  • we\corne sack Hornets!

  • Mr. Haughinberry


  • Administration

    Ms. Sperelakis-Babb: API

    Mrs. Asprey: Students A thru F

    Mr. Walker: Students G thru M

    Mr. Daniel: Students N thru Z

  • Main Office Mrs. Cindy Schipper, Mrs. Lisa Backer, Mrs. Kip Kinsey,

    Ms. Christen Rouson

  • Security

    Mr. Ricardo Phillips

    Mr. William Pitt

    Mr. Kip Sutton

    Ms. Nikki Williams

  • School Resource Officer

    Officer Tennyson

  • Clinic

    Support Staff Mrs. Cynthia

    Winslow Attendance Clerk

    Mrs. Angela Shabazz-Wiggins

  • Principal Mr. Haughinberry

    The Hornet Way Be Respectful

    Lead by Example

    Practice tolerance and embrace people's differences

    Be kind and friendly, say please, thank you, and excuse me Clean up after yourself

    Thank the clerical staff, custodial staff, and the food service workers

    Thank and support your teachers

    Follow all behavioral rules and policies, and safety rules/guidelines

    Read the 2019/2020 Code of Conduct Student handbook

    Find an adult if you have a problem or concern

    Take ownership of the building

    Bottom Line: Treat people how you would like to be treated and respect yourself!


    Hornet Expectations Practice RESPECT • Speak kindly to everyone• Treat others with kindness• Follow directions of adults the first time• Work hard for your success• Maintain personal space

    Practice RESPONSIBILITY • Quickly go to assigned area• Pick up after yourself• Be prepared with instructional materials and supplies• Follow technology/ BYOD guidelines

    Practice SAFETY • Keep your hands and feet to yourself• Refrain from running in the building• Follow all safety and lockdown procedures• Report safety issues or concerns to teachers or administrators

  • Mrs. Asprey Assistant Principal


    A thru F

  • Dress code Please adhere to the following guidelines.

    Dresses, skirts, and shorts should

    be no shorter than three inches

    above your knee.

    When leggings and tights are

    worn, shirts, dresses, and skirts

    must still be no shorter than three

    inches above your knee.

    All headwear and sunglasses need

    to be removed when entering the


    Holes in pants, skirts, or shorts

    must not be above the knee.

    All tops should meet your


    Tops must have straps that are at least

    3 fingertips wide and conceal cleavage.

    Clothing should only advertise

    appropriate icons, images, or sayings.

    Clothes must conceal undergarments,

    including sheer clothing.

    Leave all wallet chains and jewelry with

    spikes at home.

    Leave all pjs and slippers at home.

    Shirts must have finished armholes

    Pants must be worn at the


  • Examples

  • Dress Code

    • Teacher will address in class

    • Cannot be corrected – student will besent to main office. Teacher will write

    a referral and send to appropriate


    • Administrator/Counselor - will

    address concern and issue


  • Deep Creek Policies

    and Procedures • School Hours

    • Alumni hall opens at 7:45. Main doors at 8:00

    • Remain in the cafeteria until 8:15 AM

    • Bus ramp doors open when buses arrive

    • After School Activities

    • All students must exit the building at final bell unless

    supervised by a coach or sponsor

    • Activity Bus

    • Must have a pass to ride at 4:35 PM (T, W, Th)

  • Hall Passes • Must have a hall pass to be in the hall

    • Students (with or without passes) will be

    subject to ISS and OSS for:

    • oitering

    • Being out-of-area• Cutting class• Out of class for extended period of


    Lunch time passes (teacher or Media Center) must be obtained before 1st block

  • Be On Time

    • You are expected to arrive promptly

    • There are six minutes between all classes

    • No students will be admitted to class after

    the tardy bell without an excused note or

    tardy pass.

    • There is NO WARNING BELL.

    • If you are tardy, immediately report to the

    tardy table on the main hall.

  • Tardies = Consequences Tardies will restart at the beginning

    of the new term in February

    Tardy Consequences

    1-4 Warning

    5-6 One block ISS

    7-9 One day ISS

    10+ One day OSS

  • Mr. Walker Assistant Principal


    G thru M

  • Attendance/Absences

    • It is your responsibility to request andcomplete all work missed.

