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We are young, innovative,

fun-loving and forward-thinking digital

savvy professionals. We are sociable and

highly personable, we are today's


We are diverse, we are multicultural, we offer solutions

from different perspectives. We believe in endless possibilities.

We use our creativity to turn obstacles into opportunities.

We are customer-centric. We listen. We are involved. We value participative conversation and effective open communication.     We build and strengthen relationships.

We nurture dialogues and exchanges.

We add value. We promise fresh ideas

and engaging solutions. We deliver.

We are Conversologie

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Conversologie is a digital engagement

consultancy firm providing innovative and

strategic social crm, gamification, virtual events

and online training solutions designed to meet

the needs of forward-thinking entrepreneurs and

freelance professionals around the world.

We design engagement solutions that enable

your business to ensure open communication

with your clients through effective social

customer relationship management.


We develop and organise virtual events and

online training to extend your reach, maintain

your competitive edge and keep you abreast of

online media trends.

We engineer behaviours through gamification to

help your company create and retain brand

loyalty, drive marketing performance and

enhance productivity, as well as boost

workplace motivation and promote social good.

Global provider of digital engagement solutions

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Empowering small businesses by making technology more social

At the heart of Conversologie is our vision to

be a global leader in digital engagement.

Conversologie is committed to the relentless

pursuit of delivering innovative engagement

solutions that transform the way consumers

and brands interact and communicate with

each other.

We endeavour to make brands and

technology more social, communities more

connected and promote meaningful


We strive to inspire and empower small and

medium businesses by rendering digital

engagement techniques and technology

accessible to them.

With passion, social exuberance and

creative ideas, we enable our clients to

engage with thei r customers in a

collaborative conversation in order to build

and maintain trust, loyalty and a transparent

business environment

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We value exchange, dialogue and meaningful conversations. We believe that

understanding your contextual narratives is key to designing effective engagement

solutions. Guided by our values, our approach reflects this philosophy.

Through a conversational approach

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Our solutions

•  Social Customer

Relationship Management

•  Gamification

•  Virtual Events

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Social Customer Relationship Management

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Find your voice in a consumer-dominated market conversation

Everyday, across the globe, brands are the

subject of multiple conversations and must

constantly struggle to ensure that their voices

are heard. In a world where information

travels at the speed of light and where social

interaction intertwines with digital technology,

communication serves as our social fabric

and conversations are the true currency of

our economy.

Faced with increasingly well-informed,

demanding and outspoken consumers,

companies must move from a purely

transactional approach to one that focuses

on relationships and conversations. Here at

Conversologie, we offer Social Customer

Relationship Management solutions that will

amplify your voice and favor word-of-mouth.

Our strategies will help you turn your

customers into brand ambassadors and

enthusiastic evangelists.

S o c i a l C u s t o m e r R e l a t i o n s h i p

Management is a philosophy and a

business strategy designed to enable

companies to engage with their clients in

a collaborative conversation in order to

create a mutually beneficial value in a

trusted and transparent business

environment. It allows businesses to take

a proactive stance in a customer-

dominated market conversation.

Whether you are looking for someone to

manage your online brand reputation and

visibility, generate qualified leads and

understand their preferences, improve

your customer retention rates or ensure

quality customer service, we are ready to

design solutions that work.

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Social Customer Relations Management Services

Social CRM Services!

Social Media Strategy Development

Social Media Set-up/Redesign

•  Audit of existing social media presence.

•  Preparation of Social Media Plan,

including implementation schedule,

based on an in-depth analysis of

business objectives, defined market,

target behaviour and brand message.

•  Establishment of key point indicators.

•  Content Development: content creation

and posting on all social networks.

Distribution of curated content from

social bookmarking to bring value to

community members. •  Community Management: daily

monitoring to keep channels clean,

handle connection requests and

approval and escalation via email of

messages that needs your response.

•  Community Engagement: build and

manage surveys and polls to collect

customer insights and encourage

community discussions. Respond to

comments across all social networks.

Organisation and implementation of

social media events and contests. •  Promote brand awareness through

targeted social media advertising

campaigns (Facebook Ad, LinkedIn,

Google Ads)

•  Creation of appropriate social network

accounts based on the defined social

media strategy. •  Social Media Graphic Design: maintain

brand consistency and ensure a

coherent visual identity across all social

channels (cover photos, banners, logos,

tab icons, Facebook welcome page).

•  Optimisation of brand messaging

according to brand positioning and


Social Media Management and Monitoring

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Sustainable connections through meaningful and convivial interaction

Gamification is the application of game

elements and techniques, as well as game

psychology in non-game context to render

products, services or experience more fun,

engaging and motivating.

Engaging with your clients, whether external

or internal, goes beyond establishing

connections, it requires interaction. In an

attention economy like the present, where

abundance of information in our society

creates scarcity of thought and consideration,

companies compete for time and attention as

brands battle for awareness.

