Download pdf - Copper Forum 2011 30 De1

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1


    Copper Architecture Forum, Mai 2011

    Cpper Architecture Frum gehrt mit ur l auenden Kampagne Eurpean Cpper In ArchitectuCampaign und erscheint halbjhrlich mit einer Auage vn 25.200 Eemplaren.

    Das Magain wird an Architekten und Fachleute der Baubranche in Russland, Plen, Dnemark,Nrwegen, Schweden, Finnland, Ungarn, der Tschechischen Republik, Spanien, Frankreich, ItalieDeutschland und im Vereinigten Knigreich verteilt.

    Redaktionsteam :

    Lennart Engstrm, Chris Hdsn, Hannele Kuusist, E sk Mietinen, Hermann Kersting, Rbert P

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Anschrift: CAF, Eurpean Cpper Institute, Avenue de Tervueren 168 b-10, B-1150 Brussels, Belgi

    Hrsg.: Nigel Cttn, ECI (Eurpean Cpper Institute)

    Layout und Realisierung: Naula Grafsk Design, Sweden

    Druck: Intellecta Inlg 2011, Sweden


    Paul Becquevrt, BENELUx [email protected] Hay, UK [email protected]

    Niklas Vergpuls, GR [email protected] P intr, HU, Cz, SVK [email protected] zakrewski, PL [email protected] Inv, RU [email protected] Vutilainen, SE, No, FI, DK [email protected] Dia, ES [email protected] Tisst, FR [email protected] Crespi, IT [email protected] Schmit, DE [email protected]

    Herzlich willkommen

    In dieser Ausgabe arbeiten wir weiter daran, das Copper Architecture Forum als globales Architekturmagazin zu eta-

    blieren, wobei wir unsere Blicke auf das gesamte Design von Gebuden, und nicht nur separat auf die Verwendung

    von Kupfer richten. Wir haben auch unser Redaktionsteam aufgestockt, um Zugang zu weiteren Projekten in ganz

    Europa und darber hinaus zu haben und eine breitere Palette an Fachwissen zu erlangen.

    Auf den folgenden 40 Seiten geht es um eine beachtliche Vielfalt architektonischer Stile und Gebudetypen.

    Fotos und Beschreibungen werden durch Plne, Querschnitte, Entwurfsskizzen und andere Zeichnungen ergnzt,

    um das Vorhaben der Architekten zu untermauern. Zwar konzentrieren wir uns nach wie vor auf das besonderen

    Erscheinungsbild von Kupfer in der Architektur, halten aber auch Ausschau nach neuen Hhepunkten in Bezug auf

    Nachhaltigkeit und Modernisierung, die wir neben den gewohnten Detail- und Nahaufnahmen hinzugefgt haben.

    Zum 31. Mai als Stichtag fr Beitrge erwarten wir ein Rekordergebnis von Projekten fr die diesjhrigen European

    Copper in Architecture Awards, bei denen einige der besten zeitgenssischen architektonischen Projekte vertreten

    sein werden. Die Gewinner werden auf einer Prsentation in Brssel im September verkndet (weitere Details siehe Gewinnende und in die engere Wahl kommende Projekte werden wir in der nchsten

    Ausgabe des Copper Architecture Forum in einer groen Dokumentation genauer unter die Lupe nehmen.

    Um die nchste Ausgabe auf keinen Fall zu verpassen, registrieren Sie sich schon jetzt online unter, damit Sie auch weiterhin Ihr kostenloses Exemplar von Copper Architecture Forum erhal-

    ten. Das ist besondere deshalb wichtig, weil wir derzeit unsere Mailinglisten aktualisieren. Auf derselben Webseite

    knnen Sie die aktuelle und frhere Ausgaben von Copper Architecture Forum herunterladen. Wir wnschen Ihnen

    viel Spa beim Lesen dieser Ausgabe und sehen Ihren Rckmeldungen und Kommentaren gespannt entgegen.

    Redaktionsteam, Copper Architecture Forum

    VorderseiteDie Nordahl Grieg-Schuleim Bezirk Srs der StadtBergen.


    27. September 2011European Copper in Architecture Awards, Vorstellungder Architekten und Siegerehrung,

    RckseiteDas neue Verw altungsgebu-de des Europischen Rates inStrasbourg.


    Wenden Sie sich jetzt an uns. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmerkungen zum Copper Architecture Forum und auf Vorschlge frknftige Projekte oder Themen. Schicken Sie einfach eine E-Mail an den Verfasser oder Ihren vorgenannten Lokalredakteur.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    4-7 8-9

    10-11 12-13

    14-15 16-17

    18-19 20-22

    23-25 26

    27 28-29

    30-31 32-33

    34 35

    36-37 38

    Die Nordahl Grieg-Oberschule, Norwegen

    Beispielhate Wiederverwendung mit Kuper Brogebude,Turku, Finnland

    Zeitgenssisches au Klassischem Hausdachaubauten inBudapest

    Kuperchronosphre Schmuckausstellungsraum in Bergamo,Italien

    Golden Library Copper Additions in Luckenwalde

    Rejuvinating the Moderne Copper Additions in Widnes, UK

    Brass Bands Chemotherapy Treatment Centre, Manchester

    Transparent Copper Extensions to Helsinki Childrens Hospital

    Tapiola Group PK2 New Head Oce, Finland

    Copper Rooed Crossing A Bridge in the Scottish Countryside

    Green Building with Copper Sustainable new Oces in Wales

    Euro Copper Sustainable new Oces in Strasbourg

    Architecture and Grieving Funeral Chapels in Vantaa, Finland

    Mountainous Refections Civil Protection Centre in the Dolomites

    Coastal Copper Art Deco Style Gol Clubhouse in Scotland

    Winning Gold Casino Frontage in Sheeld, UK

    Neues Museum Renovation David Chippereld in Berlin

    Copper in the Garden Small Hotel Garden Buildings inSwitzerland

    30 and counting in the next issue





















  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Hauptziel von Kunden und Planern war von Anang an die

    Schaung einer modernen Schule, die an den aktuellen und

    zukntigen Bedar gut angepasst und ausreichend fexibel

    ist, sich zu verndern und zukntigen Herausorderungen zu

    begegnen. Wichtig waren auch unktionelle und sthetische

    Gesichtspunkte, was insgesamt ein reizvolles Gebude und

    einen inspirierenden Arbeitsplatz r Schler und Lehrer er-

    geben sollte.

    Das Gebude mit einer Gesamtfche von 14 000 m2 bietet

    Platz r 800 Schler und 150 Mitarbeiter.

