Page 1: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Contrastive PhonologyEnglish-German

Page 2: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[p] pop, stop

[b] bed, bomb

[t] tense, cut

[d] disk, did

[k] cold, kick

[g] go, gig

[?] uh-oh

[Q] butter, better

Page 3: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[f] finger, tough

[v] vase, have

[T] through, tooth

[D] that, teeth

[s] swim, kiss

[z] zoo, desire, has

[S] shy, bush

[Z] vision, garage

[h] hat, inhall

Page 4: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[s] [S]

Stone Stein

Spare sparen

Sling Schlinge

Snow Schnee

Smell schmecken

Page 5: Contrastive Phonology English-German

German Fricatives

[C] ich, Milch, China

[x] Krach, Bach, doch

Page 6: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[tS] cheap, match

[dZ] jump, garage

[pf] Pferd, Pfahl

[ts] Zeit, Zunge

Page 7: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[m] mother, from

[n] nasty, can

[Î] sing, king

Page 8: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Liquids and Glides

[ò] road, car

[l] light, ball

[y] you, use

[w] window, what

Page 9: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Classification of consonants

• Voicing

• Manner of articulation

• Place of articulation

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Page 11: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Voiced – voiceless consonants

[f] father

[v] vase

[s] salt

[z] zoo

[t] tree

[d] door

Page 12: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Manner of articulation







[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [?][f] [v] [T] [D] [s] [z] [S] [Z][tS] [dZ]

[m] [n] [Î]


[w] [y] [ò]

Page 13: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Place of articulation







[p] [b] [m] [w]

[f] [v]

[T] [D]

[t] [d] [s] [z] [n] [l] [ò][S] [Z] [tS] [dZ] [y][k] [g] [Î] [w]

Page 14: Contrastive Phonology English-German

English consonants

Bilabial Labio-dental


Alveol. Alveol.-palatal


Stop p b t d k gAffricate tS

dZFricative f v T D s z S ZNasal m n ÎLateral lGlide w ò y

Page 15: Contrastive Phonology English-German

German consonants

Bilabial Labio-dental

Alveola Alveol.-palatal.

Palatal Velar

Stop p b t d k gAffricate pf ts tS

dZFricative f v s z S Z C xNasal m n ÎLateral lGlide y R

Page 16: Contrastive Phonology English-German


• Only in English: [T] [D] [w]

• Only in German: [C] [x] [pf] [ts]

• R-sounds: [r] [R]

• Latarals: dark vs. light [l]

• Phonotactics: [z] beginning of word

• Phonotactics: [?] beginning of word

• Phonotactics: [b, d, g, v, z, Z, dZ]

Page 17: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Classification of vowels

• height

• advancement

• lip rounding

• tenseness

Page 18: Contrastive Phonology English-German

English tense vowels

[i] teeth, keep, heat, he, people, money

[ei] gray, okay, hay, bait, great, they

[u] boot, who, too, taboo

[ou] over, boat, grow, though

Page 19: Contrastive Phonology English-German

The Great English Vowel Shift

i u

aI aU

e(e) o(o)


{ a

Page 20: Contrastive Phonology English-German

English lax vowels

[I] injury, insist, bit, business, hit

[E] bet, reception, head, says, guest, bed

[æ] bat, anger, had, comrade, rally, hat

[U] put, could, butcher, hood, good

[O] caught, bought, core, wrong

[a] father, sergeant, hospital, car

[ö] but, tough, another

[@] among, diet, salary

Page 21: Contrastive Phonology English-German

English diphthongs

[aI] island, bite, aisle, hide, high, height

[aw] bout, brown, doubt, flower, loud, how

[oI] boy, rejoice, annoy, toy

Page 22: Contrastive Phonology English-German

English diphthongs

Page 23: Contrastive Phonology English-German

English vowel chart

Page 24: Contrastive Phonology English-German

German tense vowels

[i] Vieh, Igel

[e] Reh, Esel

[E:] gähnen. Ähre

[y] früh, über

[ï] Böhe, Österreich

[u] Kuh, Uhu

[o] Boot, Ofen

[a:] nah, Aachen

Page 25: Contrastive Phonology English-German

German lax vowels

[I] Kind, Indien

[E] Stern, England

[Y] Fürst

[û] Gehör, örtlich

[U] Sturm

[O] Holm

[a] Halm

[@] bitte

Page 26: Contrastive Phonology English-German

German diphthongs

[aI] Eis, reiten, Brei

[aw] braun, Auto, Bau

[oI] heute, Euter

Page 27: Contrastive Phonology English-German

German vowel chart

Page 28: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Phonemes and allophones

[thOp] top aspirated

[stOp] stopplain

/p t k/ → [ph th kh] / #__, V'

[p t k] elsewhere

Page 29: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Contrastive – complementary distribution

[l{k] lack [param] wind

[r{k] rack [irim] name

[lif] leaf [pal] foot

[rif] reef [mal] horse

[l] → [r] / V __ V

[l] elsewhere

[r] → [l] / __#

[r] elsewhere

Page 30: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[thOt] top aspirated

[stOp] stopplain

/p t k/ → [ph th kh] / #__, V'

[p t k] elsewhere

Page 31: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[kæn] can

[kãm] come

/V/ → [V] / __N

[V] elsewhere

Page 32: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Vowel lengthening

[bE:d] bed

[h{:v] have

/V/ → [V:] / __ [+voice]

