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Evaluation. Conventions – Music Video

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Conventions of Main Product, Music Video

Conventional Camera-work Throughout the creation of the Music video we referred back to our research into music videos. We could see in almost every music video we looked at there were a wide range of different camera-shots in the video. Within our video we have tried to be conventional with the camera-work and have incorporated a variety and many shots. We used a range of shots that symbolised certain things which were effective.

Low Angle

The Low angle shot portrays the importance of the band member making him seem an iconic figure. In music videos these shots are used to show the importance of the band member.

Canted Angle

Canted angles are conventional to indie-rock music videos, it often portrays the energy in the video which the music is creating.

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The two shot is a effective conventional camera-shot to use as it is usually used to show the two most important band members. (Lead singer and Guitarist)

Master Shot

The Master Shot is used to show everyone in the scene, in this case the whole band. It shows the setting the band are standing in and where they are in the performance of the song. This is a shot used frequently in music videos to show the band all together performing the song.

Eye-line Match

This is a conventional camera-shot to use as it gives the viewer the perspective of the band member giving them a sense of involvement in video. Music videos usually show the band member looking at a crowd performing the song.

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Conventional Editing

Speed of Editing

The editing speed fits to the tempo of song throughout most of the video. The editing is fairly fast paced much like the song. The ‘Best of You – foo Fighters’ video uses fast paced editing which fits with their music.

Conventional Editing Technique

We used many Shot Reverse-Shots in our Music video as they are one of the main shots used in indie-rock videos. Especially when the music is fast paced the camera-shots change the different angles and positions around the characters in the video.


We cut away, like most music videos, from the main performance of the song to cut away scenes that portray a storyline. We cut away from the performance to show the band together in the studio and hanging out. To make this convention clearer we could have made the story-line more obvious.

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Conventions of Mise-En-SceneCostumes

Throughout our research I looked at costumes that were conventional to the genre. The costumes we used were very conventionally indie rock. We wore tight/ripped jeans, polo shirts and blazers which also gave the band an iconic image. It also gave the band a edgy look to them like indie rock bands should look like. Many indie bands like the killers are the kooks wear skinny jeans and blazers which makes our costumes conventional.

The settings used in the video, mainly the wasteland setting (left) are conventional to the genre. Wasteland and run down settings are often a reoccurring theme throughout indie-rock videos. An example of another indie-rock video that features a waste-land is “Human – The Killers” (Right)