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Page 1: Corollaries

Symbiosis Enterprises

Thomas R. Van DrielenPO Box 18907

San Jose, Ca. 95118Home Office 408-723-4777 National Office 877-370-0053

[email protected]

The future isn’t what it used to be.

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Page 2: Corollaries

New Corollaries require New Thinking in order to create

an image of the future.

Without an image of the future,life is futile,

there is no hope

Without hope, there is no power

to change the present.

All change starts in the mind.

Page 3: Corollaries

We humans have always been able to look to the past, and based upon a combination of experience and intuition, were generally able to form some reasonable expectations of the future.

Throughout the ages, people have had to learn specific principles for survival and follow common sense guidelines for success. The combination of specific principles and common sense guide lines form corollaries. Each age had, or will have, a different composite of corollaries. These corollaries were generally taught from generation to generation.

There have been only three instances in history when these corollaries transitioned dramatically. During these three instance the corollaries (principles, paradigms, and protocols) that used to work, either stop working or worked to a much lesser degree.

The three instances of transition to new corollaries were characterized by confusion since the past could not be used to reasonably define the future.

The first transition was the long, slow transition from the hunter-gatherer era to the agricultural age.

The second transition was the more rapid shift from the agricultural age to the industrial age.

And currently, we are transitioning at the speed of thought fromthe industrial age to the information age.


Page 4: Corollaries

Corollary #1The slowest, weakest hunter-gatherer should expect the shortest life expectancy.

Based on things that had happened in the past, a hunter-gatherer could make predictions about the future.

It does not take a college degree to project that the slowest running rabbit hunter will probably not be the lucky one to outrun the … killer rabbit.

Life was harsh, and even harsher in winter when hunger and starvation were common. Consequently, few would be surprised when the old or the weak died after only a week without food.

The hunter-gatherer era.

Killer Rabbit

Corollary #2The hunter-gatherer must go where the food is in order to kill or harvest.

Food, particularly plants, do not come to the hunter.

For thousands of years, the Indian tribes that populated the Great Plains (what is now the mid-west) would follow the buffalo herds. After finding a herd, the Indians would kill as many as they could before the herd ran away. After caring for the meat, they would then await an opportunity to hunt another herd. If they were able to find the herds many times, then they would have plenty of food for the winter. If not, many of them would die.

Note: there are still small groups of people scattered throughout the world that still live as hunter-gatherers.

The hunter-gather era was hand to mouth existence at its most primitive level. Survival depended on killing animals with primitive tools or gathering wild plants to eat.

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The concept of “moving” living plants was not part of the hunter-gatherer belief system. The medicine men of plains Indian tribes were quite knowledgeable about medicinal herbs. Sometimes they would travel from what is now the Dakotas, all the way to the southwest to gather special herbs. To my knowledge, they did not attempt to bring back living plants, or even seeds for planting (they did use some seeds for medicinal purposes). Traveling 2,000 miles (round trip) on foot, or horseback, was viable. Planting Arizona herbs in South Dakota was not.

A vignette in the life of a hunter-gatherer. Many of Bev Doolittle’s paintings illustrate the relationship between nature, the hunter and the hunted. The picture above, titled “Double Back”, leads the viewer’s eyes to follow the paw prints of a bear up the hill to what appears to be a bear in the distance, near the top right of the picture. In reality, the bear has back tracked and is hiding in the bushes at the left of the picture … waiting.

Note: At some point in the distant past, the corollaries of the hunter-gatherer era could no longer be used to predict the future. The slow running farmer no longer needed to hunt the killer rabbit. As more and more people turned to farming, rather than hunting, new corollaries developed.

Page 6: Corollaries

Corollary #1One seed produces hundreds of seeds.

Whatever is planted is what will grow. Corn seed produces more corn. Peas grow into more peas. Wheat grows into more wheat.

Because a single seed produces many times more seeds, the farmer can save some seeds for the next year’s crop, and eat all winter on this season’s abundance.

Corollary #2Plants are portable.

Picture an inept hunter digging up the ground with a stick in order to plant seeds from bushesthat grew miles away. Gales of ridicule probably

met his attempt to explain this new idea about bringing food to where you are, rather than going and hunting the food where it is.

The agricultural age was the beginning of all of recorded (written) history. With agriculture came less starvation, and more leisure time. Leisure time allowed for development of written languages. Written languages form recorded history.

It has jestingly been suggested that the early agricultural age was when the word “vegetarian” was first used. In primitive societies, “vegetarian” would be used to describe a very poor hunter. It was these “poor hunters”who probably led the transition into the agricultural age.

