

Coopering, F ALL KIND*,

dime in a neat anil workmanlike manner by the sub­set iber, at his shop


H E A V E N . Oh ! happy day when saints shall meet

To port no more—the thought is sweet; So more to fed the rending'smart,

Oit felt below, when christians part.

O happy place, I still must say "\V here all but love is done away,

All cause of parting there is past, There social feasts will always last—

Such union here is sought in vain As there in every heart will reign;

Then separations can't compel The saints do hid the sad farewell.

On cart!), when friends together meet, And fiod the passing moments sweet;

Time's rapid motions won compel, With grief to say, dear friends farewell.

The ihepherd feels the smarting shock Of pai ling from his weeping Cock—

His feeling for them none can te!1, IV ben forced to say, my friends farewell.

The happy seasons soon wit! come, "\\ hen saints shall meet in heaven their home Eternally with Christ to dwell.

Nor ever bear the sound, farewell.

PROPOSALS For publishing <i new pt rindicul work to he

entitled the

objection. We shall he told that the] silent monitor will not reach the hands of those against whose vice it is direct-

' ed, and will therefore fail in produ­cing reformation. To this objection we shall answer, such is not the edit­or's hopes: But rather by embodying the moral exertions of the benevolent and good, to produce so jar as his »n Main-street. abilities will allow, a unity of action, L . D . T U T T L E . and a sympathetic effort to excite the Westfield. August 3 , 1826.

relizious societies to a participation • Wanted IlUIUed'tCll chi , in the good, work : to reform asjai as -J ' possible the existing regulations of fi^/^§/~§ H O O P P O L E S . — A l s o excise, which at present affords so ma- t J v J v J a n A P P R E N T I C E t< ny lamentable fa ilities for the preva- j »»e Coopering business.

lence of intemperance : to enlist the i A Journeyman CoODei' jnends oj good order, against the \ » 1

Reformer Exclusively d. voted to the gradual suppress­

ion of L\ITEJHPERjiMt E, in the use of Spirituous Liquor*.


In presenting to the public, the Pro &pt-( las of a periodical publication un d, i the tbove title, and devoted to the above mimed title, and devoted to the cb'jee named object, the editor deems it hit duty, to give, so far as the lim­its of this notice will permit, c general outline of the views which here indu cid him to engage in thin novel under ta kino-. The rapid increase if In­temperance in the use ofspiritomt li mors, is just gaining ground in our ccuntry. It is a melancholy fact, that while we nee witnessing the gradual progress of religion, morality, science, learning and various blessings that \


influence of a common enemy, and to propose and enforce Plans oj procee­ding in the business, which shall seem best calculated to promote the object-To the suppression of this rice, legis­lation has hitherto directed its efforts with litle apparent success. As a cause for this, it may be observed that mankind are averse to being driv­en to embrace virtue and j'orsake v'up. white at the same time example ami precept hand and hand, man induct him to abhor the one, and cherish the other, as a matter of choice. That reformation which maij be produced hy the terrors of the laic, maij continue during the injlicl on if its pen­alties; but to lie permanent, must be the re­mit ofronr'ation.

With such sentiments and such views, im­pelled b'/ no other motive than a disposition It do good, the editor has been inducrd to giee an out,'ire of his plan tu the public; claiming to hhmtetf parity if intentions, should he have misjudged as respects the practical agency of the proposed work, he trill not have reason to regret, even should he fait in his endeavors. Independent of his own exertions, he has the assurance of con­tribution* from individuals of latent ; and he is induced to believe, that the. eharen U r of the work itself, wilt draw to its columns a greater variety cf talent, than is enjoyed by most periodical publications of the day.

TERMS. The work wiH lu> print»>'i oagood paper, and

PA i\ | .!•, !o roulHJu 8 oft .uo p ,i'.r« s, .1 ,jl ... : ti-. ipn, nr !'ii l i nuMi'.ei. It willb»* puHlitiicd A H iag die fii si r. pnk 111 each Bomh.

