

July 2013

Induction Topics1. Port of Waterford Safety Policy2. Responsibilities 3. Site layout4. Traffic management5. Hazards – known and unknown6. Accident/Incident Reporting7. First Aid Facilities8. PPE (Personal Protective Footwear, Clothing &

Equipment)9. Fire Evacuation Procedure/Emergency

Exits/Assembly Points

Overall Aims & Objectives of Health & Safety Induction

• To ensure general safety requirements are appreciated by all:– those who are familiar with the port – those who are new to the port

• To give details of the Port of Waterford Belview site layout, traffic, hazards

• Humane - An employee should not have to expect that by coming to

work they are risking life or limb, and nor should others affected by

their undertaking.•

• Economic - legal fees, fines, compensatory damages, investigation

time, lost production, lost goodwill from the workforce, and lost

goodwill from customers.

• Legal - We have a duty under the law to ensure, so far as is

reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all

our employees.

i.e.the degree of risk needs to be balanced against time, trouble, cost and

the physical difficulty of taking measures to avoid or reduce the risk. What

the law requires here is what good management and common sense would

lead you to do anyway: that is, to look at what the risks are and take

sensible measures to tackle them


1. Safety Policy

Port of Waterford is committed to

conducting its business safely for the benefit

of employees and other people in or near

the port.

Safety Responsibilty


• Need to be aware that this is a working port, with various hazards, various road and loading vehicles, including trains and large moving cranes, cargo, and cargo handling equipment.

2. Responsibilities

Employers MUST so far as is reasonably practicable:

•Ensure the Health, Safety & Welfare of all its employees.•Provide a written statement of their Health & Safety policy.•Consult with employees representatives.

• SHWW Act 2005• Employers Duties - Section 8: Key Provisions• “so far as is reasonably Practicable”

– To design, provide and maintain safe workplaces and safe access & egress– To provide safe plant and machinery – design, purchasing and maintenance – To ensure safety and prevention of risk relating to the use of any substances or articles, or

exposure to noise, vibration, ionising or other radiations or any other physical agent– To provide systems of work that are planned, organised, performed, maintained and

revised so as to be safe– Must provide adequate instruction, training and supervision and any necessary

information to employees and others, in a form, manner and language likely to be understood

– Must prepare risk assessments (section19)and safety statements (section 20), determine and implement safety measures and take account of Principles of Prevention (Schedule 3)

– To prepare and revise adequate plans & procedures to be followed & measures to be taken in case of emergency or serious &

imminent danger

Employees MUST so far as is reasonably practicable:

• Take reasonable care of their own Health & Safety.

• Take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of anyone who may be affected by their own acts or omissions.

• Co-operate with their employer to enable the fulfilment of statutory obligations

• SHWW Act 2005

• Employee Duties – Section 13– Cooperate with employer– Take care of own health and safety and that of others around them– Not to attend work under the influence of an intoxicant, to the extent

that he/she is in such a state as to endanger his or her own safety or that of any other person (Submit to tests for intoxicants )

– Not to engage in improper behaviour– Attend training provided, – must not misrepresent themselves with regard to training– make correct use of articles/substances/PPE– Report defects and any breaches of the law to the employer

Employee Duties

• Follow safe systems of work• Use safety controls• Use appropriate PPE• Ensure PPE is useable• Report any problems to your line manager

3. Site Layout

Ships worked:• BULK

– fertiliser and steel

• CONTAINER• CRUISE (seasonal)

Specific Site Risks

• Transport and cargo handling equipment

• Heights – unprotected quay and overhead

cranes and loads

• Environmental – bulk product, dust etc.

• Sources of major hazards – electrical, fuel


Main Entrance




4. Traffic Management• Rules of the road apply –

– Keep left– Yield to traffic coming from your right– Obey the signs and instructions of port staff

5. Hazards

Product and Chemical Safety


6. Accident/Incident Reporting

8. Personal Protective Equipment

• Remember that personal protective equipment is an essential last resort where hazards can not be controlled in any other way.E.G. Gloves, Hard Hats, Protective Footwear, Eye Goggles, Overalls, Ear Protection, Barrier Creams

9. Fire Evacuation• Raise the alarm• Proceed to your nearest fire exit route• Re-locate to your nearest assembly point

]Never take personal risks &


(Unless It Is Safe & You Are Trained To Do So!)

Bulk Berths Assembly Point – car park

Container terminal and offices assembly point

• The PoWC site Security & Safety Guide is your reference leaflet for all health & safe information while you are on the Port

• Please ensure you follow all the safety procedures as outlined.

• Any queries please contact PoWC Safety Officer : John Foley

Thank you