The agricultural age.

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Corollary #3

Owning lots of fertile land, plus good seed, gentle weather, and a large family were the prime ingredients for a

successful life.

Land ownership began in the agricultural age. The farmer’s prime directive was to have exclusive rights to the use of a piece of land (ownership). The farmer knew that if he did not plant his seeds in the spring, there would be no harvest in the fall. No harvest in the fall meant no eating during the winter. No eating during winter meant no breathing in the spring.

In order to survive, the farmer had to have total control over the land or else the crops would not be his to eat during the winter. Therefore, he limited access to four legged animals by putting up fences, and access to two legged animals by declaring ownership and defending his possession by whatever means possible, including killing any animal or person who ignored his rights of ownership.

The farmer’s corollary of ownership conflicted with the hunter-gatherer’s corollary of opportunism. The hunter-gatherer believed that all crops were wild plants and could be harvested by anyone. Hunter-gatherers believed that land could be occupied, but it could be not be owned. Their attitude towards possession of land was more like wild animals than modern man.

To illustrate, a wolf would “spray” a scent to mark its territory so other wolves would know that a specific territory was occupied. A wolf did not“own” the land. He would

share the land with bears, deer, coyotes, and Indians. Bears, deer, coyotes, and American Indians tribes did the same thing. Each of them would mark their territorial boundaries. If a bear killed a deer in the wolf’s territory, the wolf did not attempt to chase the bear away from his marked territory. Only another wolf was not permitted to hunt in the resident wolf’s territory. All of these creatures were opportunistic by nature. They did minimal planning for the future.

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Corollary #4Self-sufficiency: farmers had to grow or make what they needed.

The difficulty and drudgery of the agricultural age was better than the hunter-gatherer era, but it was still not an easy life. Consider the procedure that had to be followed to make a cotton shirt.

First, the cotton had to be planted, cultivated, and harvested. Next, the cotton had to be de-seeded and carded so all the strands went in the same direction. Then the strands were spun into a course string with a spinning wheel. Then the course string was woven into a cloth with a hand loom (or knit into a shirt). Finally, the cloth was cut and sewed into a shirt.

While over 100 hours of labor were required to produce a shirt, that was still better than the possibility of becoming the hunted while hunting a killer rabbit in order to make a shirt from the rabbit’s skin.

Imagine what life would be like if you had to make, from scratch, all the clothes you wear, all the furniture in your house, and even the house?

In stark contrast, farmers were not opportunistic, they were futuristic. They could not plant a crop and then move to another area before the crop was harvested. They had to have the futuristic vision to stay and tend the crop: plow, plant, chop weeds, cultivate, and pray for rain but not too much rain. They had to believe that all their hard work would eventually pay off in a bumper crop.

If a hunter-gatherer’s retirement program was to die of starvation or exposure during the winter, then a farmer’s retirement program could be defined as owning a lot of fertile land and having a fertile wife who would provide many healthy children. The farmer would cultivate enough land to feed his growing family. As his children became adults, each would cultivate additional land. If the principle worked correctly, when the farmer was too old to grow his own food, then his children would be able to grow enough food for their families, PLUS feed the aged farmer.

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The principles of bartering gave birth to the use of money as a simplified form of bartering. Rather than a farmer transporting one hundred bushels of wheat to purchase a cow, the farmer would take all of his surplus wheat to a dealer, exchange the wheat for money, and then use the money to buy the cow. The owner of the cow would then take some of the money received from the sale of the cow and go buy wheat.

As money gradually replaced bartering, the wages a person would earn at work would become a reflection of the perception of the difficulty or value of the work in the marketplace.

Corollary #5Land is not a commodity for trading.Land was intended to be kept in the family for many generations. Land was not acquired with hopes of selling the land in the future for a profit. Land was security against starvation because land could grow food. Land was not viewed as something to buy in order to sell for a profit. Land was a treasure.

Corollary #6

Barter was the medium of exchange, not money.

As much as possible, a farmer would make or grow what he needed to support his family. Those things he could not, or did not, make or grow would be “bought” using principles of barter.

In a barter system, those things that were more difficult to make or grow were of more value in a trade than those things which were easy to make or grow. For example, a wheat farmer might exchange one bushel of wheat for one chicken. However, bartering for a cow could require one hundred bushels of wheat.

