Page 1: Corrigendum To Brief for Competition for Design of a third party assurance from BIS, about quality of goods, articles, processes



Brief for

Competition for Design of Standards Marks for BIS

Certification Schemes

1. Sl No. 6, Para 1

The existing text “The Standard Mark to be designed for various certification

schemes should be composed of two components” may be read as “The Standard

Mark to be designed for various certification scheme can be a single mark or could be

composed of two components:”

2. Annexure I, Sl. A-2, Col. 3, bullet 2

Delete the text “ISI mark is well known and we shall like to retain the same”

3. Annexure I, Sl.A-2, Col. 3, Bullet 3

The existing text “BIS is open to some modernization of the existing ISI mark to

bring it in consonance with the other design so that it becomes part of the overall

ecosystems” may be read as “BIS is open to some modernization of the existing ISI

mark or a new mark that creates an association with BIS to bring it in consonance with

the other designs so that it becomes part of the overall ecosystems.”

4. Appendix I, (Submission of Entries), Para 1, Line 3

The existing text “The participant can upload multiple entries through separate

registration” may be read as “The participant can upload multiple entries through

single registration”.

Page 2: Corrigendum To Brief for Competition for Design of a third party assurance from BIS, about quality of goods, articles, processes

Brief for

Competition for Design of Standards Marks for BIS

Certification Schemes Preamble

1. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the National Standards Body of India under

the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Govt. of India. BIS

came into existence as a Standard Body on 1 April 1987 after taking over the

functions of the erstwhile Indian Standards Institution that had been setup in


2. BIS formulates national standards and also runs various certification schemes

that enable an organization to demonstrate conformity to Indian Standards for

various products and systems. Such organizations are given a license to use /

affix a Standard Mark on their products / letter heads and other promotional

literature. These Standard Marks provide consumers as well as business buyers,

with a third party assurance from BIS, about quality of goods, articles, processes

and services provided by the organization. The popular „ISI Mark‟ for industrial

products, Hallmark for gold jewellery & artefacts and Management Systems

Certification logo for certified organizations, are the „Standard Marks‟ that have

gone a long way in providing assurance to Indian as well as overseas consumers

since 1955.

Rationale for conducting the competition

3. The existing Standard Marks introduced from time to time by BIS have certain

limitations and these Standard Marks are not in consonance with each other (see

Annexure I). Accordingly, it is felt that BIS should have a single ecosystem of

Standard Marks for all its existing and future Certification schemes which support

each other and also build the consumer confidence behind them.

4. A Design Competition, calling for designs for Standard Marks for the BIS

corporate logo and various Certification Schemes of BIS is being held, for which

entries are being invited from design professionals, artists, individuals and

organizations specializing in design.

Proposed Ecosystem of Standard Marks for BIS

5. The proposed ecosystem of Standard Marks for all the existing and future

Certification Schemes of BIS is as in Figure 1.

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Page 4: Corrigendum To Brief for Competition for Design of a third party assurance from BIS, about quality of goods, articles, processes

6. The Standard Marks to be designed for the various Certification Schemes should

be composed of two components.

The first component should depict the ownership and credibility of BIS as the

certifying body so as to clearly show that all the schemes are of BIS and a

part and parcel of the BIS certification system. This could either be the

existing BIS corporate logo (see Annexure I) with or without modification, or

a new symbol which could help in building the brand image of BIS. This may

be used in various certification schemes.

The second component should denote the particular Certification Scheme. It

is essential that this should be distinct for each Certification Scheme so that

the consumer is aware of the kind/level of assurance being given by each

Certification Scheme. This shall be affixed on the product/publicity material

for the specific scheme for which certification is issued.

The two symbols representing the Standard Mark for various BIS Certification

Schemes shall be compatible to each other. Prize Scheme 7. The selection for the designs of the Standard Mark and award of prizes would

involve a two stage process. (a) Stage I

In the first stage, out of the entries received, the following prizes would be


i) Award Winner : Rs 5,00,000/-

(Only participants who have submitted the designs for all the categories,

would be eligible.)

ii) Category Awards (max.6) : not exceeding Rs 1,00,000/- each (Participants

who have submitted designs for one or more of the Basic Standard Marks or

a complete set of Standard Marks for one of the two groups of Add on

Marks, would be eligible for atleast one Category Award)

The winning designer shall also have to enter into an agreement with BIS to

continue to design for any additional Standard Marks within a group (i.e.

additional Mark for Management Systems, Multiple Grades & General Add on


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Marks) that would be required in future for which a fixed amount (Rs 10,000)

would be payable for each such Standard Mark designed.

