
Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Class Management Skills

• Deliver instruction efficiently

• Start and stop a class consistently

• Move into groups and formations

• Use squads to expedite class organization

• Know students’ names

• Establish pre- and post-teaching routines

• Use equipment effectively

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Class Management Skills

• Routines

• Nonparticipation

• Entering teaching area

• Discussing lesson content

• Lesson closure

• Arranging equipment

• Discussing discipline problems

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Teach Responsible Behavior

• Strategies and programs for teaching responsible behavior

• Don Hellison

• Levels of responsibility

• Learning responsible behavior must be planned

• Responsible behavior takes time and practice

• Hierarchy of responsible behavior

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Teach Responsible Behavior

• Five levels of behavior

• Level 0 = Irresponsibility

• Level 1 = Self-Control

• Level 2 = Involvement

• Level 3 = Self-Responsibility

• Level 4 = Caring

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Teach Responsible Behavior

• Level 0 = Irresponsibility

• Unmotivated and undisciplined

• Discrediting others

• Interrupting, intimidating, manipulating, and abusing others

• Physical education example

• Talking to friends when the teacher is giving instructions

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Teach Responsible Behavior

• Level 1 = Self-Control

• May or may not participation in the day’s activity

• Does not interfere with other students or teacher

• Physical education example

• Waiting for appropriate time to talk with friends

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Teach Responsible Behavior

• Level 2 = Involvement• Show self control• Usually involved in the subject matter

or activity• Physical education example

• Listening and performing activity• Trying even when they do not like

the activity• Participation without complaint

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Teach Responsible Behavior

• Level 3 = Self-Responsibility• Take responsibility for choices and for

linking choices to their own identities• Work without direct supervision• Eventually take responsibility for their

intentions and actions• Physical education example

• Practicing a skill without being told to do so

• Trying new activities without encouragement

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Teach Responsible Behavior

• Level 4 = Caring• Motivated to extend their sense of

responsibility by• Cooperating• Giving support• Showing concern• Helping others

• Physical education example• Helping someone who is having trouble

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Teach Responsible Behavior

• Responsible behavior teaching strategies

• Modeling

• Reinforcement

• Time for reflection

• Student sharing

• Goal setting

• Responsibility opportunities

• Student choice

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Prevent Behavior Problems

• Create a personal behavior plan

• Determine rules and procedures

• Determine consequences

• Determine routines for students

• Implement management plan

• Be a leader, not a friend

• Communicate high standards

• Explain and discuss rules/consequences

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Prevent Behavior Problems

• Practice rules systematically• Use activities that involve entire class• Enforce rules consistently• Give positive group feedback• Discipline individually• Avoid group negative feedback• Avoid feedback that may lead to

backlash• Give clear and specific instructions

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Increase Desired Behavior

• Increase Desired Behavior

• Behavior followed by appropriate positive feedback increases

• Types of reinforcement

• Social reinforcement

• Activity reinforcement

• Token reinforcement

• Premack Principle

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Increase Desired Behavior

• Prompts• Used to remind students to perform

desired behavior• Types of prompts

• Modeling• Verbal cues• Nonverbal cues

• The goal is to gradually remove the prompt

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Increase Desired Behavior

• Shape desired behavior

• Build new desired behavior

• Slow and inefficient

• Two principles

• Differential reinforcement used to increase desired behavior

• The criterion that must be reached for reinforcement to occur is increased

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Decrease Undesired Behavior

• Use negative consequences

• Isolate student and yourself

• Deal with one student at a time

• State your position once

• Deliver and move away

• Do not threaten or bully

• Avoid touching the student

• Do not curse or raise voice

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Decrease Undesired Behavior

• Reprimands

• Identify unacceptable behavior

• State briefly why it is unacceptable

• Communicate desired behavior

• Do not reprimand in front of others

• Speak about behavior, not the person

• Reinforce positive behavior when it occurs

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Decrease Undesired Behavior

• Remove positive consequences

• Assure the magnitude of the removal fits the crime

• Be consistent

• Ensure students understand consequences before misbehavior

• Chart student misbehavior

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Decrease Undesired Behavior

• Time out

• Time out from reinforcement

• Doesn’t work if other students are reinforcing

• Helps to extinguish attention seeking behavior

• Participation must be more reinforcing

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Decrease Undesired Behavior

• Time out

• It is better to have someone sit out than to have disruptive behavior

• Time-out is designed to eliminate teacher and student emotion

• People want to be treated fairly, not emotionally

• Anger often triggers “getting even”

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Decrease Undesired Behavior

• Time out

• Establish four time-out locations that face corners of area

• Signs on walls indoors

• Signs on cones at perimeter when outdoors

• Time-out is for everyday behavior, not severe emotional problems

• Time-out is also a place to cool down

Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Decrease Undesired Behavior

• When a student will not go to time out• Relax, you will have the final word• Don’t confront the student in front of class• Continue teaching• Quietly, in passing, tell the student you’ll

meet in the office after school• Use in-school suspension• Involve principal & parents as last resort