A medical doctor would expect to

earn more “money” per hour of work than a retail


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About the time of the Civil War, the nation’s economy began to change at a rapid pace. The harvester, cotton gin, gang plow, steam tractor and many other labor saving devices began changing the economy of the nation from agrarian to industrial. As machines replaced farm labor, farm work began to disappear. People became apprehensive, fearing change, both unable to predict it and unable to prevent it.

Industrial Age

Corollary #1Any job that can be done by a machine, will be done by a machine.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that in the 1890’s it took 40-50 labor hours to produce 100 bushels of wheat on 5 acres with horses.

By 1930, it took 15-20 labor hours to produce 100 bushels of wheat on 5 acres with a tractor.

Corollary #2Performing a task (job) in industry could support a family better than


In the Agricultural Age, if people did not grow their own food, they would probably die of starvation. As the Industrial Age began, children would leave the family farms to get jobs in factories. The aging parents would ask “How can we survive if our children do not help us grow the food? “What are we going to do when we are too old to do all the work that needs to be done on a farm?” “What’s happening to the world we have always known?”

The agricultural age had existed for tens of thousands of years because people grew, hunted, gathered, and stored, their own food. The agricultural age was all anyone had ever known.

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Corollary #3

Go to school, get a good job, work hard, and you will have success.

Building the infrastructure (railroads, factories, electricity, bridges, cars, steam ships) for the Industrial Age required a lot of money. Since the common man did not have any money (he bartered), the common man could not build the Industrial Age. The common man could only partially participate in the Industrial Age.

Consequently, the common man’s formula for success was not “build factories” but rather “Go to school, get a good job, work hard, save your money, and everything will be great.”

By 1950, 98% of the population had transitioned from self-sufficient and self-employed farmers to dependent employees.

Note: Imagine asking a farmer in 1870, “What will our economy look like, and how will our nation survive, if only 2% of people work on farms?” The farmer would probably consider the question ludicrous. The rule of the Agricultural Age was “produce food or die”. According to the farmer’s knowledge, belief, and experience, if only 2% produced food, then 98% would probably die.

Yet, by 1950, 98% of the population no longer worked on farms. In less than 100 years, 98% of the population no longer grew their own food.

Rather than masses of people dying from starvation, the population of the nation actually increased.

Rather than millions of people dying from starvation, the farm output of the nation actually increased faster than the population growth.

Many farmers lived to see 2% of the population growing enough food to feed the other 98% and export the surplus food to other countries.

The job had become king. While 98% of the population worked in industry as employees, very few became employers.

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Corollary #4

Money defines success.

In the Industrial Age, time is sold for money. Since timeis the measure of a person’s life, then the more money a person gets for their hours of work, the more successful they are perceived.

If fame, political position, or power did not also include significant money, then success had not been achieved.

By classic Industrial Age criterion, Mother Teresa was a failure.

Corollary #5

Land is a commodity.

As farm machinery replaced humans on the farms, more people moved from farms to the cities. As cities grew larger and larger, more and more houses were needed. As more and more houses were needed, more and more farm land wasconverted to houses.

By the 1960’s farm land near cities that could be re-zoned for housing developments, would cost more per acre than high quality farm land.

Land speculators would buy a farm, subdivide it into home site parcels, and sell it at many times the purchase price.

Page 13: Corollaries

I recently returned from a trip through North and South Carolina. While driving the highways and byways, I kept reading billboards saying things like:

“Has your job gone offshore … YET?”

“Protect your job, buy American!”

“Repeal NAFTA!”

The information age.

Signs of transition from the industrial age to the information age.

As a businessman, I was intrigued.

Based on my thirty years of business ownership here in Silicon Valley, I expected these billboards to have been paid for by the labor unions of disgruntled employees. Imagine my surprise to learn the billboards were paid for by some of the largest businesses in the two states … paid by owners … not employees … not labor unions.

As I discussed the billboards with people, I was amazed that they had not learned about the nine basic corollaries of the information age (I only know of nine, there may be more).

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Years ago I read about General Electric’s “lights out” manufacturing plant for refrigerators.

Trucks are unloaded at the back with parts and then trucks are loaded at the front of the building with finished refrigerators.

Between the unloading truck and the loading truck, there are no humans.

The whole plant could run in the dark, except for the maintenance men who need the lights on to be able to see to fix the robots.

Corollary #1: Any job that can be done by a computer, will be done by a computer.

In the Industrial Age, machines replaced human and animal MUSCLE POWER.

In the Information Age, machines in the form of computers are replacing BRAIN POWER.