(b) Stage II

The second stage requires developing the modular label for product with multiple

certifications along with the design book / manual which would require the

drawings of Standard Mark in different sizes, its mock placement on products /

advertising material / modular label design depicting various combination of

certification etc. Each Standard Mark design should be in ten different sizes

keeping in view that the same may be applied to a variety of products of different

sizes (The dimensions are 2.5 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 40

mm, 80 mm, 160 mm & 320 mm).

For developing the same, an amount of Rs 5,00,000/- will be given.

The winning designer/recipients of the category awards would be given an option

to develop the modular label for product with multiple certifications along with the

design book / manual. In case, the winner(s) are unwilling to do so, the work

could be given to other designers who participate in the competition and show

interest in doing this work. BIS retains the right to assign this work to a

professional institute/agency which it considers as the most appropriate for this


How to take part in the competition 8 The Specific Deliverables for the Standard Marks to be designed for each

Certification Scheme along with a brief description of the Scheme is given in

Annexure I. 9. The details of the pre-submission meeting and the mode of submission of entries

is enclosed in Appendix I, the application form for submission of entries is

enclosed in Appendix II, the process of selection is enclosed in Appendix III

and criteria for evaluation of entries is enclosed in Appendix IV and Appendix

V. BIS reserves the full rights to modify any of the above at any time, without

assigning any reasons.


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Annexure I

Sl. No. Type of Certification Scheme and its essential

What should the Standard Mark convey


A Basic Standard Marks

A 1 Corporate Logo The corporate logo should depict the

The existing BIS corporate logo is as under: ownership of BIS. It should help in building

the brand image of BIS;

The logo could either be the existing

corporate logo or its modernized version or a

However, it does not clearly represent the new symbol;

ownership of BIS. This logo will also serve as the common mark

(the first component) for various certification


A 2 BIS Product Certification Scheme

This Scheme is based on regular surveillance of

The Mark conveys conformance of the

the licensee's performance by both periodic and product to quality depicting the highest level

of assurance to quality offered by BIS;

surprise inspections by BIS. Conformity of

product to Indian Standards is also ensured by ISI Mark is well known and we shall like to

testing of market and factory samples.

retain the same;

The existing Standard Mark is the well-known ISI BIS is open to some modernization of the

mark as under:

existing ISI mark to bring it in consonance

IS xxxxx

with the other design so that it becomes part

of the overall ecosystem.

The ownership of BIS may be represented

CM/L-YYYYYYY through the overall ecosystem that is to be

(IS xxxxx represents the Indian Standard to put into place through this exercise.

which the product conforms. CM/L-YYYYYYY

represents the Licence No.). However, it does

not clearly represent the ownership of BIS.

A 3 BIS Registration Scheme for Self-Declaration of

Conformity (SDoC) for Product Quality

This is a new scheme based on manufacturers’

The quality is based on self-declaration by the

self-declaration that the product is conforming manufacturer;

to the requirements of Indian Standard. The level of assurance for quality is therefore

BIS grants license to use Standard Mark based

on submission of test report of the product by slightly lower than that of ISI Mark. The mark

should be designed keeping this in view (vis-

manufacturers indicating conformity of the

a-vis Mark at A-2)

product to the Indian Standard. BIS monitors

the quality of the product through regular

The mark should convey that the product is of

market surveillance. a quality certified by BIS;


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Sl. No. Type of Certification Scheme and its essential What should the Standard Mark convey


A 4 BIS Systems Certification Scheme

This Scheme is based on assessment of Similar Standard Mark with fifteen specific

conformity of the client’s manufacturing variations (one for each of the 15 schemes

for which BIS currently gives certificate) are

process, services or Management System by BIS


as per the relevant Indian Standards.

