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Page 1: Congregation Torah Ohr

Torah Ohr Anniversary Shabbat—Shabbat Mishpatim Special Guest Speakers

Rabbi Zev Goldberg ◆Main and Upstairs Minyanim◆“Parshat Mishpatim: Kindness Reimagined” Rabbi Alan Kalinsky ◆4:45pm (followed by Mincha)◆“Ownership of Jewish Valuables Post WWII”

Rabbi Aaron Jacobs will be making a siyum during Seudah Shlisheet

SHABBAT SCHEDULE Parshat Mishpatim Shabbat Mevorchim

Parasha pg. 416 Haftarah pg. 1156

FRIDAY, February 1 CANDLE LIGHTING Earliest 4:55pm Standard 5:45pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45pm

SHABBAT SHACHARIT Hashkama Minyan, Beit Midrash 7:20am Nusach S’fard Minyan West Wing 8:15am Main Minyan, Main Sanctuary 8:30am Upstairs Minyan - Guest sermon Rabbi Zev Goldberg 9:00am Beit Midrash Minyan 9:45am Latest Shema 9:50am

SHABBAT AFTERNOON Daf Yomi 3:45pm Mishna Yomit 4:30pm Guest Speaker Rabbi Alan Kalinsky 4:45pm Mincha followed by Seudah Shlisheet 5:30pm Ma’ariv 6:35pm Shabbat Ends 6:40pm


Sunday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am

Monday 6:50am 7:30am 8:00am

Tuesday 6:45am 7:30am 8:00am

Wednesday 6:45am 7:30am 8:00am

Thursday 6:50am 7:30am 8:00am

Friday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am

WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Earliest Davening (Sun-Thurs) 5:55am* Earliest Tallit/Tefillin (Sun-Thurs) 6:22am*

Daf Yomi 6:45am & after 7:30am Minyan Chumash Class after 8:00am Minyan

February 1—7, 2019 26 Shevat—2 Adar I 5779

Congregation Torah Ohr

MINCHA/MA’ARIV Sunday—Thursday 5:50pm Repeat K’riat Shema after 6:43pm*

Hattie Thum Women’s Tehillim Group Sunday, 9:00am

*These are the latest times during the week

Office Hours Mon. - Thur. 9:00am - 3:00pm

Friday 9:00am - 12noon

Event flyers and forms can be printed from the Torah Ohr website or picked up in the shul lobby.

19146 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, FL 33434 (561) 479-4049

Rabbi Benjamin S. Yasgur Rabbi Dr. Chaim Shapiro, Rabbi Emeritus Josh Samborn, President

(561) 451-2566 [email protected]

Office Hours Monday & Wednesday 10:30am to 1:30pm

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00am to 12 noon

It is advisable to call in advance for an appointment. Afternoon appointments available by request.

Rabbi BenjaminYasgur

Cell Phone Etiquette The use of cell phones in shul can potentially violate the sanctity of the synagogue and be discourteous to those davening. Please follow the guidelines below when bringing a cell phone to shul.

Turn phone to OFF or VIBRATE ONLY Sometimes we may forget to turn off or silence phone. Just because the phone rings, that does not mean one should answer the phone. A ringing phone can usually be silenced by pressing either the END key or one of the buttons on the side of the phone.

If you suspect that the call is urgent., answer by whispering “one moment, please” and step out of the sanctuary to speak further. Of course, if the call relates to a serious medical emergency, say what needs to be said immediately and then complete the conversation outside of the sanctuary. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm

Friday 9:00am - 12noon The shul is only open during office hours or when there are services or a shul function.


Mazel Tov

Barbara Sterman on the engagement of a grandson Sheila and Eli Zimmerman on the birth of a great-grandson Terri Farkas on the Bar Mitzvah of a grandson Ernie and Rita Bloom on the marriage of his granddaughter

Condolences to Gittel Bausk on the passing of her mother, Marjorie Warrenbrand ע'ה

