Page 1: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

Prescott College is a member of the world wide Seventh-day Adventist Christian School System Annual Report 2018 | 1


As part of our funding agreement with the Australian Government, we are required to ensure that specific “School

Performance Information” is made publicly available to the school community.

The School Assistance Act (2004) requires all schools across Australia to report on key aspects of School Performance. There

are thirteen categories. What follows is a report of required data for Prescott College under the headings specified by the

Australian Government. The information relates to the 2018 school year.



Prescott College, 5km from the Adelaide Central Business District, is a co-educational day school for students from Years

8 to 12. It has been operating since 1906. In 2018, there were 178 students attending Prescott College during Term 4.

The Prescott School system is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Situated in South Australia, this

system is comprised of Prescott Primary Northern, Prescott College Southern and Prescott College. The Prescott system has

more than 100 teachers and provides for a capacity of 1,400+ students. Prescott Schools also operate an extensive private

bus facility which provides options for student travel. Enquiries are welcome for all students who wish to study and learn

within an environment shaped by Christian beliefs, values and lifestyle. We are intentional in our desire to help students

grow academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually, and to enable them to make positive choices in life. We provide

a family atmosphere, where students are provided with personal and academic challenges and where individual attention

is given to each student.

Prescott College has a robust information technology network and an excellent outdoor education program, in addition to

a strong core selection of academic subjects. Years 8 to 10 students choose from a broad range of practical subjects,

including Food Technology, Design and Technology, Hospitality and Textiles, Digital Technologies, Drama, Music and Visual

Art. Prescott College supports an in-school sport program, Vista sport program, and participates in many South Australian

Secondary Schools Sporting Association events, along with physical education classes to encourage physical exercise and


Page 2: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

Prescott College is a member of the world wide Seventh-day Adventist Christian School System Annual Report 2018 | 2


The average attendance rate for teachers at Prescott College during 2018 was 97%.

The average attendance rate for non-teaching employees was 99.9%.

The average attendance rate is an indicator of the time required to be at work and includes the time that is actually spent

at work. The larger the percentage figure, the less time is spent away from work due to illness, carers leave, bereavement

leave, short term parenting leave and the like. It does not account for staff on long term leave for reasons such as maternity

leave or long service leave, where a replacement employee has been contracted to fulfil this person’s duties.


Our teacher retention rate from 2017 to 2018 was 90%.

Teachers who are engaged as supervisors to replace teachers who are ill (TRTs), and those on replacement contracts to fill

in for those on long service leave or maternity leave, are not included in this calculation. They do not form part of the

permanent teaching staff and would be expected to depart when the teacher they are replacing returns from leave.


There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

equivalent teaching qualifications of a Diploma of Education or Bachelor of Education. Prescott College staff qualifications

are indicated in the table below. The numbers above do not reflect the number of our staff who are currently completing

additional certifications.

Prescott College Staff Qualifications (for 35 full and part time staff)

Doctorate 1

Masters Degree 6

Graduate Diploma 7

Graduate Certificate 2 Honours 4

Bachelor Degree 38

Diploma 3

Associate Diploma 1

Certificate 10

All teachers maintain a current First Aid certificate.

Prescott College arranges for group training

sessions by qualified professionals (regularly) to

assist in maintaining each teacher’s certification in

this area. There are qualified teachers to help

students with English as an additional language or

dialect (EALD) and help students with special

learning needs. Such teachers also help skill our

regular teachers to obtain the best outcomes for

our students with special learning needs. There are

currently no teachers from an indigenous


The picture opposite is of the Prescott College staff

for 2018

Page 3: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

Prescott College is a member of the world wide Seventh-day Adventist Christian School System Annual Report 2018 | 3

5. Expenditure and Teacher Participation in Professional Learning

All teachers are required to be involved in Professional learning activities. These take a variety of forms including,

but not limited to, whole staff professional development, Prescott College’s Professional Development and Appraisal

process, curriculum focus activities for teams of teachers, as well as attendance at workshops, seminars and

conferences, for individuals or small groups of teachers.