The existing Standard Mark is as under: The 15 Standard Marks could have a common

overall design. However the central portion (

or some other portion) of the mark could

change for each type of the Systems

Certification scheme ;

The variable portion should clearly convey

Where IS XXXXX represents the Indian Standard the core requirement that an organization

No. and XXMS refers to the specific has to fulfill before it is certified;

Management System. This Mark is common to

all types of Management systems. However, it The variable portion also clearly conveys to a

does not clearly depict the specific management customer what expectation he/she may have

system being certified (except by way of the IS about the organization which is so certified.

xxxxx on the top). BIS is currently running

certification schemes under 15 different The ownership of BIS may be conveyed as per

standards [see(i) to (xv) below] the overall ecosystem that is to be put in


i) Quality Management System (QMS)

The variable portion of the mark should clearly

convey that:

Certification as per IS/ISO 9001

- the organization has adopted a systematic

and well managed approach to quality

which ensures customer satisfaction.

ii) Environmental Mgt System (EMS) Certification

The variable portion of the mark should

clearly convey that:

as per IS/ISO 14001

- the organisation has proper systems in

place to ensure its activities are

environment friendly.

iii) Occupational Health and Safety Management

The variable portion of the Mark should clearly

convey that:

System (OHSMS) Certification as per IS 18001

- the organisation has proper systems in

place to minimize occupational hazards for

healthy and safe work environment.

iv) Food Safety Management System (FSMS)

The variable portion of the mark should clearly

convey that:

Certification as per IS/ISO 22000

- the organisation has proper systems in

place to ensure highest level of food safety

from farm to fork.

v) Hazard Analysis & Critical Control point (HACCP)

The variable portion of the Mark should

Certification as per IS 15000 clearly convey that:

- the organisation has proper systems in

place to ensure control of hazards in food



Page 8: Corrigendum To Brief for Competition for Design of a third party assurance from BIS, about quality of goods, articles, processes

Sl. No. Type of Certification Scheme and its essential What should the Standard Mark convey


vi) Quality Management Systems - Requirements

The variable portion of the Mark should

clearly convey that :

for service quality by public service

- the government/semi


organizations (SQMS) as per IS 15700

organisation has proper systems in place

to ensure efficient and effective delivery

of services to the public.

vii) Energy Management System Certification

The variable portion of the Mark should clearly

convey that:

(EnMS) as per IS/ISO 50001

- the organisation has proper systems in

place to ensure efficient use of energy

including use of non conventional energy.

viii) Managing environment, occupational health

The variable portion of the Mark should clearly

convey that:

and safety legal compliance-Requirements of

- the organisation has proper systems in

good practices as per IS 15793

place which focuses on legal compliance

to environment, occupational health &


ix) Requirements for good agricultural practices –

The variable portion of the Mark should clearly

convey that:

IndiaGAP - Part 1 Crop base as per IS 15930(Part

- the organisation has proper systems in 1)

place to ensure Good Agricultural

Practices for producing quality raw

agricultural produce

x) Social Accountability at the Work Place -

The variable portion of the Mark should

clearly convey :

Requirements as per IS 16001

- Social accountability at work place

xi) Food retail management - Basic requirements

The variable portion of the Mark should

clearly convey :

as per IS 16019

- Prevention of contamination in the food

supply chain.

xii) Food safety management - Requirements for

The variable portion of the Mark should

clearly convey:

good hygiene practices as per IS 16020

- Good Hygiene practices throughout the

food chain.

xiii) Good manufacturing practices (GMP) –

The variable portion of the Mark should

clearly convey :

Requirements for organizations in the food

- Good Manufacturing Practices in food

processing sector as per IS 16021


xiv) Quality management systems – Particular

The variable portion of the Mark should clearly

convey that:

requirements for the application of ISO 9001

- the organisation has proper systems in

:2008 for automotive production and relevant

place to ensure total

quality for

service part organizations as per IS/ISO/TS

automotive products.


xv) Quality management Systems – Particular

The variable portion of the Mark should clearly

requirements for the application of ISO 9001 convey that:

:2008 for power sector equipment - the organisation has proper systems in

manufacturing, service & utility organization as place to ensure quality & reliable

per IS 16070 equipment for power sector .


