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inspiration | education | healthy living winter 2014 | volume 33 | Issue 1






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Read Connection online. As part of our passionate commitment to a healthier environment, Connection is available on the Web. You’ll find a link on the homepage to all these great articles plus exclusive online information, tips, recipes and videos. You can even sign up for automatic delivery to your inbox. Don’t miss a single issue!

winter 2014 | volume 33 | Issue 1

inspiration | education | healthy living

Destination Health ResortsTucson, Arizona

Lenox, Massachusetts

Hotel & Spa and LivingMiami Beach, Florida

SpaClub® Spas & FitnessLas Vegas, Nevada

Queen Mary 2 Oceania Cruises®

Regent Seven Seas Cruises®

Join the conversation! Find us and become a fan. It’s a great

way to stay connected with Canyon Ranch and healthy living. See you there!

Come Home to Canyon Ranch Experience the joy of healthy living

every day when you own a home in a Canyon Ranch Living® community. Properties are available in Tucson, Lenox and Miami Beach. For more

information, contact the location of interest.

Tucson | 800-975-8880, Ext. 4220 Lenox | 413-637-4400, Ext. 5411

Miami Beach | 888-987-9876

Canyon Ranch MembershipsIf you plan to return often to Canyon

Ranch, consider membership. As a member, you enjoy significant

savings, and membership is flexible. It’s the ideal way to fulfill your healthy

intentions – and could be the best investment you ever make.

Tucson Membership Office 520-749-9655, Ext. 4567

Lenox Membership Office 413-637-4400, Ext. 5411

2 YOUR BODY ON STRESS How Stress Affects Your Health

4 ENID ZUCKERMAN How to NOT Stress about Stress

6 NOW & ZEN Mind/Body Techniques for Handling Stress

8 IN TOUCH Eva Haller: Remarkable Woman - Always in Motion

10 THE SPIRITUAL CONNECTION: Nurturing Your Inner Life

12 STUDENTS, LIFE & STRESS Learning to Relax & Recharge

14 MIAMI BEACH Amazing Dining on the Perfect Beach

16 STRESS: The Hidden Ingredient

18 HEALTH 3 Generations of Weight Loss

20 TAKE NOTE Upcoming Featured Events and Promotions in Tucson and Lenox

Read Connection by scanning the QR code with your smartphone app or visit us online. ONLINE


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”“ 800-742-9000 | winter 2014 | CONNECTION 1

I was glad to hear the theme of this issue would be “Stress Less,” because it’s a topic close to my heart. I’ve struggled with the effects of chronic stress all my life and, although I manage it pretty well these days, I can’t say I’ve figured out how to entirely avoid feeling stressed.

In 1984, Robert S. Eliot, MD, a cardiologist who specialized in the effects of stress on the body, wrote a book called Is It Worth Dying For? The book describes people Dr. Eliot identifies as “hot reactors” – apparently healthy people who overreact dangerously to even everyday annoyances like missing a train or losing a tennis match. If you’re a hot reactor, stress of any kind – good and bad – can take a very heavy toll on your health, without you even being aware of it. I was warned as far back as 1968 that I was “off the charts” in terms of stress, but I didn’t understand how to address the problem until 1985, when Dr. Elliot told me I was a hot reactor. With his help, I began taking measures to counter my overreactive nature. If you think you are one – beware! But the good news is, certain specific strategies can help.

It took me many years to understand that chronic stress was behind every health problem I experienced, from the time I was young – asthma, high blood pressure, even the gastro intestinal troubles I struggled with long ago; all of them could be traced to stress. One of our brilliant Canyon Ranch experts, Param Dedhia, MD, addresses the adverse effects of stress on the body in this issue. Don’t miss his indispensable advice for coping with stress on Page 2.

Let me tell you what I discovered is the number-one best thing you can do to fight stress: exercise. It releases physical and mental tension better than any drug – and there are no side effects, unless you count it being a natural mood booster! Read more about the stress-busting benefits of exercise on Page 6.

In addition to exercise, I’ve learned other tricks to alleviate stress – things I can do on the spot when I feel that anxiety welling up inside. The first thing is to stop and do some deep breathing. I’m not much of a meditator, but I think it’s important to sit still and quiet my mind when I feel the stress starting to build. I have a mantra that I repeat to myself, and sometimes I’ll visualize healing things.

Those are lifestyle changes you can make. Another approach has to do with shifting the way you view things. Here’s a very powerful way to change your life (it certainly changed mine!): Learn to let go of the things you have no control over.

Letting go of soul-depleting chronic stress can be an incredibly transformative, freeing experience, as we are daily privileged to learn from our guests who come to Canyon Ranch to be inspired and discover new energy, vitality and joy. It’s deeply gratifying to be able to do this amazing work with our superb staff, year after year. And speaking of years: We hope you will join us in celebrating 35 wonderful years of leading the health and fitness revolution. We’re planning exciting events, new ventures and a few amazing surprises in this anniversary year. We look forward to seeing you soon at the Ranch – home of the stress-free vacation!


Learn to let go of the things you have no control over.

MEL ZUCKERMAN Canyon Ranch Founder

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Human beings are designed to handle stress. It

helps us stay sharp, focused, alert and able to

react quickly in times of danger.

Continuous, unrelenting stress, however, causes

dis-stress – a negative reaction that can lead to

pain, dysfunction and disease. Our lifestyles may

inadvertently contribute to dis-stress – overwork,

poor sleep, multitasking, too much TV, poor diet,

prolonged sitting. And the list goes on: social

isolation, unwillingness to disconnect from our

digital devices, not enough time spent outdoors.

The power of prolonged, negative stress to

destabilize or damage health should never be

underestimated, Dr. Dedhia says.

“Whenever a guest comes to me with a

symptom, I’m always interested in the impact

of stress and level of dis-stress in his or her life.

The problem may be digestive issues, decreased

libido, back pain or immune system disturbances.

As it turns out, everyone’s health is directly or

indirectly affected by stress – you may not be

aware of it until we begin to ask questions and

dig deeper.”


As an expert in sleep medicine, Dr. Dedhia

always makes sure to address the issue of

sleep quality – especially when the problem is

stress-related. “In addition, the Canyon Ranch

health and healing experience always includes

individualized work with nutrition and exercise,”

Dr. Dedhia says. Finally, if there’s a pattern

of dis-stress, it’s key to work on habits of

negative thinking.

“Stress is a process that begins with information

your brain receives. Then there are thoughts you

have about the information. Then, feelings and

behavior. We can teach you to retrain your brain

to think differently, heading off stress early in

the process.”

Dr. Dedhia cited a number of approaches to

stress management that contribute to healing

mind, body and spirit:

• Information/thoughts (mind): Talk therapy,

biofeedback, journaling, meditation

• Feelings (spirit): Healing Touch, massage,

relationships, laughter

• Behavior (body): Physical activity, better

nutrition, yoga, improved sleep



Even an expert on stress needs to be respectful

of its power. “I absolutely love the opportunity

to be one-on-one with guests in consultations.

I also love to present lectures on health and

healing to guests, and to research emerging

innovations in health,” Dr. Dedhia says. Yet, as

with any professional whose services are in great

demand, he spends more time than he’d like

wrestling with tedious paperwork, travel hassles

and other frustrations.

“To stay in balance, I practice being mindful.

I have learned that there are things I must do

on a daily basis. I need to work out or at least

go outside for a walk. Nutritious food is very

important. And I absolutely must get enough

sleep!” Above all, Dr. Dedhia says, “I find joy and

rejuvenation through maintaining connections

with family and friends, and taking time for

spiritual reflection.”

