
JUNE 2018




“But when the kindness

and love of God our

Savior appeared, He

saved us, not because of

righteous things we had

done but because of his

mercy.” Titus 3:4-5a

Our Second Century of Faith

Remember in

prayer those who

are unable to at-

tend church regu-

larly and who

need strength:

Kris Koss, Sara Richardson,

Linda Good, Betty Dodson,

Muriel Dodson, Helene Sto-

cum, Norma Flemming, Ed

Lemcke, Joyce Brawn

Sabryn Hugelmaier for im-

mune system issues

Marilyn Radford for improve-

ment in her facial recovery

Family of Betty Zerniak at

her death

Koss family at the death of

Mabel’s sister Mavis

Scott Kern after successful

heart procedure

Dear members and friends,

I went to a conference this week on coaching and mentoring. I came

away realizing how much I don’t know. I am thankful for the conference

because it is an encouragement to me to learn that I may represent our

Savior better. The conference also reminded me to live in God’s under-

served grace and mercy. We are an imperfect people in an imperfect

world. It is easy to get caught up in ourselves or in the affairs of the

world and miss the grace of our God and lose our future in heaven. Con-

sider Colossians 3:1-4:

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on

things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set

your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died,

and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is

your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

When our focus is upon ourselves or our world, we are in danger

of making idols for ourselves. Idols seek to consume our lives and dis-

tract us from our God. Even the church can become an idol. When we

say “my church” we are in danger of making an idol of the church. It is

God’s church. Money and power or the lack of money or power are tra-

ditional idols. Body builders can make their bodies their idol. We can

make ill health or the inability to have children into idols. Anything that

consumes our waking moments and often becomes the focus of our

dreams is an idol. I am thankful that I live in God’s undeserved grace

and mercy as I go from struggling with one idol after another. As Paul

says, “The things I know that I should do, I don’t! The things I know I

should not do, that I find myself doing. Oh what a sad person I am.

Thanks be to God who save us through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Summer fun is upon us. Don’t forget to have fun because God

wants us to enjoy life. However, remember to take God with you this

summer. God’s blessings! Pastor

Pastor’s Page Rev. David Triplett


Hundt, Scott Kern and George Radford

for the grounds keeping, but they always welcome another hand to mow and help

with the flower beds. Thanks to Christine

Hunt and Denise Bedard for work in the


It is not pleasant to think about our

death, but it can be easier for the

family if you planned out your funeral

ahead of time. There are FUNERAL


the narthex for you to fill out and

leave at church for access when needed

and you can keep a copy as well.

Summer office hours—due to travel,

Sharon Fuerch may not be in the office

on the regular Wed. and Friday morn-

ings 9-12. Please confirm with her if

you need to stop in the office.

THANK YOU from Toots Corell for

the support for the cystic fibrosis

walk on May 20.

Sympathy is extended to Mabel

Koss’s family at the death of her

sister Mavis, and to the Paulus

family at the death of Maxine and

Bill’s great -granddaughter.

June 22 - 7pm - in the gym at St.

John’s Hamlin is movie night, “I

Can Only Imagine”. Bring your

lawn chair or blanket, they pro-


June 2 Juliette Davignon

June 6 Faith Davignon

June 10 Candace Bradley

June 11 Richard Nowack

June 13 Margaret Steen

June 15 Jason Nettnin

June 28 Wayne Rickman

June 29 Bill Paulus (95

years old this year)

Pastor Dave Triplett

June 30 Janet Haseley

July 2 Ross Sceusa

July 3 Christine Lazor

July 18 David Steen

July 19 John Dorr


June 1—Gary and Marise Danielson

June 2—Charles and Ginny Heschke

June 10 Scott and Karen Shortsleeve

June 21 David & Margaret Steen

June 22 Wayne & Alice Rickman

June 28 George and Marilyn Radford

July 1 John & Bobbie Blie-meister

July 4 Ross and Mary Sceusa July 7 Jerry & Kaye



June 3— 9am Bible Study, RED, WHITE AND BLUE celebration at 10am worship, fol-

lowed by fellowship lunch (we will provide hot dogs, bring a dish to pass)

June 6—NO Bible Study

June 10 9am Bible Study, 10am worship followed by coffee hour

June 13—8am breakfast at Two Brothers, 11am Bible Study

June 14 6pm Living Circle Potluck picnic at church for all ladies

June 17 9am Bible Study, 10am worship, coffee hour, tentative council meeting

June 20 - 11am Bible Study

June 24 9am Bible Study, 10am worship,

June 27 8am breakfast at Two Brothers, 11am Bible Study

July 1—9am Bible Study, 10am worship followed by fellowship lunch

July 4 NO Bible Study

July 8 - 9am Bible Study, 10am worship service

July 11—8am breakfast at Two Brothers, 11am Bible Study

July 14 noon—2pm Community Hygiene Bank Distribution

July 15—9am Bible Study, 10am worship

July 22 9am Bible Study, 10am worship service

July 25—8am breakfast at Two Brothers

July 29—9am Bible Study, 10am worship service

If you want to make God laugh, tell him you have plans.