    D NordahlGrg-Obrshulag 2006 wde vo ldkeis hodd de owegise Weskse ei aiekewebeweb

    de Ew eie ee Obese i Bezik Ss de Sd Bege geeg. Gewie des

    Webewebs gege e Kokez vo siebe dee Beige we die lInK-aieke.

    Die Architektur des Gebudes ist eine klare Absichtserklrung.

    Dank seiner langlebigen Auenschale aus Kuper und Glas ist es

    gut in der Lage, wechselnden Anorderungen gerecht zu werden.

    Es ist ein Symbol r jugendliche Energie: dynamisch, selbstbe-

    wusst, bunt, risch und anspruchsvoll. Eine Auenhaut aus gr-

    nem, vorpatiniertem Kuper umasst den transparenten Raum

    des Gebudes und ist so gestaltet, dass sie den Eindruck von

    Helligkeit und Dynamik erweckt. Verstrkt wird dies noch durch

    Hauptglasassade, die schmale Felder aus gerbtem Glas ent-

    hlt. Diese Elemente symbolisieren jeden Schler als individuel-

    les und unabhngiges Wesen.

    Fotos: Daniel Clement

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Arhtktn: LINK signatur AS, Team Bergen

    Kuprmontag: Sigurd Oppheim AS

    Kuprprodukt: Nordic GreenTM

    Fotos: Daniel Clements and LINK-architects

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Kuprdah aus langn Bndrn

    Der Rahmen des Gebudes besteht aus Betonsulen mit

    vorgeertigten Betonbalken und lasttragenden Stahltrgern.

    Die Dachkonstruktion besteht aus werksgeertigten Dach-

    elementen mit Stahltrgern und dazwischenliegender Iso-

    lierung, die mit Sperrholz und Dachpappe berdeckt sind.

    Das massive, ast fache Dach mit einer Neigung von nur

    3 Grad ist mit 0,7 mm dicken 14 m langen Kuperbnderngedeckt, die im Long-Strip-Verahren montiert werden.

    Hauptschlich kamen hier zwei Auenbaustoe zum Ein-

    satz, die praktisch wartungsrei sind: Kuper r Dach und

    Fassadenhaut sowie Glas in Aluminium r die verglasten

    Fassaden. Alle Baustoe wurden im Hinblick au niedrige

    Wartungskosten ber einen langen Zeitraum und eindeu-

    tig dauerhate Qualitt ausgewhlt. Das Gebude wurde im

    vergangenen Herbst ertiggestellt ist bereits r den Archi-

    tekturpreis 2010 der Stadt Bergen nominiert worden.

    Die Innenhe dienen als allgemeine Bereiche im Freien, sind direkt mit den Fundamenten verbunden und lassen gleichzeitig Tageslicht in die Klassenrume.

    Das Konzept r die Wahl von Farbe und Material basiert darau, dass smt-liche massiven Innenfchen, auer Kantine und Aula in Wei, Schwar z oderGrau gehalten sind. Durch den reduzierten Gebrauch von Farben bekommt

    das durch das gerbte Glas in Fassade und Glast ren einallende Licht eineneutrale Projektionsfche, das Lichtspiele zulsst. Dies trgt dazu bei, den

    einzelnen Rumen Identitt und Charakter zu verleihen.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Die Renovierung dieses 12 500 m2 groen stdtischen Gebu-

    des, das vom Stil her typisch r die Mitte des 20. Jahrhun-

    derts ist, begann im Jahr 2009 und wird im Jahr 2012 beendet

    sein. Sie umasst sowohl den Innenbereich als auch die u-

    eren Stein- und Kuperassaden. Technisch lag bei dem ur-sprnglich verwendeten Kuper kein Fehler vor, doch brachten

    Feuchtigkeitseintritt und ehlende Wrmeisolierung jahrzehn-

    telang Probleme mit sich. Die umangreiche Renovierung be-

    gann mit der Errichtung des Gersts und dem Anlegen einer

    Schrumpverpackung an die Auenwnde, wonach die alte

    Konstruktion enternt und im Gebude gelagert wurde. Rund

    50 Tonnen Kuper und 5,5 Tonnen Messing wurden abmontiert

    und dem ursprnglichen Zulieerer zurckgegeben.

    Die Fensternungen wurden whrend des Demontage-

    prozesses abgedichtet. Die Verzierung der Fassade bestand

    zuvor aus Messing, wurde dann aber durch Kuper ersetzt.

    Dann wurden die Thermoelementstbe beestigt und sobalddie neuen Fenster eingebaut waren, wurden 50+150mm Iso-

    liermatten aus Mineralwolle und Windschutzplatten an den

    Wnden beestigt. Ein Edelstahlhutprol wurde an den Ther-

    moelementen beestigt und das Kuper au eine Unterlage

    aus imprgnierter Kreuzschalung augebracht. Nach diesen

    Vorbereitungen konnte mit der Montage des Kupers an den

    Auenwnde begonnen werden: Das dauer te ein ganzes Jahr.

    Ursprnglh Arhtktn: Risto-Veikko Luukkonen und Helmer Steenroos

    Kuprmontag Wdrhrstllung: Hartela Oy

    Kuprrtgung: Nordic BrownTM Light

    Fotos: Kalle Luoma

    Beispielhate Wiederverwendungvon KuperDas Bzrksvrwaltungsgbud n Turku, Fnnland, wurd mt dmslbn Kuprmatral

    nu vrkldt, das ursprnglh n dn 1960r Jahrn montrt wurd n bndruknd

    Dmonstraton ds xtrmn Langztwrts von Kupr als Vrmgnswrt dr Gbud.


    Von Hannele Kuusisto/Chris Hodson

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Wiedeesee des sgie Desigs

    Ein Muster r die neuen Kassetten und die Verzierungwurde von der abgebauten Fassade abgenommen undbei der neuen Arbeit getreu nachgebildet. Es wurdedurchweg vorpatiniertes Kuper verwendet, das dem

    Gebude einen warmen hellbraunen Farbton verleiht.Das Kuper wurde in Form von Rollen, Blechtaeln undVerzierung zu den Arbeitspltzen gebracht und dort zuProlen verarbeitet. Die Prole hatten eine Lnge vonca. 800-2300 mm und eine Hhe von 290-900 mm beieiner Strke von 0,6 mm und bei der Bodenschicht 0,8mm.Kuper wurde hier au vielltige Art und Weise wieder-verwendet vom Gesims bis zum Fundament. Die Fas-sade besteht jetzt aus der ursprnglichen Steinwand,die sich von den Prolkuperplatten und vorspringen-den Wandpeilern absetzt. Auerdem sind Fenster-rahmen und Konstruktionselemente mit Kuper ver-kleidet. Etwa 70 Tonnen Kuper wurden au der neuen

    Fassade montiert und der Groteil des Rohstoes warrecyceltes Kuper, das vom Gebude demontiert wur-de. Dieses Verahren erbrachte groe Einsparungen sowohl in nanzieller als auch in umwelttechnischerHinsicht. Dies ist eine anschauliche Demonstrationder niedrigen Gesamtlebenskosten und des kumulier-ten Energieauwands bzw. der CO2-Bilanz von Kuperin der Architektur.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Mt dn kuprvrkldtn Hausdahaubautn an nm

    Boutquhotl m klasszstshn Stl n Szabadsg Squar,

    Budapst, Ungarn, ndt d Tradton ds rglmgn G-

    budumbaus n dsr Stadt hr Fortstzung.