1. “Whatever.” [Detached Response]

2. Turn around and head home and back to bed. [Avoidant Reaction]

3. “What’s this? I hope it’s something minor, like a loose belt! Well, I’ll

just have to call the shop from work and put it out of my mind for

the next few hours; nothing I can do about it right now.” [Rational

Acknowledgement and Awareness]

4. “Oh, no! Just my luck, it’s something major. I’ll be late for the client

presentation. This is a disaster!” [Catastrophic Thinking]

If you chose No. 4, catastrophic thinking may be a pattern that signals a

major component of your personality – Type D – characterized by chronic

distress, “a negative and unhelpful response in mind and body,” according

to Param Dedhia, MD, of Canyon Ranch in Tucson.

The prevalence of Type D personality is 21% in the general population; in

people with known cardiac disease it ranges between 18 to 53%. If you’re

inclined toward a Type D profile, suggests Dr. Dedhia, “perhaps you need to

recognize the impact of worry, gloom and distress on your health.”

Stress Stress YOUR BODY ON

Imagine the following scenario:

You’re driving to work and the “check engine” light pops on.

How do you react?


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Dr. Dedhia recommends these eight experiences to help you feel stronger, happier and better able to manage stress.

SHIFT YOUR THINKING. Changing the way you view the world can change your life. Reflect on the limits you experience from old judgments and expectations; open your mind and embrace positivity.

EAT WELL. Fresh, wholesome and nutritious foods can fuel your brain, boost your mood and prevent disease. Junk food may satisfy your short-term hunger, but it will make you feel cranky and depleted in the long run.

GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Being tired can hurt your health and your relationships. If you aren’t getting enough shut-eye, don’t let the problem persist. Explore smart strategies at the National Sleep Foundation’s website ( or discuss it with your doctor.

GET PHYSICALLY ACTIVE. Study after study has shown that exercise not only makes you healthier – it makes you happier, too!

CONNECT WITH OTHERS. Social interaction is a great stress reliever. Stay in touch with friends, show up for family get-togethers, volunteer at your local library or food bank. Strengthen old bonds and build new ones.

CREATE JOY. Feeling good gets the healthy brain chemistry going. Watch a hilarious movie, discover a new hobby – or just curl up and relax with a cup of tea and a good book.

WALK A SPIRITUAL PATH. Want to add depth and meaning to your life? Try meditation, prayer or contemplating small things you can do to make a positive impact in the world.

TOUCH SOMEBODY. The power of human touch is amazing. You can’t overdose on hugs! Explore the miracle of massage or Healing Touch therapy – or just hold someone’s hand.

lAGrinding of teethHeadachesImpaired visionJaw tension

BThyroid disorder

CArrhythmiasHeart diseaseHigh blood pressure Increased heart rate

DAbdominal painDigestive disordersHeartburnIrritable bowel syndromeUlcersUpset stomach Weight gain

EBack painMuscle tension

FDecreased libidoMenstrual irregularityReduced sperm count Urinary disturbances

CHRONIC STRESS CAN LEAD TO HEALTH PROBLEMS – OR WORSEN EXISTING ONES.• Addictive behaviors • Anger• Anxiety• Asthma• Chronic fatigue• Diabetes• Dizziness• Irritability• Memory disturbances

• Panic disorders• Poor sleep• Reduced immune function • Skin disorders > eczema > psoriasis > rashes > acne














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Stress – ha! – what an interesting subject! Who among us does not deal with stress on some level? Of course, there is good stress, and there is the bad stress. The trick is learning to combat the bad and hold on to the good.

I’ve decided we all need be our own BFFs and have little chats with ourselves. We should consciously decide what’s really good for us,

and what is not. For instance, I believe one good way to start the day is to not listen to the talking heads on TV. Do we really have to know all the breaking news all the time? Can we change whatever it is? I’ll admit to my little secret: I'm not much of a TV watcher, but I find myself pushing the buttons on the remote to Bravo and the E channel. Nothing earthshattering goes on there. I don’t see how any show with machine guns and pistols pointing everywhere can be good for your stress level – so I am outta there!

Also, after all the years of living in the desert, I’m going out for morning walks. It’s beautiful beyond words, it gets my heart rate up and is a change of pace from using the indoor gym. I still do that, too, but I'm not so hard on myself anymore. Getting older is hard work, which is where my BFF comes in. I keep hearing from our guests who tell me about the wonderful things they do here to reduce stress, and my BFF and I are listening!

It’s never too late to learn new things and tune in to your inner voice. I’ve realized that when I do get whacked out over something, it usually looks totally different in the morning – and what a waste of energy to get all worked up over something that rights itself!

Getting lost in a book always helps me, too. I’ve become a Kindle person and just go from one book to the other. Some people prefer a book in hand – no matter! – it’s hard to feel stressed when you’re deep in a good story.

It’s great to give yourself permission to have a massage on a regular basis, too. It’s not about being spoiled, although it does feel wonderful. Massages help reduce stress levels and are therapeutic. The same goes for a great facial!

I also love to watch fun movies – at home. It’s nice to get out, of course, but I don’t much care to schlep to movie theaters. Besides, with all the options on TV now, you can always find something interesting or entertaining to watch in your own cozy home.

In our stressful times, it’s important to know what’s not important. We had an incident at our house recently (yes, houses can turn on you!). A bad leak really messed things up. We were blocked off from one side of the house for a bit. I kept reminding myself that there are people who have true disasters in their lives. In the scheme of things, this was like a test to see how we could deal with an inconvenience. It was a matter of positive thinking!

Remember, no one knows you better than you know yourself. Little chats between you and you can be very soothing. And that is my hint for the moment. I hope it works for you as it does for me.

I wish you all joy and good health in 2014!

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How to NOT Stress About Stress ENID ZUCKERMAN | Canyon Ranch Founder

How We Love to Hear from You! BY JERRY COHEN | Vice Chairman and CEO, Canyon Ranch

To all our guests and friends – I hope your year is off to a happy, healthy start! We hope to see you at the Ranch again soon – and we always love to hear from you.

I can’t overstate how much we value your comments, opinions and suggestions. They influence every change we make – not just the new classes and program offerings, but even the smallest things.

Along with several others at the Ranch, I read each and every guest survey, email and TripAdvisor review, and believe me when I say they are taken very seriously.

We are thrilled that 30 percent of you offer feedback on your experience – that’s compared to about 5 percent industry-wide! We try to acknowledge each comment, either by letter or email, because it’s important that you know we really care what you think. Your input helps us become better.

You might even see the result of your comment during your next stay. For instance, the design of the complimentary Ranch tote bags was altered a couple of years ago, but many of you thought the “messenger style” bags were awkward and not exactly user friendly. In response to that input, we brought back the old-style bags. Your requests also resulted in last year’s addition of all-day espresso and smoothie café menus in Tucson

and Lenox – a wildly popular move! These are just two examples of the improvements we've made based on your comments.

Even if your suggestions haven’t brought immediate or obvious results, don’t assume that we’re not listening. We always factor in guest opinions for our future plans. Meanwhile, if there’s something you want and you don’t see it, just ask! We’ll do our best to accom-modate your requests, or at least let you know that we’re considering them.

Whether you choose to communicate through a guest survey, social media, phone or letter, know that we’re listening and your opinion really matters – so please, chime in anytime!

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Just Another Day in ParadiseAbout this time of year, you might be craving the pleasures of summer. Why wait for the calendar to change? Tucson is always a sunny haven, where the days are meant for desert hikes, bike rides or relaxing by the pool. The snow stays high on the mountains for scenic glory, while the valley and canyons remain temperate and inviting.

Experience the true meaning of winter this year – in Tucson.

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Sometimes you have to leave your everyday life to get a full view of all your responsibilities – and learn you can manage it all. Linda B. of Seattle came to Canyon Ranch for a stress-free respite far from home where she felt pulled in too many directions. Mom of 6-year-old twins, owner of a successful catering business, wife of a busy executive and caregiver for her ailing widowed mother, Linda was burned out and exhausted.