In 2018, the average expenditure estimate on professional development per teacher was $1,374.00. This figure is

calculated on the full time equivalent staff number. Please also note that there are also professional development

activities over and above what is represented by this figure, which include activities such as: teachers working as

mentors to new teachers; induction processes for new staff; mentoring of student teachers; out-of-school-hours

meetings to review curriculum and assessment; professional development with a focus on the improvement of

teacher craft that is scheduled regularly in staff meetings; and training sessions for developing expertise with

technology for learning. The figure indicated does not include privately funded professional learning activities

undertaken by a number of teachers who are engaged in post-graduate studies and other courses.

In 2018, Prescott College teachers participated in a review process on school operations based upon the Quality

Adventist Schools Framework (QASF). The QASF has been developed by Adventist Schools Australia to ensure that all

Seventh-day Adventist schools have a focus on maintaining and improving high standards.


The percentage figure for the average student attendance rate shows the proportion of days that each student, on

average, attended school over the whole year. A larger percentage attendance value means less days that students

are absent from school.

Student Attendance Rates for Each Year Level in 2018 Year Level Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

Attendance Rate

95.7% 93.1% 90.3% 94.1% 92.4%

Families are requested to let the school know when their child is absent. If the College has not received a message or

call about an absence by 10am, the school will text or call the family to let parents/guardians know that their child is

absent. Repeated absences or tardiness are documented so that appropriate action can be taken by the school and

its representatives to encourage school attendance by each student. Such action may be as simple as a discussion

with the child in order to help them adjust their behaviour, through to contacting the relevant authorities that work

with students with repeated absences.

Page 4: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

Prescott College is a member of the world wide Seventh-day Adventist Christian School System Annual Report 2018 | 4


Each year, all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are required to sit Australia-wide tests in reading, writing, spelling and

numeracy to establish the proportion of students achieving national benchmarks. The test is commonly known as

NAPLAN, or National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy.

Percentage of Prescott College Students Achieving at or Above the National Minimum Standard in 2018

(Table sourced from NAPLAN School Results)

Test Reading Persuasive Writing Spelling Grammar & Punctuation Numeracy

Year 9 98% 90% 86% 86% 98%

Average Achievement of Year 9 Students at Prescott College in 2018

Compared with Statistically Similar Schools and All Australian Schools

(Table sourced from NAPLAN School Results)

The Prescott College benchmark results show that this cohort achieved better NAPLAN scores to Statistically Similar

Schools, except in the area of Grammar & Punctuation and Numeracy. A little over half the students enrolled at Prescott

College come from homes that have a language background other than English. Further comparisons in various formats

and for various years can be found at the My School website:

Test Prescott College Statistically Similar Schools All Australian Schools

Reading 580.2 577.4 584.1

Persuasive Writing 547.9 532.3 542.4

Spelling 579.9 576.7 583.4

Grammar & Punctuation 562.9 573.3 580.5

Numeracy 570.4 583.8 595.7

Page 5: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

Prescott College is a member of the world wide Seventh-day Adventist Christian School System Annual Report 2018 | 5

Average Achievement of Year 9 Students at Prescott College in 2018 Compared with Statistically Similar Schools and All Australian Schools

Whilst considering these statistics, remember that Prescott College is a NON-SELECTIVE school, and enrols students from

a variety of backgrounds and levels of academic achievement. Therefore, each individual student could potentially begin

their time at Prescott College with a benchmark level below the Australian benchmark levels. Prescott College teachers

work hard to ensure that each student makes strong academic progress, regardless of their initial academic level.

The school works to help every student accomplish their best in every learning experience because this helps to ensure

student academic success. Such an approach also works to help students develop positive attitudes and characteristics,

such as reliability, thoroughness, dependability, and diligence. It also must be noted that we have no cohort data from this

group’s Year 7 NAPLAN as the students came from a wide range of local primary schools. Therefore, cohort comparisons of

increased or decreased performance, between tests are unable to be made until 2021 when our first Year 7 class takes the

Year 9 NAPLAN test.