Q3J L't'ci--. p,»t paid,directed to lh< E i tor i 1 l.< i t former, LorkpOTt, i\iHj;Hiu Co N. . V wi l l • r . i ve ni t . ! lion

r. ••!•• r J S l 8 f «

Stray (>o\V8. "J ̂ H O K E into «he enclosure of the j± 0 subscriber, on the 26th a l t two

C O W S , which the owner can have by proving proper ty , and paying char-

W I L L I A M S T E T S O N . \!iSnst 2 , 1826. 9

W ^ I L L also find constant employ­

ment .—Augvst 3 . 9tf L. D. T U T T L E


Jit black KocVv fc* Buffalo. r a ^ H E subscribers having

• increased their facili­ties for the safe and expedi-

1 lions transportation of prop­erty, on L a k e Er ie , and the Upper Lakes , by adding to their former stock, several new vessels of the first class, ny particular kind of H A T S which may and by increasing their interest in be wanted ; all of which they will dis-Stenm Boats, three of which will ply 'pose of upon reasonable terms, for between this place and Detroit , touch- p R :m>T r\Y. ing at the intermediate po r t s ; and hav- . WestfN-M. Jane X I*?*. Itf ing also extended their interest in Ca-

Tiauspor ta t ion , (being concerned


C"1 I V E notice to the public, that tney 5 " have constantly on hand at the

store recently occupied by Fenn Dent­in? , Esq . a general assortment of

f aoljtonaWe anti ^Durable

HATS, and will make to order , a-


F most kindsdone hy the subscri­ber, at Portland Harbor .

J O S E P H H O W E . J ' dy f>, 1 82(5. 6«v3


Por t land , .

aoorn.anti are calculated to bemjU the iomiition if man kind, Intern peraiM r unchecked in its progress, like the aeadly Sicoc,is marching on in\ r . . » * V v _ - M , _ 1 » i _ _ \ \ r „ . , , . i its work of destruction with giant] I n t O r a i a t l O T l \ \ a i l t t ' d . stridi s,—Id'.sting the hopes of families \ JAMES COLLINS, and- neighborhood*., tlu prolific'', A Native of Ireland, tale a color source oj two 'hirds of the evils which \ JTm sergeant in the l\st Royal Scots curse mankind, its infiuence is {rated Fusiletrr, left his wife and three chil from to- minor indulgeneiet incrime,\dren in his native country several to the gallows Go to yon prison ' years since, and came to America and

U S T received, and for sale by subscriber, at his Hook-Store

Wesllield, an assortment of

B 0 0 2 I S tt. S T A T Z O ^ A R l f , -AATO'.C; W H I C H AXE

Common Bibles, Tes tament? , W a t t s ' Psalms and II \ inns, Wbelpley 's Lectures, T h e East of th« M« hicans, Juvenile Philusoplter, Blair ' , Ph i losopb j , Ula'n's Rhetot ic . Wuodbi idi'e's Geoeraul iy , Gt eei i lea f \ G i a in II- a r . Brief Reatarker , PopMt Essay , Child 's Instructor, iMini ay 's Ii)trodu< lion, Engti»ii Header, Sequal to do. Os t lander ' s Aritlimetic, \\'alker's Pocket Dici ionary, Fi ler ' s Aii ihmetic , Pocket Memorandums, American Preceptor, Webster 's 8t Marshall 's Sp. Book, New Just ices ' Act , Drawing Paper . Paste Board, Lead Pencils, Ink Powder, Glass Inks tands , Pocket B o o k s , & c

If. N E W COMB. Westfield, July?*. 1826.


Mill Stones. r i ^ H E subscriber respectfully informs the * public t in t he conti:;;5Cs t!ic business of

manufacturing the above description of

Mill Stones, on the corner of Canal and Terry Streets, .i this village, where he ROW bason hand

'8 nal in two first rate Lines,) offer their ser­vices to the public as Agents, in the Forward ing and Commission Business, at this place.

T h e y will also continue their estab­lishment at Buffalo, at the S T O M of Messrs. TOW.VSEND & CoiT , during the presrnt season, and have employed Mr. S A M U E L L. B A R T O N , to attend to their business at tliaf place.

S. T H O M P S O N & Co. ' • I ' r» ' : • . - . . . /

MAIL STAGE, From Buffalo, to Eric.

