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19th Century Timeline

By: Breona Black

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Settlement house- Community centers in slum neighborhoods that provided assistances to people in the area.


Andrew Carnegie- He came into this country at the age of twelve. He worked his way up to become a private secretary to the local super intendant of the Pennsylvania railroad. By 1865 Carnegie was so busy managing the money he had earned in dividends that he happily left his job at the Pennsylvania railroad. He entered the steel business in 1873 and by 1899 the Carnegie steel company manufactured more steel than all the factories in Great Britain.


Bessemer Process- Developed independently by British manufacturer Henry Bessemer and American iron maker William Kelly. Technique involved injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon and other impurities.

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Frederick Law Olmested- Landscape architect that spearheaded the movement for planned urban parks . Help draw up the plan for greensward which was selected to be central park in New York City.


Social Darwinism- Charles Darwin publishes book in this year. The social Darwinism came out of his theory of biological evaluation. Darwin describes his observations that some individuals of a species flourish and past there traits along to the next generations while others do not.


Gilded ages- period of time following the civil war, time of enormous growth that attracted millions from Europe railroads.

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Exoduser- African Americans who moved from the post-reconstruction south to Kansas.


Homestead Act- pass by congress offering a 160 acres of land free to any citizen or intended citizen who was head of the household.


Sand Creek Massacre- Most of the cheyenne had peacefully returned to Colorado's Sand Creek Reserve for winter. General S.R. Curtis, US Army commander, sent a telegram to Milita colonel John Chivington that read, “I want no peace until the Indians suffer more. Chivington and his troops descended on the Cheyenne and Araplaho camped at Sand Creek. The attack at dawn on November 29 killed over 150 inhabitants mostly woman and children.

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Buffalo Soldier- originally were members of the US 10th cavalry regiment of the US Army. Formed on September 21 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The nickname was giving to the negro Calvary by the Native American tribes they fought.


Grandfather Clause-stated that even if a man failed a literacy or could not afford the poll tax, he was still entitled to vote if he, his father, or his grandfather, had been eligible to vote before January 1, 1867. 1867

Oliver Kelly- started the patrons of husbandry an organization for farmers that became popularly known as The Grange.


Credit Mobilier- Construction company formed by stock holders. The stock holders gave this company a contract to lay track at two to three times actually cost and pocketed the profit.

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Grange- The organization started by Oliver Kelly. The original purpose to provide a social outlet in an educational forum for isolated farm families.


George Pullman- Invented the Pullman sleeping car.


Tammany Hall- New York Cities powerful Democratic machine. In 1868 boss tweed became the head. Between 1869 and 1871 Boss Tweed lead the Tweed riong.

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Tweed Riong- Led by Boss Tweed. This was a group of corrupt politicians.


Transcontinental Railroad- A railroad line linking the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States ; completed in this year. 1870

John D. Rockefeller- Established the standard oil company. He joined with competing companies in trust agreements. Participants in the trust turned their stock over to a group of trustees. In return, the companies were entitled to dividends on profiles earned by the trust. Trusts were not legal merges however. Rockefeller used a trust to gain complete control of the oil industry in America. In this year, 1870, Rockefellers standard oil company of Ohio processed two or three percent of the country's crude oil.

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Jacob Riis- At the age of 21, he left his native land of Denmark for the United States. Riis found work as a police reporter , a job that took him into some of New Yorks worst slums, where he was shocked by the horrible conditions. He used his talents to expose the hardships of New Yorks poor.



Thomas Alva Edison-He became a pioneer on the new industrial frontier when he established the worlds first research laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. There Edison perfected the incandescent light bulb.


Alexander Graham Bell-Unveiled the telephone. It opened the way for a world wide

communications network.


George Armstrong Custer- He reported that the black hills had gold. “from the grass roots down” and the gold rush was on.

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Battle of Big Horn- Also known as Custers last stand. Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes against the seventh Calvary regiments of the US Army. It occurred June 25 and 26.


Telephone- The most dramatic invention unveiled by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson. It opened the way for a world wide communication network.


Nez Perce- Forced off the tribal lands in Wallowa County, Oregon.

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Dumbbell Tenements- Also called old law tenements; they were called the Dumbbell Tenements after the shape of the building footprint; the air gave each tenement the narrow waited shape of a dumbbell. These are tenements built in New York City after the Tenement Act and before the New York State Tenement.


1870’s – 1880’s

Jim Crow Laws- The segregation laws to separate black and whites in public and private places.


Ragtime- A blend of African American spirituals and European musical forms that originated in saloons in the south.

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Ida B. Wells-Moved to Memphis to work as a teacher. She later became an editor of a local paper. Racial Justice was a persistent theme in Wells reporting. 1880

Graft- The illegal use of political influence for personal gain.