Since the early 1990’s when IBM employees experienced their first downsizing, millions of white collar jobs have been replaced with a computer program. ATM machines, and then online banking has replaced many tellers at banks. Design engineers use computer simulation to test a product before the prototype is made.

Between the combination of mergers, acquisitions and smart software programs, well paid middle management jobs have practically disappeared.

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Note: If the lowest bidder is not the most competent then competence itself becomes an exportable commodity.

My #3 daughter is learning about exporting competence.

Stephanie is currently training customer service representatives in India to do what well paid Americans in her department are presently doing. She istraining not only replacements for all the people in her department,but probably even her own replacement.

She could choose to refuse to train replacements and stop making money now.

Or she can be laid off in the future and make money until then. Her decision was not difficult.

Corollary #2:Any job that can be done for less money, will be done for less money.

When a person gets a job, they are paid about what most people in that area earn for doing that kind of a job. A person will never be paid significantly more than what an unemployed person of comparable ability is eager to accept.

Historically, an employee only had to compete with unemployed people in his field, living in his city.

Now an employee has to be concerned about mergers, downsizing, and chapter 11; plus any unemployed person in his field, living anywhere in the world.

Since a skilled worker in India is eager to accept 25% of what a comparably skilled worker would expect here in the USA, then the work goes to the lowest competent bidder.

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Corollary #4The only constant in the Information Age will be constant change.

Think about it. Every 15 seconds a newwebsite is launched! Every 15 minutes a new technological breakthrough occurs! Every 15 days a new product or service is introduced, that didn't exist before!

Today’s college students can expect 3 to 6 career changes in their lifetime.

Not job changes but complete re-education because their knowledge will become antiquated every 8 to 12 years.

Consider for a moment that the musical greeting card you ordered via the web required more computing power than existed on the planet when the first satellite went into orbit in outer space.

Corollary #3Money does not define success.

The X and Y generations (everyone under 40 years old) look at their work-aholic parents and decide that life should be more than just work, work, work. Money is just one factor in their definition of success.

These generations are pivotal in implementing the Information Age.

As such, their emphasis will be on a balance between work and a healthy lifestyle which includes recreation, fitness, family, hobbies, and community service.

Whole new industries, such as the “wellness industry” (discussed later) will grow based on the needs of these generations.

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If those first four corollaries were where the story

ended, our nation would have a bleak future indeed.

However, there are five other corollaries that have

not been addressed.

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Corollary #5The Information Age will be based on grass roots communication.Last week I had personal telephone calls from former President Bill Clinton, Governor Arnold Swartzenegger, famous actor Clint Eastwood, the then current mayor of San Jose, and the now current mayor of San Jose. I hung up the phone on all of them. Didn’t want to hear what theyhad to say … because they were just recordings … not live people. Yet I chatted for twenty minutes with a friend when she called to tell me what she had just learned about one of San Jose’s mayoral candidates.

Grass roots informationmeans one call from a friend has more weight than ten recorded calls from celebrities, or twenty TV spots, or 100 magazine ads.

Peer to peer communication is by far the best and most powerful form of advertising or marketing. In the Information Age, grass roots communication will be the dominant form of advertising. Neither peer to peer, nor internet communication, are controlled by big business advertising budgets.

Note: When Dell Computer’s laptop batteries began to explode, email, chat rooms, and blogs spread the news all over the internet. Within days, Dell Computer had an “image” problem to fix.

Email, chat rooms, and blogs are the most prolific form of grass roots communication. This type of communication is sometimes described as “viral”.

Using viral marketing, if one person were to sent an email to their whole email list, and each person who received that email did the same, and every person has a minimum of twenty people in their email address book, then in a week (perhaps less) over 1 billion people would have read that email.

That’s prolific.

Since consumers form the grass roots, and consumers will do the advertising, then consumers will get paid for that advertising.

Page 19: Corollaries

Our current distribution system is antiquated.

For example, Wal-Mart made some small changes to the distribution system and has eclipsed all other competitors. Wal-Mart became the largest retailer in the world because they made their distribution system just a little bit more efficient. Wal-Mart moved the consumer just a microscopic step closer to the manufacturer by eliminating some of the standard middlemen costs.

In contrast, the Information Age will make BIG changes in the distribution system by allowing the consumer to buy direct from the manufacturer, or at least eliminate more of the middle men than Wal-Mart has.

World famous economist Paul Pilzer, in his book The Next Millionaires, states that ten million new millionaireswill be made in the next ten years in just the USA. At least 75% of those new millionaires will result from participation in changing the distribution system.

Corollary #6

The Information Age will be built on more efficient distribution.