    • 5 days to make-up work w/o penalty• Bring a note to homeroom teacher for

    absences. The note must be turned inwithin four days.

    • For extended absences, you will needadministrative approval in advance fromMs. Babb. Bring a note from aparent/guardian to the main office tobegin the process of excusing thoseabsences.

  • Attendance & Credits

  • Time Recovery Program

    Two days = one 90 min. class

    • Designed to help students who couldfail courses due to absences

    • Redeem a maximum of four (4) daysper course during a term

    • Mrs. Wyatt in 716 is in charge oftime recovery.

  • Extenuating Circumstances

    • May be granted when a student exceeds 9

    absences due to legitimate, documented


    • Request forms must be obtained from the main

    office and returned to the MAIN OFFICE fully

    completed (course schedule, teachers, pertinent

    documentation) prior to the deadline.

    • To be considered:



  • Lockers

    • Lockers are issued during lunch

    by Mr. Walker.

    • Report any locker problems to

    Mr. Walker.

    • Each student is assigned

    his/her own locker.

    • DO NOT share lockers.

  • Obligations

    • Take care of equipment




    School Property

    • Class dues ($5.00)

    • Dues are required for Ring dance,

    Senior Banquet, Prom, parking, etc.

  • Discipline

    • Confrontations

    • Language

    • Classroom Disruptions

    • Cutting/Loitering

    • BYOD/Defiance

    • Tobacco/E-Cigarettes/Vaporizer


  • Discipline • Expellable Offenses

    • Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia,


    • Weapons including Look-a Likes

    • Assaults/Fighting/Threats

    • Social Media

    • Throwing objects out of a bus window

    • Trespassing on school bus or school grounds

    • Theft

    • Damage to school property

  • Office of Student

    Conduct and Support

    Students who fail to comply with the CPS

    Code of Conduct will be referred to the

    Office of Student Conduct and Support.

    Additional placement may be

    recommended to the Chesapeake Center

    for Student Success.

  • Discipline

    Bullying Per the code of Virginia (§ 22.1-276.01) bullying is defined as:

    "…any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying" includes cyber bullying. "Bullying" does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.”


  • Cafeteria Expectations

    • No sitting on tables

    • No cutting in the food lines

    • Clean up your table after yourself

    • Put all chairs back where you got them from at

    the end of the lunch period

    • Must have a pass to leave the cafeteria

    • Not permitted past the barriers or in any halls

    during lunches without a pass

    • Remain seated at your table until

    the bell rings for dismissal

  • Mr. Daniel Assistant Principal


    N thru Z

  • Lockdowns & Fire Drills

    • Move quickly to the nearest


    • Follow the directions of the

    staff member

    Both situations are RED ZONES

  • Lockdowns

  • 3rd Block

    Lockdowns & Fire Drills If you are in the cafeteria during a Lockdown or Fire Drill

    • Follow the directions of staff• Lockdown – Move quickly to the


    • Fire drill – Move quickly outside

    Both situations are RED ZONES

  • Bring your own device Use until 8:40 AM

    Use during classchanges

    Use to, during, andfrom lunch

    Use when teachergives permission

    Use to check Synergy

    Use on studentnetwork

    Use one ear bud

    Do not disrupt thelearning environment

    Do not wear headphones

    Do not use in therestroom

    Do not use in lockerroom

    Do not use in ISS

    Do not take pictures,recordings or videoswithout permission- OSS

    Do not make or receivecalls-OSS


    • Student must use Student Filtered Network

    • Student Wifi Code: eL@5t!cH3n

    • The signal is called: Ch3s_Pupil

    • Personal Responsibility

    • Loss, Damage, Theft – YOUR RESPONSIBILITY• Each bus driver has discretion for use on their


    • Air drop

    • Taking inappropriate pictures=Felony Charge

    • Sending inappropriate pictures=Felony Charge

  • DCHS Electronic Device Policy

    NO ZONE – Devices Prohibited

    • Restrooms/Locker Rooms

    • Testing Areas

    • Media Center

    • Students are not allowed to have phoneconversations, take pictures, or video

    during the school day.