    Seit dem rhen 19. Jahrhundert zeichnete sich die Innenstadt von Buda-

    pest durch organische Entwicklung aus. Die Gebude wurden hher und

    erhielten in historischen Stilen ein neues Gewand. Ein- und zweistckige

    Huser wurden um zwei oder drei zustzliche Etagen erweitert und gro-

    e Gebude erhielten gem dem zeitlichen Trend neue Fassaden, die aus

    verschiedenen historischen Stilen ausgewhlt wurden. All das wurde als

    Folge des natrlichen Lebens der Stadt betrachtet.

    Dieser Tradition zuolge wurde ein massives vierstckiges Eckhaus das

    ber die Jahre bereits regelmig erweitert worden war um einen voll-

    stndig mit vorpatiniertem Kuper verkleideten zweistckigen Aubau er-

    weitert. Dieser Aubau wurde durch den Bau einer neuen Bauwand hinter

    der Originalassade ermglicht, wodurch ebenalls auwendige Innenum-

    bauten in einem durch und durch modernen Stil mglich wurden. Der zen-

    trale, von oben beleuchtete Innenhobereich blieb allerdings unverndert

    Die Manahmen am Hausdach erolgen hinter dem Gesims und dessen

    Kuperoberfche spielt gegenber den darunterliegenden einarbigen

    Fassaden nur die zweite Geige.


    Arhtktn: Pter Reimholz und Pter Nagy, Tams Nmeth

    Kuprmontag: Narva Kt.

    Fotos: Jzse Hajdu

    Dr Txt basrt au nm Artkl von: Zorn Vukoszvlyev

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1


  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    KUPFERCHRONOSPHREEs gibt keine Entshudigung, enn man in Gumeo de Monte in de Nhe von

    Begamo, Itaien, bei diese geatigen Uh, die aus einem Zyinde aus godene

    Kupeegieung besteht, zu spt kommt.

    Das neue Chronosphrengebude bietet eineVielalt an modernen Ausstellungsrumen,Unterhaltungsbereichen und anderen Berei-chen r Serano Consoli, dem Spezialistenr exklusiven Schmuck und insbesondereUhren. Das Design mit Kultsymbolcharak-

    ter der Architektin Chiara Mangili wurde vonGesprchen mit dem renommierten Uhr-macher Maisons beeinfusst. Das Gebudebesteht aus zwei runden Trommelormenmit unterschiedlichen Durchmessern, istmit Stein, Marmor und Putz verkleidet undbesitzt unverwechselbare Verglasungsbe-reiche. Die vertikalen Trommeln und derenMateriale stehen in scharem Kontrast zumhorizontalen, goldenen kreuzenden Zylinder seine horizontale Ausrichtung wird durcheinen verglasten Streien hervorgehoben.

    Arhtktn: Mangili & Associati www.mangilieassociati.itKuprmontag: Copermont SrlKuprrtgung: Nordic RoyalTMFotos: Janne Juhola

    Dieses golden schimmernde Material ist eine Le-gierung aus Kuper, Aluminium und Zink, die sehrstabil ist und lange Zeit ihren goldenen Schim-mer behlt. Sie verhlt sich an der Lut andersals reines Kuper, da sie bei der Fertigung miteiner dnnen Patinaschutzschicht aus allendreiLegierungselementen versehen wird. Im Ergeb-nis behlt die Oberfche ihre goldene Farbeau unbestimmte Zeit und verliert nur wenig vonihrem Glanz, da die Patinaschicht dicker wird,wenn die Oberfche Sonne, Wind und Regen

    GOlDEn SchImmErnDE KupfErlEGIErunG

    Mit der Kuperlegierung wird eindeutBezug au die Verwendung des Gebudegenommen die durch die taschenuhrhnliche Uhr verdeutlicht wird und die auen augebrachten Schalenstreien, die dKuperbnder verbinden, erzeugen ein vo

    der Aumachung her solides Raster, das dZylinderorm betont. Jedes Zylinderende isunterschiedlich ausgelegt. Das Zierblaam sdlichen Ende hat als Einassung eineaus zwl Abschnitten bestehenden Rinaus einer Kuperlegierung, wobei die Zeigeaus einem kleinen Fenster in der Mitte heausragen. Die Nordseite liegt zu den Bergehin und ist weitgehend verglast und mit enem oenen Balkon ausgestattet.

    ausgesetzt ist, die ihr ein mattes Erscheinungbild verleihen.

    Die Legierung strahlt nicht nur einen Hauvon sichtbarem Reichtum aus, sondern ist auungewhnlich haltbar gegenber mechaniscabrasivem Verschlei und bietet neben der etrem hohen Korrosionsbestndigkeit und Lbensdauer auch eine ausgezeichnete Stabilitund Materialsteigkeit. Das Material lsst sileicht kaltverormen und mit Standardtechnikbearbeiten.

    Von Hannele Kuusisto/Chris Hodson

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Golden LibraryAn abstrat gomtr orm lad n goldn oppr alloyrass th prol o a ralway staton buldng now

    onvrtd to th cty Lbrary n Luknwald, Grmany.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Arhtts: -architekte

    coppr Produts: TECU Go

    Photos: Andreas Meichsne

    The original, protected railway building has been renovatedand added to with a new annex housing library services or

    children and young people. As a central public acility, the li-

    brary had the potential to integrate the weak surroundings o

    the railway station and orge a new identity or the area and

    its signicance clearly expressed in -architektens design.

    The new annex is essentially a box tilted along two axes that

    has the eect o repositioning the railway building in its urban

    context. The striking acade design with its shimmering gold-

    en, imbricated surace accentuates the structure. The interior

    o the annex presents children and young people with a series

    o spaces shaped to match their needs.

    Abstrat volum abstrat skn

    The concept o the acade aims to clad the rather abstract vol-

    ume with an equally abstract skin. For this reason it was es-

    sential that the skin covers the volume in a homogenous and

    continuous way and highlights its geometry. But at the same

    time, the materiality should contrast strongly with the render

    o the existing building without questioning its signicance.

