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Page 2: Contents page evaluation


Colour scheme:the colour scheme used is the conventional black, white and gold of a rock music magazine.

text:The magazine uses informal language throughout.This helps the audience relate to the magazine and to attract a younger audience.

Images:Half of the page is taken up with a image of a band member crowd surfing. This helps creates a atmosphere and makes the reader feel close to the action. The page also consists of many small images which are mostly posed giving them a rock star look.

Font:The same font is used for the heading and subheadings as was used for the masthead. The font has a distressed bold look which is stereotypical of a rock/metal magazine. The rest of the text is in a sans serif font making it easy to read and understand.

Page 3: Contents page evaluation

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Colour scheme:The colour scheme is pinks and yellows which is very feminine. The colour scheme also has connotations of happiness and confidence.

Image:The main focus image is a small photo of the front cover. This is unique and helps the audience to find what page number the cover lines are on. This makes it easy for the younger audience to navigate where the main articles are. There are also a lot of images that are the visual representation of the articles ie the clutch bag and bracelets. Which makes it easy to see quickly distinguish between the sections of the magazine.

Text:The language is very informal and colloquial. The page has no ‘contents’ heading and so doesn’t follow the magazine genre. Instead ‘inside the mag’ has been used to relate to the audience and make it easier to understand. Hearts are also used instead of words which appeals to the female audience and helps them relate to the magazine.

Page 4: Contents page evaluation


Colour scheme:The colour scheme is black, blue and white which appals to both genders.

Layout:The layout is very organised and is separated into sections. This looks more professional and appals to a more mature audience. Another feature on billboards contents page is their unique weekly music chart which features on every issue.

Text:As the magazine is aimed at a more mature and high income market the language used is formal.

Images:There are only 4 images used on the contents page adding to the orderly and uncluttered look of the magazine which appeals to the magazines target audience.