In between invigorating hikes and blissful spa treatments, she consulted a nutritionist about some troublesome symptoms including frequent heartburn, headaches and insomnia. The nutritionist suggested a session with a Life Management specialist, who believed that Linda was overdue for a stress management makeover. She had come to the right place by choosing Canyon Ranch.

Jeff Rossman, PhD, sees plenty of guests like Linda in the course of his work as Director of Life Management in Lenox. “Our guests show a variety of emotional symptoms of stress – worry, anxiety, irritability, depression – as well as physical symptoms,” Jeff says. “Unhealthy coping strategies like emotional eating, excessive alcohol use or drug abuse can make matters worse.”

TRACKING THE SOURCE OF STRESSThe first step is always a thorough assessment to determine the primary cause of stress. A careful evaluation of symptoms, personality and stress triggers help determine the best approach to treatment, Jeff says. “For those with too much work or caregiving pressure, we’ll work on ways to develop and make time for self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, social outings with friends, time outdoors and other restorative activities.”

Sometimes relief is as amazingly simple as learning how to breathe properly. Often, there’s a clear disconnect of mind, body and spirit. Biofeedback is very useful for this purpose, Jeff says. “It can help guests understand how their bodies react to and recover from various types of stress.

“We often recommend user-friendly biofeedback devices to take home, where you can practice stress reduction skills. Some attach to your computer and others are about the size of a cellphone, so you carry it around. They are very helpful to get you to breathe slowly and rhythmically, lowering stress levels and often lowering blood pressure, too.”

PRESCRIPTION TO STRESS LESSLinda’s stress management makeover included take-home recommendations: First, resume her daily walks after work, which she loved but had often skipped with the excuse of a too-busy schedule. Now she realized how necessary they were for winding down at the end of a frenzied workday. She enlisted the occasional paid help of a niece to run errands and prepare meals for her mother. She penciled in a “girls’ night out” every month on her calendar. And, when-ever Linda caught herself in an anxious moment – taking shallow, hitching breaths from her upper chest – she learned to stop and focus on moving the breath slowly down to her belly and counting in and out. This never failed to steady her nerves.

Six months later, Linda returned to Canyon Ranch with a smile and a fresh spring in her step. The morning walks not only helped her relax – it turned out they were good for business, because they sharpened her mind in preparation for the hectic day ahead. The new “me time” brightened her outlook and made her a more patient mom and a generally happier person. She was excited to report that her insomnia was a thing of the past, the heartburn was gone – and she even lost a few excess pounds!

MOVING EXPERIENCESStephanie Ludwig, MDiv, PhD, of the Spirituality department in Tucson, recommends a daily practice like meditation when you’re overstressed. Choose the form that suits you best.

Can’t sit still? You’re not alone. Many people find the search for serenity stressful and prefer to work off tension with exercise. Running, walking and bicycling can be great stress busters, clearing your busy mind as you focus on a physical task.


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Use this checklist to determine the daily practice that matches your personality and lifestyle:

c Are you easily angered, agitated or keyed up?

Try techniques to quiet your mind such as sitting

meditation, deep breathing or guided imagery.

c Do you tend to become depressed or withdrawn?

You may respond best to stimulating activities

that energize your nervous system, such as

rhythmic exercise.

c Do you sometimes “freeze” – speeding up internally while slowing down externally? Reboot your system

with techniques such as mindfulness or power yoga.

c Do you need alone time? Solo techniques such as

meditation or progressive muscle relaxation will give

you the space to quiet your mind and re-energize.

c Do you crave social interaction? A yoga class or

daily walking/running with a buddy will give you the

stimulation and support you need.

Which Relaxation Technique Is Best for You?

“Moving meditation is very effective if your energy levels are high,” says Stephanie, “or if you suffer from anxiety or post-traumatic stress syndrome.”

A high exertion level supports a meditation practice, too, be-cause of the rhythmic breathing and “automatic” movement.

Yoga offers a generally quieter approach, and its significant stress-relieving power is well documented in medical litera-ture. Its many styles, forms and intensities make it a popular practice for achieving balance and peace of body and mind. Yoga means “union” in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where it originated.

Hatha yoga may be a good choice for stress management; beginners in particular appreciate its slower pace. But any style of yoga can bring the benefits of greater mind-body-spirit balance, from gently guided chair and restorative classes to specialty classes targeting healthy back, flexibility and flow.

Other excellent forms of moving meditation are qi gong and tai chi, Eastern martial arts with similar traditions and flowing movements, which have evolved into healing, meditative practices. George Mera, who teaches yoga, qi gong and tai chi classes at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, says, “These exercises focus the attention within, helping to balance your energy (chi), relieve stress and resolve many chronic ailments. Often in the East, doctors will prescribe qi gong to advance the healing process.”

George says it makes sense for practitioners – whether at the Ranch or elsewhere – to introduce their clients to integrative models of healing to manage stress, because it reaches beyond solutions such as medication. “Assuming that people are not interested in something deeper is to underestimate them. We need to elevate, not simplify.”


Moving Meditation ResourcesVisit Canyon Ranch Connection online for a list of links to stress-busting activities you’ll love incorporating into your daily routine. Bicycling meditations – why not? ONLINE

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You know what they say: If you need a job done, give it to the busiest person you know. Eva Haller is living proof of the adage.

A philanthropist and social activist at 83, Eva is always in motion, her calendar packed with commitments – international conferences, awards ceremonies, board meetings, galas. She and her husband, retired physician Yoel Haller, make a point of taking time out from their frenetic schedule every few months for a rejuvenating respite at Canyon Ranch in Lenox. “For me, there is no other way of relaxing,” Eva says. “I look forward to our quarterly visits to the beautiful Berkshires.” Her favorite thing about the Ranch? “The lovely surroundings, the spa treatments, the performances at Tanglewood and Jacob’s Pillow. And the incredible staff at Canyon Ranch. They take such good care of us.”

Her next sojourn in Lenox will be well earned, because the last few months of 2013 were quite a whirlwind for Eva.

A NONSTOP SCHEDULELast year Eva was among more than 300 of the world’s most influential women who gathered at the Forbes’ Power Redefined Women’s Summit in New York City, where AARP Foundation President Jo Ann Jenkins honored Eva with the inaugural Award for Excellence in Mentoring. In making the presentation, Jenkins introduced Eva as “a model of courage, compassion and staying power on behalf of a better world.”

When we caught up with her last fall, Eva had just been honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the United Nations Population Fund, the Lifetime Award at the World Summit for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and a lifetime appointment as Professor Honoris Causa at Scotland’s Glasgow Caledonian University.

Eva rarely slows down. Inspiring people, exciting global travels and amazing events are her world. She penciled in this interview while playing host in her Manhattan home to international human rights activists Sunny Jacobs and Peter Pringle (Susan Sarandon portrayed Sunny in the film adaptation of the documentary play The Exonerated). Eva was looking forward to a few precious commitment-free days before her next round of engagements.

GRATITUDE: THE NATURAL STRESS RELIEVEREva is a Holocaust survivor (at age 12 she joined her older brother, John, in the Hungarian resistance) who developed an early taste for cerebral pursuits. “As a child I never had the chance to play tennis or ski, or pursue recreational passions other than classical music. But now I love my relaxation time at Canyon Ranch.” In addition to Lenox, the Hallers enjoy visiting Canyon Ranch Hotel & Spa in Miami Beach – especially in December during Art Basel, the international contemporary art show.

Eva greets every day with gratitude for her good fortune and the chance to share it with the world. She concedes her schedule can be demanding, but she’s philosophi-cal about it. “Stress?” She pauses, then notes with wry humor: “No, I don’t have that problem. I find it is easy to be kind and generous. People say, ‘Oh, she does all that because she is giving back to the world,’ but that’s bull. I do it because it feels good!