[V] elsewhere

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[böQr] butter

[bEQr] better

/t/ → [Q] / after stressed syllables at thebeginning of an unstressed syllable

[t] elsewhere

Page 34: Contrastive Phonology English-German


have [h{f]

come [kam]

leg [lEk]

kill [kIl]

is [Is]

bag [b{k]

bomb [bOmp]

back [b{k]

jump [Zömp]

laugh [laf]

begin [b@gIn]

give [gIf]

Page 35: Contrastive Phonology English-German


have [h{v]

come [kam]

leg [lEg]

kill [kIl]

is [Iz]

bag [b{g]

bomb [bOmb]

back [b{k]

jump [Zömp]

laugh [laf]

begin [b@gIn]

give [gIv]

Page 36: Contrastive Phonology English-German


Hund Hunde

Weg Wege

tob toben

Bund Bünde

bunt bunte

Page 37: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[axt] eight [IC] I

[bux] book [ECt] real

[lOx] hole [sprIC] speak

[ho:x] hoch [lEC@ln] smile

[fluxt] flight [riC@n]smell

[lax@n] laugh [fECt@n] to fence

Page 38: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[axt] eight [IC] I

[bux] book [ECt] real

[lOx] hole [sprIC] speak

[ho:x] hoch [lEC@ln] smile

[fluxt] flight [riC@n]smell

[lax@n] laugh [fECt@n] to fence

Page 39: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 1

Provide the phonetic symbol

a. High front tense unrounded vowel

b. Low back lax unrounded vowel

c. Voiced labiodental fricative

d. Voiceless palatal fricative

e. Voiced velar nasal






Page 40: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 2

a. [z]

b. [dZ]

c. [y]

d. [I]

e. [U]

Voiced, alveolar, fricative

Voiced, palatal-alveolar, affricate

Voiced, palatal, glide

High, front, lax, unrounded

Provide the articulatory features

High, back, lax rounded

Page 41: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 3

a. [k, Î, g, x]

b. [v, Z, z, D]

c. [w, y]

d. [i, e, o, u]

e. [e, o, O, E]


voiced fricatives


tense vowels

Identify the common articulatory features

mid vowels

Page 42: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 4

a. though

b. easy

c. knife

d. thought

e. contact





Provide the IPA symbol for the first speech sound


a. judge

b. Thomas

c. physics

d. civic

e. use






Page 43: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 5

a. [ritS]

b. [rIdZ]

c. [kaIt]

d. [{ktSn]

e. [T{Îks]

f. [Sules]





Write in ordinary English



Page 44: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 5 (Italian)

[faÎgo] mud [tinta] dye

[tEnda] tent [tEÎgo] I keep

[tiÎgo]I dye [fuÎgo] mushroom

[nero] black [byaÎka] shite

[aÎke] also [dansa] dance

[dZEnte] people [sapone]soap

Page 45: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 5 (Italian)

[faÎgo] mud [tinta] dye

[tEnda] tent [tEÎgo] I keep

[tiÎgo]I dye [fuÎgo] mushroom

[nero] black [byaÎka] shite

[aÎke] also [dansa] dance

[dZEnte] people [sapone]soap

Page 46: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 7 (Old English)[briÎgan] to bring [lUvU] love

[driÎkan] to drink [mannes] mans

[f{st] fast [mo:na] moon

[fi:fta] fifth [ni:xsta] next

[fOlk] folk [Offrian] to offer

[fOnt] font [Ovans] oven

[ha:t] hot [n:on] noon

[hlo:T] troop [ru:x]rough

[TUÎgEn] full grown [l@Îgan] to lengthen

[nixt] night [hr{vn] raven

Page 47: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 7 (Old English)[briÎgan] to bring [lUvU] love

[driÎkan] to drink [mannes] mans

[f{st] fast [mo:na] moon

[fi:fta] fifth [ni:xsta] next

[fOlk] folk [Offrian] to offer

[fOnt] font [Ovans] oven

[ha:t] hot [n:on] noon

[hlo:T] troop [ru:x]rough

[TUÎgEn] full grown [l@Îgan] to lengthen

[nixt] night [hr{vn] raven

Page 48: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 7 (Old English)[briÎgan] to bring [lUvU] love

[driÎkan] to drink [mannes] mans

[f{st] fast [mo:na] moon

[fi:fta] fifth [ni:xsta] next

[fOlk] folk [Offrian] to offer

[fOnt] font [Ovans] oven

[ha:t] hot [n:on] noon

[hlo:T] troop [ru:x]rough

[TUÎgEn] full grown [l@Îgan] to lengthen

[nixt] night [hr{vn] raven

Page 49: Contrastive Phonology English-German

Exercise 7 (Old English)[briÎgan] to bring [lUvU] love

[driÎkan] to drink [mannes] mans

[f{st] fast [mo:na] moon

[fi:fta] fifth [ni:xsta] next

[fOlk] folk [Offrian] to offer

[fOnt] font [Ovans] oven

[ha:t] hot [n:on] noon

[hlo:T] troop [ru:x]rough

[TUÎgEn] full grown [l@Îgan] to lengthen

[nixt] night [hr{vn] raven

Page 50: Contrastive Phonology English-German


[axt] eight [IC] I

[bux] book [ECt] real

[lOx] hole [sprIC] speak

[ho:x] hoch [lEC@ln] smile

[fluxt] flight [riC@n]smell

[lax@n] laugh [fECt@n] to fence
