Page 1: Confessions Of A New CEO: Lessons Learned In My First Year

Connecting Great Ideas and Great People

Content Leaders:Kevin R. Keller, CAE, CEO, Certified

Financial Planners Board of Standards, Inc.

Michael Fraser, CEO, Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs

Confessions of a New CEO: Lessons Learned in My First

YearSun. Aug. 16, 1:30-2:45

Page 2: Confessions Of A New CEO: Lessons Learned In My First Year

Tip 1: Manage Your Career

Acknowledge most CEO positions are filled by recruiters Become known to the recruiting community by using recruiters to fill open positions in your org. Seek opportunities to make strategic contributions as a senior staffer Communicate with your boss about your career goals

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Tip 2: Prepare for Your First Day Assemble outside resources/team of support,

both personal and professional Corp. comm. counsel, human resources experts,

recruiters, personal trainer, coach Learn as much as possible about the org. to hit

ground running Ask your family for permission to check out for

the first few months Become physically fit Prepare a list of listening questions to ask mgt.


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Tip 3: Set Priorities and Manage Expectations

Draft goals for first 100 days and prepare elevator speech about who you are

Give broad examples of first year priorities; set performance review to these priorities

Accept your temporary state of incompetence Resist temptation to prove how bright you are; do NOTHING

when you first arrive Ask many questions but provide no answers Speak only with respect about your predecessor Recognize the importance of self awareness Engage corp. comm. counsel/distribute key message points

to Board and staff

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Tip 4: Develop a First Year and Long-term Strategy

Meet with or call all key stakeholders for information, develop rapport

Have a strategic plan/map that is Board approved Establish trust and an effective working

relationship with the Board Create a three-year plan with Board input and

approval Align operational plans with strategic plan

(restructuring may be necessary)

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Tip 5: Work with the Board Ask the right questions to better

comprehend Board strategy Understand Board politics: discover power

structures, relationships Visit Board members: Listen, Listen, Listen Engage in routine conversations with

Board members, pledging no surprises

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Tip 6: Lead vs. ManageOvercome the Challenges

Leadership is defining expectations

Leading leaders is a sought-after skill

Management is executing the expectations

Friend vs. Mentor Build a diverse team, determine appropriate roles,

build trust then let go Get a coach (from outside org. for feedback

you need to hear)

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Tip 7: Communicate and Build Consensus

Establish clear communications and build consensus to shape an organizational culture that can achieve its goals

Over-communicate omni-directionally with routine CEO share sessions

Use the tools: columns in newsletters, monthly Board updates, staff meetings, intranet, blogs, etc.

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Tip 8: Get the Right People on the Bus

Don’t hesitate to terminate or transition staff promptly

Develop trust; foster allegiance to the organization; clear up rumors

Prepare for criticism of bringing in “own” people

Develop critical thinking questions for every staff person

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Tip 9: Define, Articulate and Model New Culture, Core Values

Core Values Exercise You have been CEO

for 6 weeks at XYZ Corp.

Each group compile and articulate five core values to define the org. culture going forward that will make it a place where people want to work

CFP Board Case Study With the help of an

outside consultant In 1.5 days helps staff

define desired behaviors

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Tip 10: Manage Your Time Leading is a marathon, not a sprint Burnout can happen You want to prove you can succeed Need to balance demands of CEO May have less “doing” time and more

“showing” time

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Resource List The First 90 Days What Got You Here Won’t Get You

There Good to Great Lencioni’s books

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SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!Annual Meeting & Expo

August 21 - 24, 2010Los Angeles, CA

Contact Information Kevin R. Keller, CAE CEO Certified Financial

Planners Board of Standards, Inc.

[email protected]


Michael Fraser CEO Association of

Maternal and Child Health Programs

[email protected]