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Sl. No. Type of Certification Scheme and its essential What should the Standard Mark convey


B Add on to Basic Standard Marks for Product Certification & SDoC

(The Mark should be an add-on to the Standard Mark at Sl. No. A 2 & A 3 above)

B 1 Standard Mark for Products with Multiple This shall be an Add on Mark to the

Grades Standard Mark at A 2 & A 3. It is expected

Under this Scheme a product is graded/rated on

that a maximum of 5 such add on marks

shall be allowed for a product. A composite

the basis of its quality/performance

label shall be designed in Stage II of the requirement. This system helps the consumer to

competition to show all such marks in a

choose the right product based on his

proper manner.

requirement/ expectations

i) Quality of food products The Mark should convey the Quality of the

food product;

Should be depicted in 5 grades ranging from

1 to 5 i.e. highest to lowest;

The grade 1 shall be best Quality product

and Grade 5 shall comparably be lower

quality product.

ii) Energy efficiency( Rating 1 to 5) The Mark should convey efficiency with

respect to the energy consumption;

Should be depicted in 5 ratings ranging from

1 to 5 i.e. lowest to highest;

Rating 5 shall be the most energy efficient

and rating 1 shall comparably be lower

energy efficient product

iii) Fuel efficiency( Rating 1 to 5) The Mark should convey efficiency with

respect to fuel consumption;

Should be depicted in 5 ratings ranging from

1 to 5 i.e. lowest to highest;

Rating 5 shall be the most fuel efficient and

rating 1 shall comparably be lower fuel

efficient product.

iv) Sound/Noise level ( Rating 1 to 5) The Mark should convey the extent of

sound/noise level from the device;

Should be depicted in 5 ratings ranging from

1 to 5 i.e. lowest to highest;

Rating 5 shall be the minimum noise/sound

emitting and rating 1 shall comparably be

more noise/sound emitting.

v) Water consumption ( Rating 1 to 5) The Mark should convey efficiency with

respect to water consumption;

Should be depicted in 5 ratings ranging from

1 to 5 i.e. lowest to highest;

Rating 5 shall be consuming minimum

quantity of water and rating 1 shall

comparably be consuming more quantity of


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Sl. No. Type of Certification Scheme and its essential What should the Standard Mark convey


vi) Emission levels(below the maximum

The Mark should convey efficiency with

permissible) respect to the emission;

(Rating 1 to 5) Should be depicted in 5 ratings ranging from

1 to 5 i.e. lowest to highest;

Rating 5 shall be the minimum emission

emitting and rating 1 shall comparably be

more emission emitting.

vii) Safety Features/security level (Rating 1 to 5)

The Mark should convey safety features /

level of security;

Should be depicted in 5 ratings ranging from

1 to 5 i.e. lowest to highest;

Rating 5 shall be having the highest safety

features/security level and rating 1 shall

comparatively be having lower safety

features/security level.

B 2 Standard mark for Particular Type

In this Scheme, the conformance to quality is The Mark should clearly convey limited

limited to only a particular type or a variety of assurance of quality of a specific

type/variety of the product;

the product. The existing Standard Mark is as

under: It is expected that the Mark at A 2 & A 3

IS xxxxx

shall be suitably altered in a manner that a

common man understands the limited

assurance being provided by BIS



However, it does not clearly convey to the

common consumer that the assurance is limited

to only a specific type/variety of the product.

B 3 Standard mark for Quality for a particular

component of the product

In this Scheme, the conformance to quality is The Mark should clearly convey limited

limited to only a specific component of the assurance of quality of a specific component

of the product;

product and not the whole product. The existing

Standard Mark is as under:

The Mark at A 2 & A 3 shall be suitably

IS xxxxx altered in a manner that a common man

understands the limited assurance being

provided by BIS


It should clearly avoid giving assurance to

the quality of the product as a whole.


However, it does not clearly convey to the

common consumer that the assurance is limited

to only a specific component of the product.


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Sl. No. Type of Certification Scheme and its essential What should the Standard Mark convey


B 4 Standard mark for Safety of the product

In this Scheme, the conformity is limited to only

The mark at A 2 & A 3 shall be suitably

altered in a manner that a common man

product safety and not product quality. The

understands the limited assurance being existing Standard Mark is as under:

provided by BIS;

IS xxxxx

The Mark should clearly convey limited

assurance by BIS to only safety of the


product and not the quality of the



However, it does not clearly convey to the

common consumer that the assurance is limited

to only the product safety and not its quality.

B 5 Standard mark for Organic Products

This is a new scheme based on assessment of This is an Add on Mark to A 2 & A 3

the conformity of the product to the

requirements for organic produce as per the The Mark should clearly convey that the relevant Indian Standard.

product is organic

Organic products generally include organic food

products, organic textiles, organic footwear,

organic cosmetics and skincare products etc.