M U S line of Sta­ges leaves Hi f-

lalo and Er ie , Pa eve-o'clock in the morning, onia, and arrives at the

above places, in the afternoon of the second day.

( T J ^ Fare through, $ 2 5 0 . Baggage, beyond the customary al-

I fosffsmce, will be carried on reasonable \ term*.

As soon as some necessary repairs are made on the road between Buffalo and Cat taraugus, the whole route will

j be performed in one day, of winch due I notice will be given. T h e fare being | now S K B C C B B so low, travellers drst-! ling to stop at any of the intermediate I towns, will find this line of stages chea-j per and more su ie , than the water con-: veyances.

For seat?, apply at the Franklin House, Buffalo, and at G E O . H E E D ' S Erie .

N . B I R D , and others. fX/5" T h e public are respectfully i'.i-

formed, that the utmost exertions will be made to render this line of stages worthy of public support . T h e inns fixer! upon to stop at f<>r refreshment, are of good repute ; and none but so­ber, careful and at tentive drivers , will be emp!" \ ed

CIJVJE. r ^ J i I I E subscriber has a J l general assortment ot

Drugs $• Medicine, which he will sell on rea­sonable terms.


Anderson's Cough Drops,

Mf a valuable medicine in rvuist cases of cough, and predisposition to consump­tion. I t f

subscri-L E those indebted to tlu < a her are requested to make imme­

diate payment . FENN DEMING.

1' pfJffoM.vV Y. JimeS, 1826.

Black-bmithins. r j

M I E subscriber would inform h is friends and the public general ly ,

that he carries on the above business nt his shop in the village of Westfield, and intends to be ready to accommo­date all who call on him for work, and on as FAVORABLE T E R M S as they can get work done elsewhere.

1). W H E E L E R . WestfieM, N. Y. June 3, 1 "•.'•;. Itf

' SUilOOL F O E . I T O U S f f S & A D X B S .

T - H E public are hereby informed, that a school for young ladies is to

be opened in this village by Mt»s C A ­R E V, from Massachusetts , on the first Monday in J une next. T h e branches

'•a-- uafartunatt human beings dre\employed himself a pari of the tine several pair of different shoes of tenuine :>.:•.'ed ,'o satisfy the offend*a ma-i jesty of the taw; as!, of its miserable tenants the cauie that has brought

condition — and nine times out of ten, either directly ih>;-i to their present

or indirectly lijemperance has hern J»ersasi who had taken mwty his chest, \-1sk t.'ie wife why she and clothing, dc. in order to obtain his

are turned upon j peopertsj or its value, mad remained

in teaching St hool If is ascertained \ MV&1\ STONES, and will make then of that he kept school at Krnesttown, and at Newmarket, in this Vrovince ; and that in the jail of lb23, he went to Loekjjorf, N. 1', in pursuit rf some

any size on short notice. He will warrant them to he of good qaality and to be ssade in a vrorkmanbke manner, nr.d they will be afforded as as can be oLtained from any part of the country,

•surrogate s Notice.

ofspr, the a<,Ti nt. h>r !i nder the world destitute, obliged to rely up i there until the last of May, in the eu-on the eold hand of charity.for their\suing spring, when he returned again dailn bread ; point ins, back to better \ to l\'< remarket to endeavour again to day's and brighter hopes, she ic'dl cite; rest*** his former employment as tern-you to the first indulgence in the we - ] <htr. While at Lockport, he receiv-briating draught* as the origin of her\ed a letter from a friend at Montreal, misfortunes. Search the. asylums of* incorrectly saying his wife was dead, insanitu, and the calendars ofpauper- \mhich seemed to ujfect his intellect

i Brie, 1'cr.n.and Ansirm, Ashtabula,

J . K E L I ot.o

SMI r;,- k Co. at Ashtabula, are antliorizi > agents. A>. pbcati mscanbe matin to them, to whom STONES of any size will be for­warded, according to order.

E. H A Y W A R D . Black T'of k. Pe^t. 1825. i t f

At a Surrogate 's Cour t , held for the county of Cbautauqne , at the Surro­gate's office in the village of May-ville, the eleventh day of Ju ly , A. I ) . 1 8 2 6 —

Present, W I L L I A M SMITH, Jun. Surrogate.