New Member Irene Herskovitz

Page 2: Congregation Torah Ohr


Malka Silver Fuchs (Malka Shoshana bat Esther Beila), Avi Gilad (Avihu ben Leah), Tamar Goldfischer (Tamar bat Sarah), Judy Goldman (Rivka bat Tcherna), Alvin Greenfield (Avraham ben Pezel), George Heino (Rafael Yaakov Yissocher Noson ben Alta Elka), Jack Kaufman (Yaakov Yehoshua ben Bayla Gitel), Bruce Lederman (Baruch Aharon ben Bashya), Malka Levy (Malka bat Leah), Charles Meyers (Meier ben Chava), Mitchel Nerenberg (Menachem Mendel ben Leah), Margareta Neulinger (Malka bat Esther), Rabbi Chaim Shapiro (Chaim ben Mariasha Rivka), Barbara Sterman (Bracha bat Batya), Rabbi Shmuel Tokayer (Rav Shmuel ben Malka), Heni Weisfogel (Esther Hena bat Gitel), Louis Witonsky (Lavan ben Yehuda), Ernie Bloom (Shaul HaCohen ben Alta Chanah), Reuven Eliyahu ben Shaindel Malka.

A Year of Learning Sponsored by

The Wolverton friends of Rabbi Yasgur in memory of his beloved father Harold Yasgur, Zvi Hirsch ben Yechezkel ע'ה

Learning Friends in memory of Saul Chapman, Yisrael Kalman ben Moshe ע'ה

Friends of Judy Garber in her memory, Yehudis bat Shalom ע'ה

A Month of Learning

Sponsored by In Memory of

1/4-2/5 Bea Peyser her husband, Yisroel Chaim ben David ע'ה

1/4-2/5 Perry and Jill Meltzer his mother, Malka bat Boruch ע'ה and his sister, Golda Leah bat Dovid ע'ה

1/4-2/5 Stanley Presser his mother, Leah bat Yehuda ע'ה and his late wife, Ruchel Mincha bat Moshe ע'ה

2/1-2/28 Bea Peyser her mother, Reizel bat Shammai ע'ה

A Week of Learning

Sponsored by In Memory of

1/27-2/1 Esther Slochowsky her father, Zorach Dov ben Chaim Elizer ע'ה

2/1-2/8 Chaim and Esther Aber their friend, Nathan Stark, Natan ben Yaacov ע'ה and his mother, Freda Matel bat Shmaye Yohu ע'ה

2/1-2/8 Andrew and Stephanie Becker in Commemoration of Sheloshim for his father, Ze’ev ben Moshe ע'ה

2/1-2/8 Mark Linder his father, Chaim ben Yecheskel Elimelach ע'ה

A Week of Learning

Sponsored by In Honor of

2/1-2/8 Marilyn and Eugene Milanaik Heléne and David Levitsky’s New Torah Dedication

A Day of Learning plus Torah Fund Dedication

Sponsored by In Memory of

2/6 Barbara Hollander her father, Shmuel Shlomo ben Yehuda Baruch ע'ה

A Day of Learning

Sponsored by In Memory of

1/30 Rosalie Patow her father, Yisroel Hersh ע'ה

2/1 Judi and Jack Schiff her mother, Chaya Chava bat Menachem Mendel ע'ה

2/2 Natalie Goldstein her father-in-law, Eliyahu Hersh ben Kalman HaLevi ע'ה

2/2 Lynn Rappaport her great-grandson, Shlomo ben Ben-Tzion HaCohen ע'ה

2/4 Alizah Poleyeff her brother, Yerachmiel Dan ben Avraham Yitzchok HaLevi ע'ה

2/4 Mel Grossman his wife, Rachel bat Moshe ע'ה

2/4 Sharon Sytner her father, Yosef Mordechai ben Yaakov Leib ע'ה

2/5 Sandy and Jack Friedman her father, Natan ben Moshe ע'ה

2/6 Florence and Jay Levy her father, Menachem Mendel ben Dovid Tzvi ע'ה

2/6 Murray Daitchman his mother, Shaindel bat Yecheskel ע'ה

2/6 BG and Bruce Younger her mother, Gittel bat Solomon ע'ה

2/6 Judy and Michael Poretsky his brother, Chaim Zvi ben Gershom ע'ה

2/7 Milton and Pearl Frank their son, Chaim Matisyahu ben Moshe ע'ה

SPONSORSHIPS SEUDAH SHLISHEET this Shabbat, February 2nd, is sponsored by

Marcia Jacobs in memory of her mother-in-law, Perel Jacobs (Miriam bat David HaCohen ע'ה) and by Gloria Herzberg in memory of her mother, Esther bat Shlomo ע'ה and by

Rhoda Mashiah in memory of her parents, Noach Lipins (Noach ben Moshe Chaim ע'ה) and Sarah Lillian Lipins (Sarah Leah bat Yosef Dovid ע'ה)

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AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: Anything for the bulletin is due by Tuesday afternoon. Sponsorship forms must be completely filled in. Information received after the cutoff date may not be included in the bulletin or made available to our Gabbaim for announcing. Example: for a Yahrzeit to be announced on a Wednesday or Thursday, the form would need to be received by Tuesday of the previous week (9-10 days before the date of the sponsorship) to allow for our Bulletin preparation time.

