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WebinarContent Marketing Software RFP:A Framework to Determine Marketer Needs & Solicit Proposals

Rebecca Lieb, Industry AnalystJessica Groopman, Sr. Researcher

September 11, 2014


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Today’s hashtag: #ContentRFP

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Slides and this recording will be emailed to you after the webinar.

Rebecca LiebIndustry Analyst@lieblink

Jessica GroopmanSenior Researcher@jessgroopman

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Growing channel and media complexity + increasing

adoption of content marketing

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This has created a complex, disparate content marketing

software ecosystem

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Investment & Acquisition Have Not Yet Peaked

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Bigger doesn’t mean better– and vice versa

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Content Marketing Vendors Most Frequently Cited as Competitive

Altimeter Group asked all Content Marketing Vendors surveyed to list their top three competitors. These 10 vendors received the highest number of mentions. The size of the cloud correlates with the total number of mentions for that vendor. Source: Altimeter Group Content Marketing Survey Q2 2014Base: n=80

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∙ Welcome∙ Why a Content Marketing RFP?∙ Seven Steps of Content Marketing

Software Selection∙ Best Practices∙ Altimeter’s Content Marketing Software

RFP Template

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Why a Content Marketing RFP?

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Content Marketing is relatively new…

And therefore, poorly understood

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Content is also bigger than any single department


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Tangled and Emerging Vendor Landscape adds to the complexity

• Solution proliferation• The landscape is bifurcated• Content marketing evolution is

driving consolidation

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Brands cannot yet clearly

articulate their content

marketing needs to the

hundreds of content marketing

vendors competing for their

business, with new vendors

emerging all the time.

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Content Marketing presents specific challenges to the typical RFP process

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Buyers’ Needs Don’t Match Planned Investments

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Altimeter’s Content Marketing Software RFP Template

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The goal of any RFP is to bring structure to the procurement process.

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The RFP Template reflects the two parts of

our recommended process:

Conduct an internal assessment of use cases and requirements by asking key stakeholders about their needs and priorities.

Create an RFP to be used externally with vendors based on these needs. It should include an RFP Background (completed by the marketer) and an RFP Vendor Response sheet. Finally, combine vendor responses to cross reference.

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Access the full template here:

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The Seven Steps of Content Marketing Software Selection

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Step 1: Determine Goals & Provide Background

∙ Align the organizational and RFP process

∙ Create a brief including: Project goals & Objectives Deployment approachCompetitive landscape Implementation timeline

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Reference RFP tab “Stakeholder Feedback”

Once developed, add the goals and any additional background to the

“Stakeholder Feedback” tab, which you will use to solicit feedback from

key stakeholders.

Once developed, add the goals and any additional background to the

“Stakeholder Feedback” tab, which you will use to solicit feedback from

key stakeholders.

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Step 2: Determine & Prioritize Content Marketing Use Cases

∙ Reduce the complexity of your internal and external evaluation process

∙ Determine priority use cases and sub-category features

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Reference RFP Tab “Stakeholder Feedback”

In the “Stakeholder Feedback” tab of the RFP Template, you have the option of including all or just some of the use cases, asking stakeholders to rate how important each area is to help determine prioritization for the organization.

In the “Stakeholder Feedback” tab of the RFP Template, you have the option of including all or just some of the use cases, asking stakeholders to rate how important each area is to help determine prioritization for the organization.

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Step 3: Gather Cross-Functional Requirements

∙ Identify stakeholders and end users across multiple functions and workflows

∙ Solicit the following:Requirements Input, pain points, needsCollaborationFacilitate a sense of ownership,


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Reference RFP tab “Consolidated Stakeholder Feedback”

Circulate the “Stakeholder Feedback” tab, then aggregate all stakeholders’ responses in the “Consolidated Feedback” tab so that it’s in one place and easy to review.

Circulate the “Stakeholder Feedback” tab, then aggregate all stakeholders’ responses in the “Consolidated Feedback” tab so that it’s in one place and easy to review.

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of the content marketers we surveyed report that the lack

of inter-departmental coordination is leading to

disparate tools used.