Certification is intended to protect consumers

from misuse of the term “Organic”.

B 6 Standard mark for Green Manufacturing

This Scheme is based on assessment of the This is an Add on Mark to A 2 & A 3

conformity of the product to the requirements

for green manufacturing as per the relevant The Mark should clearly convey that the Indian Standard. The purpose is to support

organization’s activity uses renewable future generations by attaining sustainability by

energy resources and minimum use of the means of preserving natural resources.

natural resources.

The existing Standard Mark is as under:

IS xxxxx

CM/L-YYYYYYY However, it does not clearly convey that the assurance given is that the product is manufactured in a manner that is environmentally safe.

B 7 Standard mark for Products which are

differently able friendly

This is a new scheme based on assessment of

This is an Add on Mark to A 2 & A 3

the conformity of the product to certain specific The Mark should clearly convey that the requirements which enable it to be categorized

product has been designed to be used by as differently able friendly as per the relevant

differently able person

Indian Standard.


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Sl. No. Type of Certification Scheme and its essential What should the Standard Mark convey


B 8 Standard mark for Products which are child-


This is an Add on Mark to A 2 & A 3

This is a new scheme based on assessment of

the conformity of the product to certain specific

The Mark should clearly convey that the

requirements which enable it to be categorized product is safe for use by children

as child-safe as per the relevant Indian


B 9 Standard mark for Products which are elderly


This is an Add on Mark to A 2 & A 3

This is a new scheme based on assessment of

the conformity of the product to certain specific

The Mark should clearly convey that the

requirements which enable it to be categorized product is designed for the use by elderly

as elderly friendly as per the relevant Indian persons



Page 13: Corrigendum To Brief for Competition for Design of a third party assurance from BIS, about quality of goods, articles, processes

Appendix I Submission of Entries

1. Interested persons should register themselves on BIS website ( ) for which a

registration fee of Rs. 1000/- would be charged and upload their entries online in the prescribed

application form (Appendix II) latest by 1700h on or before 28 November 2014. A participant can

upload multiple entries through separate registration. The entry could be an individual project or a

team project. Participants would have the option to modify the online design or resubmit the entry

before the deadline. BIS website shall also not allow entries to be uploaded after the stipulated

date and time.

2. A pre-submission meeting will be held on 30 October 2014 at Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak

Bhavan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi wherein all the registered participants may seek

further clarifications about the requirements of the competition and the details thereof. BIS would

make available through Live web-cast, the proceedings of the pre-submission meeting with

prospective applicants wherein BIS would give clarifications about any requirements of the

competition. Queries and clarifications may be also sought through email and sent to

[email protected]. All such queries received upto the date of the pre-submission meeting shall be

responded to. FAQs covering the queries raised in the pre-submission meeting as well raised via

email shall also be put up on BIS web-site thereafter for the benefit of all the prospective

participants. Live recording of the pre-submission meeting as above shall also be provided on the

BIS website.

3. The entry shall be accompanied by a brief explanation of each of the Designs and how they best

symbolize BIS, its concerned Certification Schemes and the relevant Standard(s) and clearly

depict what they stand for. The BIS website would guide the participants to upload the entries as

well as the explanation of the design. It shall also indicate the eligibility for the awards.

4. The designs to be uploaded shall be required to follow the following standards

a) The format of the design should be either jpg or jpeg

b) The size of each uploaded design should be dimension 200X200 px.

5. The “explanation” of the design should be word document format or pdf format.


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Appendix II Application Form for Design of Standard Marks

1.Name(s) of the participant:………………………..……………….. Photo …………………………………………………………………………….…..

2. Gender: …………………………. 3. Nationality: ……………………… 4. Occupation: …………………… 5. Designation: ................................ 6. Organization Name and Address: ………………………………………..