“Kindness, empathy, giving and sharing abundance – they create endorphins, which are important things to have when you get old. So, if for no other reason than to make yourself feel good, be generous! You’re creating endorphins and it all comes right back to you.”


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The Cocoa Is Waiting Get outside and play! Lenox was made for winter, with wonderland charm and plenty to do. Our friendly outdoor sports guides make every outing an adventure. You could cross-county ski across a pristine meadow, try snowshoeing for a great workout or just have fun lobbing snowballs on the Great Lawn. Then warm up in lovely Bellefontaine Mansion, our favorite snow fort. You’ll find fantastic indoor services and activities waiting for you – with a hot cup of cocoa and a roaring fire!


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The word “spirituality” gets tossed around casually in conversation and in the media, but how closely would your definition of it match your neighbor’s, your colleague’s or even your best friend’s?

Many people are vague when it comes to describing spirituality. Religious life has a spiritual element, yet many nonreligious people also live rich spiritual lives.

“Spirituality is the essence of who we are,” says Julie Haber, Director of Spirituality at Canyon Ranch in Tucson. “It’s an exploration – going deeper inward and discovering who you really are. It’s a way to be your best self and gain a sense of peace in your life as you connect with something larger than yourself – whether it’s nature, God, love or kindness. Spirituality is about unity, living your personal values and bringing out the best in yourself and others.”

IT’S GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH,TOOAttending to your spiritual life can increase your sense of purpose and help create more meaningful connection with other people. It can also reduce stress and improve your health. Studies have shown that people with religious beliefs or who meditate daily tend to have lower levels of stress hormones than those with no consistent spiritual practice; they’ve also been found to live longer and to heal more quickly.

Chronic stress is strongly related to cardiovascular disease, depression, obesity and many other physical conditions, and meditation can help reduce that risk. A regular practice increases activity in the “feel good” area of the brain, so taking a few minutes of “me” time is literally a healthy way to start your day.

FINDING YOUR SPIRITUAL NICHEWe each have a different spiritual personality. Some people are contemplative, others are community-oriented, some are devotional. Honoring an individual approach can connect you with a sense of purpose and inner harmony.

Meditation is a recognized pathway to exploring your spirituality – but sitting still and “doing nothing” may not be the right fit for you. Not a problem, says Julie; meditation needn’t involve stillness.

“You can also connect spiritually while skiing, running, biking or listening to music. It’s about cultivating an awareness of how you spend your time, and focusing on what matters. It’s when you’re extracting the nourishment from the present moment.”

Taking care of your spiritual needs can help minimize the stresses of daily life and increase your ability to cope with them, says Julie:

“Nurturing your spirituality can help strengthen your intuition and make you better equipped to move through transitions, make decisions and perceive opportunities. You become more in touch with who you really are. You put less emphasis on the external, helping you to manifest your true potential, which always comes from within.”

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The Spiritual Connection:

Nurturing Your Life

Create Your Own Spiritual Practice Visit Canyon Ranch Connection online for six suggestions to help you develop a personal spiritual practice. ONLINE

”“Religious life has a spiritual element, yet many nonreligious people also live rich spiritual lives.

Visit our new SPIRITUAL WELLNESS CENTER in Tucson Explore your inner life through our expanded spirituality services and beautiful new additions in Tucson. The beautiful Spiritual Wellness Center will open early this spring, followed by the tranquil Zen Garden and Sanctuary.

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Touch & acceptanceStroking a pet is therapeutic, says Ann Pardo, Director of Life Management at Canyon Ranch in Tucson. “The slow, repetitive touch is meditative, soothing and healing.”

Therapy animals in hospitals can help patients in a similar way, she says. “The connection with an animal, and simply its presence, are therapeutic. They’re not treating you like a sick person; they’re noticing you without judgment or complications.”

Human relationships are complex, but your relationship with a pet is purer and simpler, says Ann. “When you need comfort, a dog doesn’t need the full story, it just knows you’re upset and stays near you. Dogs relate to you unconditionally.”

No pets? You can still benefitMany people can’t be around animals due to allergies, or because pets just aren’t their thing – but even if pets aren’t part of your lifestyle, they can play a role in your well-being.

“People who can’t have pets may still enjoy animal movies, like Milo and Otis or Finding Nemo,” she says. “I once had a cat called Grumble who made a ‘yum yum’ sound when he ate. He appeared on David Letterman, America’s Funniest Videos, and even a rock band video. He was just a scruffy cat missing a tooth, but he did something endearing, and had meaning for people who had never met him.”

You might tap into the soothing power of animals by wearing kitty earrings or animal T-shirts, or enjoying animal pictures or those irresistible video clips. You might collect figurines of swans, cats, horses or another favorite creature. And we all know how comforting stuffed animals are to kids, and their attachment to animal cartoon and storybook characters.

Your personal totemIdentifying a personal totem animal can also be spiritually enriching, says Canyon Ranch in Tucson naturopathic practitioner and acupuncturist Carol Revak, who absorbed the lore of animal totems while working among Native Americans.

“The word ‘totem’ comes from the Ojibwe word Odoodem, meaning kinship relations,” she says, “But it’s come to be a personal symbol. Having an animal – or even a plant – you identify with is a way of reaching across the physical world to the unseen. Each animal is identified with distinctive qualities: Elephants are sensitive and intuitive; a dog can mean loyalty, protection or empathy; butterflies suggest airiness or joy. Totem animals are teachers that are closer to nature – to something larger that we’ve lost.”

To discover which creature you feel a connection with, take your time, says Carol. “Meditate and let it come to you; let it bubble up from within. It’s a very personal journey.”

Animals enrich your lifeWhether your connection with animals is spiritual, physical or symbolic, it’s likely to help you feel better and experience less stress, adds Ann.

“Anytime there’s a cross-species interaction, you’re in the presence of something sacred and meaningful.”

the POWER of


HORSES AS TEACHERS The next time you visit Canyon Ranch in Tucson, check out our new, immersive Equine Inspirations workshop. Led by Allan Hamilton, MD, Harvard-trained brain surgeon and author of the award-winning book Zen Mind, Zen Horse, you’ll hone your intuitive potential as you feel the powerful spiritual connection between horse and human.

Developed by Dr. Hamilton, the program uses ground-based work with horses to engage your right brain’s intuitive function, while silencing the dominant left hemisphere’s analytical inner voice. As you interact with the horse, you’ll nurture personal growth, creativity and spiritual enlightenment. No previous experience with horses is required and riding is not part of the program. Group or private sessions are available.

There’s a prescription-free treatment that improves your health and makes you feel better in mind and spirit. Lucky us! It comes in many varieties, including furry, feathery and scaly.

Research shows that pets and other animals can reduce blood pressure, loneliness and stress and increase self-esteem. Gazing at fish in a tank is soothing and can lower blood pressure. Walking a dog provides exercise, and extends your social connections when you stop and chat with other dog walkers.

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Whether you’re busy with a career, raising a family, running a household or a conglomerate or just dealing with the constant demands of daily living, it’s easy to look back at school days as a simpler, more carefree time. Or not. Think about 16-year-old Russell Brown of Overland Park, Kansas, for example.

On a typical day, Russell wakes up at 5:30 a.m. to get to school early for his eight classes. He’s home by 4, then back to school by 6 for a musical rehearsal or other extracurricular activity. He gets home again between 9 and 10 and does homework until well after midnight. A few hours later it starts all over again. Even during the summer, he has plenty to do. Russell has his eye on a six-year college/medical school program, so, in addition to having top grades, he pursues activities year-round that will help him reach that goal.

That’s a lot of stress for one student! When Russell’s mother offered to take him to Canyon Ranch in Tucson for his birthday, he was more than ready to get away, relax and have fun.

