experience, this 3rd dimensional experiment and


A Mass Ascension will occur Soon

When one achieves Ascended Consciousness within this

state of being, one does move beyond the constraints of

physicality. Thus it was that Ascended Masters in the past,

such as Jesus the Christ, such as Buddha, such as Krishna,

went beyond their constrictions because they understood

the truth of that which is and was their true being. At this

time a Mass Ascension is the plan, and is that which will

soon occur, and many who have worked, not only in this

lifetime but in many lifetimes to reach this place of

expanded awareness and expanded consciousness, will be

able en masse to move forward.

No closing message

The Law of Gratitude is given)



COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself

through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna,

Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who

served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who

speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New

Age' of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963

Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through

carefully trained channels. This information is for those who

desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the

thousands of 'Readings' given through these various

channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe

anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for

yourself, through your own -channel what is the truth.

Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest' . Neither

C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything

Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor

does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the

statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters

interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and

are not personally responsible for what is said. The

Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor

control over the editorial comments and material, including

illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor.

Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of

general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in

this newsletter.


EVERY 4 WEEKS ( More or Less )

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter,

published by Cosmic Awareness Communications, P.O. Box

115, Olympia, Washington, 98507, U.S.A. ( A not-for-profit

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deductible from your Federal Income Tax. Try to remember

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come. ("How many have you served, and how well?" is the

question we will all be asked at the Passing Over).


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