Page 1: Coping With Stress - Summery

In the feature article “Coping with stress”, the author states that stress is caused by the way in which people react to certain events, rather than the event itself.

The article quotes several studies based on animal reactions to certain stressful stimuli. Based on those studies, the author came to the conclusion that there are three topics to consider when dealing with stress.

The first one is the degree of control a person has over the situation. Having a sense of control can help minimize the negative consequences of stress.

Another point to consider is the predictability of the event. Unpleasant events tend to be less stressful if they are predictable.

Finally, the author states there are personality factors involved in the way a person reacts to a stressful situation. A person who is committed, in control, and takes the situation as a challenge, is less likely to experience negative consequences of stress.

The author suggests perceiving a stressful situation as a challenge or as an opportunity rather than a threat is the best way to cope with stress.