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“We did a series of workshops with the content creators and manipulators…

So much came down to workflow, particularly around transparency and the ability to understand what’s happening with content at any given point.”

— Meg Walsh, Senior Director of Digital Strategy & Distribution at Marriott International

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Step 4: Plan for Integration & Evolution

∙ Consider converged media and content stack evolution when planning for integrations

∙ Identifying integration priorities can help shortlist prospective vendors o Integration with Marketing Systemso Integration with Enterprise Systemso Future Integrations

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Consider the organization’s IT

roadmap, external forces, emerging

technology platforms, changing capabilities,

and device types.

Integration requirements with other marketing

systems are critical and typically comprise the

most immediate integration needs.

Depending on organizational needs, enterprise system

integration may be an immediate or a longer-term priority.

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Content Marketing Needs Checklist

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Chart integration requirements in the “Stakeholder Feedback” and “Vendor Response” tabs

It’s worth noting that steps 3 & 4 are often conducted in tandem; cross- functional requirements help build out integration needs

unforeseen by marketing functions.

It’s worth noting that steps 3 & 4 are often conducted in tandem; cross- functional requirements help build out integration needs

unforeseen by marketing functions.

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∙ Build as realistic and complete a picture of current and future needs Strategy Business objectives Program needs Use cases & subcategory features Current tools Integration needs DM timeline Evaluation criteria Budget information

Step 5: Create RFP Background & Vendor Response Documents

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Reference “RFP Background” & “Vendor Response” tabs for RFP submission

The RFP Background sheet provides details about the strategy and approach to content marketing.

The RFP Vendor Response sheet contains specific requirements and questions o be answered by identified vendors

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Step 6: Identify & Prioritize Vendors

∙ Having gathered requirements & background, submit RFPs to selected vendorsMatch vendor priorities (see Appendix) with

your organization’s use cases

∙ Consider multiple point solutions in addition (or instead of) full suite providers

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Reference our

Vendor Matrix to assess

Individual Vendor


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Step 7: Gather & Compare Responses

∙ Compare options & create a shortlist.

∙ Follow up with all vendors with your feedback. You want to work with them in the future

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Reference the “Combined Vendor Responses” tab

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Content Tool Best Practices

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Content Tool Best Practices

∙Train staff∙Avoid redundancies∙Build for speed∙Consider IT support (or lack

thereof)∙Scale towards the future

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I. Train staff

∙ Educate staff on content strategy, and train to leverage tools

of the marketers we surveyed say employees are formally trained and empowered to publish on behalf of the brand.


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II. Avoid redundancies

∙ Eliminate redundant toolsets with overlapping secondary or tertiary features

∙ Integration helps drive “one version of the truth” vs. “multiple realities that don’t align when viewed in aggregate.”

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III. Build for speed

∙ Real-time Marketing requirements require speedy deployment∙ Rapid personalization, delivery, and the ability to

build content based on buzz are primary considerations

• Speedy implementation, set-up, training, and ease of use are key to adoption

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IV. Consider IT support (or lack thereof)

∙ Assess the level of support needed for software implementation and ongoing support

∙ Many solutions today bypass IT for day-to-day publishing needs

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V. Scale towards the future

∙ Monitor emerging technologies and potential integration needs∙ Mobile∙ Real-time marketing∙ Localization in international markets∙ Native advertising∙ Sensors, beacons, etc.

∙ Adopt a test and learn approach

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Thank You

Disclaimer: Although the information and data used in this report have been produced and processed from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty eXpressed or implied is made regarding the completeness, accuracy, adequacy or use of the information. The authors and contributors of the information and data shall have no liability for errors or omissions contained herein or for interpretations thereof. Reference herein to any specific product or vendor by trade name, trademark or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the authors or contributors and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. The opinions eXpressed herein are subject to change without notice.

Altimeter Group provides research and advisory for companies challenged by business disruptions, enabling them to pursue new opportunities and business models.

Rebecca LiebIndustry Analyst@lieblink

Jessica GroopmanSenior Researcher@jessgroopman