If you have not yet picked up your phone directory, they are available in the office during our business hours.

2/17 Congregation Torah Ohr Annual Meeting 2/24 7th Annual Siyum Mishnayos 2/25 Israel Bonds Breakfast Honoring Benny & Bella Benjamin 2/25 Sisterhood Book Review “Eternal Life” 2/25 Men’s Club Book Review “Lifted From The Trash Heaps” 2/28 Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Jack Engel 3/11 Harold Waller: “Israeli Elections: Order Out Of Chaos?” 3/21 Spring Training Baseball Game—Cardinals vs. Yankees

Sisterhood 2nd Hand Rose Sale

February 12th Start saving your goods

Limited Space

Boca Lights Fashion Show CV Clubhouse February 19th

12:30 PM $25 includes salmon lunch

Call Lenny 617-775-3851 or Sonja 347-210-0501

Sisterhood Invites You to Join Us for The Ruth Fruchter/ Berdie Schiffenbauer

Women's Amen Group Rosh Chodesh Adar I Davening

Date: Tuesday, February 5 Time: 9:00 am

Place: Social Hall Refreshment Sponsors:

Judy Cohen, Andrea Dolny, Deborah Farber, Rita Feuer,

Linda Mazin, & Bea Peyser D'var Torah by Andrea Dolny


are closed

Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Group 1st meeting Monday, February 4th at 6:15pm.

Boca Raton Synagogue in the Petrover Boardroom 1st Monday of every month thereafter.

Emergency Medical Form Update Needed

Many members have medical forms on file in the office—the forms include your Medicare numbers, which have recently changed. We encourage all members to come into the office to either amend your form on file or fill out one so that we will have the correct information in case of an emergency.

Safety Committee—Volunteers Needed Please call Jay Levy 845-721-3845

Addressing the Needs of our Membership I encourage each member to be a partner in helping to identify needs in our Shul family that we are able to address. If you, or someone you know, is ill, in need of a visit, or would benefit from counseling, please share this information, as permitted by individual aspects of confidentiality. I am available, as well as Bikur Cholim and the social workers from Jewish Family Services and MorseLife with whom we maintain ongoing partnerships, to help address personal needs. Our Bikur Cholim contact is chairperson Bayla Ackerman, 845-461-5405.

-Rabbi Benjamin Yasgur

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 (26 Shevat) 2 (27 Shevat)

Candle Lighting 4:55p– Earliest with Bracha 5:45p– Standard 5:45p– Mincha

Parshat Mishpatim Torah Ohr Anniversary Shabbat

7:20a, 8:15a, 8:30a, 9:00a, & 9:45a– Shacharit Guest Speaker Rabbi Zev Goldberg 9:50a– Latest Shema 3:45p– Daf Yomi 4:30p– Mishna Yomit 4:45p– Guest Speaker Rabbi Alan Kalinsky 5:30p– Mincha followed by Seudah Shlisheet 6:35p– Ma’ariv 6:40p– Shabbat Ends

3 (28 Shevat) 4 (29 Shevat) 5 (30 Shevat) 6 (1 Adar I) 7 (2 Adar I) 8 (3 Adar I) 9 (4 Adar I)

9:00a– Hattie Thum Tehillim Group 11:00a– New Torah Dedication

Mincha/Ma’ariv Sunday - Thursday:


01:11a– Rabbi Howard Alpert: “Mitzvot Bein Adam L’Chavero: Torah’s Vision For A Better Society” 00:11a– Rabbi Shalom Kornblum: "Lessons in Sefer Beresheit" (This class is in Hebrew) 8:00p– Men’s Club Book Review: “Under The Yarmulke”

Rosh Chodesh 9:00a– Women’s Rosh Chodesh Adar I Davening 10:00a– Jack Prince: “Jewish Prayer and Ethics” 11:00a– David Cheslow: "Talmud Without Fear: Gemara Topics for Men & Women" 00:11a– Rabbi Kenneth Greene: "Where Does the P'shat End and the Drash Begin?" (Tanach required)

