
Measuring the Success of Your Endeavour

Pictures of brands speak louder than words if youconsider the behaviour of social shoppers. Peoplecan process images 60,000times faster than text.90% of the information transmitted to brain isvisually based.

Pinterest has entered the world of analytics. But, before you proceed withthe analysis, understand what you have to study?

Your business will also like to transmit visual messageof the brand to the target consumer’s mind.

can help your business get into thephoto sharing acon. The tool showcasesbeauful images of your brand before the public.

Analyse the number of engagement onPinterest, growth and overall reach

Integraon of Pinterest in the overall markeng strategy helps you to understand howmany customers, leads and visitors Pinterest can drive to your business.

The information available from the analytics ...

Average number of pins

Average number of people pinning from your website

Average number of times your website is repined

Number of times your pins appeared on the Pinterest main feed, search results or on boards

Average number of people who view your pins

AAverage number of clicks to your website that came from Pinterest

There is independent software to measure the Return onInvestment from Pinterest. You may optimise your Pinterest strategieswith the help of a professional also.



Marketers will always be willing to know what their investments achieve.

Therefore, marketers use the site toinspire people collect and share pictures

of their brands.

Pinterest statistic

When you will enter the analytics dashboard of Pinterest, you willview something like this:

53 million unique usersthroughout globe eachmonth Pinterest receive unique users

In October

1.5million 1.1million