    The external skin was realised with details to maximise the

    fatness o the suraces and sharpness o building edges, so

    as not to diminish the geometry o the tilted volume.

    The copper skin is considered as an element that wraps

    continuously around the whole building - even the roo. Thecopper shingle construction gives each ace o the building a

    dierent appearance. Glazing also orms a part o this con-

    tinuous, fush skin with a largely hidden structure. The shim-

    mering, golden copper alloy material adds grav itas to the new

    building and contrasts with the historic building stock, elevat-

    ing the complex above its mundane urban context.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    A dramat gomtr addton to a prottd, arly20th ntury buldng ormng part o an mprssv

    nw youth alty n Wdns, UK s dnd by pr-patnatd oppr wth an rdsnt sura.

    The new Central Rmz complex is part o the British

    Governments myplace initiative, which aims to provide world-

    class youth acilities with the active participation o young

    people locally. The design, by architects Austin-Smith: Lord,

    incorporates the ormer Kingsway Medical Centre a listed

    building refecting its rarity as a 1930s comprehensive health

    centre outside London and its striking Moderne design with Art

    Deco elements.

    The new extension is not a pastiche o art deco architecture but

    takes a modern approach, creating a clear interace between old

    and new. It wraps around the rear o the original building as an

    uncompromisingly contemporary intervention, orming a range

    o spaces including a large Perormance Area. The new build-

    ing is terminated by a strong geometric orm an oset copper

    rhomboid - at the upper level which breaks through the glazed

    walls and continues inside. This distinctive space will act as a

    chill out relaxation area, related to a Recording Studio and other

    social spaces downstairs.

    Vertical and horizontal suraces o the rhomboid both inside

    and out are clad in long trays opre-patinated copper with a

    rich, iridescent surace appearance. Particular care was taken

    in detailing and setting out to align the copper tray joints meet-

    ing at various angles, all expertly installed by Carlton Building



    Arhtts: Austin-Smith: Lord

    coppr installr: Carlton Building Services

    intror Photo: Alastair Lever

    extror Photos: Laura Sherliker

    The original building is an impor tant example o 1930s Moderne design.

    West Kingsway Elevation East Courty ard Elevation

    By Chris Hodson

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    Detailed design and setting-out were criticalin aligning all the copper joints meeting atdierent angles.

    The copper-clad rhomboid breaks throughthe glass wall continuing inside the building.

    North side Elevation East side Elevation


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  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1


  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Transparnt copprextnsons to Hlsnk chldrns Hosptal

    Two new contemporary interventions within the courtyards of an important healthbuilding incorporate distinctive copper slatted facades to maintain both transparency

    and architectural independence.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Arhtts: AW2 Oy and Olli Pekka Jokela Oy

    coppr nstallrs: Metek Oy

    coppr produts: Nordic GreenTM Living

    Photo: Matti Kallio

    The acilities o the 1964 Helsinki Chil-

    drens Hospital, which specialises in the

    treatment o seriously ill babies, had be-

    come cramped and old-ashioned. When

    the hospital was rst built, about 90 pae-

    diatric patients were treated annually - but

    now the number has risen to 700. Added

    to this, water penetration and other dam-

    age demanded renovations, modernisation

    and expansion.

    Desig eges

    The old hospital has ve separate wings or

    ngers radiating out rom a long, curved

    hub building all sharing the same central-

    ized layout. The building typies the unc-

    tional style ound in many architecturally

    signicant hospitals dating rom that pe-

    riod. There is a clear desire to preserve

    them in their original architectural orm,

    although they do not always ull modern

    requirements. With new extensions to theHelsinki hospital, successully combining

    the old and the new into compatible enti-

    ties, while meeting all the restrictions

    placed by the town plan, posed a real chal-


    What urther complicated this project

    is the act that the hospital is protected

    by the National Board o Antiquities and

    Historical Monuments. In addition, the

    building inspection authorities, as well

    as conservation specialists, set out a re-

    quirement or a thoroughly modern ap-

    pearance, distinctly dierent rom the oldbuilding and the extension was designed to

    be a separate entity. The two new pavilions

    were built in the courtyard spaces dened

    by the nger wings o the original building

    and mainly accommodate the new surgical

    wards and intensive care units.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1





    coe e key eiCopper was chosen as the key material,

    visually linking the old and the new - as

    the original hospitals roo material is

    copper with a green patina. Thereore,

    pre-patinated copper was selected as the

    exterior wall material or the new build-

    ings. Bespoke copper slats were specially

    designed or the Childrens Hospital and

    the use o three dierent size slats gives

    the aades a distinctive and lively surace.

    They are attached diagonally to the bot-

    tom runs to orm a latticed surace. The

    objective was to create a harmonious and

    uniorm aade, including covering over

    air grilles and smoke removal equipment,

    hidden behind the copper slats.

    At roo level, the countless ventilation

    ducts are concealed within large cop-

    per pipes. In addition to the exterior wallsand the roo, copper was also used on the

    sleeves covering ventilation pipes, en-

    trance doors and other exterior details.

    The copper was delivered to a abricator in

    rolls and processed into the slats and other

    elements. Although work on site was sub-

    ject to special arrangements to minimise

    disturbance o the hospital operations, the

    project progressed particularly well due to

    close cooperation with the hospital sta.

    The project remained within schedule and

    the hospital personnel are delighted with

    their new acilities.


  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    The Head Oce o the Tapiola Group is located in southern

    Tapiola area in Espoo, in immediate vicinity o the old Tapi-

    ola Garden Town. Property development has traditionally

    in Tapiola been based on ree locations with respect to nature and

    built-up green areas. This principle has been ollowed also with

    the Head Oce; the building mass above ground is divided into

    six six-storey parts using atriums and undulating building levels.

    The lightness o aades, characteristic o Tapiola, has been cap-

    tured in the screen-printed glass o the ribbon windows, whilethe use o wood on the windows and the suraces o balconies

    and terraces link the building with the wooden house on the op-

    posite side o Lnsituulentie Road. The objective has been a mod-

    ern interpretation o a new building that bets Tapiola. The main

    entrance is dominated by a canopy, which rests on three columns

    made rom Corten steel. The lower surace o the canopy, which

    at eaves height extends rom the outdoor to the indoor, is covered

    with wood. A natural stone wall realised in ree orm connects the

    building with the varying ground contours o the plot.