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………

7. Address for Correspondence: …………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Contact details:

Phone Office: ………………………………. Residence: ……………………………… Fax: …………………………………………. Mobile : ………..………………...……… Email: ………………………………………

9. Undertaking

i) I/We undertake that the design work of logo submitted for competition for Design of

Standard Mark for new Certificate Scheme(s) of BIS, is an original work and does not infringe

on the intellectual property rights of any other party in any way.

ii) If shortlisted, I/We shall make a presentation to the selection committee of BIS.

iii) If selected, I shall enter into an agreement with BIS to continue to design additional Add

on Marks that would be required in future for which a fixed amount (Rs.10,000) would be

payable for each such Standard Mark/ Add on mark designed.

iv) If selected, I would surrender copy right of the design to BIS and will not use the same

mark or any colourable imitation thereof without the specific permission of BIS.

v) I agree to abide by the decision of the selection committee.

I/We also declare that the above statement is true to best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed on this ………………. day of ……….. Two thousand ………………...

Signature(s) of the participant(s)


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11. a) Eligible for overall winning prize of Rs. 5,00,00/- Yes No

b) Eligible for winning the category award for BIS Corporate Logo Yes No

c) Eligible for winning the category award for Product Certification Mark Yes No

d) Eligible for winning the category award for Self Declaration of Yes No

Conformity Mark

e) Eligible for winning the category award for Management System Yes No

Certification Mark

f) Eligible for winning the category award for Add-on Marks for Multiple Yes No


g) Eligible for winning the category award for General Add on Marks Yes No


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Appendix III Process for Selection

1. All the entries received by the stipulated date and time and found in order, would be screened

as per the requirements given in Appendix IV and around 100 entries would be shortlisted.

Screening of the entries would be done by NID and SPA faculty/Students or any other

methodology determined by BIS. The screening would be for the four Basic Standard Marks as

well as the two groups of add-on Marks. This would be an online process.

2. After the initial screening, a committee appointed by BIS would grade these screened entries on

the basis of criteria for evaluation of designs of Standard Marks as enclosed in Appendix V. On

the basis of the rankings, approx top 10 entries for each of the four Basic Standard Marks and

the two groups of add-on Marks would be shortlisted for making the final selection.

3. The shortlisted entries shall then be evaluated by a Committee comprising the following


i) DG, BIS Chairman

ii) Additional Secretary, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, GOI

iii) Representative of National Institution of Design, Ahmedabad

iv) Representative of School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi

v) Representative of Advertising Agencies Association of India, Mumbai

vi) Representative of Consumer Coordination Council, New Delhi

vii) A BIS Officer as Member-Secretary.

3. The shortlisted designers may be required to make a presentation to the Committee. The date,

time and venue of the presentation shall be communicated separately to the shortlisted

designers. BIS shall bear the cost of travel by train or by air (Economy Class by low cost airline/

Air India where the distance exceeds 500 kms) for one person. For the entries shortlisted, the

designers would also be required to submit a physical copy of the duly signed undertaking as

given in Appendix II.

4. The award winning designers under each category would be required to surrender the copyright

of the design to the BIS.

5. The winning designers would be given an option (Stage 2) to develop the label for the product

with multiple certifications along with the design book / manual which would require the

drawings of Standard Mark in different sizes, its mock placement on products / advertising


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material / modular label design depicting various combination of certification etc. BIS reserves

the full rights to modify any of the above at any time, without assigning any reasons. 6. All selected designs would be the intellectual property of BIS & no person including the

participant shall be allowed to either use the same mark or any colourable imitation thereof in

any manner without the specific permission of BIS. BIS would also have the right to carry out

any modification (deletion or addition) to the selected design.

7. The decision of the Committee /BIS will be final and shall not be challenged in any Court of law.


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Appendix IV

Criteria for Stage I Screening of Entries for Designs for Standard Marks

1. Does the design meet the requirements specified for the particular Standard Mark/ Add on

Mark as given in Annexure 1. 2. Is the design innovative and original.

Appendix V

Criteria for Stage I Grading of Screened Entries for Designs for Standard Marks

Sl No. Criteria Max Marks Marks Obtained

1. Is the design innovative and original 15

2. Is the design powerful and instantly recognizable 10

3. Is the design simple to interpret and intuitive 10

4. Does the design have comprehension across region and 10


5. Does the design meet the requirements specified for 15

the particular Standard Mark/ Add on Mark as

given in Annexure 1.

6. Is the design distinct for each certification schemes and 10

conveys the level of assurance being given

7.. Is the design suitable for conveying the message in 10

monochrome as well as full colour options

8 Is the format of the design such that it can be easily 10


9. Is the design amenable to reduction or enlargement of its 10
