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Industrial design critics

-Corona Chair-

Alejandra Campos

Héctor Torres

Oscar Velez

Prof. José Luis González


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¿Por qué la silla corona?

Ocurrió en un debate muy breve, sobre como escoger un producto que se distinguiera notoriamente del resto, no

por su espectacularidad, si no por su éxito y difusión, es interesante que estos grandes logros de la mercadotecnia

siempre tengan un carácter anónimo, difíciles de rastrear, tan exitosas que no requieren de pomposas campañas


Apareció allí, discreta en la conversación, la silla Corona, un elemento común de nuestro entorno, afianzado en

nuestra memoria colectiva, presente invitado de fiestas, comidas y cumpleaños desarrollados en lugares inhóspitos

donde todo otro conjunto de muebles fallarían, se romperían, doblarían, ensuciarían y estorbarían.


Why “Corona” chair?

It happened in a very short debate. on how to choose a product

that is distinguished markedly from the rest?, not for its

spectacularity, if not for its success and dissemination, it is

interesting that these great achievements of marketing always

have such a successful, hard to track, anonymity that do not

require pompous ad campaigns.

It appeared there, discreet in conversation, the “Corona” chair, a

common element of our environment, entrenched in our

collective memory, this guest of parties, dinners and birthdays

developed in inhospitable places where every other set of

furniture would fail, would be broken, would bend, or maybe get

dirty and would hind.

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data sheet/ficha tecnica

Basic Info

Name: “Corona” Chair (1968)

Typology: Chair

Designer: Unknhow

Producer: “Industria mueblera guismo”

Material: Galvanized steel, tubes and

sheets, polypropylene caps.

Structural settings: Active Surface,

connected by rivets.

Process: cutting, bending, welding,

assembly, rivet, passive varnishing,


Nombre: Silla Corona (1968)

Tipología: Silla

Diseñador: desconocido

Materiales: tubos y laminas de Acero galvanizado y

tapones de polipropileno

Configuración estructural: Superficie activa, unida por


Procesos: Corte, doblado, soldadura, ensamble, remache caliente,

barnizado pasivante, pintado.

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History / Historia

Se puede observar el parecido en el mecanismo y los materiales (tubos)

You can see the similarity in the mechanism and materials (tubes)


folding chair.

Marlcel Beuer


Weimar republic


Not for social status

Leather strips to hold

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Boris Semlianzizin

1928Wooden structure

Metal mechanism Triangular force


Prototype for a captain cap.

History / Historia

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Lazar Markovich


First use of

rubber cap

Planned economy


Triangular force


History / Historia

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1965 Polypropylene

Cross structure Rivetedunions

History / Historia

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“Industria mueblera

Guismo SA de CV”1968

Galvanized steel

passive varnishing

History / Historia

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business Impact / Impacto comercial

La silla corona surgió como parte de una estrategia comercial por parte de la cervecería homónima. Empatada con el surgimiento de eventos

públicos de gran magnitud nunca vistos hasta la década de los 60´s , momento en que México surgió de la ruralidad y comenzó una gran

migración hacia las ciudades.

Este cambio se vio reflejado en el manejo de la infraestructura de las olimpiadas de 1968.

Su impacto en el mercado radica en el posicionamiento de una marca, dentro de un ámbito persona, una persona, un asiento, y en el respaldo

de este, la marca. De manera que existen una multitud de consumidor aunque solo exista un cliente, la marca “Corona”

The “Corona“ chair emerged as part of a marketing strategy by the

eponymous brewery. Tied with the emergence of large-scale public events

never seen until the early '60s, when it emerged from the rural Mexico and began a

great migration to the cities.

This change was reflected in the management of the infrastructure of the 1968


Their impact on the market lies in brand positioning, within a personal, one

person, one seat and the back of this, the brand. So there are a multitude of

consumers though there is only one client, the brand "Corona”

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Contexto social/social environment

México durante la década de 1960 fue escenario de varios cambios sociales, influenciados por la apertura de la economía al extranjero, la

instalación masiva de fabricas en el territorio nacional, así como la difusión de la infraestructura de carreteras, hospitales, oficinas de desarrollo

social, así como la autonomía de la enseñanza en las universidades, que dieron origen a una generación joven, educada con ideas diferentes

surgidas de un modo de vida distinto al conocido hasta entonces, todo dentro del explosivo ambiente de la guerra fría.