    Tapiola Group PK2New Head Ofce

    By Esko Miettinen, Ahitet SA

    Common unctions and internal trac inside the building wind

    round the entrance atrium and the main lobby, which orm a cen-

    tral square. The oce acilities or some 1500 employees are

    modiable, allowing the building to be divided into separate units,

    which can also be rented out, i necessary. The smallest possible

    unit consists o two parallel oce blocks on one foor. The o-

    ce blocks, which are connected with the tall lobby area through

    open side corridors, acilitate unctionally versatile and diverse

    space solutions in the oces. Natural horizontal connections arepossible both between the dierent oce units, and through the

    side corridors o the lobby space between the blocks. Vertical ac-

    cess routes utilise internal staircases and lits inside oce units ,

    and the spiral staircase and the panorama lits o the lobby area

    between oce blocks. The lobby with its waiting areas and ex-

    hibition acilities, as well as the associated auditorium realised

    in white concrete and the wide side corridors on the foor levels

    create an assembly area or the people working in the building.

    Tapola, whh today s a rgonal ntr n th cty o espoo, was orgnally plannd n th 1950s as a gardn town n southrnespoo, som 12 km rom downtown Hlsnk. Tapola was bult up gradually ovr th yars sn th 1960s and at prsnt hasa populaton o a. 40,000. Th ara s about to b onntd to th mtro ntwork as part o th Southrn espoo mtro ln.Th nw man o o insuran company Tapola was rtd south o th rgonal ntr. Th dvson o masss and thmatrals mak th buldng wll adaptd to th ara. Th aad matrals o th nw man o buldng nlud srn-

    prntd glass, transparnt aad glazng, woodn balony suras as wll as orrugatd oppr shtng and a plnth nnatural ston. Th ho o matrals and th arhttur o th hadquartrs blok rft n an ntrstng way th arh-ttural bakground o Tapola ara; nnovatv sprt ombnd wth nvronmntal objtvs.

    New main oice o Insurance Company Tapiola.Photo: Anders Portman

    Text by: Antti-Matti Siikaa,

    Saotta Najus, Okke Kiviuoto.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Plannng and arhttural dsgn: RArchitects SARC Oy

    Proessor, architect SAFA Antti-Matti Siikala (Chie Designer)

    Architect SAFA Sarlotta Narjus

    Architect SAFA Okke Kiviluoto (Project Architect)

    Man ontrator: YIT Rakennus Oy

    Photos: Anders Portman, Jussi TiainenFaade materials include screen-printed glass, aadeglazing, wood and corrugated copper sheeting.

    Site plan

    View to the main entrance on the upper level.Detail o the acade, copper panel.Photo:AndersPortman

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    The shared conerence rooms are also arranged along the side

    corridors o the lobby area. The sta restaurant and the con-

    erence centre on the top foor extend outside to wood-foored

    roo terraces with a sea view to the Gul o Finland. Special at-tention has been paid to the modiability o the oce ac ilities

    in terms o architecture, construction and building systems.

    The three basement levels excavated into rock provide park-

    ing or ca. 830 cars as well as technical acilities. The construc-

    tion was up to the foor slab o the topmost basement level built

    with the cast-in-situ method as a post-tensioned column and

    beam slab system. The building rame above consists o 8.1

    m modules that comprise steel tube composite columns lled

    with reinorced concrete, welded WQ beams, and intermediate

    foors and roo slabs made o hollow-core slabs. The rame is

    stiened with stairwells and lit shats built rom reinorced

    concrete using the climbing orm method. The three columnson the main entrance, made rom Corten steel and rising to a

    height o 26 metres, support the grid o steel beams in the can-

    opy. The steel-glass wall o the lobby is suspended rom this

    grid and in horizontal direction supported against wind pres-

    sure and vacuum loads to the edges o the intermediate foors

    with steel tension rods and compression rods. The sculpture-

    like spiral staircase o the lobby, built without a centre column,

    has been partly realised as a spr ing enclosed with steel plates

    and supported on the ends o cantilever beams. The glazed

    balconies are cantilevered steel structures that were post-

    tensioned to the rame.

    The development o the project, as well as the control o de-sign, the actual design, and the construction have been guided

    by the environmental and lie cycle objectives o Tapiola Group.

    Environmental classication system PromisE has been used

    as a tool at the dierent phases o the project. Tapiola Group

    has been awarded WWFs Green Oce designation or its com-

    mitment to eco-eciency in the use o the building and the

    practices ollowed by the sta.

    The wood-loored terraces with sea view to the Gul o Finland.

    The three Cor-ten columns on the main entrance and the sculpture-like spiralstaircase.

    Building layout drawing.


  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    aBOut thE DESIGnEr

    On o th mor unusual applatons o oppr s ths anopy roo

    to a dstntv nw tmbr brdg n dramat Sottsh ountrysd.

    he 20 m span Bracklinn Falls tbridge replaces tw earlier

    bridges, bth washed away in exceptinal ds. It serves t

    cmplete a cre tpath netwrk within the Special Cnserva-

    tin Area Bracklinn Falls and prvides a sheltered viewing platrm

    ver the waterall and grge, as well as being a turist attractin in its

    wn right.

    Te design by Malclm Strng Strng Bridges, the cmpany that

    als built it - is centred arund ur hme-grwn Duglas Fir timber

    ples pinned at the centre and trussed using cmpsite timber / steel ver-

    ticals and diagnals. Steel links in the lwer chrd cmplete the pitched

    truss whilst allwing a curved ribbn deck t be supprted in between

    the tw trusses. Te trusses brace themselves against each ther using

    steel lattices.

    Tis design allws the structure t be reestanding and easily mvable.

    All members, except the ples, were preabricated in a wrkshp and

    transprted t site dwn narrw tracks. Te ples were dragged nt

    the site and shaped in-situ. Te whle bridge was preassembled n site

    and slid int psitin n a temprary steel bridge. Te site culd nt be

    accessed by cranes r large plant, therere the design had t allw r

    the structure t be raised and slid int nal psitin using nly manual


    Te bridge structure and its cpper r enclse a space with lts pri-

    vate windws rm which visitrs can experience the al ls belw. Cpper

    was selected r the canpy r r its st appearance and the act that

    it will age naturally and sympathetically with the timber, in keeping with

    the wild, natural envirnment.

    Copper Rooed Crossing

    Brdg Dsgnr: Malcolm Strong

    contrator and coppr nstallr: Strong Bridges

    Photos: Malcolm Strong

    The complete bridge, including the copper roo, was preassembled next to th e wateralls.

    Strong Bridges has been involved in the design and

    development o greenwood structural bridge systemsin Scotland since 1992 and is continually developingversatile decking systems and applications or specicbridge sites. Its ocus has always been on the designand utilisation o locally grown timber.

