
Bio fuel from Algae

# Algae

• Micro organisms or plantlike biological organisms that use sunlight to photosynthesize and transform the carbon dioxide into energy in a very efficient manner. Algae produce oil as a part of photosynthesis

#Bio fuel• plant fuel or algal fuel is an alternative to fossil

fuel that uses algae as its source of natural deposits. Several companies and government agencies are funding efforts to reduce capital and operating costs and make algae fuel production commercially viable.

#fuels• Algae can be converted into various types of

fuel, depending on the technique and the part of the cells used.


bio diesel


bio ethanol &bio _ butanol

Other Fuels

• Bio gasoline

• Methane

• Ethanol

• Jet fuel

Bio fuel


• Renewable sources

• Better for environment

• Better for air quality

Dis advantage:-

• Use lot of water

• Threaten food supply

• Cost

• Global warming or (GHE)Green House Effect

*Bio diesel:Biodiesel fuel is essentially petroleum sources, from

animal or plant lipids (oils and fats).

* The U.S. Department of Energy's Aquatic Species Program,, focused on biodiesel from microalgae. The final report suggested that biodiesel could be the only viable method by which to produce enough fuel to replace current world diesel usage.

Biofuel Fossil Fuel Differences

Ethanol Gasoline/Ethane

Ethanol has about half the energy per mass of gasoline, which means it takes twice as much ethanol to get the same energy. Ethanol burns cleaner than

gasoline, however, producing less carbon monoxide. However, ethanol produces more ozone than gasoline and contributes substantially to smog.

Engines must be modified to run on ethanol.

Biodiesel Diesel

Has only slightly less energy than regular diesel. It is more corrosive to engine parts than standard diesel, which means engines have to be designed to take biodiesel. It burns cleaner than diesel, producing less particulate and fewer

sulfur compounds.

Methanol MethaneMethanol has about one third to one half as much energy as methane.

Methanol is a liquid and easy to transport whereas methane is a gas that must be compressed for transportation.

Biobutanol Gasoline/ButaneBiobutanol has slightly less energy than gasoline, but can run in any car that

uses gasoline without the need for modification to engine components.

Bio fuel production


Decide which type of algae you want to grow. Different species of algae contain different levels of oil. Algae *scum or *seaweed are best suited for production of biofuel.

• Grow the organism in optimal conditions

*sun light


*carbon dioxide

*pH 7-9

• Take advantage of a photo bioreactor if the light conditions are not favorable in your area

• Growing algae close to energy manufacturing plants, which produce carbon dioxide, often facilitates the process.



• Use gloves to cover your hands when you are harvesting the algae.



Utilize any variation of specially-designed press, which extracts the oil from the walls of the algae cells, similar to those used to extract oil from olives


A chemical process is also applied to extract oil as well.


Dry the algae through a mechanical press.


Mixing the pressed oil with hexane can extract even more oil,


filtering and cleaning ;*Clean the oil using carbon dioxide as a supercritical

fluid. A combination of both methods is often used to

extract the oil


• Refine the oil by using a catalyst to aid the conversion into diesel

• Catalysts speed up reactions throughout the process. The right catalyst can make a big difference