Cambiaron conceptos de la vida familiar, el trabajo y la libertad.

Mexico during the 1960s was the scene of several social changes,

influenced by the opening of the economy to foreign, massive

installation of factories in the country, as well as dissemination of road

infrastructure, hospitals, offices of social development, and the autonomy

of teaching at universities, which led to a young generation brought up

with different ideas from a different way of life ever known, all within the

explosive atmosphere of the Cold War.

They changed concepts of family life, work and freedom.

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Production cost Space efficiency Accessibility Weather resistance

We focus on four of the strongest factors that we believe the “Corona”

chair owes its success in Mexico.

Production cost , profit deducted by the core logic of the

transformation of matter and construction

Efficiency of space, the volume occupied by item to be stored based

on their dimensions, dimensions less bend capability.

Accessibility; ease of acquiring today , Mexico 2015

Weather resistance; its ability to support inhospitable exterior


10 10 7 7

Just two prefabricated Material, cut,

welded an assemble

Corona chair can completely


Even if you canbuy one, youcan not buy itfrom producer

Galvanized steel is less

resistant than stainless steel

to water.

Rate: 8.5


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7 5 1 6

Only stainless steel sheet,

bend and weld with a textile

and foam cushion.

37x127x41Cm(1850cm3)and can not


No under production in


Textile are not resistant to


• NAME: wave bench (1968)

• TYPOLOGY: chair/bench

• DESIGNER: Maria Pergay


• MATERIALS: stainless Steel, and textil

• STRUCTURAL SETTINGS: sheet stainless steel bent and welded together

• PROCESS: bending and welding

Rate: 4.75

Production cost Space efficiency accessibility Weather resistance

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4 6 2 6

Components have to bend individually, textile and


92x64x77cm (4,642cm3)And Can not


Fabrication Over demand

• NAME: loungue chair (1968)

• TYPOLOGY: chair

• DESIGNER: Warren Platner


• MATERIALS: nickel, steel, linen, foam cushion.

• STRUCTURAL SETTINGS: steel rods bent and drawn to a circle at the base steel into the shape of seat

• PROCESS: bending and welding

Rate: 4.5

Production cost Space efficiency accessibility Weather resistance

Textile are not resistant to


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4 5 10

Cellidor is very expensive anti

scratch material.

75 x 47 x 50.5



folding chair

Import only Very resistant to weather

Name: plia (1968)

Tipology: chair

Desinger : Giancarlo Piretti

manufacturer: Castelli s.p.a.,

material: polished die-cast aluminum,

oval tubular steel, cellidor plastic



Production cost Space efficiency accessibility Weather resistance

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8 5

Tubes cut and welded, with

leather common material but

expensive process

Import only Leather is not resistant to


Name: sled chair 1968

Tipology Chair

Designer: Ward bennet

Productor: Herman Miller

Material Leather, Chromed Solid Tubular Steel




And can not



Production cost Space efficiency accessibility Weather resistance

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Silla Production


Space use accessibility Environment



“Corona” 10 10 7 7 8.5

“Wave” 7 5 1 6 4.75

Lounge 4 6 2 6 4.5

“Plia” 4 10 5 10 7.25

Sled 8 6 5 4 5.75

Al ver las propuestas extranjeras de sillas en acero del mismo año, nos dimos cuenta que en otras naciones existían crisis diferentes, reflejadas en las

realidades propuestas por sus diseñadores; enfocadas en grupos mas privilegiados de un tipo burócrata, con exigencias existenciales reflejadas en

materiales aislantes, muy diferentes a las exigencias publicitarias de la compañía “corona” y su interés comercial, enfocado a la satisfacción de las masas

durante sus eventos patrocinados.

Creemos que el existo de la silla corona reside en enfocarse en las crisis practicas por encima de las existenciales, y en darle un papel a la sobre estructura

para resaltar la identidad de la silla.


Seeing foreign proposals steel chairs in the same year, we realized that in other

countries there were different crisis, reflected in the realities proposed by its

designers; more privileged groups focused on a type bureaucrat with existential

demands reflected in insulating materials, very different from the advertising

requirements of the company “Corona" and its commercial interests, focused on the

satisfaction of the masses for their sponsored events.

We believe that the crown exist chair lies in focus on practical crises existential above,

and to give a role on structure to highlight the identity of the chair

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