FOOD SHELF DONA-TIONS for June are canned meats and for July, let’s bring pasta or rice.

NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES ARE IN YOUR MAILBOXES. Extra copies and large print copies are available on the rack next to the

kitchen door.

Our June potluck picnic and meeting will be June 14 at 6pm at

church. Bring a dish to pass. Table service will be provided. There

will be a short meeting as well. ALL LADIES ARE WELCOME!

Also, stamps can be brought in (leave a 1/4” around the edge

when you cut them out). One pound of stamps buys one Bible!

LWML RETREAT AT CAMP PIONEER is Sept. 14 –16. Think about attending for

the weekend of food, fellowship, free time, activities, speakers and worship. Registration is due by

Sept. 1. If you only want to go for Saturday, that is another choice for you . Invite a friend! All

are welcome, not just Lutheran women!

1/4 inch border

Hearing God is not easy, but it is possible. Here are ten ways that

will enhance your ability to hear God’s voice.

10. Listen to your conscience Your conscience is the Spirit of God telling you right from wrong.

9. Be where God is, not where God is not. Be alone in the church sanctuary, or in your favorite

chair with your Bible near, or your favorite outdoor setting. Be emotionally and spiritually

in the right place – without anger, envy, fear, bitterness.

8. Write it down later Write a letter to yourself from God with what you read or heard.

7. Confirm Confirm what you heard with a Christian mentor or friend. Talk with a Christian

friend with spiritual maturity.

6. Use the scriptures There is nothing that God will say to us that is not already in the scriptures,

so know and read the Bible.

5. Put your relationship with God in its proper role God is the Lord, and we are his servants. We

are not the boss.

4. Shut up Be quiet, be still, be alone to better hear God. “Be still and know that I am God.”

3. Listen God speaks in ways other than audibly – a quick thought, a sense of comfort.

2. Have Faith It takes faith to believe that what you heard is from God, that what he says is good

for us, and to act accordingly.

1. Ask As Samuel said, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”. Don’t ask just when we

think we need him. Pray, ask for his voice in your life., Rev. Doug Pretorius, Copyright 2018 Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Bellville, Ohio, notes

also from Rev. Kristian Bjornstad

“Loaf and Ladle” is a free meal opportunity the fourth Sunday of each month from 12-1:30pm at the First Presby-terian Church, State St., Brockport. First Baptist Church in Brockport offers a free meal from 12-1:30pm on the

third Sunday of each month, as well as the Teen Closet and homework help.

Community Hygiene Bank News Summer 2018

We were blessed to have 40 families come to our May 12 distribution which served over 120 individuals from youngsters to elders! Our thanks to all who volunteered their time, gave us donations of hygiene items, made lunch and brought food for our volunteers and kept this ministry in prayer.

We were especially blessed to receive $750 of hygiene items last month from the storehouse of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Their local community representative, Brenda Carlson, from their church in Brockport, learned about our outreach ministry through the BHN (Brockport Helping Network) and made us aware of a grant we could apply for through their Bishop for hygiene items at their local storehouse. We applied and were happy to be accepted to receive this wonderful gift of needed hygiene items. Many of those items were distributed at our May date and we also had volunteers from their church help us that day. It was a wonderful collaboration!

This past week, I gave a workshop about our Community Hygiene Bank outreach ministry at a conference entitled, “Wellness in our Global Community: Clarifying Definitions, Providing Opportunities, Protecting Rights”. It was hosted by Millersville University and held in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Participants enjoyed the presentation and are considering this response to a basic health care need for their own communities. It was a good way to spread the word about this kind of work needed in areas across the United States and a wonderful way to meet and talk with others about addressing and meeting community needs. I developed several power point presentations and handouts for this workshop. I would be glad to share these with anyone who might be interested.

A “Shout Out” of special thanks to the Stewart Insurance Agency who has printed our remaining flyers for this year and printed materials for my workshop presentation about the Hygiene Bank …all in color. We are so blessed by this!