Page 6: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

Prescott College is a member of the world wide Seventh-day Adventist Christian School System Annual Report 2018 | 6

8. Value Added

Prescott College exists to add value to the education experience of our students and the experience of the wider school

community. Value is added by extending the statutory curriculum requirements imposed on schools, by our ethos, culture

and environment, and by additional experiences provided by the school.

What follows is a range of activities undertaken during 2018 that added value to the educational experience of students

attending Prescott College.

Curriculum Related Activities

• Standardised PAT Testing (Maths & English) for Years 8-10

• VET programs on offer (in association with other schools)

• Australian Chemistry Quiz

• ICAS Competitions – English, English Writing, Computer Skills

• Westpac Mathematics Competition

• Health and Wellbeing – Drug Ed/Sun Smart

• Guest speakers and groups. For example, Poetry in Action plays

• Art Showcase – Year 12 Visual Arts

• Remedial Literacy

• Work Experience Program (Year 11)

• Information Evenings for Year 10 subject choices


• Year 8 Geography Excursion to Goolwa

• Year 9 Home Economics excursion to the Central Markets and the Botanical Gardens

• Year 9 Geography excursions to St Kilda mangrove

• Two year 9 & 10 Drama excursions to the theatre.

• Year 9 Religious Studies Excursion to Hoyts Cinema

• Year 10 Design and Technology packaging excursion

• Year 10 Art trip to Art Expo

• Year 10 Personal Learning Plan (PLP) Careers Expo

• Year 10 Mathematics Orienteering

• Year 10, 11 and 12 SACE Art Show

• Year 11 Research Project Expo

• Year 11 Biology to Aldinga Reef

• Year 11 Religious Studies excursion to churches

• Year 11 Religious Studies excursion to synagogues

• Year 11 Child Studies to Prescott Primary Northern reception class

• Year 11 English excursion to the Festival Theatre

• Year 11 Geography excursion to Belair National Park.

• Year 12 Physical Education Kayaking

• Year 11 PE students run PE week clinic at Prescott Primary

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Co-curricular Activities

• Year 8 Outdoor Education camping trip to Hindmarsh Island

• Year 9 Outdoor Education camping trip to Grampians National Park

• Year 10 Outdoor Education camping trip to Lower Glenelg National Park, Victoria

• Year 11 work experience

• Year 12 Trip to Avondale College (NSW) and Sydney

• Show case of the arts (Drama and Music) at Golden Grove Recreation and Arts Centre

• Music Tuition

• Chess competitions internal and external.

Student Leadership Opportunities

As a staff, Prescott College recognises that students have a richer life-long learning experience when they have the

opportunity to create and to implement, to lead and to follow, to learn from mistakes and to succeed. Most

importantly, student leadership gives students the opportunity to represent the views of their peers, and to

succeed in making those views heard.

• Student Representative Council

• School Captains and Senior leaders

• Sports Captains

• Stormco

• Student involvement in open days

• Assisting in the Canteen

• Outdoor Education Leadership

• Aspire and GRIP youth leadership workshops

• Prescott College Creative Arts

• Student tour guides

Sporting Opportunities

Prescott College students are enthusiastic about sporting activities, not only because they enjoy sports, but

because of the opportunity to meet like-minded people and make new friends. Research has proven that

children who engage in sports and/or active recreational activity will often perform better academically, enjoy

school more, and even complete homework more frequently. In light of this, we provide the following sporting


• Whole-School Athletics Carnival

• Whole-School Swimming Carnival

• Whole-School Cross Country

• Swimming Program (Years 8-9)

• Weekly Team Sports (including basketball, volleyball, soft ball, touch rugby, netball, soccer, golf, ice skating, tennis)

• SSSSA Soccer (All levels boys & girls)

• SSSSA Basketball (All levels boys & girls)

• SSSSA Cross Country Championships

• Vista Sports Senior and Junior Boys Indoor Cricket teams, Soccer Carnival

• Vista Sports Year 8 Boys Soccer team

• Vista Sports Year 9 Boys Soccer team

• Vista Sports Year 8/9 Girls Soccer team

• Vista Sports Senior and Junior Boys Basketball teams

• Vista Sports Senior Boys Volleyball team

• Vista Sports Weekly Boys and Girls Basketball teams. (Junior and Senior)

• Vista Sports Weekly Boys and Girls Soccer Teams (Junior and Senior)

• Vista Sports Weekly Girls Netball team

Page 8: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

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School Ethos & Spiritual Program

Students, teachers, and parents have access to our school chaplains. Things sometimes happen in our lives that

seem beyond our control. In tough times, in puzzling times, and in sorrowful times, the School Chaplains can

provide a very important support role for the school community. Our school chaplains also provide opportunities

for our students to grow, by involving them in our regular weekly Chapel period, during which time a broad range

of guest speakers inspire our students.

The following programs are initiated by our school chaplains:

• Chapel programs including celebratory and inspirational assemblies and worship services

• Bible Studies with the School Chaplain

• Counselling services

• Week of Spiritual Emphasis

• Guest speakers. For example: Pastor Marty Bernard

• Tuesday morning assembly program

• Behaviour Management Programs

Community Outreach and Special Occasions

Learning happens both in and out of the classroom. At Prescott College, we believe in educating the whole child.

When a student learns values through service to others, they learn how to be creative problem-solvers and how

to reflect critically. When students learn through interaction with their community, they learn civic responsibility

and how to strengthen or add value to their communities. Therefore, we offer the outreach programs:

• Stormco trip to Port Augusta to support the community

• Fundraising to support 4 students in India through Asian Aid

• School Concert • Prescott College Creative Arts (PCCA)

• PCCA performs at local and rural Seventh-day Adventist churches

• Speech Night

• Year 12 School Formal

• Year 12 Farewell Breakfast

• Week of Spiritual Emphasis

• Prescott College School Fete

• Student vs Teacher Basketball & Soccer

• Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) Scholarship Testing

School and Parent Community Links

• Parent Information Evenings

• College Newsletters

• Student Diaries

• Year 6 and 7 Orientation Days

• Year 10 Introduction to SACE – Information Evening

• Open Mornings/Evenings

• Web page

• SEQTA Engage

• Parent/Teacher Interviews

• Year 12 College Formal

• College Year book

Page 9: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

Prescott College is a member of the world wide Seventh-day Adventist Christian School System Annual Report 2018 | 9


Prescott College staff are extremely proud of the outstanding personal and group academic efforts of the

2018 graduating cohort. We would like to congratulate Ben Van Brugel on his outstanding achievement of a

97.2 ATAR. We are also proud to report that 37 of 38 students achieved their SACE.

A summary of the final SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) results from 2015 to 2018 is provided below thus allowing for an average comparison to be made:

2018 2017 2016 2015

16% ATAR above 90 12% ATAR above 90 7% ATAR above 90 30% ATAR above 90

24% ATAR above 80 31% ATAR above 80 14% ATAR above 80 37% ATAR above 80

97.2 Highest ATAR 99.6 Highest ATAR 96.3 Highest ATAR 99.1 Highest ATAR

37 of 38 received SACE 26 of 26 received SACE 32 of 33 received SACE 27 of 28 received SACE

The following report provides a grade distribution for Prescott College in comparison to the state of South

Australia. Results were calculated using all Stage 2 enrolments, which were awarded a result in all subjects at

Prescott College for the year of 2018.