Rosh Chodesh

10:00a– Marty Levine: "Controversial Figures and Decisions in Tanach" 11:00a– Rabbi Michael Kanterovitz: “Book of Kings I” 11:00a– Pinny Davidman: “Sefer Ahava: A Textual Study”

01:11a– Rabbi Benjamin Yasgur: "Parashat HaShavua Investigations (P.I.)” 11:00a– Malka Morris: "History of the Development of the Oral Law" (for women only) 11:00a– Mel Greenbaum: "Learn to Layn" 11:00a– Chaim Forer: “Tanya: A Dialogue Between Two Souls—a classic work in Jewish Religious Ethics ”

Candle Lighting 4:59p– Earliest with Bracha 5:50p– Standard 5:50p– Mincha

Parshat Terumah 7:20a, 8:15a, 8:30a, 9:00a, & 9:45a– Shacharit 9:48a– Latest Shema 4:05p– Daf Yomi 4:50p– Mishna Yomit 5:05p– Rabbi’s class 5:35p– Mincha followed by Seudah Shlisheet 6:40p– Ma’ariv 6:45p– Shabbat Ends

10 (5 Adar I) 11 (6 Adar I) 12 (7 Adar I) 13 (8 Adar I) 14 (9 Adar I) 15 (10 Adar I) 16 (11 Adar I)

9:00a– Hattie Thum Tehillim Group

Mincha/Ma’ariv Sunday - Thursday:


33rd Annual Tribute Dinner

10:00a– Marty Levine: "Controversial Figures and Decisions in Tanach" 11:00a– Rabbi Michael Kanterovitz: “Book of Kings I” 11:00a– Pinny Davidman: “Sefer Ahava: A Textual Study” 8:00p– Rabbi Josh Grajower: "Women, Judaism, and Halachic Developments"

01:11a– Rabbi Benjamin Yasgur: "Parashat HaShavua Investigations (P.I.)” 11:00a– Malka Morris: "History of the Development of the Oral Law" (for women only) 11:00a– Mel Greenbaum: "Learn to Layn" 11:00a– Chaim Forer: “Tanya: A Dialogue Between Two Souls—a classic work in Jewish Religious Ethics ”

Candle Lighting 5:03p– Earliest with Bracha 5:55p– Standard 5:55p– Mincha

Parshat Tetzave 7:20a, 8:15a, 8:30a, 9:00a, & 9:45a– Shacharit 9:46a– Latest Shema 3:45p– Daf Yomi 4:30p– Mishna Yomit 4:45p– Guest Speaker Rabbi Richard Bieler 5:35p– Mincha followed by Seudah Shlisheet 6:45p– Ma’ariv 6:50p– Shabbat Ends

01:11a– Rabbi Howard Alpert: “Mitzvot Bein Adam L’Chavero: Torah’s Vision For A Better Society” 00:11a– Rabbi Shalom Kornblum: "Lessons in Sefer Beresheit" (This class is in Hebrew) 8:00p– Unveiling Jewish American Heroes: From The Revolution to Today presented by Jay Goldberg

10:00a– Jack Prince: “Jewish Prayer and Ethics” 11:00a– David Cheslow: "Talmud Without Fear: Gemara Topics for Men & Women" 00:11a– Rabbi Kenneth Greene: "Where Does the P'shat End and the Drash Begin?" (Tanach required) 11:30a-1:30p– 2nd Hand Rose Sale

Congregation Torah Ohr

February 1— February 7, 2019 26 Shevat – 2 Adar I 5779

Earliest Davening: 5:55am * Earliest Tallit/Tefillin: 6:22am * Daf Yomi: 6:45am and after 7:30am Minyan Chumash Class: After 8:00am Minyan

Plag (Sun-Thurs): 4:56-4:59pm NEW TIME—Mishnah Berurah: Sun-Thurs: 50 minutes before Mincha

Mishna Yomit: Sun-Fri: 15 minutes before Mincha●Shabbat:15 minutes before Rabbi’s shiur Mincha/Ma’ariv: Sun - Thurs: 5:50p

Repeat Kriat Shema: 6:43pm * (*Latest time during the week)

Parshat Mishpatim

שבת מברכים פרשת משפטים

Sunday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am

Monday 6:50am 7:30am 8:00am

Tuesday 6:45am 7:30am 8:00am

Wednesday 6:45am 7:30am 8:00am

Thursday 6:50am 7:30am 8:00am

Friday 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am
