Page 1: COOTAMUNDRA -€¦ · Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Application to: Fees Fees are calculated on a scale based on the contract value of the work. See schedule


[Office Use Only]

Date Received: DA No


Use this fom to apply for development consent to

Erect a building Camry out alterations or additüions

Change the use of land or a building Cary out earthworks or similar Demolish a building

Undertake activities, events or functions

Rural developments & quarries

Subdivide land

Strata subdivide a building

Erect or display advertising

A odgement checklist is available to tell you about the plans and other documents that

you must provide with this application. Make sure you receive one specific to your


ne application to us by mail or deliver it in person. Applications accented Monday

to Friday 9am to 5pm (Public Holidays excepted). Refer to Part 12 for details.

Phone our Officers on (02)6940 2100 or come in and see us Part 1: Applicant Details (person or company having the benefit of the consen

Title: Mr

Family name (or company)

Mrs Miss Ms Other . **********.****"

****'****'°*********'**''** ** ***** ******°''''''****************

Given Names...DPCM Pty Ltd*****'** *** **


(or ACN)... ******'**"*********** * ** *****'***°************** ***************

Postal address:A Crimea Street ***********"****************** ********* *******

2150 .. Post Code:. -***.**********' Parramatta

Phone (.).. ****''"'************** Mobilephone(... 0403 488 851

***********************"a** **.

.E-mail. [email protected] [email protected]

Fax (. **** ****""****

Contact person...haval Patel *************''. ..Reference No .

apply for development consent for the development described in this application. | declare that all the information given is true and correct. l also understand that if the application is incomplete or does not comply with the requirements the appication it may be refused.

signature:. . ...Date:... 912020 ********o***

Part 2: Owners Details (include details ofall registered owners of the land) AS ABOVE YES. (tick yes ifsame above or complete details below) Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other: ***********°******* '*

tel Family name (or company):.. **°'''°''******'***''"'****'****'**°°*****°****°"***°*********'***

Given Names.naval and Kunjal ******************** ****** ****'* *************'*°**'**°°***°°*****.****'***

(or ACN)... *******"**''*' *"***" **********°**''°"''*'''******"***'*******"*** **e***********a***

Postal addres8: 8A.Crimea Street. ******°***°°°*" '*****"u******°*°°****.******'*"* ****

*************************************' Post Code.... Paramatta.

Phone(..). ..Mobile phone(..9403.488.851.

Fax ( ..E-mai:[email protected].. [email protected]

.Reference No . Contact person...Dhaval.Patel.. **********°'***°***** °**

2017-2018 Cootamundra-Gundagal Reglonal Councll Fage 1 of 8

Page 2: COOTAMUNDRA -€¦ · Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Application to: Fees Fees are calculated on a scale based on the contract value of the work. See schedule

Part 8: Ownars Signatures s OOr of tho land to wlhlch this applicalon relnteos, IWo consont to this application,. I n0 vo consont for authorlsod Council officors to ontor tho land to carry out inspoctions:

Signature Capacity Date

1. ... ' '*'''"*"'"*"*" ''''*''*'*"

2 .0Pt. 16109.22 unt. *****'"' isseee. it****** ***''***"""""****"***

*'***'''"** " tsndode ****'""**''"**""*******'****

Signing on the owner's behalf as the owner's legal representative, you must state the harure of your legal authority and attach documentary evidence (eg, power or atofmey,

executor, trustee, company director Part 3: Land To Be Developed Unit No... House No. Sreet..Five Mile.Creek Road.

Town/Locality....Gundagai... *********** *** *** ************

Lot(s).. .Section........ .****************'********* * *********

Deposited Plan(s):.. 244273 .Strata Plan.. '''******'*'.

7.633Ha Area of allotment to be developed . m2/ Ha) **********'"******.** aa***

Floor area of all existing buildings onsite.. ***************************** m2) Floor area of proposed building works...********* **°°°*****************'°'****" (m2)

Part 4: Description Of Proposed Development A Erection of a New Building B Aterations or Additions C Earthworks or similar D Advertisement or sign E Demolition of structure

FO Subdivision of land/building G Undertake activities, event or functions H Advertisement or sign IRural development & quarries J Other.... . *"****

Description.. Solar Farm 4Mw

Proposed Use. Commercial**********""*****************"'* BCA Classification..


