
PowerPoint Presentation

Community Bench Building

We have helped set up the led Health Walk on Wednesdays - and to support walking, have held a series of Community Bench Building events building around 15 rustic benches, with help from SCC and helpers of all ages!

People and Projects .

Three Local Food Festivals have now been held promoting our own local farmers and encouraging families and schoolchildren to have a go at growing food too. Our third was held on Sept 17th!

Working with Young People

We have worked with young people through local schools and the Brownies

The Brownies made about 25 nest boxes in February this year and in May planted seedlings and seeds to exhibit at the Food Festival!

Working with Young People

We held a Holiday Eco-Action Day in August and made
20 bat boxes and nesting boxes with help from
SCCs Steve Archer

Working with Young People

Children from All Saints Ranton came to learn about energy issues, fossil fuels, climate change and melting ice caps and polar bears in September

Village Hall IT project

Another consultation exercise last October revealed support for introducing IT facilities at the Village Hall so we have
recently installed broadband and bought two laptops. The 100 we won in the Green Awards last year has helped to fund this project.

Our village IT heroes,
Charlotte and Peter have been
holding one to one support
sessions since January,
helping people learn how to
email, use the internet,
write a CV etc.

Derrington Way Ahead!

We have been asked to give loads of talks and presentations and our project has been used as a case study and example of good practice by many organisations.

All we do is detailed on the web-pages hosted by the Village Hall website and we promote the project through the Church and Village Magazine, through fliers and posters and the village grapevine.

We have been proud to receive several awards and thankful to have received grant funding from several sponsors.

Most recently we have successfully bid for 22,000 funding from Leader CMB for the project we are looking at today!