In the next decade, trillions of dollars could potentially move from the hands of regional wholesalers, area wholesalers, and retail stores, to the hands of the consumers.

To learn more about changes to the distribution system, read Paul Pilzer’s book “The Next Millionaires” or contact me for an audio CD by Dr. Pilzerexplaining how one million people will become millionaires every year for the next ten years.

Note: Information has to be freely and easily accessible in the Information Age because information will precipitate the changes described by these corollaries.

Some time in the future, the imminent changes to our distribution system will be viewed with the same significance with which we view the change from horse and buggy to automobile.

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Corollary #7

Time can be leveraged just like money.

The Information Age will have different approach to time and money than the Industrial Age. The biggest limitation of the industrial age was time. No matter how much money a person could make per hour, there were only 24hours in a day.

When a person was working all the hours he couldwork, and needed more money, all he could do was find ways to make more money per hour, because there were no more hours.

The only leverage available in the Industrial Age was “money leverage”. If a person could go to school, get a good job, and save his money, then he could “invest” his money.

Investing money was causing money to make money (at least that was the sales pitch). Using money to make money is called leveraging money.

In the Information Age, money can still be leveraged, but time can be leveraged also. Time is leveraged by taking small amounts of surplus time and investing it into other people’s lives (their time).

Time leveraging is really teaching a skill or imparting knowledge that will improve the other person’s life. AFTER the other person’s life is enhanced, then a portion of the time the other person invests in others, and some of the increase in money that resulted from the life enhancing knowledge, will flow back to the person who originally invested time.

To illustrate, suppose a broker hires a real estate agent. The agent is not an employee but works as an independent contractor.

The agent needs the broker’s license to make legal transactions and the broker’s training to learn the trade. The broker needs the agent to meet people and show houses.

When a house is sold, the broker shares part of his commissions with the agent. The broker can hire other agents, but the agent cannot hire other agents.

In the Information Age, this concept will be applied to many industries, not just real estate AND agents will be able to enroll agents.

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Time leveraging will first be applied to the distribution industry because the current distribution system (manufacturer, regional wholesaler, area wholesaler, retailer, and finally the consumer) has been in place for over two hundred years.

Consider this. The gross domestic product of the USA is about $15 Trillion. Of that, about 70% ($10.5 Trillion) is discretionary consumer spending (what’s left after paying taxes and housing). As much as 80% of that $10.5 Trillion discretionary consumer spending is captured by the distribution system. To put this is simple terms, the Information Age distribution systems will redirect $8 Trillion from wholesalers and retailers … to consumers.

Note: To my knowledge, the only Information Age company that is currently targeting the distribution system is Started in the fall of 1999, currently is a distribution system for companies like IBM, Office Depot, Disney, Hickory Farms, Kragen Auto, Barnes and Noble, Dell Computers, Circuit City, and at least 500 more.

While will not release the actual number of distributors enrolled in its distribution system, reliable sources put the number in excess of 50,000 “active” members.

If those numbers are correct, then is already a large city of consumers that are already redirecting their discretionary income into this new distribution system. has stated that they have returned over $375 Million, every year, to those distributors.

Trillions of dollars will change hands in the next few decades.

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Our current medical industry treats disease, or more specifically, the symptoms of disease. The new “wellness” industry will focus on health not disease, quality of life not freedom from symptoms, vitality not survival.

The “wellness” industry will incorporate all forms of health professionals: Medical Doctors, Doctors of Naturopathy, Doctors of Homeopathy, Psychotherapists, Chiropractors, Herbalists, Acupuncturists, Masseuses, Hypnotists, Pharmacists, Physical Therapists, etc. The primary focus will be on creating “quality of life”. “Wellness” includes ALL aspects of a person, not just the physical body.

In conventional medicine in this country, a person is healthy if they are “free of symptoms” of disease.

In the “wellness” industry, a person is healthy if they have the strength, stamina, and stasis to live the quality of life they want, and do the things they want to be able to do.

Corollary #8

“Wellness” is a new industry.

“Wellness” is defined as EVERYTHING is in the body that is supposed to be in the body and NOTHING is in the body that is not supposed to be in the body.

The “wellness” industry will use grass roots communication to share information about preventing disease.

The “Wellness” industry will not focus on treating heart disease, but rather develop DNA tests that

look for indicators of “potential” heart disease. Then develop nutrients or medicines to “block” the expression of that DNA potential.

Because the new distribution system will be integrated with the wellness industry, the motivation to “spread the word” about wellness will be very profitable.