HIGH SCHOOL STRESS & DE-STRESS“I hadn’t actually heard of Canyon Ranch,” he says, “but I checked out the website and found so many cool

things going on. I was awed when I actually got there. It hits you as soon as you walk in the door – that sense of relief.”

Within the first hour of arriving at the Ranch, Russell and his mom, Jennifer, were taking a cardio class together. He made the most of every minute after that.

“I tried lots of new things. I took indoor cycling and played wallyball every day. I went bird watching and made a painted ceramic tile that I still have in my room. I'm into pho-tography, so I took a photography hike and

learned so much. I put my desert pictures on Instagram and have 1,600 followers now.”

Russell says he was expecting a “normal vacation” when they came to Canyon Ranch, but it was something

much more. “I felt like I could breathe again,” he says. “I loved leaving my cell phone in the room, not having to think about anything from the outside world. It was like being disconnected from society – in a good way.”

Maintaining the active, well-rounded lifestyle at home, Russell belongs to a gym, has worked with a trainer and enjoys creative arts. He says he and his mom are closer than ever since their Ranch experience. “It’s drawn us together, almost on a spiritual level,” he says. “My dad and brother need to come next.

“It puts life in perspective, and it lasts. The four days I was there felt like four years. I got a new, healthier outlook. As a doctor, I would carry Canyon Ranch into my practice.”

A COLLEGE STUDENT GETS ON TRACKStudents who go away to college get more than an academic education. They must also learn about being independent and navigating an environment that’s not at all like home. Reasonable bedtimes and parents’ rules are strictly optional. Home cooking can take a backseat to fast food and cafeteria meals. The stress of long study hours combined with the fun of campus life can take a toll.

“College life is not always the healthiest,” says University of Michigan student Lauren Opatowski, 21. “I told my parents I was in a health rut, that I wasn’t at the fitness level I wanted to be at. After that, my mother took me on a summer road trip and surprised me with a stay at Canyon Ranch. I had never heard of the place. Once we got there, I did something every hour of every day!”

Being so active again felt great to Lauren, who grew up in Denver in a family that was always playing tennis or on the ski slopes. College life had gotten her out of her “ideal zone,” and she was eager to get back in shape. She set the goal of running a marathon this summer.

“I’d been doing some running, but couldn’t get more than 4 of 5 miles without falling apart,” Lauren explains. “I met with an exercise physiologist at the Ranch who talked with me about interval training, pacing myself

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Photo by Russell Brown



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and not thinking I had to run until I couldn’t breathe anymore. I got a heart monitor to help me stay in my range, and I met with the Healthy Feet expert to get the right shoes for running.”

During her Ranch stay, Lauren tried dance classes from Zumba® to Desert Drumming and attended to mind and body in yoga, tai chi and meditation classes. She took hikes that featured painting and photography, and every day she played wallyball with her mom.

“It was great to share Canyon Ranch with my mom,” Lauren says. “We could understand each other on a different level.”

Getting back to eating healthy and doing her interval training has made a big difference for Lauren. “I went from being on diets to healthy living. I learned you can splurge one night and get right back on track. You just can’t get into a rut.”

Lauren is back at college now, handling campus life with a healthier approach. She’s grateful to her parents for her Canyon Ranch experience and hopes to return soon. “I got my freebie – and I’ll come back when I make my own money!”

Every age and stage of life comes with its own form of stress and challenge. Russell and Lauren found what they needed to unwind, re-energize and get solidly planted on a healthy track.

“I talk to my friends about the Ranch,” Russell says. “It’s hard to really explain the whole ex-perience, but anybody would love it there.”

A Canyon Ranch vacation may not be in everyone’s future, but the vision of healthy living was meant to reach everybody. Registered dietitian Karla Giboyeaux is helping achieve that goal every day in the Bronx, where she gets in the kitchen and teaches people how to whip up wholesome, affordable food at home – an unbeatable habit that makes life so much better!

It’s all part of the ongoing partnership between the nonprofit Canyon Ranch Institute® (CRI), which brings life-enhancing programs to underserved communities, and Urban Health Plan (UHP), a network of community health centers in the Bronx and Queens, New York. As part of a major expansion project, a state-of-the-art demonstration kitchen was added to a UHP clinic in the Bronx, and Karla is at the heart of it.

Karla’s aim is to inspire people to eat healthy every day. This requires her to draw on her full arsenal of talents, which includes a degree in nutrition, training at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health & Culinary Arts in New York and a rich background of gastronomic tradition.

“I love to cook!” she says. “I come from a family of cooks and bakers.”

Karla realized at a young age that she had a passion for cooking and teaching. She grew up in Puerto Rico – the original home, too, of many UHP patients – where she learned the secrets of Caribbean cuisine directly from her relatives. Today, Karla shares her professional expertise in private consultations with patients, group presentations and, of course, in the popular UHP-CRI Demonstration Kitchen.

To prepare for her role in the demonstration kitchen – which requires kitchen skills combined with teaching talent and lots of personality! – Karla was given a culinary internship at the Ranch in Tucson. There she trained with Corporate Chef Scott Uehlein, Executive Chef Justin Morrow and Demo Chef Shawn Brisby, learning their best techniques and insider tips.

“Until I went to Canyon Ranch, I didn’t understand the challenges of being a demonstration chef,” she says. “The Canyon Ranch chefs were so generous with their knowledge – and their patience.”

Now Karla delights, motivates and guides UHP patients every day, educating them about positive eating habits. Imagine how life-changing that can be for a person accustomed to foods that are fatty, fried, salty, sugary and processed to death! Karla stays closely connected with the Canyon Ranch culinary team and CRI, collaborating on wholesome, low-cost recipes that her community members love, all of it prepared “the Canyon Ranch way” – in the Bronx.



Canyon Ranch Institute® is a nonprofit public charity that makes Canyon Ranch healthy living programs and education available in low-income communities everywhere. To learn more, volunteer, or to add your support, please visit:


Cooks Up Something Special in the Bronx

KARLA GIBOYEAUX surrounded by the helpful Canyon Ranch culinary team (left to right): Corporate Chef SCOTT UEHLEIN, Demo Chef SHAWN BRISBY, Executive Chef JUSTIN MORROW and Demo Chef MIKE PONTIFEX.

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Now add a dreamy oceanfront location, exquisite surroundings and cuisine that’s both nutritious and utterly scrumptious. Those are the ingredients of spectacular Canyon Ranch Grill® – the culinary gem of Canyon Ranch Hotel & Spa in Miami Beach.

Executive Chef Giovanni Arias, who sets the highest standards for everything served in his domain, was recognized by Cooking Light magazine with its prestigious Healthy Chef Award as part of its 2013 Trailblazing Chef Awards. It’s easy to see why, too.

Chef Giovanni draws on his Puerto Rican roots, “Floribbean” inclinations and stellar training to create a rich global pantry. The Grill menu is filled with tasty, wholesome surprises that reflect seasonal, locally available ingredients blended

with the imagination of a gifted chef. Whether it’s his grass-fed Churrasco Steak or the popular Sweet Potato Fries, which are more delicious and far more nutritious than traditional French fries, diners love the experience of ordering food that only tastes sinful. In fact, the average entrée contains 350-400 calories – how many restaurants offer that kind of service?

There’s no better way to complement your day of active pleasures and blissful pampering at Canyon Ranch Hotel & Spa than with a healthy meal, divinely prepared. Count on Chef Giovanni and his outstanding team to thrill you every time!

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If you’re looking for a tranquil, stress-free, away-from-it-all getaway, you might think of mountains, ocean or desert. You probably don’t envision Las Vegas right away – but why not? The serene environment you crave is in the heart of The Strip in beautiful, all-healthy Canyon Ranch SpaClub.®

A SpaClub visit is the best counterpoint to the exciting, nonstop commotion that is Las Vegas. You can disappear for hours at a time or for a whole day to savor the serenity, get a good workout or enjoy your favorite Canyon Ranch massages.

