PowerPoint Presentation*
PPC Advertising Defined
type of online advertisement, where the advertiser (i.e. you) pays the publisher each time a visitor clicks on the advertisement
payment based on ‘click throughs’
displaying precisely targeted ads at someone who has shown an interest in a subject, in real time
search orientated
Yahoo powers Alltheweb, AltaVista, Hotbot, Lycos, CNN
Who are the market leaders?
Easier for potential customers to find you
More traffic to your website
Increase sales
Rankings for rankings sake
Rank above my competitors
Questions to consider:
how many sales leads do you want PPC advertising to generate?
where do you want these leads to come from?
which pages do you want website visitors to land on?
what do you want visitors to do at your site?
PPC Advertising Objectives
Good keywords are those which:
brainstorm relevant terms
get customer focussed
tools will help you e.g.
refine list AGAIN to include less competitive terms
consider your budget
2. are popular with searchers
3. are within your budget
Bid at the keyword level
Set your CPC (Cost-per-Click)
Set a daily/weekly/monthly budget
Two broad strategies exist:
Premium Strategy:
Bid on most popular search terms needs high website conversion rate
Niche Strategy:
reduction of 80% from 1 to 8
Lower ads can deliver more relevant leads
less impulsive
research orientated
not just CPC
Under budgeting
Ad will not appear when budget reached
Ad copy should compel searchers to click on your advert:
Match ad copy closely to keywords e.g.
sample keywords: “fixed rate mortgage”
sample ad copy: “looking for the best fixed rate mortgage”
Create clear and direct ad titles
Use customers’ language
Landing pages drive conversions: