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Analysis of 3 music magazine contents pages

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Analysis of magazine Contents pagesContents 1.NME Sept 2009

Dizzee Rascal Edition

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Contents page NME (SEPT 2009) ANALYSIS The banner at the top has the Masthead and “Contents page” written on it. The masthead is the exact same as the one on the front cover and will be through out all of the magazine. The words “contents” are in capital block and bold letters making it eye catching for the reader.

The date tells the reader the day the magazine was issued just in case they may have already brought the magazine or to make sure they haven't missed an issue.

The sub headings are in white block capitals on a black strip making a contrast of colours making them stand out more. The numbers are in red again keeping to the house style of NME.


The NME masthead is again the exact same on the front cover and using the same house style colours red, black and white which give a very rock and roll feel those of a electric guitar. The main image used to advertise the special in the magazine this being “Touring”. The image is of the woman with a tour bus behind her supporting the special about “TOUR”.On the left side of the contents page bands and artists are listed in red and next to them is the page number in black, these colours run through out all of the magazine as it’s the house style, its also an easy way for the customer to find their favourite artist without flicking through the magazine trying to find the correct page.

The editors introduction to the magazine makes the reader feel more welcome and included in the magazine. As a small introduction the reader feels more apart of the magazine.

Rules of thirds.The right third has a black box advertising subscribing to the magazine. It includes a website to go on or phone number to call if they want to subscribe. It’s an easier way for the customer to get the magazine every week when the issue comes out for a better price.

The image is edited so that it looks like a photograph this creates a more personal feel as if we are in the moment with them. It also shows that the special is worth reading because they were actually there and know all the gossip!

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Band index

( a list of bands with the page number next to them to locate easy in the magazine)

The date the magazine was issued.

A canted angled image of a woman next to a tour bus as if she is on holiday advertising the “Tour special” inside the magazine. The imagine also looks like its on top of a speaker one of those bands take on tour.

Newsthe latest new from the magazine world.

Radar- about brand new music

A introductory letter from the magazines editor introducing the audience to the magazine.

Live- About seeing the band “Coldplay” live

Feature- the main feature of the magainze “Dizzee Rascal who appears on the front cover.

Plus- extras the magazine is giving out

In the bottom right, information is there telling the reader about subscribing to the magazine.

Either calling or applying via internet.

The masthead and words contents are on the top of the page in bold writing on a black banner. The masthead is the exact same of what is on the front and what runs through the magazine.

The magazine is set out in 3 columns for different things. Band index, letter from editor and content of the magazine.

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ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS PAGE 2 (Title/date of magazine analysed)

The MASTHEAD is shown very small on the left side of the page, the mast head is there to remind the reader of the magazine they are reading. By having the title very small it leaves lots more room for information about what's to come on the magazine.

The banner at the top of the page has “contents” shown on the left side of the magazine, its bold, black and has cracks in it giving the word an effect of music so loud it brakes the words. Underneath the text “contents” is the issue number so the reader can keep up too date and no if they have missed any magazines.

The headings used are in black sophisticated writing with light blue sub-headings these colours are shown in the “Billboard” masthead, so its keeping to the house style.

The text is separated into blocks of different themes so its easy to look for various pages you want to read.

The image used is of a young girl laughing this shows a “fun” and “cute” side to the magazine, which could mean the target audience are young girls , the image used links to that of what is including in the articles.

Rules of thirds. The bottom right third of the cover has information about the online website of the magazine so readers are able the access the magazine in other ways.

The date is found on the bottom of the contents page to remind reader of when the magazine was issued

Rule of thirds.Here on the left side of the cover page is the charts list of albums and song shown in sophisticated writing, so as soon as the reader opens the magazine they are up to date with the music world.

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A list of the latest chart music of singles and albums. In order number 1 being the best seller .

The word contents page in a bold cracking effect font. Big so its easy to find when flicking through the magazine.

3 images with page numbers in the left bottom corner so its easy for the reader to locate.

The content of magazine is set out in 4 separate blocks for, upfront, features, music and every issue. These make it easy for the reader to find what they are looking for.Its set out with light blue sub headings and black sophisticated information.

An image of an artist included in the magazine because she is smiling it creates a happy energetic feel to the


Extra things to do apart from the magazine for example go online and enter exclusive competitions or go to the latest events.

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ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS PAGE 3 (Title/date of magazine analysedThe banner at the top

of the magazine has both the Masthead and title “ contents”it. The masthead is again the exact same of all the mastheads that run through the magazine. The house style colours are used throughout the magazine these are red, white and black. These colours show a very rock/ punk feel suggesting the target audience are out going rockers.

The Rules of thirds is used and on the left third there is a “Oasis special” with its own mini contents, so if the audience brought it just for that they have an easy way to find it. Because it’s a special the words “oasis special” have been coloured in gold to create it more unique and important than your average articles in a magazine.

Also in the banner the date of when the magazine was issued is included there.This shows the reader when the issue was brought out so they can keep up to date with issues.

The image used is of a band called “The Courteeners” who have an article/ interview in the magazine this is used to advertise the interview

At the bottom part of the magazine a review of the “Worlds biggest and best music guide” it includes information about the studio, new albums, dvds and books

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Analysis of layout contents page 3

The contents list is shown with headings in white capital bold letters on a small red banner linking to the house style of Q.

The word is in a simplicity font on a black banner next to the masthead.

A large long shot image of “The Courteeners” is shown with page number in the corner so its easy for the reader to locate the band in the magazine.The band are on top of a hill and looks like its been taken in the country.

Every month- what appears in every magazine the usual information (email, subscription and crosswords)

The date the magazine was issued