    By Chris Hodson

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Te 22 millin building started n site in

    January 2009 and was cially pened in

    September 2010. With an area 8800m

    it will accmmdate arund 650 staf and

    huse varius departments, as well as a

    public access area knwn as Y Bnt (Te


    Architects Austin-Smith: Lrds design,

    based n an initial cncept design by

    Aedas Architects, cnsists three ng-ers ce space ver three rs which

    radiate ut rm the hillside. w duble

    height atria spaces link the ngers and

    prvide meeting spaces, restaurant and

    ancillary accmmdatin.

    coppr Sam

    External materials were careully selec-

    ted t reect thse lcal t the area. As

    Copper cladding plays an importantrole in a new 8,800 m2 regional oceor the Welsh Assembly Governmentat Llandudno Junction, recognisedas the greenest public building in

    Wales last year.

    Arhtts: Austin-Smith:Lord

    coppr produt: TECU Patina

    Photos: Welsh Assembly Government and Ininite 3D

    Green Building with Copper

    Austin-Smith:Lrd explained:Whilst themain external material is Welsh slate from

    the local quarry at Bethesda, the use of cop-

    per was also of prime importance as it creates

    a seam running through the building com-

    mencing with the North Elevation, where animposing arch announces the main entrance

    of the building. Te copper then reappears

    on the West Elevation and again on the East

    Elevation to highlight the projecting Delta

    area. Te use of copper makes reference to

    historic copper mines of the Great Orme in


    Utilising traditinal materials in a m-

    dern rm creates a landmark building

    which respects the heritage the area

    and the high quality design demanded

    by the Welsh Assembly Gvernment. But

    als undamental was the requirement

    r a reduced carbn tprint and an

    Excellent BREEAM rating. BREEAM is

    the BRE Envirnmental Assessment Met-

    hd - the leading and mst widely used

    envirnmental assessment methd r

    buildings, setting the standard r best

    practice in envirnmental sustainability.

    BReeAM Award

    Te prject has als been awarded the

    2010 BREEAM Award r Wales in the

    Bespke Categry r the highest sc-

    ring building certied under BREEAM

    in Wales ver the year. Winning prjectsmust have excelled in every envirn-

    mental categry within BREEAM. Te

    building design incrprates many sus-

    tainable qualities and the use cpper

    was a majr cnsideratin in achieving

    sustainability requirements and als the

    BREEAM rating.

    By Chris Hodson

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1




    Th Agora admnstraton buldng or th counl o europ n Strasbourg,ompltd n 2008, s proud o ts mprssv nvronmntal rdntals and oppr plays an mportant part.

    Like the other building materials usedon the project, copper was chosen on

    the basis o all aspects o sustainability

    in terms o manuacture, delivery, pro-

    cessing, urther development and age-

    ing. In addition, all technical, ecological

    and economic decisions made during

    the planning and construction phases

    and also during the buildings entire op-

    erational lie were examined in detail in

    regard to sustainability. This method o

    working by the architects Art & Build

    was especially acknowledged in June2008. For the new general oce building

    o the Council o Europe, the architects

    received the BEX Award 2008 in the sus-

    tainable building category. Each year, in-

    novative projects in the eld o architec-

    ture are distinguished with the awards

    rom the BEX-Building Exchange inter-

    national conerence.

    Isidore Zielonka and Steven Beckers,managing architects o Art & Build in

    Brussels and responsible or planning

    and realisation o the new administra-

    tion building, made some remarks con-

    cerning their views about copper, build-

    ing materials and sustainable planning.

    Steven Beckers said: When planningthe Council o Europe building we were

    lucky that we could stay very close to the

    original competition design, also in termso material choice. Pre-patinated copper

    was part o that design rom the very early

    phases. We used this material or interior

    parts and outside as well. The suraces

    still have the same appearance today,

    outside and inside. This is unique; with

    patinated copper, there is hardly any other

    material oering that long-term quality in

    appearance or both applications.

    Regarding sustainable building: duringmy studies, I was totally involved with

    ecological topics in architecture. They

    became more and more interesting and

    important then, but at the same time

    they were still quite distinct. Meanwhile

    the whole situation has become very

    complex. Today in every feld o applica-

    tions you can fnd materials suddenly in

    question that nobody worried about using

    yesterday. This is a very conusing and

    challenging situation, and our genera-

    tion is the frst to ace it. At Art & Build

    we investigate building materials as aras possible, o course. But our eco team

    has only limited capacities in this com-

    plex feld. Thereore, we have to remind

    manuacturers o their responsibility over

    and over again. They have to keep in mind

    the consequences o material use in any

    application, especially regarding high

    amounts o use. Because at the end o the

    day, it is always a question o resources.


  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Arhtts: Art & Build, Brussels Copper Products: TECU Patina Photos: Art & Build, Brussels

    Isidore Zielonka added: Despite the highimportance o ecological criteria, we must

    not orget the human actor, which or me is

    the most important element o all. The idea

    o sustainability should be based on this in

    the frst place. For me, the highest compli-

    ment or my work is when somebody turns

    up and says: I eel very comortable in this

    building. I love to be here and to work here.

    O course we keep our critical view on

    every building material, also on modern

    and uture developments. Today every ma-

    terial has to ace critical investigation re-

    garding sustainability over and over again,and this applies just as much to copper in

    every respect. The responsibility o manu-

    acturers in using this material is especially

    high. Because copper is a beautiul, unique

    and very precious material that surely will

    be as important or uture generations as it

    is or us today.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    In an architectural competition held in 2003 the youngarchitects design was chosen the winner rom among194 entries. The designers set out to ully understandthe grieving process, as well as practical issues, byattending unerals. The resulting design aims to help themourner, giving space or grie. Mourners ollow a routethrough a series o areas punctuated by intermediaterooms preparing them or the next stage guided alongthe route by a continuous skylight.

    The new building is close to a 15th century church inan area classied as a nationally signicant culturallyhistoric environment. The new chapel ties togetherdierent aspects o the area without emphasising itsel.The chapel connects with the graveyard, leaving theold buildings with their own boundaries and territoriesuntouched. The chapel is also built to last, which isobvious rom the limited palette o materials, includingcopper used extensively both internally and externally.The architects set the chapel a goal o a 200-yearlietime and a liecycle simulator was used during thedesign.

    The building uses similar materials as the oldstructures in the area. The mass o the load-bearingsolid masonry walls balances changes in temperatureand moisture. Lightly plastered and whitewashed walls

    are a bright, tranquil background or the events takingplace in the chapel spaces. The partition walls are in-situ cast white concrete and the roo is patinated copper,like the roo o the church. Many o the ceilings arenished with removable, perorated copper trays. Theglazed walls toward the graveyard in the chapels arecovered with a patinated copper mesh which unctionsas a screen between the outside and the spaces othe chapel. The mesh also decreases heat loads romsunshine.