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Through all the previous ages, ALL marketing and sales has been dependent upon information being transferred from one person (the salesman) to another person (the buyer).

Over the centuries, “Caveat Emptor” …which means “let the buyer beware” …has been the warning issued to all persons intending to buy almost anything.

Caveat emptor means the salesman may not be telling the truth.

Caveat emptor means the salesman is only interested in the sale.

Caveat emptor means a politician’s mouth is moving.

Corollary #9

“Information” is NOT sold.

“Caveat Emptor” has been expressed in many different ways. A comedian once said …

“The three worst professions were: priest, politician, and used car salesman.

“A used car salesman mis-informs for the very near future.

“A politician mis-informs for the rest of your life.

“A priest mis-informs for eternity.”

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The Information Age, for the first time in history, transforms

Caveat Emptor“Buyer Beware”


Caveat Mercator

“Seller Beware”

The person who uses information (salesman) to cause something to happen (make a sale), can only benefit from the happening (sale) AFTER the person who receives the information (the buyer) has benefited.

Corollary #9

The results from “information” produces profit … not the information itself.

Examples of “Caveat Mercator”

A doctor is only paid AFTER the patient is well.

Lawyers are only paid for court cases AFTER they have won.

Employees earn one half of their salary in wages, and the other half is from profit sharing (employees only get their full pay AFTER the company has made money).


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The Information Age starts in the mind.

These Nine New Corollaries will require

New Thinking in order to create an image of the future.

Without an image of the future,life is futile,

there is no hope

Without hope, there is no power to change the present.

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Conclusion?A conclusion usually implies that the original question stated in the introduction has been answered. The conclusion just sums up all the answers to the introduction. However, since we are discussing the future,

not the past, then there can be no conclusion. There can only be more questions.

Question: If your current work does not give you the kind of income you want, in the time that you prefer, and you don’t

know how to change that, then perhaps,

You need to know

what you do not know

that you do not know

which equals “new thinking”.

With new thinking, you might choose to continue doing what you currently do, only do it differently.

Or, you could do something completely different.

Regardless of which choice you make, each choice requires new thoughts.

Question: How much does your thinking limit your life?

If you were able to continuously think like the person you are in your imaginations, is it not possible that you could live the life of the person in your imaginations?

Question: If your life continues in the same direction it is now ... do you think you will enjoy life more

next year? How about in five years? How about at 65?

How old will you have to be in

order to enjoy more money with less work?

Question: Can normal thinking make life too short and dying too long?

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All quality of life is enhanced by,

or limited by,the ability to think new thoughts.

Consider the last few years. If you are satisfied doing the same thing you were doing five years ago, in the same way, for about the same standard of living, then you may not be motivated to change the way you think. However, if you expected more, or if things have changed for the worse, then perhaps it is time to seek out new ways to think.

New thinking is nothing new. You have experienced it at every change in your life. New thinking is an integral part of a new job, a new spouse, a new baby, a new diploma, an illness, death of a loved one, or whatever. Like the common cold, new thinking is typically “caught” (from a person, a book, movie, or CD).

Note: If new thinking is “caught” like a cold, and you want to “catch” new thinking, then doesn’t it make sense to be around people who think differently, so you can “catch” what they have?

In order to be around people who think differently, don’t you have to find them?

Somehow, we found you …

We are Symbiosis Enterprises, an affiliate of GlobalNet LLC, which is an

association of “new thinking” small business entrepreneurs.

New thinking begins with exercising your imagination (not day dreaming).

In your imagination, can you imagine making money from the money you have already spent? Too imaginative?

Well …

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Someone else’s imagination is already making money

from the money you are already spending.

The money you are already spending, month after month, year after year,

which feels like a tremendous financial drain, is just a drop in the bucket

of someone else’s multiple income streams

Which they started FIRST in theirIMAGINATION.

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Look at it this way…

If you feel like you are digging a financial hole in the ground, the first thing you need to do is learn how to stop digging.

If you don’t do something … right now … while it is fresh in your mind, then … when will you?

The four most persuasive words in the English language are “Can you help me?”

Ask for our help.

The worst that can happen is you will spend an hour talking with us, won’t understand what we explain … nothing will change … except you will be an hour older … which is normal thinking.

Don't put this off – you're worth it.

The future begins today.

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Symbiosis Enterprises

Thomas R. Van [email protected]

PO Box 18907San Jose, Ca. 95118

Home Office 408-723-4777 National Office 877-370-0053

The future is where we are going.

This booklet may be shared with others. It may NOT be sold.