(Chart sourced from SACE School Results)

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Stage 2 School Subject Results – by Grade Distribution

(Table sourced from SACE School Results)

Prescott College Grade Band Comparison for Previous Years

Year A Grade Band B Grade Band C Grade Band D Grade Band E Grade Band

2013 21% 46% 26% 6% 1%

2014 11% 48% 36% 5% 0%

2015 26% 38% 31% 8% 0.6%

2016 14% 40% 37% 8% 1.6% 2017 14% 42% 28% 5% 0%

2018 23% 41% 29% 6% 1%

Academic results are clearly important to Prescott College, as is the desire to develop lifelong learning

dispositions which will benefit our students in social, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities both now

and in the future. As such, we strive to embed these dispositions within our curricular and extra-curricular


Grade Number of Results for Prescott College

Prescott College % South Australia %

A+ 2 0.89 3.44

A 21 9.38 9.61

A- 28 12.50 13.37

B+ 26 11.61 14.39

B 28 12.50 15.56

B- 38 16.96 13.72

C+ 33 14.73 12.02

C 20 8.93 11.55

C- 11 4.91 3.95

D+ 5 2.23 1.27

D 7 3.13 0.56

D- 2 0.89 0.26

E+ 2 0.89 0.16

E 1 0.45 0.08

E- 0 0 0.04

N 0 0 0.01

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At the end of 2015 there were 50 Year 9 students at the College. At the commencement of 2018 when this

cohort entered Year 12, there were 40 Year 12 students. 32 of these were from the 2015 Year 9 cohort. This

represents a 64% proportion that were retained from Year 9 through to Year 12.

The school slogan is “because your child matters”. This means that in conversations relating to academics and

schooling, we are always focussed on finding learning opportunities that best suit a particular student,

understanding that this sometimes means that the student needs will be better met elsewhere.


The graph below reflects our best knowledge of what students chose to do in their first post-school year.

University Destinations

Of the 33 students who chose University or TAFE as a post-secondary destination in 2018, all but one chose

local SA Universities. Twenty-eight of the twenty-nine students who applied for University received a place

offer (some students have chosen to defer Tertiary study until 2020). Twenty-four students received an

offer for their first or second place university choice.

Students have chosen a wide variety of disciplines within university courses, including: Engineering, Science,

Health Science, Nursing, Medical Science, Psychology, Business, History, International Relations, Aviation

and Law.

1 Student3 Students

33 students

3 students

Gap year

Work force

Further study

Unknown destination

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Feedback from parents occurs through a number of sources, both formal and informal. It includes responses to

surveys, as well as comments given to teachers, senior staff and the Principal. Feedback at Prescott College is always


Prescott College used an on-line survey that gave students, teachers and parents, the opportunity to respond to a

range of statements about the school. 94% of students, 85% of staff, and 43% of parents participated in the survey.

In the case of parents; surveys were sent to all parent / guardian emails, giving the opportunity for multiple

responses from a family. Some of the school satisfaction indicators according to parents, students and staff in 2018

are shown below.

Prescott College overall satisfaction of Parents, Students and Staff

The Parents survey indicated that 93% of parents felt

satisfied with the total education that Prescott College

provides for their students.

The student survey showed that 88% of the students feel

positive about their overall satisfaction with Prescott


Prescott College staff also indicated 100% rate of feeling

positive at school.

The graph opposite illustrates the parents’ overall

satisfaction of the education provided by Prescott


Prescott College is a safe and secure environment

Parents feel satisfied with how safe, secure and supported

their students feel at Prescott College. Students agree

that the College provides a safe, secure and supportive

school environment.

The student survey showed that 93% of the students and

parents indicated that they had not recently experienced

bullying at school.

Also 98% of parents agreed with the statement: My child

gets on well with their peers at school.

The graph opposite illustrates the parents’ perception of

safety for their students at Prescott College.







1 2 3 4 5 6 7Strongly agree









1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Strongly disagree


Page 13: CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 1. ABOUT PRESCOTT COLLEGE · There are 21 teachers at Prescott College (12 full-time teachers and a full time equivalent of 16.23), who all hold the degree

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Staff encourage students in their personal relationship with God

Parents and students are highly satisfied with Prescott College’s uniquely Christian focus. Teachers encourage

students to develop a relationship with God. Students additionally show a strong response to the importance of

worship, the Bible, and the value of weekly Chapel services. Students feel Christian teachers help them make

better choices in life. Prescott College is a practising Christian school, and is also an inclusive and non-selective

school. Therefore, Prescott College welcomes

families from all backgrounds and faiths. While the

school is intentionally Christian and aims to always

act with integrity, it does so with respect for each

individual’s personal faith and world-view.