    • For safety and security, students arereminded to have only one earbud in use.

    Over the ear/noise cancelling headphones

    are prohibited.

    • Violations of the NO ZONE policy aresubject to administrative consequences

    GO ZONE – Devices Allowed

    • Cafeteria and courtyard before schooland during student’s assigned lunch

    • Technology break during 6 minute bellchange

    • Classrooms are NO ZONES. Teacherdiscretion and approval is required for

    use in classrooms.

  • Electronic Device Consequences 1st Offense:

    • Confiscation of device

    • Returned to student at the end of the day

    2nd Offense:

    • Confiscation of device: Parent/Guardian Pickup

    3rd Offense:

    • Confiscation of device: Parent/Guardian Pickup

    • ISS (1 Block)

    4th Offense :

    • ISS (1 Day)

    • Confiscation of device: Parent/Guardian Pickup

    5th Offense and above: OSS and possible loss of device privilege for the

    remainder of the school year.




  • Social Media

    Follow us Twitter and Instagram

    Expectations: • Promote the positives• Market our Community of Excellence

    Any inappropriate posts could lead to disciplinary actions: • Profanity #@!$• Personal Attacks• Cyber bullying

  • Student Parking • Policies and Regulations


    • Loss of Privilege

    • Leaving school grounds w/o


    • Parking in Unassigned Spot

    • Parking against the curb is


    • Off Campus parking (highly



  • Mrs. Sperelakis-Babb Assistant Principal for


    All Students

  • Why Are You Here????????

    ·"'' '~ -

  • What does it mean to be a Hornet?

  • Your transcript is your passport to the future.

  • Prepare for success!

  • Grades • Grades are entered


    • The grading period is every 4 1/2 weeks

    • Every grade counts • Turn work in and turn it in on


  • Grades affect…

    • High School Transcript & GPA • Promotion to the next grade


    • Special Events (parking pass, ring dance, prom, etc.)

    • Athletic Eligibility 2.0

  • Synergy Use it to…

    • Check your grades • Monitor your attendance

    • Find resources • Check due dates & test/quiz dates

    • E-mail teachers

    • View school information

  • Exam Exemptions: Attendance • A and 0-5 absences • B and 0-4 absences • C and 0-3 absences


    Industry Credential

  • Everything you need to be successful is


  • Free/Reduced Lunch • Apply on CPS webpage

    • Potential benefits

    • PSAT

    • SAT

    • AP

    Don’t have to actually get lunch!


    • Copying someone’s work or test answers

    • Submitting someone else’s work as your own

    • Using unauthorized test aids (notes, cell phone)

    • Plagiarizing- not giving credit to a source

    • Falsifying data

    • Collaborating without permission

    • Altering a grade and resubmitting for higher grade

    • Notify parents, Zero, Honor Code Violation on record, possible suspension

  • Guidance

    Ms. Maxine Carey - Guidance Director Mrs. Lisa Cuccurullo - Administrative

    Assistant Mrs. Michael Ann Fitch - A-E

    Mrs. Kathi Hite - SMA/ELL A-Z Ms. Ayesha Hughes - F-J, Freshmen

    Seminar Mrs. Lorri Owens - K-R

    Mr. Scott Reppert - S-Z Ms. Karin Williams - CCC, CCP, A-Z

  • s s

    School Counseling See counselors for:

    • Academic questions and concerns

    • Personal and social concern • Mental health concern • College and career planning • Scholarship opportunities

  • School Counseling • Parchment

    • Transcripts

    • Diploma Types

    Get a pass to see your


  • School Counseling ● College Application Process ● ACCESS Checklist

    Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Hite, Ms. Hughes, Mrs. Owens, Mr. Reppert, Ms. Williams

    Mr. Hall

  • School Counseling ● Recommendation request should be submitted to your counselor one (1) month

    in advance of college/scholarship deadlines.