    An open competition was held in the all o 2007 orart to be commissioned or the chapel. The competitionwas scheduled beore the nal construction documentswere drated, so that the art could be integrated as aseamless part o the architecture. Pertti kukkonen wasawarded the rst prize with his work the Way o thecross. Kukkonen was able to utilize the solid masonrywalls with his work. In addition to the main pieces, thewalls have been inlaid with spirits that shine throughthe light plaster surace. Pertti Kukkonen was alsoresponsible or hand patinating the copper suraces othe chapel.

    Architectureand mourning

    Avanto Architects award winning St Lawrence Chapel

    in Vantaa, Finland is based on the concept o the

    Path, depicting a Christians journey rom here to

    eternity. But it also most successully reconciles the

    emotional needs o mourners with the pragmatic

    demands o unerals.

    By Hannele Kuusisto and Chris Hodson

    Photo: Kuvio

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Arhtts: Avanto Arkkitehdit O

    Photos: Tuomas Uusheimo and Kuvi

    Avanto Architects Ltd is a partnership o two young and inventive

    Finnish architects, Anu Puustinen and Ville Hara. Avanto was

    established in 2004 when the partners won the cemetery chapel

    competition. Over the seven years they have worked together the

    duo have taken part in signicant national and international ar-

    chitectural competitions, with great success.

    Avanto means a hole in the ice or bathing in winter a popular

    hobby in Finland which symbolises the partnerships design

    philosophy. They seek to create environments that evoke emo-

    tions by understanding and empathising with the people using

    the space; to make people eel and exper ience.

    aBOut thE archItEctS


    1. Separate entrances, eachwith its own quiet garden, servetwo chapels which can be usedconcurrently.

    2. Low, dimly-lit areas allowrefection while waiting orchapelsto become available. Groups omourners are kept separate.

    3. Stairs down to an intimatearea where close amily canview the open con.

    4. The chapels complete thestraight routes rom the entrances.

    5. The symbolic nal turningpoint where mourners leavethe deceased behind them.

    6. The deceased are broughtinto the building along a route tothe cooled, lower level preparationareas.

    Photo: Tuomas Uusheim

    Photo: Kuvio

    Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo

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    ReflectionsCivil Protection Centre in the Dolomites

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  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    he Castle Stuart Gl Links was designed t hark back t the

    traditinal 1920s links curses that the wner cnsiders t be

    the halcyn days gl. Within this cntext, the three-strey

    clubhuse takes a simple but bld and elegant rm, with which the

    designers G1 Architects aimed t reinrce the aspiratins the gl

    curse design philsphy.

    Architect Ry Malclm adds: the white exterir the building makes

    reerence t the traditin r white-washed castal buildings alng the

    east cast Sctland. Ten, pre-patinated cpper r cladding prvides

    a richness and structure t cntrast with the rendered walls. Expsed

    ns supprting the curved r rntage represent a stylistic interpreta-

    tin the stne crwn alt the nearby 17th century Castle Stuart.

    Te natural develpment cpper patina rm bright t dark brwn

    and eventually t green r blue takes several years, even in castal envi-rnments, but pre-patinatin prvides this straightaway. In marine cli-

    mates, the natural cpper patina cntains sme cpper chlride giving

    it mre a blue clur and this is emulated with the rmulatin the

    pre-patinatin used here.

    A single strey Starter Pavilin emerges rm the landscape with a

    planted living r which terminates with a distinctive curved cp-

    per r, imitating the Clubhuse. Tis mdest building rientates and

    cnnects patrns rm within the Clubhuse n arrival and departure.

    A ne, At Deo stye ubhouse and mathing paviion

    both inopoate distintive pe-patinated oppe oos,

    efeting the pojets stunning maine oation ove-

    ooking the Moay ith, nea Inveness in Sotand.

    Coastal Copper

    By chis Hodson

    Arhtts: G1 Architects

    coppr produt: Nordic BlueTM

    Photos: G1 Architects and Graeme Bell

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Te remdelling a restaurant and casin in

    Sheeld, UK, is highlighted by a glity gld

    bar rntage created with cpper ally clad-

    ding, annuncing the buildings purpse.

    Te unattractive riginal acade Naplens Casin

    and Restaurant ailed t make the mst its prminent

    lcatin rnting a busy main rad int the city. Tis has

    nw been wrapped with an external skin cladding,render and glaing, screening the main bx-like building

    rm. Passers-by and guests a rriving at the restaurant are

    greeted by a prjecting gld bar, raming views thrugh

    the glaing t the restaurant activity within.

    Tis lw, hrintal entrance intensies a mment

    surprise when entering the restaurant as the spatial ex-

    perience expands int a duble-height, multi-level space.

    Here, a sculptural ceiling eature curves away, highlight-

    ing dining areas with private bths belw. Te internal

    remdelling the building aims t prvide intimate

    areas within the duble height space and accmmdate

    changes rm early evening rmal dining t later inr-

    mal activities. A materials palette cpper and gld, with cntrasting hard and st materials, generates a

    warm and vibrant atmsphere.


    Arhtts: Access Architecture Ltd

    coppr Produt: TECU Gold

    Photos: Access Architecture Ltd/ A&S Leisure Group Ltd

    Original building rontage

    New entrance rontage

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    Nus Musum n Brln was built in the vicinity o Altes Museum

    in 18431855. The Museum was designed by architect FriedrichAugust Stler. It is a signicant example o museum building tech-

    nology in the 19th century.

    The designer o Altes Museum, which was built in 18221830,

    was architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel. He is considered the men-

    tor o Friedrich August Stler. Neues Museum was severely dam-

    aged in the Second World War. It was closed to public or about 70

    years beore reopened in October 2009.

    For some 40 years ater the war, no work was carr ied out on the

    ruins o the Museum. Renovation works started in the 1980s, and

    ater the reuniting o Germany, architect David Chippereld was in

    1992 commissioned to renovate the building. Chippereld won the

    commission on the basis o an architectural competition. In 1999

    the building was included in Unescos World Heritage List.

    The renovation project based on Chipperelds designs started

    in 2003. The Museum is a three-storey building. There were origi-

    nally two atria, which according to the renovation plans were cov-

    ered with a glass roo. The main staircase was rebuilt and two li ts

    were installed in the Museum. The Museum acilities are located

    on three foors round the main staircase and the two atria, which

    have now been covered.

    Classical antiquities and arteacts rom Central Europe and an-

    Neues Museum, enovationcient Egypt are exhibited on the ground foor. The rst foor is ded-

    icated to arteacts rom ancient Rome and its northern territories,as well as ancient Egypt. Stone-age, bronze-age and iron-age ar-

    teacts rom Central Europe as well as the archaeology o Berlin

    are displayed on the second foor.

    The history o the building is visible in Neues Museum. The

    damaged parts have been renovated; remaining brick structures

    and riezes have been repaired. Floors and walls in the building

    sections that had been best preserved have been restored; plas-

    ter applications repaired and remaining foor ceramics renovated.