There’s never any rush or worry as you explore our Aquavana® thermal suite, melting away all tension in soaking tubs, experiential cabins and aquatic pleasures. In the co-ed relaxation area, you might recline under the domed ceiling of the Wave Room and reflect on the watery ripples projected overhead. Then you could visit the Salt Grotto to inhale the sea air. Or you might just linger in the Conservatory, with its soothing music, intimate seating and refreshing teas. Your SpaClub experience is just what you need to unwind in a busy city. And you can always come back the next day.

When wanderlust grabs you, and you sail off to see the world, Canyon Ranch SpaClub® is your best friend. Passengers rave about their SpaClub experiences on the fabulous ships of Oceania Cruises® and Regent Seven Seas.® The serenity of the ocean perfectly complements our tranquil spa setting, where you can relax on leisurely sea days or re-energize after active port excursions. You’ll find your favorite body and beauty treatments, great fitness facilities and everything you need onboard to feel and look your absolute best. We look forward to exploring the globe with you on these superb ships for many years to come!

Smooth Sailing with Oceania Cruises and

Regent Seven Seas Cruises



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You’ve just come home from a long, stressful day, and all you want to do is relax. Are you really hungry? Maybe not, but a bag of chips would be great about now. Or, wait, maybe that cake you like …

If this scenario sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Nutritionist Chrissy Wellington Garner, MS, CNS, LDN, CPT, at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, says it’s common for people under stress to crave sweets and carbs. These foods release serotonin, which naturally makes you feel happier and more relaxed. Alas, the nutritional value is low, and the feeling doesn’t last long; you get that first rush, then you experience the crash and find yourself craving more sweets again.

The foods you choose directly affect feelings of stress or well-being, Chrissy says, and the goal is to keep physiologically balanced throughout the day. She suggests trying healthy variations that satisfy you nutrition-ally and emotionally.

“If you want something sweet or crunchy, reach for a rice cracker or corn tortilla and top it with a little cheese, hummus or nut butter, for protein,” she suggests. “In fact, you can balance your blood sugar all through the day with balanced choices like veggies with hummus or apple with peanut butter.”

When your energy level drops, Chrissy recommends protein-rich foods, which give you a natural boost. “People often get into a four-o’clock slump,” she says. “Skip the candy and go for tuna, turkey, hardboiled egg, almonds or pumpkin seeds. These foods stimulate production of dopamine, which will make you feel more alert.”

If you have specific stress – whether it’s a worry or the excitement of planning a wedding – your cortisol level will increase, raising your insulin. This increases inflam-mation and throws off your sugar. You’re also more likely to gain weight in the mid-section, Chrissy says. “That kind of stress can put your body into primitive ‘fight or flight’ mode. If you’re not eating right, your hormones and blood sugar levels will rise

and fall all day. Your body wants to pack on weight in the middle to protect your internal organs from saber-toothed tigers and other dangers. Better to choose balanced foods in the first place.”

Many type-A personalities experience chronic stress as a condition of life, Chrissy says. To help manage that, she recommends a diet rich in complex carbohydrates with plenty of fiber: “A quinoa salad with beans, for instance, will increase serotonin levels for calmness but includes protein to prevent a blood sugar crash.”

COMFORT & MYTHSWe all have foods that trigger pleasant memories. They might not have the effects we crave though. Your mother’s cherry cake with fudge frosting will taste divine, but it won’t help you sleep when you’re stressed. Chrissy says dairy products before bed are a good choice. “A warm glass of milk feels comforting to you, for example. Low-fat dairy products give you a good package of macro-nutrient balance – protein, fat and carbohydrate – and many yummy comfort foods contain dairy.”

Some people choose to unwind with liquor. Chrissy notes that alcohol is actually a depressant. “Plus, a cocktail before bed has so much sugar it can keep you from sleeping or wake you up in the night when your blood sugar level spikes again. That adds to stress.”

Many people think of sitting down with a cup of coffee as a way to de-stress. You might chat with a friend or read a book while sipping your favorite blend. But caffeine is working against you, setting up another cycle of craving. Fortunately, Chrissy says, you may be soothed simply by the

familiar process of heating water, choosing a favorite mug and sitting quietly. “You can switch to herbal tea or decaffeinated coffee and still enjoy the same lovely effect.”

Chrissy also notes that popular energy drinks can inherently add stress to your system. “A single can of an energy drink can have twice the caffeine of a cup of a coffee,” she says. “This high-level stimulus can create an insulin-resistant environment inside you, because your cells have already taken in all the insulin they can absorb – this will raise your blood sugar level. You might be thin, healthy and athletic, but if your sugar level rises too high your performance can suffer.”

PLEASANT CHOICESIt’s no surprise people turn to sweets in times of stress. In clinical studies, chocolate lovers’ brains light up in the same spot as drug users’ brains when they indulge their preferences. So, does that mean you have to give up chocolate? Chrissy says no, but allow yourself only one delectable piece of dark chocolate a day – and savor it. She also says it’s smart to limit breads, cakes and feel-good treats made with white refined flour and sugar. If you eat them on special occasions, have them with lunch or dinner so you can maintain blood sugar balance.

Food should be a wonderful part of life, and healthy choices can help you reduce stress and feel your best. Being aware of their effects puts you in charge and gives you a better handle on stress.

the ingredient



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RELAX & SAVOR EVERY BITE One great way to relax is to prepare a good meal, then sit down to enjoy it – mindfully and in no hurry. This delicious salmon recipe includes many of the ingredients that help you de-stress. ONLINE

IngredientsBlueberry Mango Salsa 1/3 cup diced mango 1/3 cup blueberries 2 tablespoons minced red onion 2 tablespoons minced red bell pepper 1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice ½ teaspoon minced jalapeño 2 teaspoons cane sugar ¼ teaspoon sea salt

½ teaspoon extra virgin olive oilFour 4-ounce salmon filletsPinch sea salt Pinch freshly ground black pepper

Instructions 1. In a medium bowl combine all ingredients for

blueberry mango salsa. Lightly crush with a fork to release juices. Set aside.

2. Heat olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Season salmon with salt and pepper and sear for 3 to 5 minutes on each side, or until salmon is cooked through.

3. Serve each salmon fillet with ¼ cup of blueberry mango salsa.

Makes 4 servings, each containing approximately:205 calories6 g carbohydrate11 g fat54 mg cholesterol19 g protein216 mg sodium1 g fiber

Watch Canyon Ranch Corporate Chef Scott Uehlein make this yummy recipe. He’s always got great tips and techniques to share!

You’ll also find the perfect recipes to complement this entrée online: Sautéed Kale and Oat Cakes

Salmon with Blueberry Mango Salsa

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Generations of Weight Loss3BEA, AMELIA and RENEE

(left to right)

RENEE – a mom who was at risk“Canyon Ranch changed my life,” says Renee. “Four years ago, I had a stress-induced heart attack at 43 years old. I was one notch below diabetic.”

The treatment she’d received at home addressed her heart attack, but not the lifestyle that led to it. At Canyon Ranch, she experi-enced a major Aha! moment when she learned that muscle plays a vital role in burning fat.

“I was 20 pounds overweight, and all of it was fat. I didn’t have enough muscle to burn the glucose in my system.”

Along with her mother and daughter, Renee filled her schedule with energetic classes. Nutrition presentations taught her how to eat healthier. For the next year, she exercised four to six times a week. She walked, biked, hiked and strength-trained. She also started eating breakfast and cut out unhealthy foods. The result? “I lost 20 pounds of fat, gained five pounds of muscle, and went from a size 10 to a 6.”