    ● Pick up request in guidance from your counselor ● Attach resume or activity record to recommendation request form

    ● Must submit one (1) request per college /university application

    ● Cost using Parchment: FREE through 7/31/20 ● For any reason an official hard copy is needed for scholarships, cost is $5 per


    ● Add “HOLD” if waiting on final grades ● Guidance has ten (10) business days to process request ● Link Common App student account number to your Parchment account

  • The Common Application

    1. After clicking Order, the learner will land on

    the Select a Destination


    2. In the search bar the learner will enter Common


    3. Next to The Common Application (First Year

    Applicants), they will click


    4. The learner will be prompted to enter their

    Common App ID and click

    Continue, to start the

    Common Application


  • Rt £di1 Vlt# h,wffl toot He:~

    • ~ p..,...1c,n1 (, G009't GP"'"- .. i...xM!i,.,,,.,1 .... ~ 1gu11;;i., . ~ ... ~,,,I.e., •


    Scholarships Quick Links

    S6rcl> .. II Parent-~·VUc .,.,,.

    News and Updates StudentVUE

    -"·"'""' 2018 • 2019 Parking Pass Application

    TeacherVUE' I p,,,ndlJ • ._. 2018 • 2019 Enrollment


    Bus Routes

    2018 • 2019 Student Handbook Hours: 8:00 a,m, • 4:00 p,m,

  • 1.a,11111111111 G TDCOLLEGE Streamlining the College rair Circuit

    Students! Register onliue today at t o a tteud th e co llege fa.irs

    Why sho d I pre-regi5 e.-?

    1\1\axirnizc your tim.c at the ifairl

    HOW" dcw.s 0111ine n>gistration her ?

    Registering fo.- a college fair tl1 ro,Jg11 o u r e. in 1plc, online reglstratlolil page a llows you to easHly Input yolJ!r per sonal in fonnatiol!l , e laborat e 01T11 your P ll"O\lide your infonn a tion olile t in1e througj1 our


  • Early College Scholar • Have a “B” average or better • Be pursuing an Advanced Studies Diploma • Take and complete college-level course work

    (i.e., Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment) that will earn at least 15 transferable college credits

    • Sign the “Governor’s Early College Scholars Agreement”

    • Students who meet the terms of the agreement are recognized as Early College Scholars on their transcript and receive a certificate of recognition from the Governor

  • PSAT Test

    Wednesday, October 16

    Registration is Sept. 9 thru Oct. 9

    Cost is $17.00

  • SAT • 10th, 11th , 12th

    graders may register

    for the SAT and SAT

    Subject Test



    • @SATQuestion or


    • Register early – GFHSfills up quickly

  • CCC

  • AP


  • Graduation Coach

    Mr. Lenny Carson Room 083

    (on the technology hall)

  • Senior Class Sponsors: Mrs. Ely

    Mrs. Williams

    Senior Class Officers President-

    Vice President-





  • Important Class of 2020 Dates

    Graduation Information (Balfour): 9-24-19

    Senior Formal Pictures: 9-21-19

    Homecoming: 10-4-19

    Senior Tailgate: 11-1-19

    Powder Puff Football: 11-15-19

    Senior Banquet: 12-7-19

    Prom: May (Exact date pending)

    Senior Academic Awards: Date (TBD)

    Graduation: 6-11-20

  • Important Yearbook Information

    October 7-11 National Yearbook Week giveaways for

    those who’ve purchased books

    October 11 Last day to get yearbooks for the “Back-

    to-School Special”:$75 books, add a name for $7

    October 24 Senior Portrait make up day in Alumni

    Hall. Sign up will begin September 9 in the front

    office. Students can also contact Candid Color

    directly at 800-321-4256.

    September 13 Early Bird Special: Senior

    Graduation/Congratulatory Ads for the yearbook go

    on sale

  • Important Yearbook Information

    November 8 Last day for Early Bird pricing for Senior

    Grad Ads

    January 10 Last day to purchase a Grad Ad

    January 31 Last day to purchase a yearbook for $80*

    February/March: Senior Cap & Gown pictures (if not

    taken already)

    May: Yearbook distribution day TBA depending on


  • Senioritis noun. A crippling disease that strikes high

    school seniors.

    Symptoms include: laziness, an over-

    excessive wearing of track pants, old athletic

    shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and

    sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying,

    repeated absences, and a generally

    dismissive attitude.

    The only known cure is a phenomenon

    known as Graduation.

  • Graduation



    Class of 2020!

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