Our remaining Hygiene Distribution dates in 2018 are Saturdays: July 14, September 8 and November 10, All from noon -2:00 for the public, volunteers should be at the church by 9:30 am the morning of those distributions. If you are a new volunteer, we’ll have an application for you to fill out beforehand.

Something New: Church members who wish to utilize the Hygiene Bank will be served first. They should arrive before the general public at 11:30 am, and come in through the kitchen door. You will get your ticket at that time and may also join us for lunch.

Next distribution is Saturday, JULY 14: For our July distribution, we especially need full sized cleaning items

(all purpose cleansers), dish soap, “unisex” deodorant bar soap and adult diapers.

We will also need additional volunteers to help set up and manage tables that day as well as other volunteer duties. Please contact Scarlett Aeckerle if you are able to help. (Phone/text: 585.953.0764)

As always, we are grateful for your donations of hygiene items, cash or check. Please make your donations out to Concor-dia Lutheran Church and be sure to add “CHB” in the memo line so it can reach us.

We thank everyone for their prayers, donations and time serving at this ministry and send you Summer Blessings!


168 dinners sold at $9 $1512.00

4 dinners at $4.50 18.00

Extra money collected 42.00


Expenses: chicken $408.66 ($250 Thrivent Grant went toward this bill) leaving $126.45 owed

Rolls $37.00 Potatoes $20.00

Charcoal $48.00 Rolls $42.00

Corn $32.85 Pie filling for cakes $15.11

Batavia Restaurant Supply for butter, paper goods $126.25 Misc. . $7.32


Thank you for items that were donated including cake mixes, butter, eggs.

Thank you to everyone that helped make this BBQ successful! Thanks to Fred and Toots Corell for su-pervising and to the bbq staff of Ross Sceusa, Jeff Hugelmaier, Gavin Hugelmaier and Gerry Fuerch . And thanks to those who worked in the kitchen preparing and then serving the food and those who stayed

for cleanup.

There were 4 vintage vehicles for the cruise-in. Proceeds from the bbq will go toward the sealing of the

driveway which needs to be done this year.

SPRING 2018 NEXT-TO-NEW SALE report from Mary Sceusa

Next-To-New income from church portion of sale $3311.00

Living Circle income $1101.00

TOTAL $4412.00

Expenses for sale: materials for new clothes racks $383.00

Pizza and pizza delivery tip $32.75

Baking and packaging needs for Living Circle were paid for out of the $250 Thrivent Grant.

Thank you for all the help we had during the 3 weeks of setup including people not members of our con-gregation, and those that helped make cleanup go very fast! Thank you to Alvin Anheier and Ross

Sceusa for making the 4 new racks to display more clothes.

NEXT-TO-NEW SALE OCTOBER 5 AND 6 with carry-in Sunday on Sept. 16

St. John’s in Hamlin is hosting a bus trip to Lancaster, PA, to see Jesus at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster on Oct. 4—5. cost is $275 per person for 3 persons per room, $300 per-son for double occupancy, and $360 for single occupancy. Leave from St.John’s at 7:30am on Thursday and return at 7pm on Friday. See the bulletin board at church for more details.

The Living Circle has raised some money to do some enhancements to the church’s fellowship hall with wall art, mounted tv, etc. No, we are not repainting the hall, just want to make the room more inviting. This was brought to mind after visiting other churches and seeing what they

are doing with their fellowship spaces. We look forward to having people give us input on ideas for themes, colors, and arrangement of possible items. The completion date would be late October, after the fall next-to-new sale. Contact Judy Onderdonk for your input.

6601 Fourth Section Road Brockport, New York 14420

Phone and Fax: 585-637-5930 E-mail: [email protected]





Dan is a handyman. Rhonda loves teaching. Jill knows accounting. Doris visits the

sick. Dan is a hand. Rhonda is a mouth. Jill is an eye. Doris is an ear. Each of us has been

uniquely created by our loving Father and blessed with talents and abilities for use in daily

living and for use in the Church.

Some tasks are tedious. Plenty of our work goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

Sometimes, we get upset when others aren’t helping like we think they should. Sometimes,

we think we’re doing all the work and no one else cares.

The apostle Paul says that all members are important if the body is to be healthy and

whole. Forgive us, Father, when we criticize another’s work and hinder the Church’s effi-

ciency. Help us to see each fellow Christian as equally vital for the Church. We thank you

for arms, feet, eyes, ears, and all the members of the Body. Help us to use talents and

abilities with which You have blessed us, that the Body of Christ may be healthy and work

well together to accomplish great things for the Kingdom.