Li the matter of the] &^y reading and real estate of Philip )• ̂ p filing the pe-.MibhcL deceased. ) ut\im of P O L L Y M I T C H E L , sdminis t ra t i ix , and D A V I D E A T O N , administrator of the estate of I'hilip M.'tchcf, deceased, late of the

i the county of

be LOGIC, N a t u r n l t Intellectu­al PHILOSOPHY,

C H E M I S T R Y , Projecting' MAPS, PAINTING,

ot instruction, will READING, O R T H O G R A P H Y P E N M A N S H I P , G E O G R A P H Y , HISTORY, GRAMMAR, R H E T O R I C , | PLAIN uud O R N A M E N T A L X E L D L E .

WORK. T B K M S OF T U I T I O N , from $ 2 . 5 0 , to

$ 3 , 0 0 per quarter . Hoard can be ob-laiaed in respectable families. Refer­ence may be had to either of the sub-sci ibers.

We have such expectations from the school, that we cheerfully recommend it tu the pat ronage of the public.

I S A A C < ) A K i : S , F E N N D E M I N G , J O N A T H A N C A S S , A B R A H A M D I X O N

i town of Port land,


ISIB, be diicoeercc

id the same prorfii agent Witt Shortly after this he was missing— /. Confined to no MM end from the best information that

could be obtained, it is supposed he wandered from Nemiuket about the [2th of June, 1S24, into the woods

! tome distance towards the Holland

class of soviet:/, it raise ft its hydra head, not only in the village dram­shop, but within the domestic circle, the. hulls of legislation, the high phi ccs of our judiciary $ and finds not un\ Landing, and there perished, where frequently a devotee nut only among] there teas no human eye to pity—no

'those who hare been enrolled in the J'ii nelly arm to save—far from his church of Christ, hut in those who min , native land, add from all he la Id most isler at the sat red altar. Its evils are] dear on ea"th. His remains mere sufficiently realized and regretted, t't found about three mouths afterwards smpersede the necessity of a farther \ near the landing, and gathered up and enumeration. Various expedients, decently interred, have dren adopted to check its pro In the mean time his faithful con­gress; a trani of system m the philan-\sort, by dint of mmtearied industry,

obtained means to j allow him, together with the little family. She arrived

ihropic exertions, however, may be cited as a principal cause for th(i< failure. Such appears to have been in this Province the year following the been the discouraging result of the I death of her husband ; and was able best measures of reform, that the phi-\ only to learn the above particulars

torage, Forwarding, AND

Commission Business. * r * H E completion cf the Har-* boar and other public

•forks at this place has enabled N u n I M K I . S ILI , a«-ain to re-rame the STORAGE,FOli W.iHDh\WG, and COMMISSION BUSINESS, at BLACK ROCK, and having- taken mtopart-nersbipIIENRY E. SILL, they offer their services to the public, in the "above line, under the firm of N A T H A N I E L S I L L & SON, and hope by prompt and diligent at­tention, to satif-f, the expectations of those who may employ them. In the Fore ant­ing Department, they *» iii carefully consult the interest of their employers in the selec­tion ot safe and expeditious Canal and Lake Craft. &.••.

Any < OMMTSSIOjr BUSINESS en trastod Ut their care will be faithfully exe­cuted and on moderate terms.

N A T H ' L . SILL & SON. Black Rock, March W. ift?fi. iff

Cbau taoqae , and the papers accompa­nying the same, I T IS OtSEBKO, that ail persons interested in the estate of the

iiiv uuilars steward* R E W A R D of fifty dollars will be paid to any person who will

apprehend and commit to jail, in any county in this state, \VR A Y IS. T L ' F T , who was indicted for perjury at the last


said deceased, appear before the said | Chautauqtie General Sessions of the Surrogate, at bis office in the village of I Peace, and for whom the subscriber is Mavville, in the county aforesaid, on j bail. Said Teft , is a smart actvie fel-Saturday , the ninth day of September I low, about twenty years of age, light next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of j complexion, and about five feet eight

4tf that day , to shew cause « hy the whole of the real estate of the said deceased, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay his debts, should not be sold, or wiiy power should not be given to the said administratrix and administrator , to lease ot mortgage the same, for the par pose of paying said debts. A N D I T IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a Copy Of this order be immediately published for four weeks successively, in two of the public newspapers pun ted in this state, one of which must be a newspaper printed in the countv of Chantauque .