Assimilation- Supported by the sympathizers ; a plan under which Native Americans would give up their beliefs and way of life and become part of the white culture. In this year the Century of Dishonor was published.

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Booker T. Washington- A prominent African American leader who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their value in society. He headed the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial institute.



Joseph Pulitzer- Hungarian immigrant who had bought the New York Wond in this year. Pioneered popular innovations. Such as a large Sunday edition, comics, sports coverage, and women’s news.


Mugwumps- Republican party activists who bolted from the united states republican party by supporting democratic candidate Glover Cleveland in the US presidential election of 1884.

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Haymarket Affair- Labor leaders continued their to press for change. In May of this year 300 people gathered at Chicago's Haymarket Square to protest police brutality – a striker had been wounded at the McCormick Harvester plant the day before. Then someone tossed a bomb into the chaos that followed.


Samual Gompers- lead the cigar makers international union to join with other craft unions. The American federation of labor with gonpers as its president, focused on collective bargaining to reach written agreements on wages, hours, and working conditions.


Interstate Commerce Commition- Congress passed the interstate commerce act in 1887. This act established the right of the federal government to supervise railroad activity and established this five member interstate commerce commition for that purpose.

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Dawes Act- Passed by congress in 1887 aiming to “Americanize” the native Americans. The act broke up the reservations and gave some of the reservation land to individual native Americans. The government would sell there remainder of the reservations to settlers, and the resulting income would used by native Americans to buy farm implements.


George Eastman- Developed a series of more convenient alternative to heavy glass plates previously used. Now, instead of carrying there dark rooms around with them, photographers could use flexible film, coded with gelatin meulsions, and could send there film to a studio for processing. Eastman introduced the Kodak camera in this year. 1889

Jane Adams- one of the most influential members of the movement for Settlement houses. Her and Ellen Gates Starr founded Chicago's wull house in this year.

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Ghost Dance- A profit promise that if the Sioux performed this ritual that the native Americans land and way of life would be restored.


Wounded Knee- On December 28, 1890 the seventh Calvary rounded up 350 starving and freezing Sioux and took the to a camp at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. The next day a shot was fired from which side it was not clear the soldiers open fire with a deadly canon within minutes the seventh Calvary slaughtered as many as 300 people mostly unarmed Native Americans. 1890

Sherman Anti Trust Act- Made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries. Prosecuting companies over the Sherman Act was not easy. However, because the act didn’t clearly define items such as a trust the government stopped trying to enforce the Sherman Act.


Kickback- Illegal payments giving to political


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Populist- Those who form the Populist in 1892. On July 2, 1892 a populist party convention in Omaha, Nebraska demanded reforms to lift the burden of debt from farmers and other workers and give the people a greater voice in the government.


Ellis Island- From 1892 to 1924 this was the cheap immigration station in the United States.


Pullman Strike-The nation wide conflict between the new American rail ways union accord in Pullman, Illinois and over 4000 worker strict.


Eugene vs. Debs-Most of the new union members were unskilled and semi skilled labors. But skilled engineers and firemen joined to. In this year the new union won a strike for higher wages.

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W.E. B DuBois– The First African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard. Founded the Niagara movement and said that blacks should seek the liberal arts education so that the African American community would have well educated leaders.


Plessey vs. Ferguson- The supreme court ruled that the separation of races in public accommodations was legal and did not violate the 14 amendment.


William McKinley- Republican parties candidate for the 1896 campaign won the reelection with 7 million votes.


William Jennings Bryan- The editor of the Omaha wond,herald, delivered the “Cross of Gold” speech on July 8, 1896.


“Gross of Gold Speech”- “Having behind us he producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interest, the laboring interest, and the tollers everywhere, we will answer there demand for gold standard by saying to them we shall not crucify upon a cross of gold.”

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Zaudeville- A 1899 writing in the Scribner's magazine, actor Edwin Milton Royle heailed this theatre as “ An American Invention that offered something that nearly attracted everyone.”


Mail order catalogue- Catalogues were novelties when Sears Montgomery ward arrived on the scene by the mid 1900’s more 13 billion filled the mail boxes of Americans and they shopped from home. 1910

Angel Island- 50, 000 Chinese immigrants entered the United States through Angel Island

in Francisco Bay.


Debt Peonage – A system that bond laborers into slavery in order to work off a debt to a employer. Not until 1911 did the Supreme court declare involuntary Peonage a violation of the 13 amendment. 1917

Literacy Test- A test giving to voters that determines if there allowed to vote or not.

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Work Cited http://www.wikipedia.org