The student survey showed that 86% of the

students also agreed that teachers encouraged

them to grow their faith relationship with God. The

parent survey had a 98% agreement that: Staff at

Prescott College respect each student as a unique

creation of a loving God.

The graph illustrates the parents’ perception of

Prescott College.

Desire to learn is important to students

Students strongly agree that they wish to do their

best at school. Within their classes, students feel

strongly that they are being challenged. Students

generally feel satisfied with the variety of class

content and amount of homework assigned.

Students strongly feel that they are supported by

Prescott College teaching staff to achieve their best

at this school. 96% of students agree that they want

to learn new things and that doing well at school is

important to them.

The graph illustrates the students’ perceptions that

90% of students agree to the statement: My

teachers always help me build my knowledge.

Parents feel comfortable about approaching the

school with concerns

Parents are pleased with the reception they receive

when they approach the College with concerns about

their children.

The graph illustrates the parents’ perceptions of the

approach ability of Prescott College staff.






1 2 3 4 5

Strongly agree








1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Strongly agree




1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Strongly agree


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Christ-like treatment of people

Both parents and students were asked to respond to

the following statement: Students at this school always

treat others with human dignity and equality. 92% of

both students and parents agreed with this statement.

Parents were asked another similar question: Staff at

this school always treat others with human dignity and

equality. 95% of parents agreed with this statement.

The graph illustrates the parents’ perception of Prescott

College staff.

Parents and students are very satisfied with the

academic standard and support offered for all

students by Prescott College

Students feel satisfied with the preparation provided for

them for their future. 93% of students agreed with the

statement: This school is preparing students well for

their future. 93% of parents also agreed with the

statement: This school is meeting the academic needs

of my child.

The graph illustrates the parents’ perception of Prescott







1 2 3 4 5

Strongly agree






1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Strongly agree


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College improvements in 2018 for the 2019 school year:

1. Two new learning spaces were created in our main building to become our Creative Arts Centre. This was

done so that we could accommodate the increase of Music and Drama being offered in 2019. Music and

Drama are now offered from Year 7 to 10 as electives and may, in the future be offered in our senior school;

depending on demand.

2. Other building improvements for 2018 were the refurbishment of Rooms A, Seminar 3 & 4, Lab 3 and the remodelling of rooms F & G to serve as dedicated Year 7 rooms.

3. The D&T Engineering Workshop had a much-needed air-conditioner installed. New equipment was also purchased for the D&T workshop in the form of two new 3D printers and a laser cutter.

4. The College also installed a glass fibre backbone, new network switches and also increased the network wireless access points. The Room D computer lab was also upgraded with 25 new IMac computers. The music keyboards in the lab have also been upgraded. The Digital Technology department purchased new robotics equipment to improve our STEM resources.

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13. COLLEGE INCOME & EXPENDITURE SOURCES The graphs below show the income sources and the expenditure areas for Prescott College.

Total income: $3,512,135. Total expenditure: $3,156,920.

Income 2018 Expenditure 2018





Salaries and Allowances Tuition Property Administration




Commonwealth Government Recurrent Grants

Net Tuition Fees

State Government Recurrent Grants

Church Support

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FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK We hope that this report provides a useful insight into the operations of Prescott College as an institution of learning guided by

Adventist Christian values. Our commitment to value-based learning has resulted in high academic achievement and a school

culture which our families find welcoming, inclusive and supportive.

If you would like to see how Prescott College is a place of learning that aspires to live its values of Integrity, Respect, and Joy,

please contact the reception desk and book a private student led tour, which concludes with a meeting with the Principal and a

discussion of your child’s learning needs.


Peter Charleson (Principal)

Have you considered Prescott College?

… because your child matters!