She returned to the Ranch with Bea and Amelia last summer for the Weight Loss Program, and learned how to maintain her ideal weight. A follow-up with Ranch physician Param Dedhia showed the result of her new healthy habits. “I’m not in danger of another heart attack. I’m so happy about the new, healthy me.”

BEA – a motivated grandmaBea found inspiration in seeing her daughter turn her health around. “I’ve been coming to the LEC for years, but this time I got to experience the Aha! moment. My yo-yoing with weight loss over the decades has been very frustrating – not just to me, but to my daughter and granddaughter. I realized I didn’t want to be the person who let them down. Renee and I made a pact that we’ll both keep exercising. I haven’t missed 10,000 steps a day since then, and I’ve lost 20 pounds.”

As an attorney, Bea leads a busy, stressful life – but she now makes a point of exercising daily with weights and a recumbent bike. Recently honored with a “Women Who Make a Difference” award by the International Women’s Forum, she’s extending her positive energy into healthy living. When she travels, she uses the hotel weight room. “If it gets to 9:30 and I haven’t done my steps, I’ll march around my house or the hotel until I’m done.”

“The Weight Loss Program was invaluable,” she says. “I learned a different way of looking at the world and how I live and exercise. I had long, meaningful talks with my daughter, and we all enjoyed every second at the Ranch.”

AMELIA – a daughter solves a medical mysteryTwenty-year-old Amelia had always followed a healthy lifestyle, but was frustrated because she’d been overweight from childhood, despite her efforts. “I was very active, played sports in school, yet I still gained weight.” She was aware of other health issues, including fatigue, but accepted them as part of her reality. In the meantime, she continually worked on calorie counting and exercise.

“I loved our week at Canyon Ranch, but I was gaining weight while doing six hours of exercise a day. Why was it working for everyone else and not for me?”

When she returned home, she focused on all she’d learned about exercise and nutrition, running and walking several times a week, but with no result. “I was ready to go back to the Ranch and find out what I should change.”

During her second visit, she and her grand-mother mentioned her concerns to Stephen Brewer, MD, after a presentation. “He ordered blood work for me right away. It turned out I have hypothyroidism, which has been the source of all my struggles. I worked with Dr. Param Dedhia, and he completely changed my life. Everything I thought life was – getting teased, being underestimated due to size, having crazy mood swings and feeling different from my whole family – all of it was explained by one thing that could be fixed with one little pill. I lost over 11 pounds within weeks of starting the medicine and I have more energy than I’ve ever had. I finally have a life that I love living. I feel like the me I was always trying to be.”

Two visits to the Life Enhancement Center® at Canyon Ranch in Tucson resulted in lifestyle changes, improved health and weight loss for three generations of women. Life-Share Member Bea Wolper had participated in the Life Enhancement Program® eight times before. In 2012 and 2013, she brought her daughter, Renee Sigman, who had serious health issues, and her 20-year-old granddaughter, Amelia Sigman. All three women had struggled with their weight for years.


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You stand, walk, run and dance on them – no wonder your feet hurt! Canyon Ranch Sole Energizers™ are specially designed to improve circulation, massage, stretch and strengthen your feet to alleviate aches. You’ll feel better with every step you take. Sole Energizers are available at Canyon Ranch properties or you can order yours at 888-708-0818. When you visit any Ranch destination or SpaClub® at Sea, try one of our foot fitness classes – your feet will thank you!


Enjoy the support and expertise of your favorite Canyon Ranch professionals wherever you are. In between visits to Tucson or Lenox, you can schedule consultations by phone, email or Skype. It’s a great way to have your questions answered, report on progress, receive encouragement and get expert advice at your convenience.

To schedule your appointment with a Tucson practitioner, call 888-873-0333; for Lenox, call 800-225-9878.

WE’RE ALL ATWITTERJoin the Party! Learn how to handle stress straight from top Canyon Ranch experts during our Live Twitter Party on Thursday, February 6, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. Feel free to actively participate or simply follow along at #CanyonRanch. You can send your questions beforehand, RSVP your attendance, or even find out how to make your first tweet by emailing [email protected]

HEALTHY READINGIs your body geared for hunting or farming? Canyon Ranch Corporate Medical Director Mark Liponis, MD, explains how you can tell the difference and adjust your diet to maintain a healthy weight.

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Take your vision of a new, healthier you in 2014 and run with it – all the way to your weight loss goals and beyond. Get away from unhealthy eating habits and get on track at Canyon Ranch with the weight loss program that really works.

THE CANYON RANCH WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM IN TUCSON is offered throughout the year at the beautiful Life Enhancement Center.® Spend a week, or longer, in a supportive, small-group setting enjoying the camaraderie of fellow guests and the expertise and support of Canyon Ranch physicians, nutritionists and other professionals. Through private consultations, a daily schedule of classes and group activities, you’ll expand your knowledge of healthy living and learn how to establish the habits you need for success. You’ll also have lots of opportunities to enjoy all that Canyon Ranch has to offer, from delectable, healthy gourmet cuisine to luxurious spa treatments.

THE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM AT CANYON RANCH IN LENOX is an independent experience during your seven-night stay. In between enjoying your favorite Ranch activities, you’ll have a roster of classes and personal consultations with caring professionals – physicians, nutritionists, Life Management experts, exercise physiologists and more – who will assess every aspect of your lifestyle and health. If you’re staying for just a few days, you might consider our popular four-night New Approaches to Weight Loss health package.

Whether you visit us in Tucson or Lenox, you’ll enjoy support after you leave with phone or video follow-up sessions with a Ranch specialist. Best of luck in reaching your goals!

Canyon Ranch WEIGHTLOSS Program


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The world’s top golfers compete this week in Tucson. We’ll make sure you're in the swing of things with complimentary VIP passes, transportation and more. Hall of Fame golfer Nancy Lopez will lead golf clinics at the Ranch.


Join Canyon Ranch Director of Sleep Medicine Param Dedhia, MD, and other Ranch experts to learn about the power of sleep and how you can enhance its quality and quantity in your life.


Learn the facts – and fictions – about gluten intolerance and sensitivities directly from Canyon Ranch experts and special guest Shelley Case, RD, author of Gluten-Free Diet.


Enjoy a Canyon Ranch stay specially designed for book lovers, featuring renowned novelists Jamie Ford (Songs of Willow Frost) and Jillian Cantor (Margot) and book club guru Julie Robinson.


The exciting Tucson Festival of Books is the fourth largest book event in the country. We provide round-trip transportation from Canyon Ranch so you can enjoy this popular event featuring hundreds of celebrated writers.


Awaken, nourish and strengthen your intuition with the guidance of Ranch metaphysical experts. Discover how to enrich your life and broaden your opportunities by enhancing your insight and understanding.

THE EXCELERATE PROGRAMMarch 23 – 28 | July 13 – 18October 19 – 24

Learn the secrets of elite perform-ers in The EXCELerate Program, a groundbreaking collaboration that combines the proven energy management principles of the Human Performance Institute's Corporate Athlete® training with the personal, integrative wellness approach of Canyon Ranch.

RENEW YOUR SPIRIT*March 30 – April 6 November 2 – 9

Learn about various spiritual practices and gain perspectives that can help you on your journey toward healing, peace and meaning.

HAPPY FEETApril 1 – 5

Dr. Glenn Copeland, author of Healthy Feet: The Foot Doctor's Complete Guide for Men and Women, will join the Ranch team of professionals to share insights, exercises and wisdom for keeping your feet in top shape.


Learn more about your creative and spiritual self through presentations and interactions with horses, which have an ability to help people move from concrete, logical left-brain thinking to right-side creativity. (Some fees may apply.)


Greet the day with a nonde-nominational Easter sunrise service at 6:30 a.m. at the lovely Flagstone Pool. Join the Easter egg hunt at 8 a.m. Celebrate among friends and enjoy a continental breakfast and beverages.

