Download ppt - Content Source Analysis

  • 1. Content/ Source Analysis Assignment Due Thursday March 4
  • 2.
  • 3.
    • In the top left hand corner of the page, click on All Databases
  • 4. Scroll down to LexisNexis Academic
  • 5.
    • If you are off campus, you will likely have to sign in using your TUA (or the beginning of your e-mail address) and your password.
  • 6. NEWS! Type in your organization here (using quotation marks will make your life easier). Scroll down and select The major World Newspapers; Then select Transcripts. Select previous 3 months
  • 7. Things that might help:
    • If you pull up 999 articles, you need to put your search term in quotation marks.
    • Be sure to search your assigned group!
    • Analyze any articles that use information from your assigned institute, or articles that quote people representing that institute.
  • 8. More general stuff:
    • The first part of the assignment is to talk about purpose of the organization. That should be one page or less.
    • The second part is to analyze how the information from these institutions is used by the media.
  • 9. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Read the material and process what it means. Do not copy text from anywhere.
  • 10. Analyzing the content:
    • How many articles?
    • For what topics?
    • What positions do the representatives advocate?
    • How was the data, statistics or other information used?
    • How is the organization described by the journalist?
    • Are there other voices or data in the story used to balance out your institute?
  • 11. More analyzing:
    • Is this a trustworthy source of information?
    • How should journalists use this institute as a resource?
    • Pull lines, data and quotes from the stories to support your arguments.
  • 12. Use quotes from stories to emphasize your points. And be sure to properly cite the information.
  • 13. For example: George Miller is brilliant, Rand Corporation analyst Mookie Wilson told the Philadelphia Inquirer (February 23, 2010).
  • 14. Proper citation:
    • In a bibliography/ works cited page, list all articles that you used as research.
    • Be sure to include the name of the publication, the author and the date.
    • For transcripts: list show, network and date.
    • List your search dates: the previous 3 months but list the exact days (November 23, 2009 to February 23, 2010).
  • 15. Citation of websites should include the original source URL. Links to LexisNexis are incorrect.
  • 16. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Read the material and process what it means. Do not copy text from anywhere.
  • 17. The assignment must be typed and it must be submitted through SafeAssign as well as in hard copy.
  • 18. All papers should be stapled, and they should follow the guidelines listed in the syllabus.