W I L L I A M S M I T H , J u n . Gw4 Surrogate.

lanthropic world, disheartened, seem to have retired from the conflict.— JFc have only to take a retrospective

JuV«WL<UJn« p&v'HE subscribers wish those who

are indebted to them by N O T E ,

concerning his untimely fate. Mrs. C. has never been able to recover but a small share of his properly—but I BOOK ACCOUNT, or otherwise, to under

view of the history of human society,] the loss of his BIBLE, which eontain- j s tand, that all such demands must be to be obliged to acknowledge the cd the Family Record, is more purtie- \ paid immediately. A n y neglect from powerful agenty of the Press, whether] ularly regretted The main object of] any customer or customers who have engage din the'reformation ofpolitical \this communication is to obtain this • already had sufficient indulgence, will af'uscs, or the correction of popular' Bible, if it is in existence, for the be- \ be noticed, and such demands will be error. Addressing itself to the reason nefit and satisfaction of the bereaved promptly prosecuted


of mankind, and consulting their judg- 'family of this unfortunate fellow be-ments, it has by a kind oj' mysterious ing. agency, controlled not only public i Any person, therefore, icho has any ! further notice or explanation need be sentiment, but individual actions Un- knowledge of this family treasure, \ expected.

As necessity is the pr inciple which moves them to adopt this course, no

BUDLONG &BABCOCK sler a teise Providence, to the influence will not, we are confident, refuse to in-nf periodical publications, the world form its rightful owner, which may be \ Westfield, J une 3 , 1826 is indebted for some of her best insti- done by letter, addressed to " W H. , I_ , tutioils, and greatest blessings. With Merritt, Fsq P M.St. Catharine's,: | r , , J j T ^ J E these facts before us may ice not in-\V C . " or the editor of this paper, *~ ad^wed tor whej dulgc the hope, that it will prove a sue- j and by so rfo?ng they will in some

I t f

bushel will be , delivered at

Campbel l ' s mills, in payment for news-

First, and Last Call ! * H E subscribers ' extreme want of

C A S H , compels them to call up­on their old customers for assistance. All accounts must be settled immedi­a te ly—and ail demands now due, must be paid without another call , or costs will be made.


Westfield, .May 31 , 182*. I t

inches high.

Lester Leech. Mina, Chaulai/ijue co June 23, 1 8 2 6 .

DISSOLUTION. ~ •'"ST'IIE copartnership heretofore exis-

sL ling between the subscribers, un­der the firm of R. W . H A S K I N S & C o . is this day dissolved by mutual consent . T h e demands of the concern are to be settled by R. XV. Hask ins , to whom all indebted are requested to make imme­diate paymen t .

R. W . H A S K I N S , J A S . D . B E M I S .

Buffalo, May 9. 1826 .

cessful agent in the suppression of measure, soothe the anxious feelings p n ? " r s ' Intemperance, if properly directed? of the widowed sufferer.—Farmers'j T^L/|j A R S U A L i - > hu^tki We must be alloiced to anticipate the i Journa l . j Jj/M. for sale at this office.

ng Book for July 8.


V Small assortment of Bonks and Stat ionary, for sale by the sub­

scriber. H . N E W C O M B .

Westfield, J u n e 2 , 1826 . 1

(0° The Book Binding and B O O K - S E L L I N G business is continued by the subscriber, at the old s tand, where customers a re invi­ted to call .

R . W . H A S K I N S . May 9. i

Cash paid fur ragef At this office- July IS.

W A N T E D at this O f " 8.

1 I 7 0 0 D WA] V V fice.—July


PAPER, For sale at this Office.

BU T T E R , cheese, eggs, maple su- . gar , feathers, or any other kind of;

produce , received in exchange for news*v papers , at a liberal p r ice .—July 8.


EXECUTED with neatness, aeei racy and despatch, at this offi

June 3, 1826. 1