Primary Production *******°*************************************'****"*******************°*°*******************

*************"****°**'''*' ****

************ "** * *** Estimated Cost $. .292m

.. Only f you ticked boxes A, B, C, D, E, I or J above Include the full cost of labour and materials. lf unsure, ask us for current building construction figures.

Part 5: Construction Certificate

No Yes

(See note below) Where yes, a Construction Certiflcate application must be completed and lodged with this application with all applicable supporting information. Part 6: Type of Consernt (if applicable)

Please tick the box beside the type of consent you are looking for:

Standard consent OStaged development

ODeferred commencement 2017-2013 Cootamundra-Gundagal Regional Council

Page 2 of 83

Page 3: COOTAMUNDRA -€¦ · Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Application to: Fees Fees are calculated on a scale based on the contract value of the work. See schedule

Part 8: Critical Habitat 1 ls any part of the land

ldentifled as critical habitat under the Theatened Spocles Conservatlon Act

19952 Part 9: Integrated Development

No Yes

1. ls the application Integrated Development?

No Than disregard this part of the Yes Please identify the Government

application and continue to Part 10.

Authority from which further

approval is required from those

listed below.

Itegrated development means prbjeats which also need approverom a State Govemment Authoriy

Os144 (aquaculture) NSW FISHERIES Fisheries Management Act 1994

s201 (dredging or reclamation in any

waters) s205 (cut, remove, damage or

destroy marine vegetation)

s219 (set a net, other material construct/alter a dam, floodgate causeway, etc; otherwise create

an obstruction acrossa bay,

inlet, etc.)

Rlease discuss what approvals you might need with our staft.

he commentary in brackets beside each section of the Act 1s provided tor guidance onlyou should consult the relevant Act for complete


Heritage Act 1977 S58 (development where an Interim or

Permanent Conservation Order) Separate applications will need to be made to each approval authority to gain omalapproval when Tegured

NATIONAL PARKS & wILDLIFE SERVICE National Parks & Wildlife Act 1974

s90 (destruction of Aboriginal relic/place)

he integratedt Development DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND process orovides certainty CLIMATE CHANGE that subsequent approvals Protection of the Environment rom state govemment Operations Act 1997 authorties will be granted in the future

S43(a), 47 &55

S43(d),55 & 122

S43(b), 48 &55 S89, 90 & 91 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND

CLIMATE CHANGE (water use approval, water management work approval or activity approval under

Part 3 of Chapter 3) Water Management Act 2000

S138 (Driveway access to property or construction or modification of kerb and

ROADS&TRAFFIC AUTHORITY Note inat a deveopmer not ntegrated Developaient f works are to be camedout on a council Conttoied roada0ween

Roads Act 1993

gutter or footpath paving on a public road

controlled by the RTA) separateapprova sii maybe reuredto be obtair

NSW RURAL FIRE SERVICE S100B rom coinci Rural Fires Act 1997

Note: For each different authority approached on your behalf regarding approvals for this application, a fee of $320 applies which will be paid to each approval authorityin accordance with cl100 of the regulation. Cheques must be made payable to the authority.

Part 10: Concurrence

oes ths appication No Then disregard this part of the eure ine Concurenceof ay other autrorites?

Yes Please identify the Government application and continue to Part 11.

Authority from which further approval is required from those

listed beloW. Some PpcalonS regu aro901enoaitoner

nnnAuhorB/beleg an 0aanbe oEten,

Planning NSW

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

NSW Fisheries

Cootamundra-Gundagal Regional Council Page 3 of 6

Page 4: COOTAMUNDRA -€¦ · Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Application to: Fees Fees are calculated on a scale based on the contract value of the work. See schedule

Part 11: Lodgement Checklist Have you got overylhing? MOkO Surd you havo answorod all queslions roqulred for yourdovelopmor

you have completed a Statement of Environmental Effects (where applicable) See attachment .

