Page 1: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.”

1. Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen.2. Use “good” handwriting in the science log.3. Write in complete sentences.4. Always use the log, never another sheet of paper.5. Leave the science log in the classroom.6. Do NOT use the word “it”.

•Read over and do the warm-up expectations.•Take out your name tent

•Write your first and last name with the purple marker on 1 craft stick, both sides

Page 2: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

1.3rd period announcements

2.Grade sheet #1

3.Homework tonight

4.School Supplies – H-3, before school.

5.Writing on barriers

Page 3: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Students will explore science inquiry.

Page 4: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

•3-inch Binder, 3 rings, “D” Rings are best•College Ruled paper, lots and lots

•Keep some at home and about 150 sheets in your Firebird Notebook

•6 Dividers – One for each class•Pencils – Mechanical or regular, lots •5, 1 subject spiral notebook with 3 hole punch•Pens – Black, Blue and Red, lots•Pencil Pouch – Canvas, durability•Highlighters – Any color, at least 3•Pencil Sharpener – Keep in your pencil pouch

Page 5: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log


1.Pencil Pouch

2.Student Expectations – Orange Paper


4.6 dividers – Each class, in the order of your schedule.

5.Loose leaf paper

Page 6: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Put your Binder away.

Page 7: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Give one folder to Mr. Drez, since I gave you one last week.

Page 8: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

First and Last Name

Period ____


Science LogUse the Permanent Marker

Page 9: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

First and Last Name

Period ____


Science Log

Page 10: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

First and Last Name

Period ____


Science Log

Page 11: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log
Page 12: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Science Fair Journal

Use the Permanent Marker

First and Last Name

Period ____

Page 13: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Science Fair Journal

First and Last Name

Period ____

Page 14: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log
Page 15: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Name: ________________________________Period: ___ I. Short Answer. Write the best answer for each of the following questions. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS AS COMPLETE SENTENCES!!!! 1.     Why were the list of rules developed for you to follow when participation in a laboratory?   2.     What should you do if an injury (like a cut or burn) or accident (like as spill or breakage) occurs?   3.     Where should all personal belongings that are not being used during the lab (books, notebooks, backpacks, etc.) be placed?   II. True or False. Write the word “True” or the word “False” in the blank in front of the statement. DO NOT USE “T” OR “F”. 4.     _____ You may pour chemicals down the drain if you think they are harmless. 5.     _____ If you have a question, go to the teacher and ask for help. 6.     _____ You must keep your hands away from your face, eyes and mouth during the laboratory. 7.     _____ You are NEVER allowed to perform procedures that are not in the written instructions or explained to you by the teacher. 8.     _____ If the materials manager has his or her hands full, you may help him or her retrieve the materials for the laboratory. 9.     _____ When removing an electrical plug from its socket, grasp the plug, NOT the cord. 10. _____ The materials manager is responsible for clean up at the end of the lab. OVER >>>>>>>>>>>>

First Paragraph – To ensure safety for you and others.

#19, 33 - False

#25 – Tell the teacher immediately.

#6 – Place all personal belongings under the table.

#11 - False#23 - True#4 - True

#10 - False

#30 - True#31 - False

Page 16: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Iii. Explanations. Pick Two (2) of the Statements From Questions 4-10 That You Marked As False. Rewrite These Statement So the Sentence Is a True Statement.11(a) Question # _____ (B) Rewritten Statement:  12(a) Question # _____ (B) Rewritten Statement:  IV. Fill in the Blank. Write the Correct Word in the Blank to Complete the Statement.13. You Must Wear _________________ and _________ Anytime That Chemicals, Heat or Glass Are Used. 14. If You Do Not Understand, Ask the ______________ Before Proceeding. 15. Students Are to Behave _____________ at All Times. 16. Never Return Unused _______________ to Their Original Containers. V. Short Answer. Respond to the Questions That Follow the Paragraph.17.     Tracy Had Seen Her Teacher Perform the Demonstration Many Times. The Materials for the Demonstration Were Lying on the Teacher’s Table. Tracy Tied Her Long Hair Back and Used the Materials to Perform the Demonstration on Her Own.A)     Write the Action That Tracy Did Correctly.  B)    Write the Action That Tracy Did Not Follow.   18.     Robert Is the Materials Manager for the Day. Robert Waited Until the Teacher Told Him to Go Get the Materials. On the Way Back to His Station, Robert Thinks That One Material Is Powdered Sugar and the Other Vanilla Extract. Robert Put His Nose Over the Container of Vanilla Extract and Inhaled. Robert Likes Powdered Sugar So He Decided to Taste It.A)     Write the Action That Robert Did Correctly.  B) Write the Actions That Robert Did Not Follow.

#19 – Dispose of all chemicals properly as directed by the teacher.#11 – Raise your hand if you have a question. The teacher will come to you#10 – All students are to remain seated unless given permission to leave by the teacher#31 – Everyone is responsible for clean-up.

Goggles, Gloves Apron #17teacher #5

4,5,8 or 10

4,5,8 or 10

appropriately #1chemicals #22

Tracy tied her long hair back - #16

Tracy did the demonstration without the teacher’s permission - #3

Robert waited until the teacher told him to get the materials - #3Robert touched, tasted and smelled the materials without permission-#18

Page 17: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log
Page 18: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

2 Kinds of Observations

Last NameAugust 2, 2010


Page 19: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

2 Kinds of Observations1.QUALITATIVE OBSERVATIONS.




Page 20: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

2 Kinds of Observations

Last NameAugust 2, 2010

Warm-upWriting Good Observations

Page 21: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

1.Never use the word “it”. What is “it”?



IT IT IT2.Use 2 or more descriptive words.

When making observations try to use as many words as possible.

3.No Opinions. “Yucky”, “bad”, “ugly”,“cool”, “dizzle”, “weird”, “off the hook”. Is your description a personal preference?

Page 22: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

4. Ask another scientist. Discuss the information with another person

5. Look at the experiment from many direction.

Page 23: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log
Page 24: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

2 Kinds of Observations

Last NameAugust 2, 2010

Warm-upWriting Good Observations

Page 25: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Jar Observations

Page 26: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Decide who is person #1, #2, #3 & #4Person #1•Obtain 3 glass jars and oven mitten

Person #2•Fill one glass jar with ice

Person #3•Fill one glass jar with hot water, use oven mitt to hold glass jar.

Person #4•Fill one glass jar with tap water

Page 27: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Hot Water –

Tap Water –

Cold Water -

•Write 3 observations

•Write 3 observations

•Write 3 observations

Page 28: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log
Page 29: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

1) Homework will be written in your agenda- everyday.

2) Homework due dates will be written on the board.3) All written homework is to be done in your science

log.4) Title the homework page “HOMEWORK.”

When you are done copying the homework procedures, work on

your safety tissue box.

Page 30: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

Name: Title __________________________________________________ Period: Date:

Starter Question/Basic Question

Independent (Manipulative) Variable

Inference (Answer to the Starter Question)


Scientific Question



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ch …

Dependent (Responding) Variable




One Page Lab Report - Outline Qualitative (5 senses) Observation About Topic What Can Be Measured About the Topic


Page 31: Copy the following onto the page titled “Science Log Procedures.” 1.Use only pencil, black pen or blue pen. 2.Use “good” handwriting in the science log

3. Observing -