BACK TO NATUREApril 21 – 26

Learn to make a fire, dig into garden soil and more – restore your own natural resources by getting back in touch with the natural world.


Join with other women and Canyon Ranch professionals for a weeklong program to explore questions about transition, examine life's possibilities and rediscover the joy in living.


Catch the beat, and get ready to groove during the 10th Anniver-sary of the extremely popular Gotta Dance event. Exciting classes – from ballet to hip hop – for all levels, led by Ranch staff and visiting guest stars!

FOCUS ON BRAIN HEALTH & LONGEVITY*June 15 – 22 | September 7 – 14

Our integrative team of profes-sionals will share information and strategies for optimal brain health and performance at every stage of life.

STUDENTS & GRADS SPECIALMay 1 – August 31December 1 – 23

When you share accommodations with a student, age 14-25, one pays the regular single-occupancy package rate (services included), the other stays free (no services included) – and your student saves 20% on non-medical Health & Wellness services.


When a guest who has stayed at Canyon Ranch in Tucson or Lenox brings a guest who has not stayed at either resort, both enjoy a savings of up to 20%.

CELEBRATE YOUApril 1 – June 14September 15 – November 30

A great savings opportunity for solo travelers! Enjoy single accommodations at the lower double-occupancy rate – and save up to 20%.

PARENT & CHILD SAVINGSApril 27 – October 31

Share the Ranch with someone you love. When a parent and child age 14 or older share an accommodation, one pays the full package rate and the other enjoys great savings. Additional children save more.


Enjoy a family vacation that’s fun, mean-ingful and a great value. Save 20% on the all-inclusive rate per person when three or more family members come to the Ranch and one of them is a student, age 14–25.

LEC ANNIVERSARY SPECIALExperience the in-depth Life Enhancement Program® and save 25% on a 7-night stay starting May 4, 11,* 18, 25* or June 1 or 8.* If weight management is a concern for you, chose an LEC Weight Loss week* for a scientifically based experience that will help you reach your goal.

RANCH ROUNDUPThrough December 23

Gather for a birthday, anniversary or other milestone. With a group of three to seven guests, each saves up to 20%. Larger groups save even more!

Promotions may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other promotion or with group, homeowner or membership stays. Subject to change without notice and based on space availability. Minimum stay, blackout dates and other restrictions may apply.

2014 TUCSON EVENTS Call for more information: 800-742-9000

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Reaching our 35th anniversary year is a thrill for all of us at Canyon Ranch – and especially for Founders Mel & Enid Zuckerman! To commemorate this landmark year, they’ve created

Canyon Ranch Inspiration Awards, which will extend the full healthy living experience to 70 deserving people who otherwise could not manage a Ranch vacation. Each

*Specialty Week at the Life Enhancement Center®


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Join expert Canyon Ranch practitioners in life management, medicine, acupuncture, nutrition, mind-body balance and healing energy to learn about the power of sleep and how you can enhance its quality and quantity in your life.


Share the insiders’ picks for the best of the Berkshires in winter with our expert guides, as they lead you on favorite outings and activities such as cross-country skiing, snowshoeing or pole hiking, and enjoy an evening with night vision goggles.


Join Jennifer Pastiloff, E-RYT, for yoga experiences that connect you with joy and fun – from Karaoke Yoga to vinyasa and beyond! Jennifer teaches her inspirational style around the world.

JUMPSTART TO A HEALTHIER LIFEMarch 30 – April 3 | July 13 – 17October 16 – 21

Discover a path to the healthiest, most vibrant you in this five-day program – a firsthand experience in all-healthy living within a supportive group setting. Whether you’re pursuing a well-ness goal or simply want to live healthier for life, you’ll find the expertise and resources you need to succeed.


Join the festivities for our totally tropical April Fool’s Day. Enjoy tropical-themed cuisine in our Demo Kitchen, a Tropical Beach Pool Party class, Turn-Up-the-Heat All-Terrain Cycling and Hawaiian leis for everyone.


Join our spirituality practitioners and other Ranch professionals for an inward journey you will treasure. Cultivate gratitude, serenity and mindfulness.


Help us celebrate Passover with all the traditions, great food and togetherness that make this holiday special. Join us on Monday for a presentation about the meaning and history of Passover, then enjoy our beauti-ful seder on Tuesday evening.

HAPPY EASTERApril 18 – 20

Celebrate Easter with Canyon Ranch family and friends. Enjoy the traditions and sense of connection that makes this a special time. Join us for holiday-inspired activities including sunrise services, brunch and an egg hunt.

GOTTA DANCEApril 23 – 27

Whether you’re a newcomer or returning fan of this perennial favorite event, you’ll learn a range of dances with the help of Ranch experts and visiting choreographers. Bring out your star quality in a jam-packed schedule of dance classes culminating in a recital starring you and other Canyon Ranch guests.


Find out what science reveals about the meaning of happiness and why it's important to us. Plus, enjoy a special presenta-tion by Doug Smith, MBA, on Abundant Leadership.


Are you an aspiring or accom-plished endurance athlete? Enjoy a weekend of workouts, education and fun with Jordan D. Metzl, MD, 30-time marathoner, 10-time Ironman triathlete and renowned sports medicine physician.


On this Mother’s Day weekend, Ranch experts help you explore the journey and possibilities that all women share. Enrich your health and your life.


Get beach-body ready with classes such as Metabolic Melt-down, Pilates with Props, Yoga for Athletes, Aqua Fit, Tabata, Advanced X-Training, and much more. We’ll track your fitness throughout the event, and you’ll take home a plan!


Meet author, former firefighter and Budokon master Maura Barclay and learn about self-defense techniques for women while emphasizing brain over brawn and making wise decisions for safety.


When a guest who has stayed at Canyon Ranch in Tucson or Lenox brings a guest who has not stayed at either resort, both

enjoy 20% savings when they share accommodations in Lenox.

STUDENTS & GRADS SPECIALMarch 15 – August 31

December 1 – 23

When you share accommodations with a student, age 14-25, one pays the regular single-occupancy package rate (services

included), the other stays free (no services included) – and your student saves 20% on

non-medical Health & Wellness services.

CELEBRATE YOUApril 1 – August 31

November 1 – December 23

A great savings opportunity for solo travelers! Enjoy single accommodations at

the lower double-occupancy rate – and save up to 20%.

PARENT & CHILD SPECIALThrough December 23

Share the Ranch with someone you love. When a parent and child age 14 or older

share an accommodation, one pays the full package rate and the other enjoys great savings. Additional children save more.

HE STAYS FREEApril 1 – 30

Share an unforgettable vacation with a guy who’s never been to a Canyon Ranch resort. He stays absolutely free – man, what a deal!

5TH NIGHT FREEMarch 14 – August 31

November 1 – December 23

With any package of four or more nights, enjoy an extra night with our compliments.

Wednesday through Saturday check-in required in July and August.


Save 25% on the Health Package of your choice and explore a wellness concern or personal goal in depth

with Ranch professionals. Combinable with other offers.

Promotions may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other promotion or with

group, homeowner or membership stays. Subject to change without notice and based on space

availability. Minimum stay, blackout dates and other restrictions may apply.

Call for more information: 800-742-9000

800-742-9000 | winter 2014 | CONNECTION 21



recipient will enjoy a four-night stay at Canyon Ranch in Tucson or Lenox – the life-affirming experience of a lifetime. ¢ Do you know somebody you’d like us to consider for an Inspiration Award? By submitting a nomina-

tion, you could make a real difference in that person’s life. For more information, please visit Thank you for being part of the Canyon Ranch health & fitness revolution!


Page 24: Connection Winter 2014

8600 E. Rockcliff Road Tucson, Arizona 85750



In Shape for AdventureMen’s Health at Every AgeGentlemen, Slow Your Engines – Relaxation for Type-A Guys