    The old destroyed structures on the second foor, or example,

    have been realised as identiably new structures.

    The idea has been to maintain the space structure o the build-

    ing and the rhythm o the rooms as authentic as possible, bearing

    in mind the history o the building.

    The lighting system used in the exhibition areas o the Museum

    is based on downlights, which is an excellent solution or display

    purposes. The ar teacts have also primarily been placed in easily

    accessible display cabinets to allow them to be viewed at close

    range and lighted rom dierent directions, but still well protect-

    ed. The display cabinets are made rom glass and copper struc-

    tures. The dark patinated small-scale copper structures on one

    hand delimit the placing o the arteacts in the space and on the

    Esko Miettinen Architect SAFA

    Main entrance to Museum, renovated arcade. Roman provinces, rst foor.


  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    other hand vanish rom the range o vision owing to the high light

    density contrast.

    The structures have been produced meticulously, the restora-tion o the parts represents high-quality work and the number o

    new materials is limited. The careully selected materials, such

    as light exposed-aggregate concrete and small-scale copper de-

    tails, as well as their implementation methods create an expres-

    sion o timelessness and high standards.

    Neues Museum was a signicant renovation project in early

    2000s, both on European scale and worldwide.

    The Museum also represents the new brick building technique

    o its original construction period, mid-eighteen hundreds. The

    bearing capacity o the ground on the building site o the Museum

    on River Spree is poor. The same is true o most o the City o

    Berlin and the reason or the majority o the buildings having ve


    The intermediate foors and roo slabs o Neues Museum were

    originally realised using a brick and iron vault technique in order

    to reduce the weight o the building. The bricks o the low vault

    are conical, hollow brick elements with closed bottoms, so-called

    fower pot bricks. They were made on the site using local clay.*

    The construction is visible, ater renovation, e.g. on the ceiling on

    the rst foor.

    *Mr. Harald Lderitz, MSc, during our visit to the Museum on 17 September 2010.

    Arhtt: David Chipperield

    Photos: Eark

    First foor, statue hall. Railing clad with copper, rst foor.

    Entrance to public restroom.

    Top o main staircase, detail.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1




    Arhtts: GREGO

    coppr Produts: TECU Gold

    Photos: Walter Mair, Zrich

    Within a nature conserva-

    tion area on the idyllic shores

    o the Lac de Morat in the

    western part o Switzerland,

    the 5-star Country House

    Hotel Le Vieux Manoir is

    set in a spacious park. Te

    project or two very diferent

    small garden structures aims

    to bring the hotel resident

    even closer to the experience

    o nature and to intensiy it.

    Te Glass Diamnd is a luxury

    suite with its wn bathrm and

    balcny, set high n pylns amidst

    the tree-tps directly abve the wa-

    ter. In cntrast, the Cabchn is a deceptively simple little beach

    pavilin with a changing rm and sanitary acilities. Tey are

    united by a cmmn use glden cpper ally cladding.

    High in the trees...Hvering n three pylns directly abve the lake, the Glass Dia-

    mnd has an all-glass acade with a glden tint and a cating thatmirrrs the liage, sky and water. Te cnstructin tuches the

    grund as little as pssible and leaves the little prmntry belw

    unafected. Glden cpper ally sheet is used t clad the r and

    underside the huse, and ther details. Te surace the r

    is jinted using traditinal standing seams, while the underside is

    made ut cncentric panels jinted with grves.

    and down on the beachTe small val structure right n the waterrnt, cntaining a

    changing rm, WC and shwer, was designed t enhance the

    experience taking a swim in the lake. Inspired by the rmantic

    garden architecture pavilins, gaebs and trellises, it has an ex-

    terir cladding interlaced, vertical strips glden cpper ally

    sheet and an interir stne and teak. Inspired by ppular lid

    architecture the pavilin interir has a smthly nished cncrete

    r and changing rm lckers in teak. Te ceiling is made ut

    narrw glden cpper ally panels jinted with grves.

  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1



    30 and countingWe hope you enjoyed this 30th issue o Copper Architecture Forum.

    Its interesting to look back at what we have covered in the past and

    how the magazine has developed into its current orm, taking a wider

    perspective o architecture and architects. By ocusing on the architec-

    ture o just one material copper we can present a unique perspec-

    tive on building design not ound in mainstream architectural publica-

    tions. Te editorial team maintains continuing contact with architects

    internationally oten rom the earliest design stages enabling us to

    bring you news o projects at dierent phases in their development and

    sometimes ahead o mainstream publications.

    Engaging with architects

    In recent issues we have engaged with some o the most inuential

    designers, including an exclusive interview with Ryue Nishizawa o

    SANAAjust ater winning the 2010 Pritzker

    Prize. echnical topics such as environmental,

    sustainability and health issues, and the latest

    copper cladding techniques and products, are

    regularly covered. And there is always exten-

    sive coverage o projects rom around Europe

    and beyond oten exploring innovative

    ways o using copper in architecture.

    We eature all types and scale o buildings: rom the iconic to the de-

    ceptively modest; new-builds o course, but also extensions and other

    interventions with established structures; and not just acades

    any architectural elements including interiors and artworks. So

    times we look deeper with Close-up eatures on surace treatm

    In Detailworking drawings, Sustainabilityhighlights and Refur

    mentocuses. An invaluable reerence source, back issues o Co

    Architecture Forum can be ound at

    In the next issue

    Looking orward, we publish our next issue towards the en

    2011. Tere will be a major eature on the2011 European Copp

    Architecture Awards, reviewing the winning and shortlisted pro

    to be announced at a ceremony in Brussels on 27th September, w

    exclusive interviews o the architects. What we know now is

    these Awards will reveal some o the most exciting new architect

    ranging rom major icon structures to small, modest but beauti

    designed and crated buildings.

    Apart rom the Awards, we are already working on a real diversit

    copper architecture projects, as well as topical issues. Our goals

    Copper Architecture Forum are to inspire and inorm architects

    designers but, above all, we hope that you fnd it both stimula

    and enjoyable. We do value your eedback and hope that you

    send your comments and suggestions or uture projects and to

    to: [email protected]. But most important o

    make sure you register now to receive uture issues.

    Te Editorial team, Copper Architecture Forum

    Kostenloses Abo!Fordern Sie Ihr kostenloses Abo des Copper Architecture Forums an, das

    halbjhrlich erscheint und in dem Neuheiten und Artikel ber Kupfer in derArchitektur in und auerhalb von Skandinavien erscheinen.

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  • 8/6/2019 Copper Forum 2011 30 De1


    Copper Architecture

    with Architectur


    Czech R