Complote the checklist specific to your development and ensure that you have all plans and informa"lon 2s

Make sure you have suplied a minimum of 3 copies of all required plans. Make sure that you have enclosed the appropriate fee (see schedule of fees on back of tnis rom Make sure all owners have signed the application.

ake sure Political Donations Disclosure Statement has been completed if the applicant or owmer nas maoe reportable political donations (donations of $1000 or above) in the past two (2) years. Form can oE Oa from Council website


Is your application complete for lodgement:

Yos Part 12: How to lodge your application


Address the The General Manager

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council

Fees Application to: Fees are calculated on a scale based on the contract value of the work. See schedule of fees on back of this form) You can send it to us by any of the following methods Payment methods Post PO Box 420

Cootamundra NSW 2590 Pay by cash, EFTPOS, credit or cheque. Make cheques payable to "Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council" for the relevant Council fees. Do not send cash in the mail.

Courier or Council Chambers Wallendoon Street Cootamundra NSW 2590

personal delivery

Processing Time How to cotact us by phone, fax or electronically The standard time for determination of this application

shall occur within 40 working days of its lodgement. Applications where notification, advertisement, referral or additional information is required, may take longer to determine.

Phone (02) 6940 2100

Fax: (02) 6940 2127

Email: [email protected] Coming in to see us?

Web: Our offices are located on the Comer of Wallendoon & Cooper Streets, Cootamundra. Monday- Friday 9am to 5pm (public

holidays excluded) Hours of


OFFICE USE ONLY Date |Fee type Amount Receipt No.

DA Application Fee

Plan First Fee

Advertising Fee

Referral Fee

Other Fees Applicable

Total Accepted by Page 4 of 8 2017-2018 Cootamundra-Gundagal Reglonal Councll

Page 5: COOTAMUNDRA -€¦ · Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Application to: Fees Fees are calculated on a scale based on the contract value of the work. See schedule

Dovelopment Application Fees ()in the case of a proposod dovolopmont involving tho orocllon of a builaing alcudatod in accordance estimato cost within lp/mont involving tho oroctlon of a bulding or tho carrying oul of work, and naving

followina tahio a rongo specifiod In thho table reforred to In this clause, is calculatod in accordane w d

0n the case of a proposed dovolopment involving the erection of a building 1or u wdro the estinated cost of the development does not exceed $100,000 - be 4.0 fee ole eof advertising signs -$285.00 plus $93.00 for each advertisement in excess of one, Or u

calculated in accordance with the table, whichever is the greater. (d) In the case of a proposed development involving the subdivision of land

New Road- $665 plus $65 per additional lot No new road - $330 plus $53 per additional lot

ne Case of a proposed development not refered to in paragraph (a) or (b) or (c)- be $285.00 (change o se)

TABLE Column 1 Column 2

Maximum amount of fee Estimated cost of development Up to $5000 $5001-$50,000

$110 $170 plus an additional $3 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) of

the estimated cost $352 plus an additional $3.64 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $50,000 1,160, plus an additional $2.34 for each $1,000 (or part of

S1,000)by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000

$1,745, plus an additional $1.64 for each $1,000 (or part of

$1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 $2,615, plus an additional $1.44 for each $1,000 (or part of

$1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 $15,875, plus an additional $1.19 for each $1,000 (or part of

$1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 Section 94A Development Contributions

$100,001-$200,000 = 0.5% Greater than $200,000 = 1%


$250,001-$500,000 S500,001-$1.000,000

$1,000,001-510.000.000 More than $10,000,000

$0- $100,000 0 % of

Estimated Cost of DevelopmentEstimated Cost of Development Estimated Cost of Development ( Crown Developments As per table above

9) Minimum fee for designated development- dlause 251 of the regulations as per table above plus $920.00 Additional fees required under Clause 248 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations, 2000


a) Referral to a Design Review Panel under SEPP65 $760.00 Additional fees required under Clause 252 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations, 2000


(a) Designated Development $2220.00

(b) Advertised Development $1105.00

(c) Notified Development (EPI) S830.00

If the application requires concurence from a government agency to be granted (Council does not have assumed concurence), their fees are required for each concurence authority as follows:

(a) Where Concurence is requred from Govenment Agencies (og SEPP 1) 8320.00

(b) Additional fee to Council $140.00 Addlitonal Fees under Clause 100 of the EPA Regulations:

Integrated Development $320 for each approval body

Concurence authority $320 for each approval body


2017-2018 Cootamundra-Gundagal Reglonal Councll Fage 5 of 8