  At Conversologie, we harness the innovative

approach of Gamification to produce positive

emotions, build social relationships, and

create a sense of belonging to a community,

as well as a sense of purpose and


Whether your objective is to create and

retain brand loyalty, drive marketing

performance and enhance productivity,

boost workplace motivation or promote

quality education, health and wellness

or sustainable development, our expert

conversologists are ready to design

social engagement solutions destined

to help you attain your goals, every

step of the way.

  We will help you analyse your current

business context, define and determine

your target “players” and conceptualise

a gamified method to transform and

shape behaviours by altering and

structuring environmental conditions.

You can count on us to create

enthusiasm and trigger behaviours that

produce results.

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Gamification Services

Gamification Services!•  Feasibility analysis of a potential gamified solution.

•  Gamification strategy development: business objectives,

desired behaviours and metrics, target players,

appropriate fun elements and activity loops.

•  Elaboration of game narrative: on-boarding, scaffolding

and pathway to mastery. •  Identification of appropriate game dynamics, mechanics

and elements to be integrated to a particular gamification

solution. •  Motivation and reward program design.

•  Periodic result analysis and improvement consultancy and

advisory services.

•  Customisable and gamified web-based private company

platform service that allows enterprises to promote

company culture and business objectives.

•  Measure progress of strategic goals and gain statistical


Strategic analysis of a potential gamified solution

Gamified Web-based Platform

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Virtual Events

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Leverage your engagement strategies through an emerging social custom

Virtual events are web-based interactions

between individuals that enlist the power of

technology to create a digital environment

and enable participants to collaborate,

network and share information.

Whether your goal is to cut cost on physical

meetings, increase the reach of your event

and expand i ts l i fecyc le , e l iminate

geographical constraints and reduce

environmental impact, spend less time

traveling and increase productivity, generate

leads and improve data capturing and

tracking or establish thought leadership, we

are prepared to provide you with engaging

virtual event solutions that best fit your

business needs.

Online media has changed the business

landscape and how brands communicate.

Global competition and the recent

economic climate requires companies

to find new solutions to traditional

business practices to be more

effective, engaging and cost-efficient.

At Conversologie, we are steadfast in

leveraging new media technology. We

offer the possibility of organising

virtual events to enhance your global

reach, develop your human capital,

and ensure engagement and social

interaction without the enormous


  From strategic planning, to identifying

the best vendors, to organizing

corporate training, webcast, webinar

or s l idecast, you can re ly on

Conversologie to deliver digital

strategies that suit the personality and

interaction styles of your target


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Virtual Events Services

Virtual Events Services!

Virtual Event Planning and Conceptualisation

•  Needs analysis and consultation.

  •  Creation of event agenda.

  •  Definition of timelines and responsibilities.

  •  Presentation Design Layout.

  •  Content Management.   •  Event Promotion.   •  Contingency Planning.   •  Technical testing (bandwidth capability, systems, etc.)

  •  Event technical rehearsal session.

  •  Platform orientation for the speakers.

  •  Speaker practice session.

Virtual Event Management •  Event scheduling and virtual room set-up.

•  Participant registration. •  User-entry and permission monitoring.

•  Q&A coordination. •  Audience polling and survey management.

•  Attendee technical support.

•  Event Hosting. •  Event Moderation. •  Virtual Event Asset Management (pdfs, video, slides, links

to be sent to the participants)

•  Post-event reporting and analysis.

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|  is  the  art  


science  of



e  digital  


nt  solu4on

s  through  c



The  term  Conversologie    

represents  our  mission  and  philosophy  to  

build  connec4ons,  foster  collabora4on  and  

promote  meaningful  exchange  through  an  

innova4ve  and  methodical  approach.   This  new  discipline  is  a  hint  of  our  crea4ve  

resolve,  which  has  paved  the  way  to  the  evolu4on  of  a  new  breed  of  social  communicators,  called    Conversologists.  


The  dynamic  use  of  colors  and  gradience  

of  light,  emula4ng  the  undula4on  of  sound  

and  energy,  represent  connec4ons  and  

interac4on  leading  to  dynamic  discussions  and  engaging  conversa4ons.

We are Conversologie. Your Conversologists

Through  ou

r  solu4ons,  w

e  build  susta



 and  facilita

te  engaging  


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brands  and  


internal  and

 external  cli


Our  logo,  

known  as  t

he  “Ripple

”,  symbolize

s  a  

vibrant  rel

a4onship  a

mong  a  com

munity  of  

people  gat

hered  in  a  c

ircle  of  co



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Talk to us

Let’s talk. Let’s have a conversation

Designation Office Mobile Email Skype Website

Hubert Cosico

Chief Engagement Conversologist

Conversologie – France

+33 6 25 26 17 05 [email protected]

hubieSOCIAL w w w . c o n v e r s o l o g i e . c o m
